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of loan-mongers came into the world, demeanour punishable with heavy fine law-givers never imagined the exist- and imprisonment for any overseer or ence of a state of society in which such other person in parochial authority to laws would be necessary: they never subject the indigent poor to work like imagined the existence of a state of so- beasts of burden, to put them up at ciety when the whole body of the la-auction, or otherwise wantonly to debourers would be the deadly enemies of grade them, taking as the preamble of the occupiers of the land; a state of the bill that text of holy writ which society which it is impossible should says, "Oppress not the poor because exist for any length of time without he is poor!" producing something very like the dissolution of that society.

Now, King's Ministers, if you be convinced, as I hope you are, that the fires have been set by the labourers without instigation from any-body; that the means of terror or of punishment are not calculated to put an end to the fires; and that the fires, unless effectually put a stop to, may become far more extensive than they hitherto have been; if you be convinced of these trnths, as I hope you are, it only remains for me to point out to you what I deem the proper and effectual means of putting a stop to these fires; and these means are as follows::

4. To repeal all the acts which have been passed relative to the game since the late King George the Third mounted the throne, and particularly that act which punishes poaching with transportation, which act has filled the county jails with prisoners, which has trebled the county rates, which has thrown a burden on all the people in order to preserve the sports of the rich, which has filled the breasts of all the villagers of England with vindictive feelings, which has been the cause of endless affrays between poachers and keepers, and which in conjunction with Ellenborough's act has brought scores of men to the gallows.

1. To issue a proclamation pardon- 5. To pass an act to repeal and uting all the offenders of every description, terly abolish Ellenborough's act, which, whether tried or not, upon their enter- by making it a capital felony to strike ing into sureties to keep the peace for a man with a heavy instrument without a year, and bringing back those who killing him, or to use deadly weapons have already been sent away, and in-in your own defence against a gamecluding them in the pardon on the like terms. Oh! Gentlemen, think of the joy, think of the happiness, with which you would thus fill all the bosoms in all the villages in these beautiful counties! And think of the gratitude with which you would fill those bosoms towards yourselves; and, above all things, think of the blessings which, coming from the hearts of fathers and mothers and children and brothers and sisters, you would bring down upon the head of your royal master.

keeper, though without killing him, puts the striker in the one case, and the defender in the other, upon a level with the wilful, premeditating, cool, and cruel murderer, tends to confound all notions of discrimination in crime; tends to harden men's hearts, and weaken in them every sense of justice and humanity.

Now, Gentlemen, these are, in my firm conviction, the only effectual means of putting a stop to the fires which now terrify and disgrace this once great and 2. To repeal Sturges Bourne's two happy England. That they are easy of bills, and thereby restore to the rate-execution and speedy and quiet you payers their rights, restore the power know well; for you know that they of the native overseers, and restore to all may be accomplished in about fortythe justices of the peace their for-eight hours after the meeting of parliamer power of ordering relief, without ment; and you know that the prowhich the indigent poor can have no clamation may be issued to-morrow, sure protection. and that is the great thing of all. The four Acts of Parliament would be.

3 To pass an act, making it a mis


passed amidst the shouts of the whole kingdom. I propose to you nothing new, be it observed; not only nothing REPEAL OF THE UNION. revolutionary but nothing new do 1 My readers remember that, when the propose; nothing but a return, in four Catholic Emancipation Bill was passed, apparently unimportant particulars, to I distinctly said, over and over again, the long-established laws of the land; that it would not at all tend to better the nothing do I propose touching the pro- lot of the people, or to tranquillize that perty of any body of persons; nothing part of the kingdom. I said that the to meddle with any institution of the measure was of no use unless it were country, even so far as to correct its followed, and that too right speedily, by acknowledged abuses; but I simply a repeal of the Protestant Established propose an act of graciousness and Church in Ireland. This has been the goodness which would reflect eternal canker-worm in the heart, the blister honour on yourselves and on the King, plaster, on the back, the goad in the the love of whose people to him it is side, the every-thing that is evil to that your first duty to preserve; and I pro- Island, which, if man did not appear to pose to you the repeal of four Acts be resolved to counteract and defeat the which you yourselves, upon reflection, intentions of God, might be one of the must lament to see in the statute-book. happiest on the whole globe. The inAnd, Gentlemen, if you believe that juries of Ireland began with the creation these measures would extinguish the of this Protestant hierarchy, which was fires, you will not, I am sure, suffer forced upon the people by every one of false pride to restrain you from the those means, which are known of in the performance of a duty so sacred. There catalogue of oppressions. From that is no remedy but that which goes to the root of the evil. That root is in the hearts of the people: you must extract the root or tear out the heart, or the evil must remain. I meddle not in this case with the rate of wages, or with any other detail: restore the law; It is a false and villanous assertion restore protection to the labourer, and that they want or have ever wanted to he and his employer will speedily come be separated from England, except as to an equitable adjustment of their re- far as relates to this church. This is spective claims. If you have even a well known to every man who undermisgiving upon your minds upon the stands any-thing of the real state subject, disdain me, I pray you, as Ireland. There is something so un much as you please, but do not disdain natural; something so monstrous; the advice which I have respectfully something so insulting to the common tendered you, and which I press upon understanding of all mankind, in comyou with all the earnestness and anxiety pelling the people of a country to mainthat the heart of man is capable of en-tain, at prodigious expense, an establishtertaining. Thus, at any rate, I have ment called religious, and which that done what I deemed to be my duty to you

I must now leave the matter; with this assurance, however, that if you follow this advice, amongst all the millions in whose hearts you will create feelings of gratitude, in no one will you create more than in that of


day to this day wrong and insult seem to have contended with each other for pre-eminence in the treatment of the Irish people, who have never been disloyal to the King any more than Cornwall or Devonshire has.

people in all sincerity and from the bottom of their souls regard as a damnable heresy, the sure leader to everlasting perdition; there is something so insulting to human nature in this, that the wonder is how one single man upon the face of the earth is to be found, not ashamed to utter a single breath in de fence of upholding such an establishment under such circumstances! Emancipation, indeed! How can men be said

beg to read these documents with the greatest posible attention, they will then understand the nature of the quarrel, and will easily be able to determine which of the two parties are in the wrong.

"By the Lord-Lieutenant-General and Gene

ral-Governor of Ireland,

to be emancipated, if still living in sub-in favour of the measure of repeal. jection to this establishment? So con- When I have inserted these documents, vinced was I that the thing called I shall have some further remarks to emancipation would only give rise to a tender to my readers, whom, however, I new struggle to get rid of this monstrous evil, that I petitioned the Parliament the moment the bill was passed, in language that must have convinced the two Houses, that I was ready to go upon my bare knees to prevail upon them to save England as well as Ireland from the perils that must attend an attempt to perpetuate this establishment. Unhap"A PROCLAMATION. pily my supplications were unavailing ; "ANGLESEY-Whereas, by an Act passed and now the perils really seem to be at in the 10th year of his late Majesty's reign, entitled 'An Act for the Suppression of Danhand. The Irish people of whom Mr. gerous Associations or Assemblies in Ireland,' O'Connell is no more than the faithful a power is vested in the Lord-Lieutenant, or organ, now demand a repeal of the other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, union, as the sure and certain means of by his or their proclamation or order, to prohibit or suppress the meeting of any associa getting rid of this enormous establishtion, assembly, or body of persons, in Irement. The Government are endeavour-land, which he or they shall deem to be daning to stifle the voice of the people. gerous to the public peace or safety, or inconThey have issued proclamation after sistent with the due administration of the law, proclamation having this object in view; tinued meeting of the same, or of any part or any adjourned, renewed, or otherwise conand at last they have proceeded to the thereof, under any name, pretext, or device use of force in order to disperse persons whatsoever. assembled to discuss the subject. I know perfectly well how greatly Eng-been in the habit of meeting, weekly, at a land as well as Ireland would be bene-place in the city of Dublin, called Holme's fited by a repeal of the union. I shall now insert first one of the proclamations recently issued in Dublin, signed by that sensible, unassuming and high-blooded Statesman, E. G. Stanley, who had the refined taste, when he went to what he expected to be his re-election at Preston, the said assembly or body of persons, and the to make a display of his wit in a bon-meetings thereof, to be dangerous to the pubmot relative to Irish bulls, which he has lic safety, and inconsistent with the due adfound to be provided with horns as well ministration of the law. as with tongues. The next document is a speech of Mr. O'Connell's upon the subject of that proclamation; and it is one of the best that even he ever de-sembly or body of persons, and all adjourned, livered.

Next comes another proclamation from E. G. Stanley, acting under the authority of the profound Lord Lieutenant, and this is followed by two proclamations from Mr. O'Connell, but then follows an account of the forcible dispersion of the people; and last comes a short extract or two from the Irish papers, which will prove to every reader that all Ireland except those who profit from the tithes and the taxes are

"And whereas it hath been made known to us that an assembly or body of persons bas

Hotel, Usher's-quay, and that the said assembly has been designed, and the meetings thereof held, for the purpose of disseminating seditious sentiments, and of exciting amongst his Majesty's subjects disaffection against the administration of the law, and the constituted authorities of the realm:

"And whereas we deem the existence of

"We, therefore, the Lord Lieutenaut. General and General Governor of Ireland,

being resolved to suppress the same, do hereby prohibit the meeting of the said as

renewed, or otherwise continued meetings of the same, or of any part thereof, under any name, pretext, or device whatsoever; aud being determined and resolved strictly to enforce the law and penalties thereof against all persons offending in the premises, do charge and command all Mayors, Sheriffs, Justices of and others whom it may concern, to be aidthe Peace, and all other Magistrates, officers, ing and assisting in the execution of the law in preventing the meeting of said assembly or body of persons, and all adjourned, renewed, or otherwise continued meetings of the same, or any part thereof, and in the effectual disper. sion and suppression thereof, and in the detec

tion and prosecution of those who, after this
notice, shall offend in the respects aforesaid.
"Given at his Majesty's Castle of Dublin,
this 10th day of January, 1831.

"By his Excellency's command,

"God save the King."



YESTERDAY evening, in consequence of an advertisement from Mr. O'Connell, calling upon his friends to meet him, at six o'clock, in Hayes's Tavern, Dawson-street, there were, long before six o'clock, upwards of three hundred applicants for tickets; but the rooms not being capable of accommodating more than half that number, one hundred and fifty sat down to dinner. A good substantial repast was provided for the company; as usual, the Government reporters were in attendance.

| Instead of doing us mischief, it has only served to stimulate men to double energy, and it has roused to exertion those who before were apathetic. I have met, in the course of this day, twenty individuals who before had not taken part in politics, and have declared themselves decided friends to a repeal of the Union. I also see in this room, at this very take a part in agitation. (Hear.) I perceive, moment, men whom I never knew before to too, that in Orangemen and Protestants, their blood boils with still greater indignation than even mine does, at the issuing of this pro clamation. They detest, even still more than I do, any attempt at gagging the public voice and popular sentiment. (Hear.) I received this day, what I should never like to get, an anoymous letter, advising that Mr. Home should petition Parliament. I do not advise him to do so; though I think he should try an action with E. G. Stanley, for depriving him of 101. a week, which he had clear out of Mr. O'CONNELL, immediately upon the the breakfast. (Cheers and laughter.) I cloth being removed, rose to address the purpose, gentlemen, to give three toasts, and assembly, amid the most enthusiastic cheers. I think we should confine ourselves to three: As we have, said he, met for business, and the first, "The People;" the second, not for the mere purpose of amusement, the "The King;" and the third, "The Repeal sooner, I think, we proceed with the business, of the Union." (Cheers.) After that, auy the better. You all know that we are as- gentleman in whose face I see a speech, I sembled here in consequence of another ex- will call upon him to make one by drinking ceedingly foolish exhibition of power. It is his health. (Cheers and laughter.) The first idle to suppose that the exercise of that power toast, gentlemen, then, that I propose to you can be injurious to the popular cause, much is, "The People "-it is with a proud and less is it probable that such proceedings can bounding heart I propose it to you, because convince the people that it is best for Ireland the rights and the cause of the people have to have a government uncontrolled by an been triumphant over the world. (Cheers.) In Irish Parliament-that they should be at the America they have succeeded in establishing mercy of a British Minister, and without the free institutions and cheap governmentsshield of an Irish Parliament to protect their Heaven bless them for it! In South America rights and guard their liberties. (Hear, hear.) aud on the continent, liberty has been triEvery additional Proclamation cau have but umphant over bigotry and despotism. In Irethis effect-to increase our exertions, to re- land, we are still struggling to obtain liberty double our energies, aud to add to our desire and constitutional independence for the people to attain that which can alone be the salvation -to see our Parliament restored to us, and of Ireland-the Repeal of the Union. (Hear, our country enjoying all those blessings which hear, and cheers.) In point of fact, can any- nature and nature's God intended for her. thing be more foolish than these prolama- (Hear, hear, and cheers.) It is melancholy tions? Do they imagine, that by preventing now for me to look upon the wreck of the us from assembling at one place they can Marquess of Anglesey's character. I cannot hinder us from meeting somewhere else? All look upon the prostration of that character they can do by their last proclamation is to without some feelings of affectionate solicitude prevent us from breakfasting at Home's. We for one who, I had hoped, would never have may, for instance, meet here to-morrow and thus lowered himself. There is but one bright breakfast; if they proclaim us down here, we spot about him as a politician-he has been can go to another tavern; then we have all lucky once, by accident; and having then the public-houses to go to, and, after that, we acted well, I should wish him never to act ill. can have the private houses. (Cheers and Up to that period, however, he was not a very laughter.) My two drawing-rooms are as consistent politician. I recollect, in 1825, his large as these rooms. Some of my independ-"sword speech," upon which I was then ent and particular friends can meet me there; and I shall be extremely happy that my friends, the reporters, will also come there to breakfast with me. (Cheers and laughter.) If they should issue a proclamation against my house, then we have five thousand other houses in Dublin, which will do equally well. (Hear, and cheers.) In my opinion, then, the proclamation is as foolish as it is absurd.

obliged to comment at some length. That speech, however, was an exceedingly awkward one at the time. Why did he then speak of the sword? But he had the good fortune to come to Ireland at a lucky period, and he bad common sense enough to bend to the circumstances by which he was surrounded. Swift, in his Instructions to Servants, says to them, "If you could once be so lucky

pap, it should not give us bad words, and this is a fostering Government. (Cheers.) But this fostering Goverumeut is anxious for our prosperity. They may pray for it, and I therefore will not dispute with them about their anxiety. I dare say they are anxious. (Hear!) He then says his Government " is incessantly occupied with the care of correcting abuses." What abuses? (Hear!) If

they have been incessantly engaged in correcting them, I should be glad to know what is the single abuse they have corrected, touched upon, or even pointed out? What have they even said they are going to do with the repeal of the Subletting Act-that act which the last Government was going to amend by making it worse! What have they doue with the Vestry Bill?

as to be right, and your master in the wrong, you would make out a pretty livelihood on it for the remainder of your existence. When ever you committed a second error, you could say to him, ‘Oh, Sir, do you recollect how wrong you were at one time?'" (Laughter.) Thus it is with Lord Anglesey. He is like the truant servant, and being once right, he bas, he thinks, a privilege to be for ever wrong. Now I will allow for his being once right the commission of two errors, and will have a balance-sheet of Proclamations against bim. (Cheers and laughter.) He has, I think, taken an exceedingly wrong course. What right, I would ask, has he to vituperate and abuse us, or why should he travel beyond the matter of his Proclamation to heap censure upon us? It is too bad that he What with the abuses of the should be abusing us, aud praising himself Grand Jury Laws? What have they said for nothing. (Cheers and laughter.) When about opening the Corporations, and destroythe weavers thought of presenting him an ing the monopoly that now exists in them? address, some of them asked me my opinion But are they, above all things, assailing that about the propriety of doing so; I told them master abuse-the enormous temporalities of that I thought they would obtain but little the Established Church? (Hear, hear.) Are from it, except hearing some of their best they going to put a tax of 75 per cent. upon friends abused! However, said I to them, absentees? or have they even promised to take care that there be nothing reprobatory revive the statute that was formerly passed of the repeal of the Union introduced into against them? (Hear.) What are they going your address. "Never fear, Sir," said one of to do with the police? Where have they spoken them to me, we understand the thing well, even of a reform of the Law Courts? (Hear, and will attend to it." (Cheers.) But, said hear.) No he does not say one word of I to them, throw in as much fulsome flattery correcting one of those abuses; but he praises as your conscience will allow you, and your himself, and issues his proclamations, while stomachs can bear. (Laughter.) When you the letter to Mr. Kertlaud is still fresh before set about it, praise him as much as you like, him, in which he declared that he would and, depend upon it, you cannot praise him allow fair and full discussion. (Hear, aud as much as he wishes; and whatever you be cheers.) If this be a fostering Government. deficient in, you may depend on it he will and incessautly engaged in correcting abuses, make it up in praising himself. (Cheers aud I ask what is the abuse they have correctedlaughter.) I was right in my estimate of what is it, where is it, when have they corthe gallant Marquess; and now mark what rected it? (Hear, and cheers.) He then he says of himself and his government- says his fostering Governmeut is amending While," he says, a fostering government the laws-what laws have they amended? is anxious for its (Ireland's) prosperity, is No-I can only find him issuing proclamaincessantly occupied with the care of correct- tions, and assailing us in language which ing abuses, of amending laws, and devising should not have been put into any public documeans for general improvement, other par- ment that comes from the Representative of ties, as if to counteract those salutary mea- Majesty-listen to his address" other parties sures, are perseveringly and mischievously as if to counteract these salutary measures putting forward fresh pretexts for agitation." what measures ?" are perseveringly and What is the first thing he says of his mischievously putting forward fresh pretexts government ? That it is a fostering for agitation.' Fresh pretexts for agitation! Government." A fostering Government! Oh! then the old agitation was a pretext What does it foster, barring Jack Dogherty, also. (Hear.) I understand you, Marquess whom it has fostered until he is a fiue, fat, of Anglesey; it was Emancipation that filled plump chap enough. (Laughter.) "A fos- the sails of your political character with the tering Government! If he had said a pro- favouring winds of popular applause; but clamation Government-if he had said a that now has become stale. (Hear, hear, and scolding Government-if he had said an cheers.) I have always told the Marquess of abusive Government, then I could easily Anglesey, both in public and in private, that understand him. (Laughter and cheers.) 11 looked for Emancipation, not because it wish there was some one amongst us who had would be a triumph over Orangemen or Proa talent for caricaturing, and would draw a testants, but that 1 and my Catholic countrylikeness of the Marquess of Anglesey as "amen might grasp the right hand of friendship fostering government," with Paddy Mahony pulling out of oue dug, and Paddy Murphy dragging away at the other. (Loud laughter.) What does it foster? If it does not give us



with them. (Cheers.) It was, that by being on terms of equality with each other we might combine and struggle for the happiness and independence of our common country. (Hear,

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