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ment of the Jesuits to the Pontiff's | would beg to ask should the Catholics own" dear Sons in Christ," and sub- be deprived of their undoubted birthmits the documents to the good sense right; why should they be made a of his unsophisticated countrymen. mark of scorn and derision, any more This, to be sure, is very generous and than their Protestant neighbours, if liberal behaviour, and all I have to their conduct as members of the state wish is, that his unsophisticated coun- is equally as meritorious, and their trymen will make a better use of their only offence, that of adhering, for good sense than the poor scribe has conscience sake, to the faith of their done of his brainless effusions.-The ancestors? Why? Because the InPanoramic wight enquires if the Ca- quisition is restored to its full power tholics will demand their rights? If in Spain, to be sure. And has not the Popery demands promotion, when all Pope issued a Bull to re-establish the the Monkish orders are restored to Jesuits in such Catholic countries as predominance? If we are called upon shall wish to avail themselves of their to support the Cowl and the Convent? services? exclaims the senseless and And if such is the case, he says the bigotted writer. Was ever such Catholics must be prepared to reply wretched logic offered to any other to the following civil observations. nation, as our base and venal scribes Has, he demands, the Inquisition offer to the liberal and enlightened resumed its power? Is it true that people of England-this vain-boasting the CHURCH of Rome does not per- and Protestant country-this land of secute? What example do the Ca- freedom and scriptural knowledge!-tholics set? What is the toleration But suppose the Inquisition has been practised by the Catholic Church ?- established in Spain with all the horTo these interrogatories I shall begrors attached to it, which John Bull leave to reply in a few words.-The has been taught to believe; what has Catholics certainly do intend to de- that to do with this country, or with mand their RIGHTS, until they are Ireland? The Inquisition never was granted-rights which have been un- established here, nor is there any likejustly withheld from them, under a lihood that it ever will, even if the mistaken idea, arising from the ca- nation now were wholly Catholic. Why lumnies of former times, and now then should that prevent the British or supported by the interested and bi- Irish Catholic from inheriting his birthgotted faction, that the tenets held by right? And, let me ask, why do our Prothem are inimical to a Protestant Go- testant countrymen exclaim so much vernment. This the Catholics have against the Inquisition in Spain, when denied, and have confirmed the de- they have similar establishments of claration with the sanctity of an oath. their own here, but under a different They have also called upon their op- name? What, for example, are er ponents to prove that their Church officio informations? What is that ever taught such doctrines; but this Association called the Society for the their antagonists never did, nor could Suppression of Vice? Ilave they not do, and therefore content themselves their informers, their fines and impriwith re-asserting their calumnious sonments, by means of the civil power? falsehoods. But, in petitioning for And have we uot heard of individuals these rights, they do not demand that whose only offence has been the bakPopery should be PROMOTED.-Alling of a dinner on a Sunday for some that the Catholics ask for is, that they may be put upon the same level as their Protestant fellow-subjects, instead of being held out, as they now are, by the "No Popery" faction, as objects theNo of scorn and jealousy.-And why I

poor wretch, who perhaps had not the means of cooking it at home, being summoned before the magistrates, by the hired and interested informer, and fined, or imprisoned if too poor to pay, while the rich offender can em

other crime than the exercise of their priestly functions.I have been as sured by a gentleman of the most un impeachable character, and who, I am confident, could have no interest, either in this world or in the next, in deceiving me, that greater lenity cannot possibly be shewn than is exercised in the prisons of Portugal and Spain. I do not say but abuses may have taken place; but is not that the case in all human institutions? Have we not had petitions presented to the Senate complaining of inhuman and tyrannical proceedings in our gaols? Nay, does not history record instances, where even the trial by jury has been made to answer the purposes of a vicious government? Why then are our pub

ploy his servants to prepare a sumptuous entertainment on the same day, not only without danger of molestation, but the magistrate and some of the members of the Vice suppressing Club, will make no scruple to participate in the offence.-If the Panoramic Editor and his readers will look into Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown, 1. c. 7. he will there find it laid down, that "All blasphemies against God, ALL "impostures in religion, as falsely "pretending to extraordinary com"missions from God, and terrifying ❝or abusing the people with false de"nunciations of judgment, inasmuch "as they tend to subvert all religion and morality are punishable by the " temporal judges with fine and impri66 sonment, and also such corporal in-lic writers so ready in blaming their "famous punishment as to the Court in discretion shall seem meet, ac66 cording to the heinousness of the "crime."-Now, will this scribe shew that the Inquisition, against which so much abuse has been levelled, possesses or ever assumed a greater power than what is here granted to the Executive of this country. And if those who have so repeatedly changed their own doctrines, have authority to punish and correct others for doing the like; surely the ministers of that religion which has never been altered, but remains still the same, have equal power to decide upon the truth or falsity of any new fangled doctrines which may be attempted to be spread among the people of Spain or Portugal.-The Inquisition, at least as far as the Catholic Clergy are concerned, never pretended to more authority than what is conceded in Hawkins's Pleas to the British Cabinet; and as to the tortures said to be practised upon the unhappy prisoners, they are entitled to the same degree of veracity as the infamous tenets attempted to be fixed upon the Catholic religion, and were invented, no doubt, to gloss over the barbarous executions which took place in Elizabeth's reign, when so many Catholic Priests were hung, drawn, and quartered, and their bowels burnt,



Catholic neighbours for the same er rors that Protestants commit? And why do the people in general applaud such ungenerous conduct? Did not the decree of Ferdinand expressly declare, that it was his intention to perfect the establishment in such a man. ner as to render it eminently useful to his subjects? Why then bespatter him with so much invective for his desire to reform the abuses of which you complain? Another gentleman of equal integrity to the former likewise assured me, that, during his residence in Portugal, he made enquiry of a ve nerable Clergyman, then about eighty years of age, who solemnly declared, that he remembered but one criminal suffering death in his life-time, under that tribunal. Indeed so cautious are the Inquisitors in receiving informa tions, that unless three witnesses exactly agree in stating the time and nature of the offence said to be committed, or if they suspect there is any ma lice or interested motives existing in the breasts of the informers, they will not proceed against the accused per sons. And, it should further be observed, that the crimes recognizable by the Inquisition, are publicly read once in the year, at high mass, in every church throughout those countries where that tribunal is established, in

order that the people may not be ignorant of the consequences. These crimes are such as tend to subvert all religion and morality, and such as are punishable by the laws of this country. But does not the Church of Rome persecute? NO; the religion of the church of Rome is NOT a persecuting religion. For myself, I have been educated in its faith from my in fancy, and I can assert, without the least violation of truth, that there is not one precept in its doctrines, which does not inculcate and breath the purest principles of Charity and Benevolence to all mankind. I know very well that my infatuated countrymen have been taught to the contrary; but the doctrines which they have been led to believe were held by Catholics, are no more those of the church of Rome, than they are of the church of England. But we are asked, What example do the Catholics set? And what is the toleration practised by the church of Rome?-If this reviewwriter is really ignorant of the conduct of the Catholics both in this and foreign countries, I will endeavour to shew him that the example which they have set is worthy of being followed by English Protestants. The Catholic King of Hungary has granted equal privileges to his Protestant subjects. The Catholic King of France has guaranteed that Frenchmen, of whatever religion they may be, are all equally entitled to enjoy the honours and privileges of the state. The Catholic Cantons of Switzerland enjoy a greater degree of political liberty than the Protestant ones of that Confederacy. In Ireland, the Catholics have manfully resisted the mandates of a Papal rescript, because it retrenched upon their civil rights, and was procured by ministerial intrigue.-They have moreover declared their determination not to accept of emancipation upon any other terms than its being unrestricted, because they found that the Ministers wanted to corrupt their Clergy, and thus by making them the instruments of their political knavery, ORTHOD. JOUR. VOL. II.

they would not only endanger the purity of their own church, but would also hazard the safety of the remaining liberties of their Protestant brethren; they therefore preferred their present state of slavery, to an emancipation granted with the loss of their honour and honesty, which should emancipate one party to enslave and corrupt the other. In this the Laity were most virtuously and nobly seconded by their ve nerable Clergy, who disinterestedly rejected the pensions proffered them by Government, when they found the ac ceptance of them was likely to cost the price of their integrity; and they have, under the most trying circumstances, given convincing proofs of their unbought and unpurchaseable loyalty, in the peaceable and orderly demeanour of their flocks, which cannot be more strongly manifested than by stating the notorious fact, that the capital convictions in ONE county in England at the last assizes EXCEEDED those of the WHOLE country of CATHOLIC Ireland. It may further be observed that the criminal executions in Protestant England alone, in one year, exceed those of all the Catholic countries in Europe in the same space of time! Does the Editor require any more examples?

RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES.-The re-establishment of the Monastic Institutions in the States of the Church, for it is to be observed that the Edict of his Holiness extends no farther, has created an universal alarm in this country, and nothing is heard but expressions of terror at the rapid strides which the Pontiff is now making to obtain a complete domination over the universe-and this is to be a domination too, not only of the body, but of the mind. How this matter is to be accomplished, our poor deluded countrymen are not informed; but Monkery is one link in the chain which is to bind us all in slavery. Poor souls! to what a terrible lot are we doomed!

Shocking, however, as the scene is painted to our view by the hireling

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and infatuated scribes, I cannot help in a place dedicated to the service of laughing at the cowardly and selfish the God of Truth, had the impious conduct of my Protestant brethren.— audacity to assure his hearers that the Does not this country abound with Catholic Priests in Ireland were the Religious societies? the greater part greatest thieves upon earth.-If such of which, it should be observed, are is the case, I wonder we do not hear formed upon the charitable principle of some of them expiating their guilt of brushing away the dust which has by an ignominious death, or making a covered the eyes of the children of voyage to a distant colony, seeing Popery, and to enable them to see they have not the benefit of the law to the worse than Egyptian darkness in screen them in their crimes. Before, in sc which they have been enveloped by however, this gentleman again at the Scarlet Beast? And why may tempt to harangue an audience, I not the Italians have their Religious would have him look at the Church Orders too? Why should our Pro- catechism; and he will there find that testant countrymen wish to monopo- he is not only to refrain " from picklize the merit of forming spiritual in-❝ing and stealing," but also to keep stitutions? Why not let other nations his tongue from "evil lying and slanparticipate? Besides, if their Religious "dering." societies are so base and superstitious as the hireling press represents them, CATHOLIC WORKS.-The activity ought they not to excite pity or con- and zeal displayed by our misguided tempt, rather than alarm? How countrymen to combat the supposed childish, how contemptible, is this errors of Popery, and to disseminate fear of Popery. Can any thing better their pernicious calumnies against Ca evince the purity of the Catholic Re- tholicity, for which purpose they have ligion, than the dread which its op- marshalled themselves into different ponents always shew at its prospe- corps, such as Bible-societies, Relirity. Orders were given to shut up gious Tract-societies, Hibernian-societhe mouths of the Canadian Catholic ties, &c. &c. &c. are truly great, and Clergy, and now the cry is, pare the such as ought to arouse the dormant nails of the beast, to prevent the fur- feelings of Catholics in defence of that ther growth of Popery. If Protes- holy religion nurtured by the blood of tantism is so pure, and so far superior their crucified Redeemer.-How many to Popery, in ensuring happiness to and how vile are the falsehoods circumankind, both here and hereafter, lated through the Press against the there can be no need of fear, and the True Religion! Why then not exert preacher of Popery will surely be ourselves to stem the torrent by which worsted. However, I would recom- we are threatened to be overwhelmed? mend my Protestant countrymen, if-As the Press sends forth the venomthey wish to succeed in converting us ous poison, let the Press also prepare from our unfortunate delusion, to the antidote. To effect this desirable make use of that formidable weapon-end, as far as my endeavours will enTRUTH. Ply us well with that; but able me to do, I have engaged more give us no more calumny and lies; commodious premises, No. 5, Orangebecause you will only harden us in street, Red Lion-square, Holborn, our infatuation.-Do not apply those and I respectfully solicit the patronage detestable and unchristian-like means of the Catholic public in general to pursued by the leaders of the Hiber- promote the undertaking. Catholic nian society, which have been so ably Clergymen and Gentlemen who are in exposed by my excellent and worthy possession of controversial and other correspondent J. C.-In his letter on Catholic works, tending to counteract this society, in my present number, the false and spurious tenets laid to our he informs us that a reverend preacher, charge, and who are desirous of pub

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erected by Pope Innocent the Third, against the Albigenses, a set of perfidious heretics, who dissembled their errors, and were guilty of profaning the sacraments, a belief in which they excluded from their creed. But the council of Verona, held in 1184, had, before this time, directed the bishops of Lombardy to make strict search after heretics, and if, when apprehended, they remained obstinate, to deliver them over for corporal punishment to the civil magistrate. (Fleury, Hist. Eccl. l. 73. n. 54.) The Count of Toulouse adopted this tribunal in 1229; and in 1233 Pope Gregory the Ninth confided the management of it to the Dominicans. Innocent IV. tablished it in every part of Italy excepting Naples. It was established in Spain in 1448, in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, and in Portugal, under John the Third, in the year


subject to the same regulations. In the year 1545, Paul the Third had formed the congregation of the Inquisition under the name of the Holy Office, which was confirmed by Sixtus the Fifth in the year 1588. When the Spaniards established themselves in America, they introduced the Inquisition also there, and it was introduced into the Portuguese dominions in the East Indies, as soon as it had been sanctioned at Lisbon.

SIR,-In your number for August you express a wish for some informa-1557. In these two kingdoms it was tion concerning the Inquisition. In compliance with your request I send you the following extracts from The Encyclopédie Methodique, respecting that tribunal. The articles in that work which concerned religious subjects were supplied by the Abbè Bergier, who was Canon of Paris, and Director to the present King of France. Bergier is a divine in high estimation among Catholics; and if such a man animadverts with freedom on the tribunal alluded to, it is surely to be presumed that this tribunal is not necessarily connected with the Catholic Religion.

T. M. M. D.

"INQUISITION.-An ecclesiastical tribunal, erected by the Sovereign Pontiffs in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Indies, with a view to the extirpation of Jews, Moors, Infidels, and Heretics. It is not by any means our object to eulogise this tribunal or its manner of proceeding, but, as it has been to heretics and infidels a fruitful subject of calumnies and imposture, one naturally seeks to ascertain what is true and what is false in the reports relating to it. The date of its institution is about the year 1200. It was

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"From this detail, and from what we shall afterwards take occasion to

observe, it will satisfactorily appear, that in NO kingdom in Christendom was the tribunal of the Inquisition erected without the consent (in some instances indeed it was at the request) of the sovereign. This is a fact of essential consequence; a fact, however, studiously omitted in declamations against this court.

The authors of these declamations would insinuate that it has always owed its erection to the mere authority of the Pope; and that too in violation of the rights of the sovereign; whereas it is demonstrable, that in no single instance has the Inquisitorial Court exercised its

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