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We go very slowly now.

The mules are careful and

pick their way over the rocks and past the dangerous cliffs. It would be hard work to build a railroad here.

The mine is reached and near it is a little town. Here the miners live and work. If we wish to go farther and reach the very top of the mountains we shall have to walk.

In one

What an interesting time we hae had. journey we have traveled in many dií ways.


How do men go to work to make a wagon road?

In what way do people travel where there are few roads?

What is the quickest way of traveling?

Mention the different means for making street cars go.

What are paddle wheels?

How are goods carried across land where there are no railroads?

Mention other ways of traveling than those given in the lesson.
Where do we find the most railroads?

Are there any oceans or mountains that cannot be crossed?
Where are stage coaches used?

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We call those people savages who lead a rude, wild life. The Indian is a savage. His life is simple. He does not trade much and has few occupations. Those things which he cannot get or make himself, he goes without.

The Indian hunts his own food. He makes his clothing from the skins of animals which he has killed. He knows how to build a rough shelter to protect his family from the storm.

Savages live very much as animals do.

food is plenty they eat all they can.


When food is

scarce they go hungry. They do not work any more than is necessary.

Savages do not store up food as we do. They have very few different occupations. They trade but little with each other.

When people become civilized they find that


they need many more things than they did before. There are so many different things to be done that one man cannot learn to do them all well. The father cannot find time to raise food for his family, build their home, and make their clothes. Because of this the work that has to be done in a country is divided up among different men. Each man picks out the thing that he likes to do the best and spends all his time doing that thing.

One man likes to use tools and work with wood. He becomes a carpenter and spends his time building houses for people who are doing other things.

Another man likes to work in the ground. He spends all his time raising vegetables. He learns what plants will grow best where he lives and just how to take care of them. You can easily understand that if he had to spend much of his time making clothes he would not be as good a gardener. Another man who has a taste for trading takes the vegetables and carries them from house to house, selling what is needed in each place. He learns what people want and how to get it for them.

Some men are fond of animals. They live upon a farm or ranch and raise horses, cattle and sheep. These men do not have time to raise grain and have it made into flour. They get flour from a man who makes that his business.

The tailor knows how to make clothes. He depends upon other men for all the different things which he needs to eat, as well as those which will make his home beautiful.



There are many trades and occupations. would take a long time to name them all. man learns to do one thing. He can make his living if he does that thing well. You see now how it is that work is divided. Each of us depends upon others for the most of the things which we want.

You will be successful if you learn to do one kind of work. You will be more successful if you do that work better than any one else can. Have you heard the old saying, "Jack of all trades and master of none"? What does that mean?


What do we mean by a savage? Who are the Indians?

Do you know what kind of homes they have?

How are we different from savages?

What kinds of work do you think the Indian does?
Mention some of the important trades or occupations?

What kind of work do you like best?

What are the occupations of people near where you live?
Why is it better to know one thing well?

What kinds of work are carried on in cities?

What work do most people in the country carry on?

What kind of work is done in the mountains?

What work do sailors do?

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