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Col. IV, line 32: read the numeral as instead of THEE. Cf. I. G. 1, 229, p. 98.

Col. v, line 28: read Ki[avoi].

In our facsimile plate we have preserved the numbering of fragments as in Kirchhoff's Corpus (I. G. 1, 229), except that subdivisions of an original fragment have been noted by the addition of the letters a, b, c, etc., as in the case of frags. 12, 17, 18, and 19.

Frags. 12c, 17b, 18b, 18e, 19a, and 22 have been lost, and are represented ex coniectura from the publications of previous editors, not from a revision of the stones themselves. Letters not enclosed in circumscribed lines are also on parts of the stone now lost.

NOTES ON I. G. 12, 201

The general reconstruction of this list, with proposed restorations, has already been discussed above, but the following minor points should also be noted:

Col. 1, line 28: read 'Eλaió[σio 'Epv]@pai. Part of the theta is on the stone.

Col. I, line 31: read г[e]vriv[col] instead of T[e]vτivio. Cf. I. G. I, 236.

Col. II, line 21: read the numeral as [APH]|| instead of [ΔΓ ||||.

Col. II, line 32: read [hapway]cavoi.

[blocks in formation]

Col. III, line 32: the numeral H is preserved on the stone.

Col. III, line 33: read MEKUTEр[v]a[i]o instead of [M]ЄKUπep[v]α

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Col. v, line 32: the numeral H is partially preserved.

At the right hand edge of the inscription should be placed frag. I. G. 1, 254, which makes an actual join with the top of frag. 78. The surface belonging in I. G. 12, 201 is uninscribed, and the principal surface, which is inscribed, belongs in I. G.

12, 204–5, though it is now published in the Corpus as part of I. G. 12, 195, lines 67-69. The fragment will be discussed more fully in a forthcoming paper entitled "Fragments of the Attic Tribute Lists."

In the prescript of I. G. 12, 202, notice that frags. 75c and 76 must be so placed that the name of the secretary of the Hellenotamiae should read [Σ]οφίας instead of [Σ]οφιά[δε]s as now given in the Corpus.

Revised transcripts of I. G. 12, 193, 194, and 201 are given herewith, together with facsimile reproductions showing the fragments in their proper relation.

[The authors wish to acknowledge their obligation to Mr. Franklin D. Locke of Buffalo, N. Y., and Hon. Frederick W. Griffith of Palmyra, N. Y., and also to the Bureau of University Travel for assistance in making possible the study embodied in the foregoing paper.]

Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. LVI

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