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One in the crowd asked, was it just to exact every thing to be risked for the sake of sums, even if permitted by law, which the upholding this church establishment? people were unable to pay.

Mr. BUTLER said, certainly not, but let they This last question is one that the Minislandlords first reduce their rents, and-(Mr,ters ought to put to each other every Butler was here interrupted.) time they meet, until they have come to a firm decision; and, if they decide in the affirmative, let them make up their minds to the consequences, which consequences I do not think myself a fit person to describe.

The people called out that the rents had been reduced, while the tithes increased, and added, that the landlord gave some value for the sums demanded, while the clergyman

gave none.

Mr. BUTLER-I can have but one answer to give you. If the clergyman commits any outrage, the law is open for you to seek redress ;* but while it gives me a certain property I cannot be expected to give up my right.


Mr. BUTLER now retired, but was again In the report of Mr. Hunt's speech at called for, and upon the distress of the people Bolton, there must have been an error being represented to him, said, he was sorry for the distress, but that he had always been of great importance; for there he is moderate in regard to enforcing his tithes, ex-made to say, that he will " cept where he had to deal with rogues.

A person called out to know would he reduce the 1,1007. he received at present to 4001. annually.

oppose no

reform that gives the ballot." "What! Would he not oppose a reform that should disfranchise all the people of Preston, except men of 500l. a year rent! He could not say this, and nobody will

Mr. BUTLER would make no promise on the subject, because, being compulsory, he would not consider himself bound to keep it. Mr. BUTLER again retired, and Mr. Blanch-believe that he did say it. A man must field put the following resolution to the as- however leave such matters to be set to sembly: rights by time and by his general conduct.

"Resolved-That as Mr. Butler refuses to "relieve us from any part of the burden which "the lew allows him to impose on the people, we pledge ourselves to refuse all payment of "tithes hereafter, until compelled to it, by law 66 'proceedings."


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Something of still more importance took place at Manchester, an account of which I take from the MORNING HERALD, as follows: "On NewHere is the point, then! To this it" year's Day, about noon, Mr. Henry always comes at last. So long as this" Hunt honoured Manchester with his establishment shall exist, so long will" presence. A party of the radicals of Ireland be in a state of commotion; and the town posted off early in the mornso long will the industrious classes of "ing to Oldham, in a barouche, drawn the whole kingdom have to be taxed to " by four horses, with out-riders dressed" support A NUMEROUS STANDING ARMY!" in scarlet liveries; and between one In the peace before the Union, about" and two o'clock Mr. Hunt and the four regiments of soldiers were kept up party entered the town in this vehicle, in Ireland. Now it requires thirty regis" amidst the cheers of thousands of ments, besides an armed police all over" wondering spectators. They drove the country, a thing never dreamed of " slowly through the streets, and proin the peace before the Union. Can" ceeded to St. Peter's-field (the site of this system continue? Can it last; and the appalling scenes in August, 1819, that, too, with that Republic in France," when Mr. Hunt was taken into cuswhich we shall behold before the month “tody.) From 10,000 to 12,000 perof June? Can it last, with the cheap sons, comprising men, women, and government of France on one side of" children, were attracted to the spot to us, and the cheap government and "witness the Hon. Member's display of prosperous and happy people of America" oratory in the open air. After he obon the other side, and both of them" tained silence he addressed the multiwithout tithes? Can this system last" tude in one of his speeches, in which under such circumstances? If it can, "he adverted to the " massacre" of why then, let it; but, if it cannot, is it 1819,pledging himself to bring its pronot wise to give it up at once? Or, is moters to justice-spoke with great

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severity of the Magistrates who were ' newspapers, that the people mean to present on the occasion, whom he meet him, on Monday next, at ten pronounced to be cruel, inhuman, o'clock, to conduct him into London. and unjust,'-and promised that he Dr. Black finds fault of this in his "would restore the people's rights by paper of the 5th instant, in the following "his exertions in the House of Com-words:" At the time of the discussion 66 mons. The mob conducted them-" in the House of Commons on the "selves with perfect order and decorum," subject of the legality of the procession "and not the slightest disposition to" of the trades to present an Address to "disturb the peace of the town was "the KING, we observed that, whether "shown. As the procession marched" legal or not, all processions in this on the field, deafening cheers made" crowded metropolis were attended "the welkin ring, and shouts of What's" with great inconvenience. We are a "Wellington's visit to this?' were very "very different people from our foregeneral. In the evening Mr. Hunt" fathers, to whom pageants and pro"dined with a numerous party of radical" cessions, while they afforded a salutary "reformers, at the Spread Eagle Inn," excitement, could be productive of "Hanging Ditch. Whilst on the field" little injury. We appeal to all the " he looked exceedingly well, and quite" inhabitants of the Metropolis, whether capable, as far as bodily appearance "the preparations made for the Royal "extends, to go through a tough" Visit to the City did not for a week or "piece of work' (to use his own words)" two, subject every person who had "in the House of Commons." "business to attend to much trouble This is something tangible; the path" and annoyance, to say nothing of loss is plain for the fulfilment of this pledge, of time? We are induced to allude to the law is clear, and the precedents" this subject at present by the anwithout end, if the charges be true." nouncement of a determination of the But no motion for inquiry will be of" friends of Mr. HUNT to assemble to any avail. It must be something clear," the number of 100,000, for the purdistinct, and specific; or it will pro-"pose of a triumphal entry into the duce no effect upon the country. The" metropolis. We are sure that we promoters and the actors in the affair of "only speak the sentiments of most of the 16th August, did something unlaw-" our readers when we express a wish ful, or they did not: if the latter, they" that all assemblages of this sort should ought not to be accused; but if the" be discouraged as much as possible. former, the accusation ought to be spe- "We have no wish to interfere with any cific; it ought to be such as all the" man's popularity, or to prevent any world can understand clearly; and "description of the people from manimade in a form and manner that will" festing their feelings; what we wish enable the accused parties to meet it" is, that some mode of manifestation point by point, fact by fact, allegation" should be resorted to, attended with by allegation. It is a most weighty It is a most weighty" less public inconvenience.” matter, especially when taken in conjunction with the affair of 1817; and the present Ministry could not do a wiser thing, than now to prove that their professions and their protests of those years were sincere. Never was a finer speech than that made by LORD GREY on the Manchester affair of the 16th of August.

This is pretty cavilling. What móde have the people besides this? No objection was made to the intended Royal and Ducal procession; no fault was ever found with the crowds assembled to do honour to Wellington, and the rest of that description; no fault of any of their processions; but, now that THE PEOPLE have a triumph, there is great There has been a loud and general" public inconvenience" in processions. rejoicing in all the great towns through What praises did we read of the prowhich Mr. Hunt has come, on his way cession and all the shows, got up, the to London and it is notified in the other day, by the tax-eaters of Brighton!

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No talk of "public inconvenience" then; grand demonstration of their joy, if but, now that the people are about to objected to by any-body, ought to be express their joy by a procession, it is a objected to by Mr. Hunt himself. His thing that ought to be discouraged. accepting of it augurs well as to his This is the people's own affair; it is intentions and determinations; for he their pleasure to do this, as a mark of has too much experience not to know approbation of the excellent conduct of that those demonstrations indicate protheir brethren of Preston, and as a portionate expectations. His accepting pledge of their resolution to support Mr. of the demonstration, therefore, tells Hunt. It is proper as well as lawful; us that he is prepared for the satis. and any attempt to prevent it is an act fying of such expectations. I view of insolence. "Loss of time," indeed! in the same light the RED COCK of What will it shorten the year 1831! Or, Preston. It seems that a game-cock does Dr. BLACK think that all time is is the Preston Crest; and that the good lost, during which the people are not at fellows there had, at the close of the work to get the means of paying taxes? election, a flag representing a RED Are those, who do the work, never to COCK, crowing and clapping his wings, have a moment's recreation? But this and a YELLOW COCK (dunghill) is a duty: insensible indeed would they running away. This is a pretty bold be if they did not discharge this duty. type, to be sure, but not too bold, the Who is to fight their battles, if they will party being resolved to act up to it. To not clap on the back those who are say that you will do that which you can ready to do it? Not only now, but, do, and are resolved to do, ought not to when he goes to take his seat, on the 3rd be called bragging; it is simply stating of February, he ought to be accompanied a fact. For these reasons I approve of by an escort of the people. It is, how- and applaud these processions. I reever, the people's own affair; and to commended to Mr. O'CONNELL to be them it ought to be left; and, if it be carried into the House, in 1829, by a thus left, I engage that they do that hundred thousand men; and if he had which is sensible and just. been, he would not now have had to resent the gross affront offered to him in withholding from him a silk gown..

If any one could have a right to object to the intended procession of Monday next, it would be Mr. Hunt himself; for, certainly, these demonstrations of joy add, in proportion to their solemnity and magnitude, to the weight of the burden that he is taking upon himself. For, what is the ground of all this joy Not that he has been elected; not that he is a member of the thundering House; not that he can now frank letters and save postage; not that he is now protected against arrests in certain cases; oh, no! but that the people see in his having been elected a ground of confident hope of great good to themselves; that they see in parliament a man on whom they rely for the doing of that which no other man now in parliament will do; that, in short, he is now, to use the old saying of bawling PITT, going to obtain for them "indemnity for the past, and security for the future." These are the grounds on which they rejoice; and, therefore, this

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I HAVE been reading your great little work, The Poor Man's Friend; and I never was more deeply impressed by a statement of facts and arguments bearing on the condition of two-thirds of the population, to which condition twothirds of the other third are rapidly verging.

I lamented, as I read, that so clear and conclusive a tract has not found its way into every family which has any share of power to redress the evils exposed. It would remove all those mistakes by which selfish and uncharitable feeling sustains so unnatural and cruel a state of Society, and probably prevent that terrible reaction which must otherwise inevitably follow the perseverance in so grinding and oppressive a system.

It seems clear that in comparison the country, which makes one rather with the prices of labour for 700 years, wonder that submission has lasted so and which prices became therefore a long, than that partial insurrections prescriptive right and an inheritance of have at length taken place. I was the useful and producing classes, that as much gratified by your exposure for the last 35 years, full three millions of that high prerogative lawyer, of industrious persons have, by an adroit Blackstone, as by other parts of your policy, been manoeuvred out of full Two pamphlet. To judge him thoroughly SHILLINGS per day, or 361 10s. per you should see his first edition. After annum ; forming a total of 110 millions his promotions, he altered his work, to per annum, and amounting in 35 years please Mansfield and the court party. to 3,850 millions sterling; being the very My excellent old friend, GRANVILLE amount which the Septennial Parlia- SHARPE, told me that in the case of ments have voted to this time in loans Somerset, he went to the Mansionand taxes. house armed with an extract from his Than this fact nothing can be more friend Blackstone, against Slavery in certain, for during 700 years it appears England. It was so conclusive that the on indubitable authorities that the daily Lord Mayor turned to the Mansionpay of labourers was the 12th and 15th, house copy, but, to the utter confusion and at lowest the 20th, of the price of a of honest Sharpe, no such passage was quarter of wheat; and that too in times to be found. The most he could then when labourers were little better than effect was to get an adjourned hearing; serfs on the land, and wheat itself a rarer and Sharpe walked straight to the house product than at present. In other of Blackstone, who confessed that articles, as mutton, beef and pork, the ratio was still higher. In short, it appears on the precedent of 700 years' practice, that within the last 35 years, labourers were entitled to 3s. 6d., 4s., 48. 6d. and 5s. per day, instead of 1s. 6d., 2s., or 2s. 6d. as a crack price.

that, as well as some other passages on popular rights, had been so much objected to by some of his brother judges and persons in power, that for his own peace he had in the second edition been induced to cancel them. What a commentary on the authority of BlackPersons who prattle about surplus stone ! In fine, I thank you for your population and competition, ought to correct exposition of the condition of know, if they choose to know, that the producing classes, and for your able there may be a surplusage of drones, and logical advocacy of their cause. All but that a surplusage of the producing benevolent men will thank you also, classes is an absurd proposition, and a and the exposure of errors which have contradiction in terms; and with re- prevailed on the subject will inevitably spect to excessive competition, let the have its effect on our legislators and Legislature so assess large farms as to statesmen, at least on those of them double or even treble the number of who are capable of reasoning from farms, and we shall soon hear of a cause to effect; and in that case, I trust scarcity instead of a surplusage of it will occasion relief to be administered, labourers. The anti-social system of instead of coercion and cruel punishengrossing and consolidating farms, ments, for some crimes which, in part in order that speculating agriculturists and in certain respects, were venial in (not farmers) might pay high rents, to flesh and blood. I should have failed enable landlords to pay high taxes, and in duty and character, if I had forethereby maintain, and even increase, borne, in this way and at this time, to their incomes, has, in its operation, express my sense of the value of your fallen entirely on the producing classes. writings on this very interesting subject. Speculators could not pay higher rents I am, &c. &c., than modest working farmers, only by abridging labour of its usual recompense; and hence a deplorable state of


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BAKER, F., Creekmore, Dorsetshire, ironfounder.

BOTCHERBY, J., Darlington, Durham, linenmanufacturer.

CHARLTON, C. P., Stourton, Wiltshire, dealer.

COCKSHAW, A., Leicester, stationer. GERARD, W., Frome, Somersetshire, Grocer. GILL, G., Axbridge, Somersetshire, linendraper.

JACKSON, A. C., Horslydown, Southwark, coal-merchant.

NEALE, W., Leicester, wool-stapler. SEAMAN, G., St. John-street, Clerkenwell, livery-stable-keeper.



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RETEMEYER, M., Bury-court, St. MaryAxe, and Park-road, Clapham-road, ship insurance-broker. STODDART, W., Freshford, Somersetshire, cloth-manufacturer. WILSON, W., Mincing-lane, sugar-broker. STORRY, F. W., York, dealer.



We had a tolerably large supply of Wheat fresh in this morning from Kent, Essex, and Suffolk, when fine samples were taken off readily on the terms we noted last Monday; but all the middling and inferior sorts were rather lower than otherwise, and the stands were not quite cleared, Flour remains at our last quotations. Fine Malting Barley is in demand at an advance of full 1s. per quarter since this day se'nnight. Beans of both sorts, and Grey Peas are dull sale, at a reduction in the prices of 1s. per quarter. White Peas are rather dearer than otherwise. In Oats, or other articles, no variation. Wheat Rye Barley


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62s. to 70s.

28s. to 32s.

30s. to 37s.

38s. to 42s.

35s. to 44s.


45s. to 46s.

30s. to 37s.

35s. to 44s.

35s. to 42s.

30s. to 32s.

28s. to 29s.

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63s. to 65s.


BOROUGH, Monday, Jan. 3.-There was a pretty good supply at market, and good old Hops met with a ready sale. Prices continue, however, nearly the same as this day week.

New Sussex Pockets 71. 15s. to 81. 15s., Kent ditto, 81. 8s. to 147. 14s., Essex ditto, 87. 5s. to 107. 5s. Bags per cwt., Sussex ditto, 71. 7s. to 87., ditto Kent, 31. 3s. to 107. 18.-Farnham fine 167. 16s. to 207., ditto seconds, 97.9s. to 157.


We have to-day a larger supply than on this day se'nnight, and a better trade. Good Beef fetches more money; in a few instances about 17. in twenty; and the whole is expected to be sold out. Sound Mutton is wanted; and the best of such, whether little or big, make 4s. or nearly, per stone. Good Downs are stated at 4s. 4d.; but a few choice pens have made something more. Beasts, 2,216; Calves, 150; Sheep, 21,176; Pigs, 190.

THURSDAY, JAN. 6.-This day's supply was throughout exceedingly limited, there not having been at any time in the morning 40 good Beasts, and comparatively few good Sheep and fat Calves in the market. trade with prime Beef, Mutton, and Veal' was


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