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At another time he said, "I have known Pope these have induced Pope to break his promise. He could thirty years, and value myself more in his friend-not delight his vanity by usurping the work, ship than"-His grief then suppressed his voice. which, though not sold in shops, had been shown

Pope expressed undoubted confidence of a future to a number more than sufficient to preserve the state. Being asked by his friend Mr. Hooke, a author's claim; he could not gratify his avarice, for papist, whether he would not die like his father he could not sell his plunder till Bolingbroke was and mother, and whether a priest should not be dead; and even then, if the copy was left to ano called, he answered, "I do not think it essential, ther, his fraud would be defeated, and if left to but it will be very right; and I thank you for put- himself would be useless.

ting me in mind of it."

Warburton therefore supposes, with great ap

In the morning, after the priest had given him pearance of reason, that the irregularity of his conthe last sacrament, he said, "There is nothing that duct proceeded wholly from his zeal for Bolingis meritorious but virtue and friendship, and indeed broke, who might perhaps have destroyed the friendship itself is only a part of virtue." pamphlet, which Pope thought it his duty to preHe died in the evening of the thirtieth day of serve, even without its author's approbation. To May, 1744, so placidly, that the attendants did not this apology an answer was written in "A Letter discern the exact time of his expiration. He was to the most Impudent Man living." buried at Twickenham, near his father and mother, He brought some reproach upon his own memory where a monument has been erected to him by his by the petulant and contemptuous mention made in commentator, the Bishop of Gloucester.

He left the care of his papers to his executors; first to Lord Bolingbroke; and, if he should not be living, to the Earl of Marchmont; undoubtedly expecting them to be proud of the trust, and eager to

his will of Mr. Allen, and an affected repayment of his benefactions. Mrs. Blount, as the known friend and favourite of Pope, had been invited to the house of Allen, where she comported herself with such indecent arrogance, that she parted from

extend his fame. But let no man dream of influ- Mrs. Allen in a state of irreconcileable dislike, and ence beyond his life. After a decent time, Dodsley the door was for ever barred against her. This the bookseller went to solicit preference as the exclusion she resented with so much bitterness as publisher, and was told that the parcel had not to refuse any legacy from Pope, unless he left the been yet inspected; and, whatever was the reason, world with a disavowal of obligation to Allen. the world has been disappointed of what was "re- Having been long under her dominion, now totterserved for the next age." ing in the decline of life, and unable to resist the

He lost, indeed, the favour of Bolingbroke by a violence of her temper, or perhaps, with the prekind of posthumous offence. The political pamphlet judice of a lover, persuaded that she had suffered called The Patriot King' had been put into his improper treatment, he complied with her demand, hands that he might procure the impression of a and polluted his will with female resentment. Alvery few copies, to be distributed, according to the len accepted the legacy, which he gave to the author's direction, among his friends, and Pope as- Hospital at Bath, observing that "Pope was always sured him, that no more had been printed than were a bad accomptant, and that if to £150 he had put a allowed; but soon after his death the printer brought cipher more, he had come nearer to the truth."* and resigned a complete edition of fifteen hundred The person of Pope is well known not to have copies, which Pope had ordered him to print, and been formed by the nicest model. He has, in his retain it secret. He kept, as was observed, his account of the 'Little Club,' compared himself to a engagement to Pope better than Pope had kept it spider, and by another is described as protuberant to his friend; and nothing was known of the trans- behind and before. He is said to have been beauaction, till, upon the death of his employer, he tiful in his infancy; but he was of a constitution thought himself obliged to deliver the book to the originally feeble and weak; and as bodies of a tenright owner, who, with great indignation, made a der frame are easily distorted, his deformity was fire in his yard, and delivered the whole impres- probably in part the effect of his application. His stature was so low, that, to bring him to a level

sion to the flames.

Hitherto nothing had been done which was not with common tables, it was necessary to raise his naturally dictated by resentment of violated faith; seat. But his face was not displeasing, and his resentment more acrimonious, as the violator had eyes were animated and vivid.

been more loved or more trusted. But here the By natural deformity, or accidental distortion, anger might have stopped; the injury was private, his vital functions were so much disordered, that and there was little danger from the example. his life was "long disease." His most frequent Bolingbroke, however, was not yet satisfied; his assailment was the headach, which he used to rethirst for vengeance excited him to blast the me-lieve by inhaling the steam of coffee, which he mory of the man over whom he had wept in his very frequently required.

* This account is not so circumstantial as it was in Dr

Johnson's power to have made it.

Upon an invitation (in which Mrs. Blount was included) Mr. Pope made a visit to Mr. Allen at Prior-park, and having occasion to go to Bristol for a few days, left Mrs. Blount

last struggles; and he employed Mallet, another friend of Pope, to tell the tale to the public with all its aggravations. Warburton, whose heart was warm with his legacy, and tender by the recent separation, thought it proper for him to interpose; behind him. In his absence Mrs. Blount, who was of that and undertook, not indeed to vindicate the action, persuasion, signified an inclination to go to the Popish chafor breach of trust has always something criminal, pel at Bath, and desired of Mr. Allen the use of his chariot for the purpose; but he being at that time mayor of the city, but to extenuate it by an apology. Having ad- suggested the impropriety of having his carringe seen at the vanced what cannot be denied, that moral obliquity door of her place of worship, and desired to be excused. is made more or less excusable by the motives that Mrs. Blount resented this refusal, told Pope of it at his return, and so infected him with her rage that they both left produce it, he inquires what evil purpose could the house abruptly.


Most of what can be told concerning his petty pe- bal, says Juvenal, did not perish by the javelin or culiarities was communicated by a female domes- the sword; the slaughters of Cannæ were reversed tic of the Earl of Oxford, who knew him perhaps by a ring. The death of Pope was imputed by after the middle of life. He was then so weak as some of his friends to a silver saucepan, in which to stand in perpetual need of female attendance; it was his delight to heat potted lampreys. extremely sensible of cold, so that he wore a kind That he loved too well to eat, is certain; but that of fur doublet, under a shirt of a very coarse warm his sensuality shortened his life will not be hastily linen with fine sleeves. When he rose, he was concluded, when it is remembered that a conformainvested in a boddice made of stiff canvas, being tion so irregular lasted six and fifty years, notwithscarcely able to hold himself erect till they were standing such pertinacious diligence of study and laced, and he then put on a flannel waistcoat. One meditation,

side was contracted. His legs were so slender, In all his intercourse with mankind, he had great that he enlarged their bulk with three pair of delight in artifice, and endeavoured to attain all his stockings, which were drawn on and off by the purposes by indirect and unsuspected methods. maid; for he was not able to dress or undress him- "He hardly drank tea without a stratagem." If, self, and neither went to bed nor rose without at the house of friends, he wanted any accommodahelp. His weakness made it very difficult for him tion, he was not willing to ask for it in plain terms, to be clean. but would mention it remotely as something conHis hair had fallen almost all away; and he used venient; though, when it was procured, he soon to dine sometimes with Lord Oxford, privately, in made it appear for whose sake it had been recoma velvet cap. His dress of ceremony was black, mended. Thus he teased Lord Orery till he cbwith a tie-wig, and a little sword. tained a screen. He practised his arts on such

The indulgence and accommodation which his small occasions that Lady Bolingbroke used to say, sickness required, had taught him all the unpleas- in a French phrase, that "he played the politician ing and unsocial qualities of a valetudinary man. about cabbages and turnips." His unjustifiable imHe expected that every thing should give way to pression of the 'Patriot King, as it can be imputed his ease or humour; as a child, whose parents will to no particular motive, must have proceeded from not hear her cry, has an unresisted dominion in the his general habit of secrecy and cunning; he caught nursery.

C'est que l'enfant toujours est homme,
C'est que l'homme est toujours enfant.

When he wanted to sleep he "nodded in com-
pany;" and once slumbered at his own table while
the Prince of Wales was talking of poetry.

the opportunity of a sly trick, and pleased himself with the thought of outwitting Bolingbroke.

In familiar or convivial conversation, it does not appear that he excelled. He may be said to have resembled Dryden, as being not one that was distinguished by vivacity in company. It is remarkable, that so near his time, so much should be known of what he has written, and so little of what he

The reputation which his friendship gave, procured him many invitations; but he was a very has said: traditional memory retains no sallies of troublesome inmate. He brought no servant, and raillery, nor sentences of observation; nothing eihad so many wants, that a numerous attendance was ther pointed or solid, either wise or merry. One scarcely able to supply them. Wherever he was apophthegm only stands upon record. When an obhe left no room for another, because he exacted the jection, raised against his inscription for Shaksattention, and employed the activity of the whole peare, was defended by the authority of 'Patrick,' family. His errands were so frequent and frivo- he replied "horresco referens" that "he would lous, that the footmen in time avoided and neglect- allow the publisher of a dictionary to know the ed him; and the earl of Oxford discharged some of meaning of a single word, but not of two words put the servants for their resolute refusal of his mes- together."

sages. The maids, when they had neglected their He was fretful and easily displeased, and allowbusiness, alleged that they had been employed by ed himself to be capriciously resentful. He would Mr. Pope. One of his constant demands was of sometimes leave Lord Oxford silently, no one could coffee in the night, and to the woman that waited tell why, and was to be courted back by more leton him in his chamber he was very burdensome: ters and messages than the footmen were willing but he was careful to recompense her for want of to carry. The table was indeed infested by Lady sleep; and Lord Oxford's servant declared, that in Mary Wortley, who was the friend of Lady Oxthe house where her business was to answer his ford, and who, knowing his peevishness, could by call, she would not ask for wages.

no entreaties be restrained from contradicting him,

He had another fault, easily incident to those till their disputes were sharpened to such asperity, who, suffering much pain, think themselves en- that one or the other quitted the house. titled to what pleasures they can snatch. He was He sometimes condescended to be jocular with too indulgent to his appetite: he loved meat highly servants or inferiors; but by no merriment, either seasoned and of strong taste; and, at the intervals of others or his own, was he ever seen excited to of the table, amused himself with biscuits and dry laughter.

conserves. If he sat down to a variety of dishes, Of his domestic character, frugality was a part ne would oppress his stomach with repletion; and eminently remarkable. Having determined not to though he seemed angry when a dram was offered be dependent, he determined not to be in want, him, did not forbear to drink it. His friends, who and therefore wisely and magnanimously rejected knew the avenues to his heart, pampered him with all temptations to expense unsuitable to his fortune. presents of luxury, which he did not suffer to stand This general care must be universally approved; neglected. The death of great men is not always but it sometimes appeared to petty artifices of parproportioned to the lustre of their lives. Hanni-simony, such as the practice of writing his compo

sitions on the back of his letters, as may be seen in Of his social qualities, if an estimate be made the remaining copy of the 'Iliad, by which, per- from his Letters, an opinion too favourable cannot haps, in five years, five shillings were saved; or in easily be formed; they exhibit a perpetual and una niggardly reception of his friends, and scantiness clouded effulgence of general benevolence, and parof entertainment, as, when he had two guests in ticular fondness. There is nothing but liberality, his house, he would set at supper a single pint upon gratitude, constancy, and tenderness. It has been the table; and, having himself taken two small so long said as to be commonly believed, that the glasses, would retire, and say, "Gentlemen, I true characters of men may be found in their Letleave you to your wine." Yet he tells his friends ters, and that he who writes to his friends lays his that "he has a heart for all, a house for all, and heart open before them. But the truth is, that such whatever they may think, a fortune for all." were the simple friendships of the "Golden Age,"

He sometimes, however, made a splendid dinner, and are now the friendships only of children. Very and is said to have wanted no part of the skill or few can boast of hearts which they dare lay open elegance which such performances require. That to themselves, and of which, by whatever accident this magnificence should be often displayed, that exposed, they do not shun a distinct and continued obstinate prudence with which he conducted his view; and, certainly, what we hide from ourselves affairs would not permit: for his revenue, certain we do not show to our friends. There is, indeed, and casual, amounted only to about eight hundred no transaction which offers stronger temptation to pounds a year, of which, however, he declares fallacy and sophistication than epistolary interhimself able to assign one hundred to charity.* course. In the eagerness of conversation the first Of this fortune, which as it arose from public emotions of the mind often burst out before they are approbation, was very honourably obtained, his considered; in the tumult of business, interest and imagination seems to have been too full; it would passion have their genuine effect; but a friendly be hard to find a man, so well entitled to notice by Letter is a calm and deliberate performance in the his wit, that ever delighted so much in talking of cool of leisure, in the stillness of solitude; and surely his money. In his letters, and in his poems, his no man sits down to depreciate by design his own garden and his grotto, his quincunx and his vines, character.

or some hints of his opulence, are always to be Friendship has no tendency to secure veracity; found. The great topic of his ridicule is poverty; for by whom can a man so much wish to be thought the crimes with which he reproaches his antago- better than he is, as by him whose kindness he denists are their debts, their habitation in the Mint, sires to gain or keep? Even in writing to the world and their want of a dinner. He seems to be of an there is less constraint; the author is not confronted opinion not very uncommon in the world, that to with his reader, and takes his chance of approbawant money is to want every thing. tion among the different dispositions of mankind; Next to the pleasure of contemplating his pos- but a Letter is addressed to a single mind, of which sessions, seems to be that of enumerating the men the prejudices and partialities are known; and must of high rank with whom he was acquainted, and therefore please, if not by favouring them, by forwhose notice he loudly proclaims not to have been bearing to oppose them.

obtained by any practices of meanness or servility: To charge those favourable representations, a boast which was never denied to be true, and to which men give of their own minds, with the guilt which very few poets have ever aspired. Pope of hypocritical falsehood, would show more severinever set genius to sale, he never flattered those ty than knowledge. The writer commonly bewhom he did not love, or praised those whom he lieves himself. Almost every man's thoughts, did not esteem. Savage however remarked, that while they are general, are right; and most hearts he began a little to relax his dignity when he wrote are pure, while temptation is away. It is easy to a distich for his 'Highness's dog.' awaken generous sentiments in privacy; to despise

His admiration of the great seems to have in- death when there is no danger; to glow with be. creased in the advance of life. He passed over nevolence when there is nothing to be given. peers and statesmen to inscribe his 'Iliad' to Con- While such ideas are formed they are felt; and greve, with a magnanimity of which the praise had self-love does not suspect the gleam of virtue to be been complete, had his friend's virtue been equal the meteor of fancy.

to his wit. Why he was chosen for so great an If the letters of Pope are considered merely as honour, it is not now possible to know; there is no compositions, they seem to be premeditated and trace in literary history of any particular intimacy artificial. It is one thing to write, because there between them. The name of Congreve appears in is something which the mind wishes to discharge; the Letters among those of his other friends, but and another to solicit the imagination, because cerewithout any observable distinction or consequence. mony or vanity requires something to be written

To his latter works, however, he took care to Pope confesses his early Letters to be vitiated annex names dignified with titles, but was not very with affectation and ambition: to know whether he happy in his choice: for, except Lord Bathurst, disentangled himself from those perverters of episnone of his noble friends were such as that a good tolary integrity, his book and his life must be set man would wish to have his intimacy with them in comparison.

known to posterity; he can derive little honour One of his favourite topics is contempt of his own from the notice of Cobham, Burlington, or Boling- poetry. For this, if it had been real, he would de


* Part of it arose from an annuity of two hundred pounds a year, purchased either of the last Duke of Buckingham, or the Dutchess his mother, and charged on some estate of

that family

serve no commendation; and in this he was certainly not sincere, for his high value of himself was sufficiently observed; and of what could he be proud but of his poetry? He writes, he says, when, "he has just nothing else to do;" yet Swift complains

that he was never at leisure for conversation, be-titious part which he began to play before it because he had "always some poetical scheme in his came him. When he was only twenty-five years head." It was punctually required that his writ- old, he related that "a glut of study and retirement ing box should be set upon his bed before he rose; had thrown him on the world," and that there was and Lord Oxford's domestic related, that, in the danger lest "a glut of the world should throw him dreadful winter of 1740, she was called from her back upon study and retirement." To this Swift bed by him four times in one night, to supply him answered, with great propriety, that Pope had not with paper, lest he should lose a thought. yet acted or suffered enough in the world, to have

He pretends insensibility to censure and criti- become weary of it. And, indeed, it must have cism, though it was observed by all who knew him been some very powerful reason that can drive back that every pamphlet disturbed his quiet, that his to solitude him who has once enjoyed the pleasures extreme irritability laid him open to perpetual of society. vexation; but he wishes to despise his critics, and In the letters both of Swift and Pope there ap. therefore hoped that he did despise them. pears such narrowness of mind, as makes them in

As he happened to live in two reigns when the sensible of any excellence that has not some affinity Court paid little attention to poetry, he nursed in with their own, and confines their esteem and aphis mind a foolish disesteem of Kings, and proclaims probation to so small a number, that whoever should that "he never sees courts." Yet a little regard form his opinion of their age from their representashown him by the prince of Wales melted his ob- tion, would suppose them to have lived among ignoduracy; and he had not much to say when he was rance and barbarity, unable to find among their asked by his Royal Highness, "How he could love contemporaries either virtue or intelligence, and a Prince while he disliked Kings?" persecuted by those that could not understand them.

He very frequently professes his contempt of the When Pope murmurs at the world, when he proworld, and represents himself as looking on man-fesses contempt of fame, when he speaks of riches kind sometimes with gay indifference, as on emmets and poverty, of success and disappointment, with of a hillock, below his serious attention; and some- negligent indifference, he certainly does not express times with gloomy indignation, as on monsters more his habitual and settled resentments, but either worthy of hatred than of pity. These were dis- wilfully disguises his own character, or, what is positions apparently counterfeited. How could he more likely, invests himself with temporory qualidespise those whom he lived by pleasing, and on ties, and sallies out in the colours of the present whose approbation his esteem of himself was super-moment. His hopes and fears, his joys and sorrows, structed? Why should he hate those to whose fa- acted strongly upon his mind; and, if he differed vour he owed his honour and his ease? Of things from others, it was not by carelessness; he was that terminate in human life, the world is the pro- irritable and resentful; his malignity to Phillips, per judge; to despise its sentence, if it were possi- whom he had first made ridiculous, and then hated ble, is not just; and if it were just, is not possible. for being angry, continued too long. Of his vain Pope was far enough from this unreasonable temper: desire to make Bentley* contemptible, I never he was sufficiently a fool to Fame, and his fault was, heard any adequate reason. He was sometimes that he pretended to neglect it. His levity and his wanton in his attacks; and, before Chandos, Lady sullenness were only in his Letters; he passed Wortley, and Hill, was mean in his retreat. through common life sometimes vexed, and some- The virtues which seem to have had most of his times pleased with the natural emotions of common affection were liberality and fidelity of friendship, in which it does not appear that he was any other His scorn of the great is repeated too often to be than he describes himself. His fortune did not sufreal; no man thinks much of that which he despises; fer his charity to be splendid and conspicuous; but and as falsehood is always in danger of inconsis- he assisted Dodsley with a hundred pounds, that tency, he makes it his boast at another time that he he might open a shop; and, of the subscription of lives among them. forty pounds a year that he raised for Savage,


It is evident that his own importance swells often twenty, were paid by himself. He was accused in his mind. He is afraid of writing, lest the clerks of loving money; but his love was eagerness to gain, of the Post-office should know his secrets; he has not solicitude to keep it.

many enemies; he considers himself as surrounded In the duties of friendship he was zealous and by universal jealousy: "after many deaths, and constant; his early maturity of mind commonly many dispersions, two or three of us," says he, united him with men older than himself, and there"may still be brought together, not to plot, but to fore, without attaining any considerable length of divert ourselves, and the world too, if it pleases;" life, he saw many companions of his youth sink and they can live together, and "show what friends into the grave; but it does not appear that he lost a wits may be, in spite of all the fools in the world." single friend by coldness or by injury; those who All this while it was likely that the clerks did not loved him once, continued their kindness. His know his hand: he certainly had no more enemies ungrateful mention of Allen in his will, was the than a public character like his inevitably excites; effect of his adherence to one whom he had known and with what degree of friendship the wits might much longer, and whom he naturally loved with live, very few were so much fools as ever to in- greater fondness. His violation of the trust re


posed in him by Bolingbroke could have no motive inconsistent with the warmest affection; he either thought the action so near to indifferent, that he

Some part of this pretended discontent he learned from Swift, and expresses it, I think, most frequently in his correspondence with him. Swift's resentment was unreasonable, but it was sincere; Pope's was the mere mimickry of his friend, a fic for an able Defence of Bentley.

* See Richard Cumberland's Memoirs of his own Life,

forgot it; or so laudable that he expected his friend does not increase them; it collects few materials for to approve it. its own operations, and preserves safety, but never It was reported, with such confidence as almost gains supremacy. Pope had likewise genius; a to enforce belief, that in the papers intrusted to his mind active, ambitious, and adventurous, always inexecutors was found a defamatory Life of Swift, vestigating, always aspiring; in its widest searches which he had prepared as an instrument of ven- still longing to go forward, in its highest flights still geance, to be used if any provocation should be ever wishing to be higher; always imagining something given. About this I inquired of the Earl of March- greater than it knows, always endeavouring more mont, who assured me that no such piece was than it can do.

among his remains.

To assist these powers, he is said to have had The religion in which he lived and died was that great strength and exactness of memory. That of the Church of Rome, to which, in his correspon- which he had heard or read was not easily lost; dence with Racine, he professes himself a sincere and he had before him not only what his own meadherent. That he was not scrupulously pious in ditations suggested, but what he had found in other some part of his life, is known by many idle and writers that might be accommodated to his present indecent applications of sentences taken from the purpose.

Scriptures; a mode of merriment which a good man These benefits of nature he improved by incesdreads for its profaneness: and a witty man dis- sant and unwearied diligence; he had recourse to dains for its easiness and vulgarity. But to what- every source of intelligence, and lost no opportuniever levities he has been betrayed, it does not ap-ty of information; he consulted the living as well pear that his principles were ever corrupted, or as the dead; he read his compositions to his friends, that he ever lost his belief of Revelation. The and was never content with mediocrity, when ex positions which he transmitted from Bolingbroke cellence could be attained. He considered poetry he seems not to have understood, and was pleased as the business of his life; and, however he might with an interpretation that made them orthodox. seem to lament his occupation, he followed it with A man of such exalted superiority, and so little constancy; to make verses was his first labour, and moderation, would naturally have all his delin- to mend them was his last. quencies observed and aggravated; those who could From his attention to poetry he was never dinot deny that he was excellent, would rejoice to verted. If conversation offered any thing that find that he was not perfect. could be improved, he committed it to paper; if a

Perhaps it may be imputed to the unwillingness thought, or perhaps an expression more happy than with which the same man is allowed to possess was common, rose to his mind, he was careful to many advantages, that his learning has been de- write it; an independent distich was preserved for preciated. He certainly was, in his early life, a an opportunity of insertion; and some little fragman of great literary curiosity; and, when he wrote ments have been found containing lines, or parts of his Essay on Criticism,' had, for his age, a very lines, to be wrought upon at some other time. wide acquaintance with books. When he entered He was one of those few whose labour is their into the living world, it seems to have happened to pleasure: he was never elevated to negligence, nor him as to many others, that he was less attentive wearied to impatience; he never passed a fault unto dead masters; he studied in the academy of amended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair. Paracelsus, and made the universe his favourite He laboured his works first to gain reputation, and volume. He gathered his notions fresh from reality; not from the copies of authors, but the originals of nature. Yet there is no reason to believe that literature ever lost his esteem; he always professed to love reading; and Dobson, who spent some time at his house translating his 'Essay on Man, when I asked him what learning he found him to possess, answered, "More than I expected." His

afterwards to keep it.

Of composition there are different methods. Some employ at once memory and invention, and, with little intermediate use of the pen, form and polish large masses by continued meditation, and write their productions only when, in their own opinion, they have completed them. It is related of Virgil, that his custom was to pour out a great number of

frequent references to history, his allusions to vari- verses in the morning, and pass the day in retrenchous kinds of knowledge, and his images selected ing exuberances, and correcting inaccuracies. The from art and nature, with his observations on the method of Pope, as may be collected from his transoperations of the mind and the modes of life, show lation, was to write his first thoughts in his first an intelligence perpetually on the wing, excursive, words, and gradually to amplify, decorate, rectify, vigorous, and diligent, eager to pursue knowledge, and refine them.

and attentive to retain it.

With such faculties, and such dispositions, he

From this curiosity arose the desire of travelling, excelled every other writer in poetical prudence: to which he alludes in his verse to Jervas, and he wrote in such a manner as might expose him to which, though he never found an opportunity to few hazards. He used almost always the same gratify it, did not leave him till his life declined. fabric of verse: and, indeed, by those few essays Of his intellectual character, the constituent and which he made of any other, he did not enlarge his fundamental principle was good sense, a prompt reputation. Of this uniformity the certain conseand intuitive perception of consonance and pro- quence was readiness and dexterity. By perpetual priety. He saw immediately, of his own concep- practice, language had, in his mind, a systematical tions what was to be chosen, and what to be reject-arrangement; having always the same use for ed; and, in the works of others, what was to be words, he had words so selected and combined as shunned, and what was to be copied. to be ready at his call. This increase of facility

But good sense alone is a sedate and quiescent he confessed himself to have perceived in the proquality, which manages its possessions well, but gress of his translation.

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