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Le. chorus sociorum. — 347. In tecta

to their houses. Neque ante. It is not easy to decide whether this is merely an additional admonition to celebrate the Ambarvalia, as an indispensable preliminary to the harvest, or an injunction to perform a second set of rites in summer time. 349. Tempora. Gr. 380 and 1. A. & S. 234. II. Quercu, i. e. in memory of man's first food. - 350. Incompositos rude, uncouth. - 351. Haec refers to the nouns in the next line. 352. Frigora is the important word, and is contrasted with aestus and pluvias. — 354. Austri; for winds in general. 355. Stabulis. Gr. 392 and 2. A. & S. 228 and 1. 356. Ventis surgentibus are the important words. The prognostics of wind follow. Freta ponti; poetically for pontus. - 357. Agitata tumescere to be agitated into a swell. -359. Misceri is explained by resonantia, which serves instead of an abl., like murmure, A. I. 124; tumultu, A. II. 486. — 360. Jam... tum = even then. A curvis. For a with tempero cf. A. II. 8. Male = scarcely. The storm is close at hand. — 362. Marinae; opposed to in sicco. 365. Vento impendente; emphatic, like ventis surgentibus, v. 356.-366. Umbram flammarum. Gr. 595. A. & S. 279. 5. — 367. A tergo behind them. Albescere. Gr. 332. II. and 2. A. & S. 187. II. 2 and (a). — 368. Volitare. Gr. 332. I. and I. A. & S. 187. II. 1 and (b). — 369. Summa. Gr. 441. 6. A. & S. 205, R. 17. - 370. Signs of rain. Boreae... Eurique Zephyrique; i. e. when there are thunders and lightnings from all parts of the sky, three winds being put for all. — 371. Eurique. Gr. 669. V. A. & S. 309. 2 (1). Domus; as if each of the winds had a home in the quarter of the heavens from which it blows. - 372. Fossis. Gr. 431. A. & S. 257, R. 7 (a). — 373. Humida; i. e. with the rain. Imprudentibus unwarned; because the signs - 374. Vallibus, with fugere. Gr. 422 and 1. A. & S. 254, R. 3.—375. Aëriae; contrasted with vallibus imis. Fugere. See on v. 49. So captavit and the other perfs. in this passage. 377. The swallow is always observed to fly low before rain, because the flies and other insects on which she feeds keep at that time near the surface of the ground and the water. Arguta tering (as she flies). — 378. Veterem ... querelam = their old plaintive note. Vetus is here used, just like our old, of what is repeated in the same unvarying manner; as we say : an old story," etc.— 379. Tectis penetralibus. Cf. adytis penetralibus, A. II. 297. — 380. Angustum... iter. Cf. calle angusto, A. IV. 405. Terens is illustrated by saepius. Bibit arcus. The ancients supposed that the rainbow drew up water from the sea, rivers, etc., which afterwards fell in rain. -381. Agmine. Gr. 414 and 3. A. & S. 247 and 2.382. Densis ... alis with crowded wings;

are so numerous.

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i. e. they fly close together. 383. Volucres. Gr. 545. A. & S. 239. Asia... prata the Asian meads; a tract of land in Lydia, in Asia Minor, on the banks of the Cayster, which often overflowed them. Dulcibus fresh; in opposition to those of the sea, just mentioned. Circum; adverbial. — 384. Rimantur: try in every chink, search, rummage; i. e. for food. Caystri; with stagnis. 385. Infundere. Gr. 551. I. and 1. A. & S. 272. Rores; i. e. they make it into spray. - 386. In undas into the waves, to meet the waves. - - 387. Incassum 485. A. & S. 260. II. 388. Improba villanous, good for nothing; because the crow invites the rain. - 389. Spatiatur expresses the stately, leisurely pace of the crow. The alliteration, as in the preceding verse, gives the effect of monotony. -390. Ne... quidem. Gr. 602. III. 2. A. & S. 279. 3 (d). — 391. Testa earthen lamp. — 392. Scintillare = to sputter. Putres... fungos; the thick snuff which gathers on the wick because of the dampness of the air.

wantonly. Videas. Gr.


393-423. Signs of fair weather; first negatively, vv. 395–400, and then affirmatively, vv. 401–423. — 393. Ex = after.


sunny days. Serena = serene skies. 395. Acies is the sharply defined edge, or outline, of the stars, which is not blunted or dimmed by floating vapors. -396. Obnoxia beholden. 397. Tenuia. Gr. 669. II. and 3. A. & S. 306. I and (3). Lanae ... vellera fleecy clouds; lit. fleeces of wool. 398. Non- pandunt; i. e. do not sit on the shore drying their wings. - 399. Dilectae Thetidi; possibly because the lovers were changed into Halcyons by Thetis; but it is simpler to say "loved by her as sea-birds." Gr. 388. 4. A. & S. 225. II. See on E. IV. 32. Solutos... jactare, i. e. ita ut jactando solvantur ; i. e. toss them to pieces. — 403. Nequidquam = without purpose, aimlessly; like incassum; i. e. a prolonged objectless effort. The more common interpretation is: "in vain, to no purpose "; i. e. though an ill-omened bird, the owl with all her hooting will not be able to bring foul weather. But it seems clear that Virgil intends to mention the screeching of the nightowl as a sign of fine weather.—404. Liquido clear; i. e. after the storm. Nisus was king of Megara, and on his head there grew a purple lock which was the safeguard of his life and of his city. But when his daughter Scylla had fallen in love with Minos, king of Crete, who was besieging Megara, she cut off the lock from her father's head as he slept, and thus betrayed both him and his city into the hands of the enemy. Minos, however, did not reward her as she expected, but allowed her to perish miserably. After death Nisus was changed into a sea-eagle, or osprey, and Scylla into the ciris, a kind of lark, or, according to others, a hawk. —406. Aethera. Gr. 93


and I. A. & S. 80 and R. -408. Qua auras. Keightley explains these words of the greater bird having missed his pounce, and thus being obliged to soar into the air in order to make a second, while the smaller escapes as fast as it can. -410. Liquidas soft, clear; opposed to raucas. As the ravens, by hurrying home, v. 381, announced rain, so their remaining at home, cawing and flying about their nests, is a sign of fair weather. Presso. gutture; apparently opposed to plena voce, v. 388. — 413. Imbribus actis — when the rain is driven away, when the rain is spent. - 415. An allusion to the Pythagorean, Platonist, and Stoic spiritualism, according to which there was a portion of the divine mind in all animated beings, and which Virgil here rejects in favor of the Epicurean and Lucretian materialism, which admitted the existence of nothing but matter and its modifications. Divinitus is distinguished from fato, as the poet is evidently alluding to the language of different philosophies, fato pointing to the Stoic doctrine. Illis. Gr. 387. A. & S. 226. -416. Ingenium = an intelligent principle. Rerum - major = a deeper (i. e. deeper than men have) insight into things by fate. — 417. But the true explanation is, that, as the atmosphere is condensed or rarefied, the organs and powers of animals are variously affected in fine weather they become cheerful; in bad weather the reverse. Coeli of the atmosphere. 418. Mutavere vias (= have changed their courses) is explained by mobilis, the weather and the atmospheric moisture being supposed to shift. Juppiter. See on E. VII. 60. Juppiter uvidus austris denotes the condition of the atmosphere before the change. Austris; with uvidus. - 420. Species = phases; a materialistic word. Keightley and Forb. make it habits, disposition. Motus; also materialistic. — 421. Alios - agebat = other sensations than (those which they received) while the wind was driving onward the clouds. The second alios is gov. erned by concipiebant understood, and the sentence, alios, dum agebat, is to be construed parenthetically. The change from low to high spirits being the point, the second alios is logically quam, and does not denote a co-ordinate difference. — 422. Ille. Gr. 450. 5. A. & S. 207, R. 24.



424-460. Prognostics of the weather may be obtained by observ. ing the appearances of the sun and moon. -424. Rapidum. See on v. 92. Sequentes following (each other). Lunas might be either the daily or monthly moons, but primum and ortu quarto favor the former meaning. —425. Ordine. Gr. 414 and 3. A. & S. 247 and 2. —426. Hora = dies. Gr. 705. III. A. & S. 324. 3. Insidiis serenae. Cf. A. V. 851. A night clear at first often terminates in rain. -427. Revertentes = returning (to her); i. e. when she begins to fill anew.—428. Aëra; the air seen between the horns of

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the crescent moon. We should say, "there is a halo round the moon." Cornu; for cornibus. —429. Agricolis pelagoque; for agris pelagoque, or agricolis nautisque. - 430. Virgineum; an allusion to the virginity of Diana. Suffuderit ore ruborem; an inversion of suffuderit os rubore. On ore, see Gr. 422. 1. A. & S. 254, R. 3.-431. Vento. See on Zephyro, v. 44. Phoebe (= Luna); a surname of Diana as the goddess of the moon, the sister of Phoebus, the sun. Cf. Ov. M. II. 208. -432. Auctor indication, presage. -435. Exactum ad mensem to the end of the month. 436. Servati; i. e. that have come safe to port: not preserved from peril, as if there had been a storm. In litore. Cf. A. V. 236. - 437. Glauco ... Panopeae. When a long final vowel or a diphthong is not elided, it is regularly made short, if in the thesis. The exception to this rule in the case of Glauco is a license not indulged in by Virgil elsewhere. Gr. 669. I. and 2. A. & S. 305 (1) and (2). Glaucus was a Bocotian shepherd, who threw himself into the sea from the effects of an herb which he had eaten he afterwards became a sea-deity. Panopea, or Panope, was a sea-nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris. Melicertae. Melicertes, a son of Athamas and Ino, who, with his mother, fell into the sea, was metamorphosed into a marine divinity, under the name of Palaemon. -439. Sequuntur attend. - 440. Refert. See on v. 249.440. Astris. Gr. 431. A. & S. 257. 441. Nascentem - ortum his first rising. - 442. Conditus. Condo is naturally constructed here, as in v. 438, as a verb of motion, since it means strictly not to hide, but to throw together or into. Cf. conjicio, contorqueo. Medio - orbe and shall have retired in respect to the middle of his disc; or, and shall have receded from the middle of his disc (to the circumference); i. e. when the centre of the disc is covered by clouds and only the edge appears. Gr. 429, or 425. A. & S. 250. 1, or 251.443. Tibi. Gr. 388. 11. A. & S. 225. II. Ab alto from on high; or it may be, from the deep. See on ex alto, v. 324. 445. Sub lucem after daylight. Sese . . . rumpent = erumpent. —446. Diversi = scattered. Tithoni; a son of Laomedon, and brother of Priam. By the prayers of Aurora, who loved him, and carried him off to the seats of the immortal gods, he obtained from Jupiter immortality, but not eternal youth; in consequence of which he completely shrunk together in his old age; whence an old decrepit man was proverbially called Tithonus. Cf. A. IV. 585. Aurora; the goddess of the morning, who brings up the light of day from the east. At the close of night she rose from the couch of her beloved Tithonus, and on a chariot drawn by swift horses she ascended up to heaven from the river Oceanus, to announce the coming light of the sun. See



= just

- 448. Male. See on v. 360.

-456. Fervĕre, an

He also uses effervo,

also on Ov. M. II. 144. - 449. The rhythm of this verse admirably expresses the rattling of hail on the roof. Gr. 672. 2. A. & S. 310. 2. —450. Hoc probably refers to what goes before; meaning either generally the sun's significance, or specially the fact just noted, that being taken as a type of the others, which are supposed to be yet more significant in the evening than in the morning. Olympo. See on E. V. 56.451. After nam understand tum at evening.- 454. Maculae must relate to caeruleus, igni to igneus. Immiscerier. Gr. 239. 6; 703. 6. A. & S. 162. 6; 322. 6. - 455. Vento uimbisque. Gr. 414 and 2. A. & S. 247 and 1. older form than fervère, of which Virgil is fond. strido, and fulgo. Non. Gr. 488. 3. A. & S. 260, R. 6 (b). - 457. Moneat. Gr. 488. II. A. & S. 260, R. 6. Convellere funem to pluck up the cable with (the anchor). Gr. 558. VI. 2. A. & S. 273. 2 (e). 458. Condetque relatum and shall bury it (i. e. conceal it, close it) after he has brought it back; i. e. at his setting. — 460. Claro; because it makes the sky clear and bright. — 461. Quid; i. e. what sort of weather. Unde; i. e. a qua coeli parte. Serenas... agat nubes; i. e. agat nubes ita ut serenum sit coelum. Serenas is opposed to humidus. -464. Audeat. Gr. 485. A. & S. 260, R. 5. Tumultus has here its political sense of a sudden alarm of war, generally in Italy or Cisalpine Gaul, when all citizens were at once called out. Gr. 558. VI. 2. A. & S. 273. 2 (c). — 465. Fraudem unseen danger, treachery. 466. Miseratus; sc. est; i. e. by the friendly warnings which he gave of the evils that were yet to See on Hor. C. I. 2. Introd. 467. Ferrugine; the dark color of the sun under eclipse. An eclipse of the sun occurred in November of the year in which Caesar was murdered. cula = race. - 469. Tellus; i. e. by earthquakes. 479.470. Obscenae Importunae cious. — 471. Cyclopum; lit. creatures with round or circular eyes. According to the ancient cosmogonies the Cyclopes were the sons of Coelus and Terra: they belonged to the Titans, and were three in number, and each of them had only one eye on his forehead. In the Homeric poems the Cyclopes are a gigantic, insolent, and lawless race of shepherds, who lived in the southwestern part of Sicily, and devoured human beings. A still later tradition regarded the Cyclopes as the assistants of Vulcan. See on Ov. M. II. 5, and Hor. C. I. 4. 7, 8. Efervere. See on v. 456.-472. Undantem, referring to the lava. Fornacibus is suggested by Cyclopum. Join it with effervere. Gr. 425 and 3. 4). A. & S. 251.473. Liquefacta... saxa. Cf. A. III. 576. The lava hardens into stone. -474. Germania; i. e. the Roman garrisons on the Rhine. These garrisons were said to have seen armies of horse and foot fighting in



463. SaeSee vv. 475,



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