Caliban, curses of Bargains, punctuality in Bastardy Bawd, the practices of one condemned Beauty a scornful and satirical one petitioning in vain Bedlam Beggars Bees, the commonwealth of, described Birth, high Boaster Bolingbroke's public entry into London described Boy, description of a beautiful one Braggart a cowardly one Braggarts, talking Bribery, honest Brutus and Cassius, tent scene between Buckingham, Duke of, his prayer for the king his exultation after having attempted the chastity of Miranda his promises 118 243 38 14, 26 60 84 288 the parting of Calumny 215 Cassius, his contempt for Cesar 229 Ceremony insincere 237 Cesar, his dislike of Cassius 229 Chastity 13, 188 Cheerfulness 40 Christmas-time, reverence paid to 204 Churchman, description of one 168 Clarence's dream in the tower 154 Cleopatra, her solicitude in the absence of Antony 172 her sailing down the Cydnus described ib. her infinite power of pleasing 173 her supposed death, description of 177 ib. Cominius, his praise of Coriolanus in the senate Conscience her dream and description of Antony 178 179 182 75 318 160 guilty the death-bed horrors of a 145 Continence before marriage 74 Cordelia, her speech on the ingratitude of her sisters 253 181 character of 184 ib. 185 188 62 in youth Countenance, a guilty one described Country, an oppressed one Courage Courtezans, Timon's reflections on Courtier, noble, character of a a conceited one 143 269 96 14 307 10 26 finical, description of one by Hotspur 115 Cowardice 10 and perjury 99 Cranmer, archbishop, his prophecy respecting Queen Elizabeth 168 Cressida, description of her 328 Crown, reflections on a 126 the transports of a 146 Cruelty, dissuasions from exercising 231 Cupid's parentage 22 Customs, new ones followed 161 Danger 116, 232 escape from 78 takes hold of any support 102 Day-break 56, 64, 159 Death 179, 203 Deceit in a fine woman 156 Deed, a good one compared to a candle Degree, reflections on Delay, against Delights, violent ones not lasting Departing diseases, strength of Dependents not to be too much trusted by great men Desdemona, her fidelity Desire of beloved objects heightened by their loss Despair, description of Despondency Determined love Dew in flowers Drunkards enchanted by Ariel Duty, modest, always acceptable virtuous, the power of doing of it merits no praise Dying with the person beloved preferable to parting Eloquence and beauty England, description of invincible if unanimous pathetically described apostrophe to English curiosity, satire on Envy army described miserable state of Evening, a fine one Evils, the remedy of them generally in ourselves Expedition, what Eyes, women's Fairy jealousy, and its effects bank described courtesies Fairies and magic Falstaff's catechism Father, authority of one lamenting his daughter's infamy fondness of one for his child - 87 |