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INTEREA medium Æneas jam classe tenebat
Certus iter, fluctusque atros aquilone secabat,
Moenia respiciens, quæ jam infelicis Elissæ
Collucent flammis. Quæ tantum accenderit ignem,
Caussa latet; duri magno sed amore dolores
Polluto, notumque, furens quid femina possit,
Triste per augurium Teucrorum pectora ducunt.
Ut pelagus tenuere rates, nec jam amplius ulla
Occurrit tellus, maria undique et undique cælum :
Olli cæruleus supra caput adstitit imber,

1-103.] Æneas is driven out of his course upon the coast of Sicily, and is kindly welcomed by Acestes. Here he institutes a solemn annual festival with games in memory of his father Anchises. 1. medium] merely implies that he had set sail, and was fairly on his voyage. Cf. G. 3. 486.

2. Certus] making straight course for Italy, and firm in his resolution of reaching it, notwithstanding the wind was contrary. Compare the expression 'certa sagitta.'

· atros aquilone] Cf. Gell.



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Noctem hiememque ferens, et inhorruit unda tenebris.
Ipse gubernator puppi Palinurus ab alta:
Heu! quianam tanti cinxerunt æthera nimbi ?
Quidve, pater Neptune, paras? Sic deinde locutus
Colligere arma jubet validisque incumbere remis,
Obliquatque sinus in ventum, ac talia fatur:
Magnanime Ænea, non, si mihi Juppiter auctor
Spondeat, hoc sperem Italiam contingere cælo.
Mutati transversa fremunt et vespere ab atro
Consurgunt venti, atque in nubem cogitur aër.
Nec nos obniti contra, nec tendere tantum
Sufficimus. Superat quoniam Fortuna, sequamur,
Quoque vocat, vertamus iter. Nec litora longe
Fida reor fraterna Erycis portusque Sicanos,
Si modo rite memor servata remetior astra.
Tum pius Æneas: Equidem sic poscere ventos
Jamdudum et frustra cerno te tendere contra.
Flecte viam velis. An sit mihi gratior ulla,
Quove magis fessas optem demittere naves,

14.] deinde with jubet. Vide note to 1. 195; and cf. v. 400; 7. 135.

15. arma] the sails. Colligere expresses generally the operations which are more definitely explained in the next line.

16. Obliquat sinus in ventum] This process, which we call 'tacking,' consists in placing the sails in such a position, that the wind may blow against them slantwise, whereby the full force of the blast is avoided.

17. auctor Spondeat] should warrant it by a promise. Cf. G. 1. 432, "namque is certissimus auctor."

19. transversa fremunt] instead of transversi, the adjective being made to qualify the verb instead of the noun (venti). The construction is like that of "acerba sonans," G. 3. 149; "torva

tuentem," 6. 467; &c.





20. cogitur] is condensed. Cf. G. 4. 36 (of the thickening of honey in cold weather). Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2. 39, "aer tum fusus et extenuatus sublime fertur, tum autem concretus in nubes cogitur."

21. tantum] i. e. with force enough to make head against the wind.

24. fraterna] Eryx, the founder of the Sicilian town of the same name, was a son of Venus, and therefore the brother of Æneas.

25.] If now, on our return voyage, I rightly remember the position of the stars, which we previously observed on our way to Africa.

28. velis] i. e. by altering the position of the sails, and then changing our direction.

Quam quæ Dardanium tellus mihi servat Acesten
Et patris Anchisa gremio complectitur ossa?
Hæc ubi dicta, petunt portus, et vela secundi
Intendunt Zephyri; fertur cita gurgite classis,
Et tandem læti notæ advertuntur arenæ.

At procul excelso miratus vertice montis
Adventum sociasque rates occurrit Acestes,
Horridus in jaculis et pelle Libystidis ursæ,
Troïa Crimiso conceptum flumine mater

Quem genuit. Veterum non immemor ille parentum
Gratatur reduces et gaza lætus agresti
Excipit, ac fessos opibus solatur amicis.

Postera cum primo stellas Oriente fugarat
Clara dies, socios in cœtum litore ab omni
Advocat Æneas, tumulique ex aggere fatur:
Dardanidæ magni, genus alto a sanguine divûm,
Annuus exactis completur mensibus orbis,
Ex quo reliquias divinique ossa parentis
Condidimus terra mæstasque sacravimus aras.

Jamque dies, nisi fallor, adest, quem semper acerbum,
Semper honoratum-sic dî voluistis-habebo.
Hunc ego Gætulis agerem si Syrtibus exsul
Argolicove mari deprensus et urbe Mycenæ,
Annua vota tamen solemnesque ordine pompas

31.] The death of Anchises is related in 3. 710.

37. Horridus in jaculis] with lance erect; horridus in pelle, clothed in a shaggy bear-skin. Cf. Esch. Prom. 424, oğuπрúpoiσ βρέμων ἐν αἰχμαῖς.

38. Crimisus] a river in Sicily. 40. gaza agresti] with homely fare. Gaza' (yáça) is a Persian word signifying the royal trea


45. a sanguine divûm] because the Trojans were the descendants of Dardanus, who was the son of Jupiter.

50. honoratum] i. e. set apart for solemn observance, in commemoration of an event, whether






joyful or otherwise, of which it is the anniversary.

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sic di voluistis] an expression of regret on the part of Eneas, that the honours had to be paid to a deceased parent, instead of to a living one.

51, sqq.] It is difficult to imagine how Eneas would have been able to keep his resolution.

52. deprensus] i. e. if this day should find me.

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Exsequerer, strueremque suis altaria donis.
Nunc ultro ad cineres ipsius et ossa parentis,
Haud equidem sine mente reor, sine numine divûm
Adsumus et portus delati intramus amicos.

Erga agite, et lætum cuncti celebremus honorem ;
Poscamus ventos, atque hæc me sacra quot annis
Urbe velit posita templis sibi ferre dicatis.
Bina boum vobis Troja generatus Acestes
Dat numero capita in naves; adhibete Penates
Et patrios epulis et quos colit hospes Acestes.
Præterea, si nona diem mortalibus almum
Aurora extulerit radiisque retexerit orbem,
Prima cita Teucris ponam certamina classis;
Quique pedum cursu valet, et qui viribus audax
Aut jaculo incedit melior levibusque sagittis,
Seu crudo fidit pugnam committere cæstu,

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Cuncti adsint, meritæque exspectent præmia palmæ. 70
Ore favete omnes, et cingite tempora ramis.
Sic fatus velat materna tempora myrto.

54. struerem] load by heaping the offerings upon them.

altaria] The use of this word instead of are supposes Anchises to be among the Dî Superi.

55. ultro] by no will or effort of our own. Cf. 9. 7, and 2.


56. numine] will. Cf. 1. 133. 58. honorem] sacred rites. 59.] After the solemnities are over, let us pray to the winds to give us a safe passage; and when we arrive in Italy, let us renew the same rites there.

64. si] with the fut. = 'quando.' Cf. 6. 829; Hor Epist. 1. 7. 10, Quod si bruma nives Albanis illinet agris, Ad mare descendet vates tuus."

nona] The mourning for deceased parents among the Romans (parentalia) lasted nine


days; on the last day the funeral ceremonies were performed.

68. jaculo] No actual javelinmatch is mentioned hereafter; perhaps, however, this is meant to be included in the archery.

Aut-Seu] = aut - aut; or perhaps seu (= vel quis) is used to express Eneas' uncertainty whether any one would come forward to compete in the boxing-match or not.

incedit] denotes confident bearing. Cf. 1. 46; also v. 543, where ingreditur is used to indicate the haughty gait of the victor.

69. crudo] made of raw OXhide. Cf. v. 404.

71. ore favete] Evonμeîte. 72. materna] i. e. sacred to his mother Venus. Cf. G. 1. 28.

Hoc Helymus facit, hoc ævi maturus Acestes,
Hoc puer Ascanius, sequitur quos cetera pubes.
Ille e concilio multis cum milibus ibat

Ad tumulum, magna medius comitante caterva.
Hic duo rite mero libans carchesia Baccho
Fundit humi, duo lacte novo, duo sanguine sacro,
Purpureosque jacit flores, ac talia fatur:
Salve, sancte parens, iterum: salvete, recepti
Nequicquam cineres, animæque umbræque paternæ.
Non licuit fines Italos fataliaque arva




Nec tecum Ausonium, quicumque est, quærere Thybrim.
Dixerat hæc, adytis cum lubricus anguis ab imis
Septem ingens gyros, septena volumina traxit,
Amplexus placide tumulum lapsusque per aras,
Cæruleæ cui terga notæ maculosus et auro
Squamam incendebat fulgor, ceu nubibus arcus
Mille jacit varios adverso sole colores.
Obstupuit visu Æneas. Ille agmine longo
Tandem inter pateras et levia pocula serpens
Libavitque dapes, rursusque innoxius imo

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the shrine, a most holy place in a temple, where none but the priests might enter; the name is here applied to the tomb of Anchises, to express the notion of peculiar sanctity.

85. Septem gyros, septena volumina] i. e. seven coils, which as they unfolded made seven twists or turns in the animal's body.

87. nota] sc. distinguebant, or some equivalent word, from incendebat, which forms a zeugma with note and fulgor.

maculosus fulgor] spots of gold, which made the scales of the snake gleam like fire. Cf. Sil. 15. 678, “clipeumque accenderat auro."

90. agmine] Vide note to 2.

84.] The 'adytum' was properly | 212.

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