IRST in these fields I try the fylvan strains, FIR Nor blush to sport on Windfor's blissful plains: And, carrying with you all the world can boast, O let my Mufe her flender reed infpire, Pour'd o'er the whitening vale their fleecy care, The dawn now blushing on the mountain's fide, DAPHNI S.. Hear how the birds, on every bloomy spray, With joyous music wake the dawning day! Why fit we mute, when early linnets fing, When warbling Philomel falutes the fpring? Why fit we fad, when Phosphor shines so clear, And lavish Nature paints the purple year? STREP HON. Sing then, and Damon shall attend the ftrain, DAPHNIS. And I this bowl, where wanton ivy twines, And what is that, which binds the radiant sky, 20 25 30 35 40 VARIATIONS. Ver. 34. The first reading was, And his own image from the bank furveys. DA DAMON. Then fing by turns, by turns the Mufes fing, Now hawthorns bloffom, now the daifies fpring, Now leaves the trees, and flowers adorn the ground; Begin, the vales shall every note rebound. STREPHON. Infpire me, Phœbus, in my Delia's praife, DAPHNIS. 45 O Love! for Sylvia let me gain the prize, And make my tongue victorious as her eyes; 50 No lambs or sheep for victims I'll impart, STREPHON. Me gentle Delia beckons from the plain, Then, hid in fhades, eludes her eager fwain; But feigns a laugh, to fee me fearch around, And by that laugh the willing fair is found. DAPHNI S. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green, VARIATIONS. Ver. 49. Originally thus in the MS. Pan, let my numbers equal Strephon's lays, 55 60 STRE STREP HON. O'er golden fands let rich Pactolus flow, DAPHNIS. Celestial Venus haunts Idalia's groves; If Windfor fhades delight the matchless maid, STREP HON. All nature mourns, the skies relent in fhowers, Hush'd are the birds, and clos'd the drooping flowers; If Delia fmile, the flowers begin to fpring, The skies to brighten, and the birds to fing. 65 71 VARIATIONS. DAPH Ver. 61. It ftood thus at first : Let rich Iberia golden fleeces boast, Ver. 61. Originally thus in the MS. Go, flowery wreath, and let my Sylvia know, DAPHNI S. Go, tuneful bird, that pleas'd the woods fo long, To Heav'n arifing then her notes convey, |