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Mehemmed Said Pasha, Turkish
Minister for Foreign Affairs (1888)
150, 98.
Menabrea, Count, Italian repre-
sentative at Vienna, 1866, 151,

Menschikoff, Prince, 152, 29.
Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, 149,

Mérey von Kapos-Mére, Austro-
Hungarian representative at
Brest-Litovsk Conference, 1917-
8, 151, 164.

Metternich, Prince, 151, 26, 122
note; Austrian representative
at Congress of Vienna, 1814-5,
151, 52, 67, 68, elected President,
151, 62; and the Holy Alliance,
152, 20; and the Quadruple
Alliance, 152, 22.

Meuse river, 149, 52; navigation,
proceedings of Congress of Vi-
enna, 1815, 149, 23-4; opened
to free navigation, 1792, 149, 8,

Mexico, Napoleon III and, 152, 31.
Meysenberg, Baron von, Austrian
representative at Zürich, 1859,
151, 146.

[blocks in formation]

Minden, Act of Navigation at, 1823,
149, 28-9.

Minkwitz, at Congress of Vienna,
1815, 151, 68.
Minorca, proposed cession to Russia,
1877, 148, 43.

Lazare, Monte-
negrin representative at Con-
ference of London, 1912, 151, 61.
Mississipi river, 149, 8, 12, 59.
Modena, duchy of, and free navi-
gation on river Po, 149, 29-30,

Modena, Duke of, 151, 146.
Mohammed Ben Abdesselam el
Mokri, Moroccan representative
at Algeciras Conference, 1906,
151, 59, 75.

Mohammed Ben el Arbi Ettorès,

Moroccan representative at Alge-
ciras Conference, 1906, 151, 59.
Mohammed es Seffar, Moroccan
representative at Algeciras Con-
ference, 1906, 151, 59.

Moldavia, Russian evacuation, 1812,
152, 15.

Molesworth, Sir William, on the
Armed Neutrality (1854), 148,
49, 61.

Moltke, Baron von, 152, 31; Prus-
sian representative at Nikolsburg,
1866, 151, 148.

Monroe doctrine, 150, 37.
Montebello, Gustave Louis Lannes,
Count de, French Ambassador at
Constantinople, 1888, 150, 98.
Montenegro, 151, 1; Balkan League,
1912, 152, 38-9; Balkan war,
152, 38; Bucarest Conference,
1913, see that title; declaration
of war, 1914, 152, 40; Hague
Conference, see that title; London
Conferences, see that title; pro-
visions of protocol of Adrianople
and Treaty of San Stefano, 1878,
151, 157, 158; provisions of
Treaty of Berlin, 1878, 151, 91.
Morales, Don Eusebio A., Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Pleni-

potentiary of Panama, agreement
with U.S.A., Oct., 1914, 150, 111.
Morea, the, expedition of Mehemet
Ali to, 1825, 152, 23; possession
taken by Greeks, and Turks
massacred, 1821, 152, 23.
Morocco, Algeciras Conference, 1906,
see that title; Conference of
Madrid respecting the right of
Protection in, 1880, 151, 142-4;
friction between Great Britain
and France, 152, 36.

Moselle river, navigation, pro-
ceedings of Congress of Vienna,
1815, 149, 23-4.

Mosquito Coast, Indians of, British
protectorate, 150, 40; provisions
of Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1850,
re, 150, 42, 104; retention by
Great Britain after Treaty of
1856, 150, 44.

Möuy, M. de, first secretary of the
French Embassy at Berlin, assis-
tant secretary at Congress of
Berlin, 1878, 151, 65.
Münster, Hanover representative
at Congress of Vienna, 1814-5,
151, 67, 68;

Münster, Count, German ambas-
sador in London (1878), 151, 45.
Münster, Treaty of, 1648, closure of
the Scheldt, 149, 16, 26.
Muravieff, Count, circular before
Hague Conference, 1899, 151, 48.
Muro, M., Secretary Conference of
Madrid, 1880, 151, 143.

[blocks in formation]

Namyk Pasha, protocol of Adria
nople, 1878, signed by, 151, 158.
Napier, Lord, British Ambassador

at Washington (1857), 150, 45.
Naples, 151, 7; coalitions against
France, 152, 5, 7, 8, peace made,
1796, 152, 5; outside third
coalition against France, 1805-6,
152, 11 note; treaty with France,
1805, 152, 11 note.

Napoleon I, 148, 68, 75, 151, 25;

abdication, 1814, 152, 17; attack
on Sardinia, 1796, and peace
with, 152, 5; campaigns, and
coalition against, 1805-6, 152,
10-2; defeat, 152, 18; defeat of
Austria, 1796-7, 152, 5-6; and
"freedom of the seas," 148, 4, 6,
9, 11, 11-2, 15, 64, 65, 81-6; on
George III, 148, 83; occupation
of Malta, 1798, 152, 6; return from
Elba, 152, 17; schemes in Spain,
152, 13; understanding with
Alexander I, 152, 12, 14.
Napoleon III, 151, 27, 149, 152,
28-9, 31.

Napoleon, Prince, 151, 145.

Navarino, battle of, 1827, 152, 24.
Neckar river, navigation, pro-
ceedings of Congress of Vienna,
1815, 149, 23-4.
Nedjib Pasha, General, Turkish
representative at Adrianople,
1878, 151, 158.
Negro, Rio, freedom of navigation
to Manaos, 1867, 149, 60.
Nélidow, Alexandre de, Russian
Ambassador at Constantinople
(1888), 150, 98; representative
at San Stefano, 1878, 151, 158.
Nelidow, president of the Second
Peace Conference, 1907, 151, 63,

Nepokoitchitski, Aide - de - Camp
Général, Russian representative
at Adrianople, 1878, 151, 158.
Nesselrode, Count de, 151, 122 note;
Russian representative at Con-
gress of Vienna, 1814-5, 151, 53,

Netherlands, accession to Treaty of
Vienna, 151, 115; Algeciras Con-
ference, 1906, see that title;
Berlin Conference and Congress,
see that title; Dutch, see that title;
London Conferences, see that title;
Madrid Conference, 1880, see that
Suez Canal Convention,
1888, 150, 22–35, 97–101; United,
recognition of independence, 1648,
152, 1.

Neutral ships, British claim to
right of search, 152, 8; participa-
tion in port-to-port and coasting
trades, declaration of Empress
Catherine, 1780, 148, 45, 58.
Neutral trade, "Rule of 1756," 148,

Neutrals, claim to freedom of the
seas, 148, 1-13.

New Granada, refusal of Great
Britain to make treaty with, guar.
anteeing neutrality of Isthmus of
Panama, 150, 39; treaty with
U.S.A., 1846, re Panama Canal,
150, 38-40, 47, 61-2, 102-3.
Newfoundland, friction between
Great Britain and France, 152, 36.
Nicaragua, 150, 36; American
agents' conventions with, 1849,
150, 40-1; provisions of Clayton-
Bulwer Treaty, 1850, re, 150, 42,
104; treaties with U.S.A.,
Canal, 150, 46, 49; treaty with
Great Britain, 1860, 150, 45.
Nice, cession of, to France, 1796,
152, 5.


Nicholas I, Tsar, 152, 28; Triple
Alliance on behalf of the Greeks,
1827, 152, 22-4.

Nicholas II, Tsar, visit to Paris,
1896, 152, 36.

Nicolson, Sir A., British repre-
sentative at Algeciras Conference,
1906, 151, 59, 75.

Niger, Act of Navigation, 149, 38
note, 39; Conference of Berlin,
re, 1884-5, see that title.
Nikolich, André, Serbian repre-
sentative at Conferences
London, 1912-13, 151, 61.
Nikolsburg, armistice signed at,
1866, 151, 147-8.


Nile, battle of the, 148, 83.
Noailles, Colonel, French repre-
sentative at Congress of Vienna,
1814-5, 151, 52.
Norman, H., secretary-general,
London Naval Conference, 1908-
9, 151, 66; secretary, Conference
of London, 1912-3, 151, 67.

[blocks in formation]

Oppenheim, Professor L., 150, 69;
on Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 150,
Orloff, Alexis, Russian representa-

tive at Congress of Paris, 1856,
151, 55.

Osma, M., assistant secretary, Con-

ference of Madrid, 1880, 151, 143.
Osman Nizamy Pasha, Turkish re-
presentative at Conferences of
London, 1912-3, 151, 60.
Osman Pasha, Brigadier-General,
Turkish plenipotentiary at Adria-
nople, 1878, 151, 158.
Oubril, d', Russian representative
at Congress of Berlin, 1878, 151,
57, 71.

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Palmerston, Lord-cont.

with New Granada guaranteeing
neutrality of Isthmus of Panama,
150, 39.

Panama, agreement with U.S.A.
and Colombia, 1904, 150, 67;
agreement with U.S.A., Oct.,
1914, 150, 89-90, 111; Congress
of American States, 1826, Panama
Canal scheme discussed, 150, 36;
declaration of war, 1917, 152, 40;
independence, 1903, 150, 64;
revolution, 150, 63; treaty with
U.S.A., 1903, re Canal, 150, 57,
58-9, 64-7, 68, 85, 92, 110.
Panama Canal, see also 150 Con-
tents; 150, 1, 2 note, 3; neutral-
isation, 150, 4.

Panama City, 150, 65; extension of
Panama Canal to, 150, 92.
Panas, D., Greek representative at
Conference of Bucarest, 1913,
151, 61.

Papal States, coalition against
France, 1793, 152, 5; peace
made, 1797, 152, 6.

Papazoff, Th., secretary, Conference
of Bucarest, 1913, 151, 67.
Paprikow, Stephane, Bulgarian re-
presentative at Conferences of
London, 1912–13, 151, 60.
Parana river, freedom of naviga-
tion, 149, 60.

Paris, Commission at, re inter-
nationalisation of Suez Canal,
1885, 150, 19-21; Conference re
affairs of the Danubian Princi-
palities, 1858, 151, 7; Conference
re pacification of Syria, 1860–1,
151, 7.

Congress of, 1856, 151, 1; armi-
stice, 151, 34-5; committees,
151, 70-1, and river Danube, 149,
30; place of meeting, 151, 27;
preliminaries, 151, 41-4; presi-
dent, 151, 62; protocoles, 151, 78,
103; representation of the Powers,
151, 53; secretary, 151, 64;
Treaties and Conventions, 149,
14, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47 note, 51,
62-3, 151, 12 note, 85-7, 140,
152, 30, accession, 151, 117, ratifi-
cation, 151, 107, signing, 151, 103.
Declaration of, 1856, 148, 7, 17,
19, 85, 151, 24 note, 117.
Formation of Quadruple Alli-
ance at, 1815, 152,
Peace of, 1784, 148, 61;
Convention, 1804, 149, 16-7;
Treaties of, 1814-5, 149, 17-8,
26, 151, 12 note, 21, 25, 152, 17.




discussion at Congress of Vienna,
1814-5, 151, 39-40; visit of
Nicholas II, 1896, 152, 36;
Parker, Lord, quoted in Südmark
case, 150, 35.

Parma, Duchy of, and free naviga-

tion on river Po, 149, 29-30, 41.
Parma, Duke of, territory sur-
rendered to Napoleon, 152, 10.
Parma and Piacenza, accession to
Treaty of Vienna, 151, 115.
Pashich, N. P., 152, 38; delegate
at Conference of Bucarest, 1913,
151, 61, 64.


Paul I, Tsar, coalition against
France, 1799-1800, 152, 6–8;
Declration of 1800, 148, 75-9;
League of Armed Neutrality, 152,
9-10, assassination, 1801, 148,
79-80, 81, 152, 9-10; friendship
with Bonaparte, 148, 75, 81.
Paul, Dr. G., Advocate-General,
report on free ships free goods
principle in connection with
English seizure of Prussian neutral
ships during war with France,
1744-8, 148, 29, 31-2.
Pauncefote, Lord, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.,
British representative at Paris
Commission re internationalisa-
tion of Suez Canal, 150, 20;
Panama Canal negotiations, 150,

Pavlovich, Jean, Serbian represent-
ative at Conference of London,
1913, 151, 61.

Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, King of
Portugal, 1826, 152, 25.
Peking, conference

on Chinese

Affairs, 1900-1, 151, 7.
Pelusium, Canal to Suez, see Suez

Penafiel, Portuguese representative

at Conference of Berlin, 1884-5,
151, 57.

Peninsula war, 152, 13-4.
Pérez - Caballero y Ferrer, Spanish
representative at Algeciras Con-
ference, 1906, 151, 59, 75.
Persia, 152, 36, Anglo-Russian
friction, agreement re, 1907, 152,

Peru, treatment of warships, 1914,
150, 90.

Peschiera, fortress, 151, 146.
Philip II of Spain, 152, 2; Panama

Canal scheme, 150, 36.
Philippine Islands, 150, 50.
Piedmont, 151, 7; annexed by
Napoleon, 152, 10.

Piña y Millet, Ramon, secretary,
Conference of Algeciras, 1906,
151, 65.

Pisoski, A., secretary, Conference of
Bucarest, 1913, 151, 67, 78.
Pitt, William, 148, 71; and coali-
tions against France, 1799, 152,
6, 11-2; on "free ships free
goods," 148, 26, 57, 59-60.
Plate river, freedom of navigation,
149, 60.

Plessen, at Congress of Vienna,
1815, 151, 68.

Po river, 149, 41, 47 note; freedom
of navigation, 149, 29-30, 43; a
national river, 1866, 149, 30, 43.
Poland, 152, 11, 17; Napoleon III
and, 152, 31; rivers and canals
of, freedom of navigation, 149,
29; second partition, 152, 4.
Poles, enlisted by Napoleon, 152,


Politis, N., Greek representative at
Conference of Bucarest, 1913,
151, 61, 78.

Polk, President, on American guar-

antee to Colombia of neutrality
of Isthmus of Panama, 150, 39.
Pope, refusal to join the Holy
Alliance, 152, 20.

Popov, Minister, Bulgarian repre
sentative at Brest-Litovsk Con-
ference, 1917-8, 151, 164.
Popovitch, Jean, Montenegrin re-
presentative at Conferences of
London, 1912-3, 151, 61.
Port Said, as enemy port, 150, 78;
warships at, provisions of Con-
vention of 1888, 150, 25, 28, 99.
Portsmouth, U.S.A., armistice con-
cluded at, 151, 11; Treaty of,
1905, 151, 8 note, 12 note, 160-3.
Portugal, abandonment of armed
neutrality principles, 148, 88, 89
note; Algeciras Conference, see
that title; armistice, 1814, 151,
122-6; Berlin Congress, 1884-5,
see that title; coalitions against
France, 152, 7, 8, 18 note;
commercial treaties with England,
free ships free goods prin-
ciple, 148, 26, 50, controversy
with Great Britain re Zambesi
river, 149, 15 note; Convention
of Armed Neutrality adhered to
by, 1782, 148, 54; declaration of
war, 1916, 162, 40; Madrid Con-
ference, see that title; Quadruple
Alliance concerning, 1834, 152,
25-6; refusal to comply with
Napoleon's anti-British demands

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152, 13; representation at Com-
mission re internationalisation of
the Suez Canal not admitted,
150, 19; Shiré-Zambezi contro-
versy, 149, 42; and Suez Canal
Convention, 1888, 150, 22; treaty
with Russia, 148, 67; Vienna
Congress, see that title; war with
France, 1793, 152, 5, peace made,
1797, 152, 6.
Portuguese, enlisted by Napoleon,
152, 15.

Potsdam, Treaty of, 1805, 152, 12.
Pouyer-Quertier, M., French repre-

sentative at Frankfort negotia-
tions, 1871, 151, 156.
Prague, Congress, 1813, 151, 6, 25;
Treaty of, 1866, 151, 8 note, 12
note, 147-50.
Pressburg, Treaty of, 1805, 151, 12,
25 note.

Prizes, provisions of Suez Canal
Convention, 1888, 150, 27-8.
Protesilaus, Admiralty collier, 150,
92-3 note.

Prussia, see also Germany; aban-

donment of Armed Neutrality
principle, 148, 88, 89 note;
agreements re river Elbe, 1815,
1821, 149, 28; alliance with
Austria, 1792, 152, 4; armistice,
1814, 151, 122-6; armistice with
Denmark, 1848, terms, 151, 32-
4; closing of North Sea ports
against British shipping, 1806,
148, 15; coalition against France,
1813, 152, 16; Convention of
Armed Neutrality adhered to by,
1781, 148, 54; Eastern policy,
1853-4, 152, 29, 30; English
seizure of neutral ships of, during
war with France, 1744-8, 148,
29-36; and free navigation of
rivers and canals of Poland, 149,
29; and freedom of navigation
of the Weser, 1823, 149, 28-9;
Holy Alliance, 1815, 152, 19;
intervention in Egypt after Me-
hemet Ali's insurrection, 1839,
150, 5-6; League of Armed
Neutrality, 1800, 152, 9; London
Conferences, see that title; and
navigation of the Rhine, 149,
18-9, 25; Paris Congress, 1856,
see that title; Quadruple Alliance,
1815, 152, 20-2; Quadruple
Alliance against Mehemet Ali,
1840, 152, 26-8; re-establishment
of Armed Neutrality, 1800, 148,


refusal to attend Con-


ference in London re Greek
question, 1827, 152, 24; refusal
to join coalition against France,
1798, 152, 7; refusal at first to
join coalition against France,
1805, 152, 11-2; represented on
river Danube European Com-
mission, 149, 31, 62; separate
peace with France, 1795, 1805,
152, 5, 12; support of Napoleon
against Russia, 1812, 152, 15;
Treaty with Denmark, 1850,
secret article, 151, 41; Treaty
of Prague, 1866, 151, 147-50;
treaties with the United States,
1785, 1799, 148, 62 and note, 89
note; Vienna Congress, see that
title; war with France, armistice,.
151, 11, Suez Canal not closed
to warships, 150, 12; wars with
Denmark, Austria and France,
152, 31; war with France, 1806,
152, 12.

Pruth river, provisions of Conven-
tion of Bucarest, 1866, 149, 54.


Quadruple Alliance, 1814, 152, 16.
Quadruple Alliance, 1815, 152, 17,
18, 20-2.

Quadruple Alliance against Mehemet
Ali, 1840, 152, 26-8.
Quadruple Alliance concerning Port-
ugal, 1834, 152, 25-6.


Radeff, S., Lieut.-Col., Bulgarian
representative at Conference of
Bucarest, 1913, 151, 61, 78.
Radolin, Prince von, German Am-
bassador at Paris, notes ex-
changed with M. Rouvier, 1905,
before Algeciras Conference, 151,

Radoslavov, Bulgarian representa-
tive at Brest-Litovsk Conference,
1918, 151, 164.

Radowitz, Joseph de, German Am-
bassador at Constantinople (1888)
150, 97.
Radowitz, German representative
at Algeciras Conference, 1906
151, 58, 63; secretary of Congress
of Berlin, 1878, 151, 65.
Raindre, French councillor of Em-
bassy, Berlin, secretary, Con-
ference of Berlin, 1884-5, 151, 65.

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