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mankind; unit to take any share in | had never been taught me by the Pas-
tors of the Church.-Let Mr. B. then,
and the Protestant advocates cease to

the government of a free country, from
their treacherous principles, and the
habituated servility of their minds?—vilify and misrepresent their Catholic

neighbours; for they surely need not be reminded that TRUTH WILL TRIUMPH. It may be kept down for a time, but it will be triumphant in the end. Let Protestants, also, to borrow the language of my correspondent, consider Catholics "quite as honest as themselves;" let them defend their doctrines with equal sincerity; let them secure the Protestant religion by human means, if they think proper, but let them not interfere with the divine institutions of the Roman Catholic Church.-By acting on these principles, " a spirit of accommodation and "conciliation" will be created, which cannot fail to make the nation in re

united kingdom.- -I shall now conclude with a few words on Mr. Blair's acute observations on the mistranslation of the word " or" into 66 and," in 1 Cor. c. xi. v. 27, in the Protestant version. My biblical correspondent's avowed intention was, 66 to examine

All this, and more than this, do many
Protestants assert at this time, some
of whom are cloathed in black and of
high dignity in the church, notwith-
standing the Catholics, by their oaths
and the whole tenour of their lives,
give a flat denial to the foul aspersions.
What are we then to think of the con-
duct of these men, and of the cause
they pretend to have espoused? If it
proceeds from ignorance, why do they
boast of being so enlightened? If it is
not from ignorance, but a wilful de-
sign of slandering their neighbour for
an interested purpose, do they not be-
come involved "in no small degree of
"moral guilt?" My opponent may
take which case he pleases, but if heality what it is now but in name—an
defends their honesty, it must be at
the expence of their ignorance; and,
on the contrary, if he disavows their
ignorance, he must condemn their ho-
nesty.- Can it then be a matter of
wonder, when men pursue this system
of slander and falsehood, that the so-
ber and upright part of the community" one of the principal instances" as he
should, on perceiving the villainous
intrigues of the corrupt, or the frantic
folly of the ignorant, embrace the doc-
trine of Truth, or at least cease to en-
tertain a bad opinion of its adherents,
and become their friends? Or can it
be a matter of astonishment, that so
few persons professing the Catholic re-
ligion, notwithstanding the allure-
ments held out to them by the state,
or the scorn and abuse they are sure to
experience from their besotted neigh-
bours, should conform to the Protest-
ant church? How often have I been
gravely told, and heard it positively
asserted as a fact, that Papists were
worshippers of images, and such like
absurd things; and what was the natu-
ral consequence on my mind, but the
utmost contempt for the religious un-
derstandings of those who could give
credit to such tales, and a firmer con-
viction of the TRUTH of the CATHOLIC
FAITH, because I knew such doctrines

calls it," which captious men on our "side have adduced to demonstrate

the wilful corruptions made in their "last authorized English Bible." Is Mr. Blair serious on this subject?— Does he really think the instances so few, that the establishing this ONE WORD as a true translation, for so he wishes it to be understood, would be sufficient to refute the heavy charge against King James's translators? I am of opinion that he does not. He had another motive in view. Mr. B. thought, that by introducing this point, it would lead me from the main question, and afford him an opportunity of attacking a dogma of Catholic doctrine, viz. Communion under one kind. If, indeed, as Mr. B. seems to hint, this was the only text of scripture on which we build our faith of receiving under the form of bread alone, it might have some weight; but this is not the fact. And, after all,

what advantage can be derived from discussing a question, which Mr. B. says is doubtful of proof? However, he admits one thing, which is quite conclusive to my mind, and, I should imagine, to that of every rational man.

He says, 66 IT IS "OR" IN MOST "Copies of the Greek and Latin.". What further evidence is necessary to convince us that "or" is the proper word; unless, indeed, we reverse the natural order of things, because Mr. B. wishes it to be so? My correspondent, to be sure, makes a great parade about his manuscript copies, and the Fathers of the Church. For what purpose I know not, unless it was to indulge his vanity, or frighten me with his deep researches. But the whole consists of mere shew and empty assertions; for Mr. B. confesses that he has not access to any of the former, but that which is in the British Museum. Now, what respect is due to his assertions I have already shewn; and I shall take my leave of Mr. B. with informing him, that if he wishes" to remove my prejudices," he must confine himself to FACTS.



some time, that the measures lately adopted by the Board have not been pleasing to many of its parliamentary friends, and it therefore cannot be a wonder that these measures should have stirred up the bitterness of our enemies. It has been said by some, that the Board would work its own downfall: this may be case, but our "high Derry down" addressers do not seem to be of that number, or they would not call for the strong arm of Government to assist in the laudable undertaking. For my own part, I have seen nothing yet in the conduct of the members which can warrant such an interference. If they have not been so temperate as some would wish, or if they have occasionally deviated from a strict adherence to principle, they have not sought to conceal their views, but every thing has been done with openness and sincerity. They have not, it is true, agreed to surrender their venerable and apostolic Prelates and Clergy into the hands of intriguing and selfish statesmen, to be bound hand and foot, and made the instruments to enslave the people; nor have they thanked the framers of LONDONDERRY ADDRESS.-A meet- a Bill which had been previously deing of the Freemen and Freeholders of clared to be schismatical. Had they Londonderry was held on the 8th of done these things, or had their meetFebruary inst. for the purpose of ad- ings been held in privacy, like those dressing the Regent, praying him to of Freemasons, or had their servility adopt such measures as may put an end and sycophancy been as conspicuous to the Catholic Board in Dublin. An as honour and independence were in Address was of course agreed to, and the breasts of their ancestors, we the addressers appear to have been in should not, perhaps, have heard of adsuch a hurry to communicate its senti- | dresses to put them down, but we ments to the public, that they have not should likely have been gratified with been able to wait till the address was some high-sounding praises of their presented to his Royal Highness, and loyalty and good conduct. I am cerofficially gazetted, but they have pub-tain that there is as much true loylished it as an advertisement in the co-alty to be found in the Irish Board of lumns of the Dublin Evening Post.The subject itself is very important, and completely demonstrate the legality of the Board, as at present constituted and conducted, while it evidently betrays the apprehensions of these men of pretended loyalty and liberality, at the progress of the Catholic Cause. It has been visible for


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Catholics, as in any body of men whatsoever in the kingdom. I am also convinced, that the stricter a Catholic acts up to the precepts of his religion, the more independent man and better subject will he be. As to the strength of the Catholic Cause, and the purity and legality of the measures taken by the Board to promote it, nothing can place

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"ed our neighbourhood-and mischievous and illegal associations are spreading terror and alarm amongst us. Unreservedly have we stated to your Royal Highness our situation "and apprehensions-fearlessly shall we now declare to you THE CAUSE. "To a self-constituted society, in "Dublin, styling itself the Catholic Board, we beg leave to turn your "Royal Highness's attention, as the "prolific source of much evil to our "Country."- -Now, reader, one

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these addressers, that they wise the most liberal-minded and peaceable citizens in the whole kingdom; and that the Board was one of the most danger. ous and seditious societies that ever met for a legal purpose. But how stands the case? Why, at the very time that these addressers are lamenting, in the garb of loyal subjects, the existence of illegal associations, they are encouraging and supporting the infamous and murderous confederacies of Orangemen; while the Board, con demning alike every association for an unlawful purpose, has addressed the Catholic People on the subject, and in the strongest terms exhorted them, as they value "the happiness of seeing "their Religion resound from the ca"lumuies and inflictions of centuries

the progress which it is making in a clearer light than the measure now proposed by the interested faction to check its strides; for to put it down is impossible. And what are the means used by these loyal men of Derry to accomplish the object of their desires? Falsehood and Calumny! These are the ingredients which form the address they have unblushingly announced is to be laid at the foot of the Throne in their name.- What would be said of Catholics if they were to follow this line of conduct?. In this their pub-would suppose, from the language of lished document, the Derry-men say, "For years we had lived in tran"quillity and peace--for years en"joyed EVERY BLESSING which a Con"stitution, happily established and 66 wisely administered, could impart <for years, NO Political or Religious "Distinctions were felt to have exist66 ence amongst us. In attachment to "the same Monarch, and piety to the same GoD, all minor feelings were "forgotten or lost."-If this is meant as it regards Protestants alone, it may be very true; but it is not so with respect to Catholics, who are deprived of most of the blessings which these | addressers boast of enjoying. But why talk about the same Monarch and the same God? Do not Catholics now worship the same God as the Protestants? Or are they less attached to the House" of persecution, and their Countryof Brunswick than these pious men of men of all classes and persuasions, Derry? If character and good con- "reconciled, coherent, and finally duct in all the duties of society, be a proof of the purity of religion and piety towards God, the Catholics can now stand a contrast with their Protestant neighbours; and if a constitutional submission to the laws, and a prodigality of blood shed in defence of the throne, be a proof of their attachment to the Brunswick Family, the Regent will not find more faithful sub-rage upon an inoffensive Catholic; and jects even among the high-flown loyal men of Derry." But (continue the addressers) these days of peaceful se"curity, appear, of late, to have pass"ed away the spirit of dissention has "breathed upon us-the feelings of "confidence and security have desert


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free," to shun all such illegal societies; declaring, at the same time, that it will render no assistance to those who may suffer from the adverse party if they are found to belong to any such meetings. To be sure the Board has likewise declared its determination to prosecute, by every legal means, such Orangemen as may commit any out

this, perhaps, is one reason for the Derry-men wishing to see the Board put down. These patriotic addressers disavow any intention to interfere with the Right of Petition. Yes, we may petition, to be sure; but then we must be as quiet about it as possible-we

or calumnies on other occasions-we must not hurt their feelings, or, as a correspondent of mine would call it, speak "uncharitably" of them. Keep clear of these things, and then you may Petition.

men) this Body, unknown to the "Constitution, assuming, with Jesu"itical humility, (sorry fellows!) the "the name of Petitioners, yet exercis"ing the authority of Dictators, pos❝sesses an influence incredible. In

must say nothing about their injustice | sertion that the pittance of the poor had been forced to swell the exchequer of the Board, this they knew also to be FALSE. As well might the same charge be made against the Bible Societies in this metropolis, who have "But (say the Derry-called upon the poor mechanic to contribute his weekly penny towards assisting in their fruitless and absurd schemes, which, I am convinced, are more dangerous to the existence of the Established Church than the admission of the Catholics to the benefits of the Constitution would prove to be. The contributions to the Board are voluntary, as well as those are to the Bible Fund; and surely a Catholic may dispose of his money as he pleases, if a Protestant may do the same. Oh! but Justice may be impeded-unjusti fiable actions may be maintained. Yes, we admit it: but if Justice may be impeded, it may also be accelerated; and a Derry Orangeman, after having committed an outrage on an ineffensive Catholic, may likely meet with that reward which he deserves.

the height of their assumption, they "have dared to exercise the Right of Taxation-the Pittance of the Poor "has been forced to swell their Exche

THE PETITIONS.-Before my next number goes to press, the Petitions of the Irish and English Catholics will, in all probability, be presented to Parliament. There are other important matters also to engage the attention of the Senate, viz. the Petition against Orange Societies, and another from the Irish Catholics, praying, in the event of a refusal of their claims, that they may be placed on the same foot

66 quer, and the hard earnings of indi66 gent Industry have been made to "contribute, partly to the personal "aggrandizement of self-elected De66 magogues, and partly been reserved " for purposes WE KNOW NOT WHAT. "By this Fund the stream of Public "Justice may be impeded in its course "Actions at Law, however unjusti66 fiable, may thus be maintained, and 66 oppressed Individuals may be oblig"ed to shrink from seeking Redress, "being unable to contend against the "Coffers of the Catholic Board."They therefore humbly pray for measures "to silence and put down a "Board, whose Existence. has sown "Discord whose Continuance must produce Division and Distraction in "THIS HITHERTO TRANQUIL "COUNTRY.”One would suppose, from the last words of this address, that Peace and Content had fix-ing with aliens, in respect to the Trial ed their abode in Ireland, till the humble but outrageous conduct of these Jesuitical Demagogues drove them from this happy island. But, reader, do you not blush for these addressers, who well knew, that the mass of the inhabitants of "this hitherto tranquil country," long before the existence of the naughty Board, yes, for more than two centuries, had been suffering un-expect to arrive at the summit of our heard-of Insult, Proscription, and Persecution, for no other crime than a strict adherence to the Religion of their Forefathers. With respect to the as

by Jury. All these things will tend to make this session peculiarly interesting to Catholics. If any of my readers are sanguine in their expectations of an immediate favourable issue, I would recommend them to moderate their hopes. Much remains yet to be done, and many prejudices, still existing, must be removed, before we can

wishes. The numbers will likely be less in our favour than we had last year; but then we shall know who are the friends of unconditional religious


liberty, and who are for shackling the | especially since the few remaining pilots

Catholic Clergy, in order to make them, in time, the instruments of their intrigues to keep the people in fetters. I trust, therefore, my Catholic countrymen will keep a steady eye upon the measures which may be proposed, and if they find our legislators aiming at a similar scheme to that which occupied their attention last session, that they will not lose a moment publicly to express, as their Irish brethren have already done, their determination not to accept of any arrangement which may endanger the sacred rights of the Clergy, or entrench upon the divine institutions of the Catholic Church.


London, Feb, 23, 1814.

To the Editor of the Orthodox Journal.

Wolverhampton, Feb. 12, 1814, SIR--A sort of desultory controversy has been carried on for more than two months in The Press and Globe newspaper, (See Dec. 23, Dec. 30, Feb. 10.) between the Hon. Robert Clifford, plaintiff, and the undersigned Representative of the Catholic Prelates of Ireland, defendant, on the subject of the Veto. What true Catholic acquainted with the religious character of the Cliffords and witness to the transactions in London of May last, the tyrannical and schismatical Bill, which was nearly carried through the Commons, the votes of public thanks which the abovementioned Hon. Gentleman and his little party solemnly passed in favour of Mr. Canning and Lord Castlereagh, the authors of the tyranny and schism in question, and of censure on that Bishop and Representative of Bishops for performing his bounden duty in opposing these, would not suppose that the object of the Hon. Robert Clifford, in coming forward in the Newspapers, on the above mentioned subject, was to apologize to the public for his misconduct and to thank those Prelates for detaining him within the bark of St. Peter, when he was on the point of throwing himself out of it,

on whose opinion he was supposed to rely, have since solemnly declared that the measure, on which he was bent, was such that they 66 can neither ap66 prove of it nor consent to it ?" Unfortunately, however, this is not the motive of the Hon. Gentleman in his publications on the odious subject, but rather to accumulate fresh indignities on the heads of those thirty Prelates to whom he owes the preservation of his Catholicity, and, we may hope, eventually the salvation of his soul.

In the course of last summer a pamphlet was stereotyped and gratuitously circulated, called The Origin and Progress of the Veto, for the evident purpose of exciting the public odium against those Prelates, as having originally planned the scheme of a Royal interference with the discipline of the Catholic Church, and as having afterwards prevaricated, by wantonly opposing that measure. Having had occasion to refute this statement in a late circular letter, I described it as being printed and distributed by the agents of the Private Board, or Board of Finance, of English Catholics, so called, at the expense of the contributors to this association. It now appears, from the declarations of the Hon. Gentleman, that he himself, who is a member and not an agent of this Board, was the author of the pamphlet, and that the expense of it is chargeable not to the Board itself, but to certain individuals, who nevertheless, as I am well in formed, are members of the Board. This unimportant error, the Gentleman, who is under such obligations to me, magnifies before the public into a gross calumny. Would it then have been unworthy the Board to publish what he himself has published? Or does he provoke a public inquiry into the several purposes for which the secret-service money has been employed, and maintain that the Board has not engaged for and actually paid expenses to a vastly greater amount, and

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