APPENDIX. caution for an amount agreed on between the parties or fixed by the Sheriff, the Sheriff shall refuse to make an order for detention. (3) The Sheriff may before granting the application require the applicant to find caution for any damage which any person affected by the order for detention shall sustain. (4) An order for detention shall specify the amount for which caution shall be found as a condition of releasing the ship. (5) The Sheriff may at any time on good cause shewn recall any order for detention, and shall in that case deliver to the party applying for the same an order directed to the officer named in the order for detention authorising and directing him upon payment of all expenses attending the custody of the ship to release it forthwith. (6) When proceedings are commenced in any Court other than that in which the order for detention was made, the sheriff-clerk of the Court in which the order was made shall on request transmit the application with all the relative documents to the sheriff-clerk of the Court in which the proceedings are commenced. (7) The expenses incurred by any party in relation to an application for an order of detention may in any subsequent proceedings by way of arbitration be allowed as expenses of the arbitration. 19. Agreements with Persons under Legal Disability. — Where an agreement is made for the payment of a lump sum in lieu of a weekly payment to a person under any legal disability or for the redemption by a lump sum of a weekly payment payable to a person under any legal disability, and a memorandum thereof has been recorded in accordance with the Acts and these rules, such sum may be paid into Court and shall be invested, applied or otherwise dealt with by the Court in such manner as the Court in its discretion thinks fit for the benefit of the person entitled thereto, and the receipt of the sheriff-clerk shall be a sufficient discharge in respect of the amount paid in, and the provisions of paragraph 5 of the first Schedule to the Act shall apply to the payment into Court and the investment and application of such lump sum. 20. Payments to Persons under Legal Disability.--(a) An application under paragraph 7 of the first Schedule to the principal Act for an order that a weekly payment payable to a person under any legal disability shall, during the disability, be paid into Court may be made either by the person liable to make such payment or by or on behalf of the person entitled to such payment. (b) If the weekly payment is awarded by the Court, the application may be made at or immediately after the hearing of the application. (c) The application may also be made to the Sheriff after notice in writing has been served on the other party or his agent three days at least before the hearing of the application by the Sheriff. (d) Where any weekly payment is ordered to be paid into Court, the sums paid in shall be paid out by the sheriff-clerk or otherwise applied for the benefit of the person entitled thereto in such manner as the Sheriff shall direct. 21. The forms appended to C.A.S., Book L, Chapter xiii., are to be held as the forms appended to this Act. 22. Definitions. In the Act of Sederunt "the Acts" means the Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1906 to 1923 ; Act, 1906, as amended by the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923; دو And the Lords appoint this Act to be inserted in the Books of Sederunt, and to be printed and published in common form. J. A. CLYDE, I.P.D. APPENDIX. ACT OF SEDERUNT AMENDING ACT OF SEDERUNT REGULATING FEES PAYABLE IN THE SHERIFF COURTS OF SCOTLAND, ETC., DATED 22ND FEBRUARY 1922. [Edinburgh, 21st December 1923.] THE Lords of Council and Session, in pursuance of the power vested in them by section 25 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, do hereby declare and enact that in Part II. of A-Sheriff Court Proceedings of the Table of Fees annexed to the foresaid Act of Sederunt the section applicable to the Workmen's Compensation Act is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof there shall be inserted in the said Act of Sederunt the following :- "WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACTS. 66 "20. Application for reference to a medical referee £0 50 "21. Application for revision of an award or recorded memo- 0 10 0 "22. Investment-at rate of 2 per cent. on the sum invested دو and that section 3 of the said Act of Sederunt be altered and amended by inserting the words “ or the recording of an agreement" after the word " award" in the fourth line of the second paragraph of said section 3. And the Lords appoint this Act to be inserted in the Books of Sederunt, and to be printed and published in common form. J. A. CLYDE, I.P.D. ACT OF SEDERUNT EXTENDING CERTAIN TEMPORARY ACTS OF SEDERUNT INCREASING FEES. [Edinburgh, 18th July 1924.] THE Lords of Council and Session, considering that the causes which called for the increases of Fees granted temporarily in the Acts of Sederunt set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed still hold good, and it is therefore expedient that the increased Fees therein allowed be still continued, therefore enact and declare that the said Acts of Sederunt shall be extended, and have full force and effect down to and including 31st October 1925. And the Lords appoint this Act to be entered in the Books of Sederunt, and to be printed and published in common form. J. A. CLYDE, I.P.D. SCHEDULE REFERRED TO. 1. Act of Sederunt amending C.A.S., Book M, Chap. iii., anent Fees in Civil Business for Sheriff Officers in Scotland, dated 22nd October 1919. 2. Act of Sederunt amending C.A.S., Book M, Chap. v., section 2 and Schedule B, anent Fees payable to Clerks of the Peace under the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903, or otherwise, dated 19th November 1919. 3. Act of Sederunt amending C.A.S., Book M, Chap. v., section 1 and Schedule A, anent Fees payable to Town-Clerks under the Licensing (Scotland) Acts, 1903, or otherwise, dated 26th February 1920. 4. Act of Sederunt amending C.A.S., Book A, Chap. ix., section 4, anent Fees payable to Messengers-at-Arms, dated 1st June 1920. 5. Act of Sederunt authorising a further temporary increase in Fees under C.A.S., Book K, Chap. iv., and C.A.S., Book M, Chap. ii., dated 20th July 1920. 6. Act of Sederunt further amending C.A.S., Book M, Chap. v., section 2 and Schedule B, anent Fees payable to Clerks of the Peace under the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903, or otherwise, dated 8th July 1921. 7. Further amending C.A.S., Book M, Chap. v., section 1 and Schedule A, anent Fees payable to Town-Clerks under the Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1903, dated 21st June 1922. J. A. CLYDE, I.P.D. TABLE (CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED) OF STATUTES AFFECTED BY THE LEGISLATION OF 1924.* * See also EXPIRING LAWS CONTINUANCE ACT, 1924. [Not passed at 27 1924 47 |