TUESDAY, October 7, 1884. 9 A.M. to 12 M.
1. How much solid and liquid excreta are passed by an average adult man per diem, and how much water-free solids does the amount represent ?
How much per annum would a mixed community of 50,000 persons pass, and how much ammonia would be contained in the total bulk?
2. How do you determine the presence and amount of Alum in bread? How much must be present to condemn a sample of bread?
3. What is the Composition of Milk? What are the usual adulterations, and how are they detected?
4. What is the amount of cubic space required in Hospital Wards for ordinary cases? Give the shape and dimensions of a ward for 20 beds.
5. What is the most accurate method of estimating the increase of population in a community? Give an example.
6. What is known as "Poisson's formula" and how is it applied?