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The lumbermen build what is called a flume.


is a V-shaped trough made of planks. The flume is extended around the mountain sides and along the cañons for many miles. miles. It is made to slope enough so that the water will run through it swiftly. When everything is ready water is turned into the flume. The lumber is thrown into the water, and away it is carried, mile after mile, until it reaches the end of the flume. There it is placed upon boats or cars.

We ought to be careful of our beautiful forests. They have been many years in growing. They shelter the birds and the animals. They protect the soil from drying out.

It takes so many, many years for a little pine to become a great tree, that if we are not careful of the forests they will soon be gone. We should guard our forests well, and set out young trees as fast as we cut the old ones down.


How does wood look when it is decaying?

Describe the way in which the cones hold the little nuts.

Why should we be careful of the forests?

How many years do you suppose it takes a large tree to grow?

Mention all the different kinds of trees used for lumber..

What is the kind most commonly used?

Where did the lumber in your house come from?

Describe what you have seen in the woods.


Perhaps you live in the country. If you do, you can tell us something about the store near by. The store may be the center of the little world in which you live. There your father goes to buy the sugar, flour and many other things which you need. There, in most country villages, the post-office is located.

Can you tell why the store was put where it is? Look around carefully and perhaps you can discover the reason. If you learn to understand the little world about your home it will help to make interesting the study of the large world which lies beyond. We see first that the store is often upon a corner where two roads cross each other. It was placed here so that it could be reached easily by the people living near by.

You would not look for a store where there were no people. People live mostly in valleys where the climate is pleasant and the soil is rich.

If many people come to live in the country near the store there will be much buying and selling. All of the business cannot be carried on in one store and a little town may grow up.

There will be a post-office in one building, a dry-goods store in another, and a hotel in still another. There will have to be a blacksmith shop, and a school house and perhaps a church. Many people will come to sell what they have raised, and get other things in exchange.

Thus we see that a little store well situated for trade may be the beginning of a town.

There are other places in which a town may be built. A mill is placed near a waterfall in the river. People come to the mill to have their grain made into flour. A post-office is started there and finally a school. If the water power is good the town may at last grow to be a city.

A town may also grow up where there is a mine. Such a town does not depend upon fertile land or mills to bring people. The mine may be a coal mine. Coal is needed for many purposes and people will go almost anywhere to get it.

You may also find a store upon a bay by the ocean. The bay offers protection to the fishermen. They bring their fish to the store to be shipped away and get their supplies in return.

If the water of the bay is deep large ships will come in to unload and the business carried on will make a town.

You will always find that there is a reason for

the store or town being placed where it is. This is either because of fertile lands near by or because of water power, or mining, or easy communication with the country around, or of trade with other parts of the world.


Is your home near a store? Why was the store placed where it is?

What business is carried on in the store?

Mention some of the things which the farmers bring to the store

to sell.

What do the farmers buy at the store?

Why is a mill often placed by a waterfall?

Why do you sometimes find a store upon a river or bay?

Would you expect to find a store far from where people live? Where do you find the greater number of people, in the valleys or upon the mountains?

Mention some of the different occupations in a town.

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