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On motion of S. Francis,

Resolved, That the President of this Society be requested to confer with C. R. Overman, President of the State Horticultural Society, with the view of uniting the two Societies at the next annual fair.

On motion of J. N. Brown,

Resolved, That the Recording Secretary be required to furnish not less than five thousand membership tickets for the next annual State Fair; the same to be signed by the said Secretary, and he pass the same over to the Treasurer of this Society, taking his receipt for the same, to be countersigned by the said Treasurer before said tickets shall be deemed valid.

On motion of Dr. Kile,

Resolved, That the Board recommend to the different school districts of the State of Illinois the Common School Libraries, compiled and prepared by A. O. Moore, of New York, as well adapted to the use of said schools.

On motion of A. Dunlap,

Resolved, That the Board recommend to the different County Agricultural Societies, and to agriculturists generally through the State, to organize Farmers' Clubs, for the discussion of subjects connected with their calling and the promotion of agriculture.

On motion of C. B. Denio, the President was requested to appoint a committee, whose duty it shall be to report plans and specifications for the grounds and fixtures for the use of the Society, as their fair grounds for the present year.

Mr. Francis, from the said committee, reported the following:

Not less than twenty-five acres of ground, inclosed with plank fence, not less than seven feet high; plank running horizontally. One hundred close stalls, 8 by 12 feet, for cattle; seventy-five close stalls, same size, for horses; four hundred open stalls, 8 by 12 feet; all stalls to be covered, with feeding troughs and straw for bedding; two hundred tight pens, for sheep and swine, 8 by 10 feet, 4 feet high, boards horizontal; one hundred of these pens to be covered. One poultry house, 40 by 15 feet, with coops on both sides. The fence making one end of all these fixtures, except the poultry house. Also, one show shed, 40 by 100 feet, arranged for the exhibition of fruit. Four show sheds, arranged for the exhibition of manufactured articles of art, skill and models. One show shed, for the exhibition of musical instruments, paintings and other specimens of the fine arts. All these sheds to be so inclosed as to afford security against loss or damage. The sheds to be arranged in the general manner of those on the fair grounds at Centralia. A ring, well inclosed with posts and two planks, 600 feet in diameter, with music stand two stories high. Floral Hall. Business office, 23 by 60 feet, arranged with suitable desks, doors and windows. An eating and lodging hall. An editor's room. A police office and a treasurer's office, both inclosed, 12 by 16 feet, with the necessary fixtures. Four privies, one of which shall be at least 16 by 24 feet. The grounds to be furnished with water, for all purposes, with wells at convenient points. All the above fixtures to be put up under the direction of a committee, to be appointed by the Society, and to be furnished, without cost to the Society, and to be. completed by the first of September, 1859. In addition to the foregoing, accommodations for boarding and lodging to all visitors during the fair. These specifications to be enlarged, changed or curtailed at the discretion of the Board.

The report was received and adopted.

Board adjourned to the 22d of February next.

SPRINGFIELD, February 22, 1859.

The Board met, pursuant to adjournment.

Present-L. Ellsworth, President; C. W. Webster, Jas. N. Brown, H. C. Johns, Ex-Presidents; C. B. Denio, Wm. H. Van

Epps, A. Dunlap, J. Garrard, S. Dunlap, S. B. Chandler, W. Kile, H. S. Ozburn, Vice Presidents; S. Francis, Corresponding Secretary; John W. Bunn, Treasurer; John Cook, Recording Secre


The minutes of the meeting held in January, were read and approved.

On motion of J. N. Brown,

Resolved, That applications for the location of the State Fair be received until 11 o'clock, A. M., of the 23d instant.

J. N. Brown offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That this Board order the printing of the Reports of the Society, for and during 1857 and 1858.

Mr. Kile offered the following, as a substitute:

Resolved, That this Society appropriate an amount, not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the purpose of publishing 3,000 copies of the 3d volume of the Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, and the President, Corresponding Secretary, C. B. Denio, H. C. Johns and W. Kile, be a committee to superintend the publication of the same.

The substitute was received and adopted.
Adjourned till 2 o'clock, P. M.

The Board met, pursuant to adjournment.

Two o'clock, P. M.

Present-Messrs. Johns, Webster, Brown, Denio, Van Epps, A. Dunlap, S. Dunlap, Garrard, Chandler, Ozburn; S. Francis, Corresponding Secretary; J. W. Bunn, Treasurer; John Cook, Recording Secretary. H. C. Johns, Ex-President, in the chair.

On motion of Mr. Kile,

Resolved, That the Board take up the premium list for the next State Fair, and proceed to amend and revise the same, and continue the same, from day to day, until the whole shall be completed.

President Ellsworth appeared, and took the chair.

On motion of Dr. Johns,

Resolved, That the awarding committees of the Society, except the committee on farms, shall consist of nine members, a majority of whom shall have full power to act and make awards; and in all cases, when any of said committees shall fail to comprise the number authorized to act, said committee shall not be filled up to exceed five in number.

Mr. Francis presented a communication from Urial Mills, Esq., of Salem, relative to a steam spading machine; which was ordered to be filed with the papers of the Board.

The Board, after some progress in the premium list, adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

February 23, 1859-9 o'clock, A. M.

Board met, pursuant to adjournment.

Present-L. Ellsworth, President; and a full Board present, except Vice President of the 5th district.

The location of the State Fair was made the order of the day, for 11 o'clock, A. M.

Petitions for said location were received from Chicago, Jacksonville, Freeport, Peoria and Galesburg; and the same were laid on the table until 11 o'clock.

Mr. Francis laid before the Board a communication from Judge O'Melveny, with several bills. The Board declined to order their payment, and directed them to be returned, through Mr. Webster. Several bills were presented, approved and ordered to be paid. The hour of 11 having arrived, fixed for the consideration of the petitions for the location of the State Fair,

On motion of Mr. Cook,

Resolved, That applicants for the holding of the next State Fair, by their agents, on the floor of this Committee room, in their remarks, confine themselves to the merits and advantages of their respective localities, and not discuss the demerits and disadvantages of other localities.

After sundry addresses to the Board on the part of applicants, On motion of Mr. Webster,

The Board, after politely requesting all spectators to withdraw from the committee room, went into secret session upon the award of location of the next State Fair.

On motion of Mr. Johns,

Resolved, That the Board proceed to the selection of the place for the holding of the Illinois State Fair for the year 1859, by ballot, and that the place having the least number of votes shall be dropped until the contest shall be between two places, and then a majority shall decide.

The President appointed the Corresponding and Recording Secretaries as tellers."

First Ballot-For Chicago, 7 votes; Freeport, 4 votes; Jacksonville, 3 votes; Galesburg, 1 vote-15 votes. No choice.

Second Ballot-For Chicago, 7 votes; Freeport, 4 votes; Jacksonville, 4 votes-15 votes. No choice.

Third Ballot-For Chicago, 6 votes; Freeport, 9 votes. Freeport, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared to be the location for holding the next State Fair. . Adjourned till to-morrow at 9, A. M.

February 24, 1859-9 o'clock, A. M.

Board met, pursuant to adjournment.
Present-as before.

On motion of Mr. Kile,

Resolved, That the President and Treasurer of this Society be authorized to contract for the premium plate for the next State Fair, and that the Society shall not be required to pay for any plate not awarded and paid.

Mr. Bunn suggested that another member be added to the committee.

Mr. Francis moved that Mr. Brown be added.

The resolution, as thus amended, was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Francis,

Resolved, That H. C. Johns, S. B. Chandler and C. B. Denio be a committee to confer with members of the Legislature, now in session, in regard to an appropriation for the publishing the Transactions of this Society, for the years 1857 and 1858.

The Board resumed the revision of the premium list. After proceeding sometime in the revision,

Dr. Johns, chairman of the committee on conference, appeared, and made the following report:

The committee to whom was referred the duty of conferring with members of the General Assembly in relation to the printing of the Transactions of this Society, have performed that duty and respectfully report, that Mr. Green, of Massae, moved to take up the resolution providing for the printing of the Transactions of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, but Mr. Erwin, of Schuyler, objecting to the same, the resolution was withdrawn and no app' opriation made.

Immediately after the reading of this report, Mr. Denio, a member of the same committee, made his appearance in the Committee rooms, and upon being recognized by the chair, said:

Mr. President: I take great pleasure in stating to this Board, that the member from Schuyler, through the instrumentality of Gen. I. B. Curran and others, has been induced to waive his objections to the grant of an appropriation for the publishing of the Transactions of this Society, and that a resolution authorizing the publication of three thousand copies has passed both Houses, and, subsequently, his excellency, Gov. Bissell, has approved the same.

After further consideration of the premium list, the Board adjourned till 7 o'clock, P. M.

February 24, 1859-7 o'clock, P. M.

Board met, pursuant to adjournment.

Present-as before.

Sometime having been spent in the revision of the premium list for the year 1859,

On motion of Mr. Johns,

Resolved, That the Executive Board of the Illinois State Agricultural Society offer three thousand dollars as a first premium and two thousand dollars 28 a second premium for the best Steam Engine, suitable for plowing and other farm work. The simplicity and economy of its construction, and the practicability of its application to farm uses shall be such that it can successfully compete with animal power for farm purposes. The award to be made by the Executive Board, and in connection with three scientific machinists, selected by said Board.

On motion,

Resolved, That P. W. Gates, of Chicago; J. A. Hedges, of Cincinnati; together with a member of said committee from the city of St. Louis, to be selected by Mr. Chandler, shall constitute the Scientific committee on Steam Plows, acting in conjunction with this Board.

On motion of Mr. Johns,

Resolved, That the President of this Society be required to enter into a written contract with three proper persons, in the city of Freeport, for the fulfillment of the requirements of this Society, in regard to the buildings, fencing, and fixtures for the Fair Grounds, and he is expected to have the contract properly secured.

On motion of Mr. Johns,

Resolved, That, in case the citizens of Freeport fail to meet the requirements of this Society, for holding the next State Fair, the President shall correspond with other places which have petitioned for the Fair, and select the most favorable to the interests of the Society.

A final review of the premium list, as revised, altered and corrected by the Board, having been made, it was ordered to be published; a copy of which, when published, to become a part of the records of this Society.

On motion of Mr. Johns,

Resolved, That the Illinois State Fair shall commence on Monday the 5th day of September, 1859, and continue five days.

The Board then adjourned sine die.

In pursuance of an order of the President, the Executive Committee of the Illinois Agricultural Society met at the Brewster House, Freeport, August 3, 1859.

Present-Lewis Ellsworth, President, in the chair; H. C. Johns and C. W. Webster, Ex-Presidents; Wm. Kile, A. Dunlap, S. Dunlap, S. B. Chandler, and H. S. Ozburn, Vice Presidents; John W. Bunn, Treasurer; Simeon Francis, Corresponding Secretary; John Cook, Recording Secretary.

Having been called to order, the Committee proceeded to examine the agreement entered into by the special committee of citizens of Freeport, for the buildings, fixtures and grounds for the Seventh Annual Fair, and,

On motion of Mr. Chandler, it was

Ordered, That the provisions of said agreement be strictly complied with, and that the President be requested to superintend the same.

Upon the suggestion of President Ellsworth, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That persons exhibiting cattle be allowed to present pedigrees, outside of the English and American Herd Books, provided such pedigrees are satisfactory to the committees on awards for said stock; and that this resolution shall not include Durham cattle.

On motion of Mr. Dunlap, Dr. H. C. Johns was appointed Superintendent of Steam Plow and Ditching department.

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