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The Department of State to the United States legation in Paris.


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The United States legation in Paris to the Department of State.

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Mr. Washburne to July 19 Declaration of war. Prussian archives in
Mr. Fish.

United States protection. Saxony asks


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July 22

Refusal to exempt North German steamers
from capture.

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Same subject. Inclosures: 1. Mr. Hoffman
to the Duc de Gramont, July 17, 1870.
2. Duc de Gramont to Mr. Hoffman, July
21, 1870.

July 22 Protection of North German archives. North
Germans leaving France, correspondence
as to. Inclosures: A. Mr.Washburne to the
Duc de Gramont, July 21, 1870. B. Mr.
Hoffman to the Duc de Gramont, July 17,
1870. C. Duc de Gramont to Mr. Hoff-
man, July 18, 1870.

July 24 Protection of North Germans and Saxons.
Hesse Grand-Ducal and Saxe-Coburg-
Gotha ask same.

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July 26

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July 26

Same subject. Inclosures: 1. Baron de
Lüttichau to Mr. Washburne, July 20,1870.
2. Mr. Washburne to Duc de Gramont,
July 20, 1870. 3. Mr. Desprez to Mr.
Washburne, July 21, 1870.

Same subject. Inclosures: 1. Count d'Eu-
zenberg to Mr. Washburne, July 23, 1870.
2. Mr. Washburne to the Duc de Gramont,
July 23, 1870. 3. Duc de Gramont to Mr.
Washburne, July 25, 1870.

July 29 Further correspondence as to departure of
North Germans from France. Inclosures:
1. Duc de Gramont to Mr. Washburne,
July 23, 1870. 2. Mr. Washburne to the
Duc de Gramont, July 25, 1870.

July 29 United States consuls in France to assume
the care of North German consulates. In
closure Circular from the legation July
28, 1870.

July 29 General news. The secret treaty. Inclos-
ures: 1. Decree making the Empress
regent. 2. Extracts from the Journal

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Mr. Washburne to July 29

Mr. Fish.






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Aug. 8

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Aug. 11

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Subjects of Bavaria, Würtemberg, and Baden
under Swiss protection.

The secret treaty. Inclosure: Circular
dispatch of the Duc de Gramont, August
3, 1870.

General. Effect of the news of the battles
of Worth and Wissembourg on Paris.
Subjects of North Germany desire certifi-
cates of protection. Inclosures: 1. Mr.
Washburne to the Duc de Gramont, July
30, 1870. 2. Duc de Gramont to Mr.
Washburne, August 5, 1870.

Aug. 12 Expulsion of North Germans from France.
Many too poor to leave without aid-ask-
ing for a credit to aid such.

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Aug. 12
Aug. 15

Aug. 12 Protection of North German subjects. Con-
certed action of Mr. Washburne with the
Swiss and Russian ministers.
The new ministry. Inclosure of names
Condition of North Germans in Paris.
ceipt of credit of 50,000 thalers. Mode of
disposing of it.

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Aug. 16 The detention of the persons of North
Germans in France. Inclosures: 1. The
Duc de Gramont to Mr. Washburne, Au-
gust 3, 1870. 2. Mr. Washburne to the
Duc de Gramont, August 9, 1870.
Blockade of the North German coast. In-
closure: Official notice August 17, 1870.
Protection of North Germans; their expul-
sion from France. Narrative of steps
taken by Mr. Washburne. Inclosures:
1. Debate in the Corps Législatif August
12, 1870. 2. Mr. Washburne to the Prince
de la Tour d'Auvergne, August 17, 1870.
German complaints of violations of flags of
truce. Inclosures: 1. Mr. Washburne to
the Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne, August
23, 1870, transmitting a copy of a dis-
patch from Mr. Motley dated July 22,
1870. 2. Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne
to Mr. Washburne, August 23, 1870.
Americans leaving Paris. Germans press-
ing upon the legation in consequence of
General Trochu's proclamation. Inclo-
sure: Copy of that proclamation August
24, 1870.
Excitement of Germans. Legation crowded.
Mr. Washburne acting in concert with
Bavarian minister. Their interview with
Mr. Chevereau. Mr. Washburne's inter-
view with the Prince de la Tour d'Au-
vergne. Inclosure: General Trochu's
proclamation, August 28, 1870.
Blockade. Inclosing notice from the Jour-
nal Officiel of August 30, 1870.
Franc-tireurs not considered soldiers. Vio-
lations of flags of truce. Inclosures: Mr.
Washburne to Prince de la Tour d'Au-
vergne. Two notes transmitting dis-
patches from Count Bismarck to Count
Bernstorff, received through Mr. Motley.

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