We think our fathers fools; fo wife we grow; 440 Scotifts and Thomifts, now in peace remain, Amidst their kindred cobwebs in Duck-lane. 445 If Faith itself has different dreffes worn, What wonder modes in Wit should take their turn? Oft', leaving what is natural and fit, The current folly proves the ready wit; 450 Which lives as long as fools are pleas'd to laugh. When we but praise ourselves in other men. 455 Parties in Wit attend on thofe of State, And public faction doubles private hate. VARIATION. Ver. 447. Between this and ver. 448. Pride, The rhyming Clowns that gladded Shakespeare's age, No more with crambo entertain the stage. Who now in Anagrams their Patron praise, Or fing their Mistress in Acroftic lays; Ev'n pulpits pleas'd with merry puns of yore; Which liv'd as long as fools were pleas'd to laugh. Pride, Malice, Folly, against Dryden rose, 460 Might he return, and bless once more our eyes, 465 But, like a shadow, proves the substance true : Be thou the first true merit to befriend ; 470 475 No longer now that golden age appears, When Patriarch-wits furviv'd a thousand years: Now length of Fame (our fecond life) is loft, 480 Our fons their fathers' failing language fee, VARIATION. Ver. 485. Ed. 1. Some fair idea, &c. 485 Where Where a new world leaps out at his command, his hand; And ready Nature waits upon When the ripe colours soften and unite, And sweetly melt into just shade and light; When mellowing years their full perfection give, The treacherous colours the fair art betray, 490 Unhappy wit, like most mistaken things, Like fome fair flower the early spring supplies, 495 What is this Wit, which muft our cares employ? 500 The owner's wife, that other men enjoy; The most our trouble still when most admir'd, And still the more we give, the more requir'd; Whose fame with pains we guard, but lose with ease, Sure fome to vex, but never all to please; VARIATIONS. 505 'Tis Ver. 490. Ed. 1. When mellowing time does, &c. Ver. 492. The treacherous colours in few years decay. Ver. 495. Repays not half that envy, &c. Ver. 498. Like fome fair flower that in the spring does rise. Ver. 500. What is this wit that does our cares employ? Ver. 5c2. The more his trouble as the more admir'd; Where wanted, fcorn'd; and envy'd where acquir'd Maintain❜d with pains, but forfeited with eafe, &c. 'Tis what the vicious fear, the virtuous fhun, 510 515 520 Are mortals urg'd through facred luft of praise! Nor in the Critic let the man be lost. But if in noble minds fome dregs remain No VARIATIONS. Ver. 508. Ed. 1. Too much does Wit, &c. Ver. 519. And each, &c. Ver. 521. Are mortals urg'd by facred, &c. No pardon vile obfcenity should find, Though wit and art confpire to move your mind; But dulness with obscenity must prove, As fhameful fure as impotence in love. In the fat age of pleasure, wealth, and ease, 530 Sprang the rank weed, and thriv'd with large increase: When love was all an eafy Monarch's care; Seldom at council, never in a war: Jilts rul'd the state, and statesmen farces writ; 540 And Virgins fmil'd at what they blush'd before. Did all the dregs of bold Socinus drain; 545 Then unbelieving Priests reform'd the nation, And taught more pleasant methods of falvation; Where Heaven's free fubjects might their rights difpute, 550 Left God himself should seem too abfolute : And Vice admir'd to find a flatterer there! VARIATION. Thefe Ver. 547. The Author has here omitted the two following lines; as containing a National Reflection, which in his ftricter judgment he could not but difapprove on any People whatever: Then firft the Belgians' morals were extoll'd; |