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and to teach their flocks to "Render | gians appear to think otherwise, and "to Cæsar the things which belong to have DECREED that "the Catholics "Cæsar; and to God the things" ought to receive and embrace with "which belong to God." But, my " content and GRATITUDE the law which fellow Catholics, suffer not yourselves" was proposed last year for their to be deluded by these men, but come emancipation." Now this is at least forward and declare your abhorrence an apparent assumption of foreign suof their practices. Protest against their periority or pre-eminence in civil affairs; unprincipled measures, which are cal- and therefore I do contend that these culated not only to subvert your holy gentlemen are bound by their oaths to religion, but also the happiness and disavow this part of the Rescript, in welfare of your country.-The Board order to allay the fears of those who is taking great pains to disseminate the have been under such a dread of the Letter of M. Quarantotti, and the Ve- influence of the Papal Power over the toists are in high spirits at its contents; minds of the Catholics.-This influence but I really cannot see that their cause has been a bugbear in the eyes of our is likely to be benefited by it. At all Protestant brethren, and it has terrified events, if the Board has a mind to be them most terribly for a long time; but consistent, it must disclaim that part of it will now sink into oblivion. For the the document which says, that "the independent conduct of our Irish bre"chief duty of a Minister of the Church thren, both Clergy and Laity, in their "is to attend every where to the Pro- resistance to this Rescript, must con"pagation of the Catholic Faith, which vince the most fastidious that the Powalone lead to eternal happiness, er of the Pope in civil matters is a mere "and the removal of error." For the phantom. Hence, then, the publica Board has declared that it "decidedly tion of the Letter will not be without "disapproves of EVERY publication, its good effects. But they will be quite "either illiberal in language or uncha- contrary to the intentions of those who "ritable in substance, injurious to the were instrumental in procuring it. In"character or offensive to the just stead of accelerating emancipation, it "feelings of any of our Christian bre- will probably retard it for a time. But "thren."-But if it is the duty of a it will tend to remove much of the preCatholic Clergyman to preach, per- judice which Protestants have imbibsuade, and advise, in order that they ed, that the Catholic Religion is inimireclaim those who are in error to the cal to Liberty; and it will convince Orthodox Faith, it will be impossible many who held a different opinion, for them to do it without offending the that although Catholics pay an implicit feelings of some of our Christian bre- obedience to the See of Rome in points thren, and therefore the Board must of Faith and Doctrine, they also know decidedly disapprove of doing that how to appreciate their duty as Citiwhich, M. Quarantotti says, "We are zens of the British Empire. It was my 66 taught by the precepts of the Gospel intention to offer some remarks upon "and the example of the Apostles and M. Quarantotti's Rescript; but as it "their successors." Most of the Mem- IS NOT DECISIVE, but will certainly unbers of the Board have also taken an dergo a revision before our Holy Fa oath, in which they declare that theyther, and a Consistory of Cardinals, I do not believe that the Pope of Rome, or any other foreign Prince or Prelate State or Potentate, hath, or ought to have, any temporal or civil jurisdiction, power, superiority, or pre-eminence, directly or indirectly, within this realm. This is also my belief; but M. Quarantotti and the council of Theolo

shall content myself with laying before my readers a Rescript from the Secre tary of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide, in 1805, when the Veto was first broached, by which they will see the sentiments of the Apostolic See, when his Holiness was at full liberty, and there can be very little

reason to expect that the opinions of the Holy Father have changed, since he has given us such an heroic example of resistance, in his unparalleled sufferings under Buonaparte, for refusing to grant that tyrant a similar concession.

Copy of a Letter from the Secretary de Propaganda Fide to Dr. Con


"The Letter to Dr. Milner, Vicar Apostolic of the Middle District of England, directed to you, the Translation of which, by his desire, you have communicated to the Secretary of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide, has filled the Congregation with the same apprehensions manifested by the Prelates, in considering the time of deciding the fortunes of the Catholics by Parliament, as the most dangerous for the purity and existence of our holy Religion, that has occurred since the time of the Reformation in that kingdom; nor is it any injustice to an heterodox Government, if this very measure be suspected of having that tendency; for which reason the Vicars Apostolic and the Bishops of that Empire must lay aside every idea of their own advantage or temporal interests, that their hearts may not be weakened so far as to induce them to consent to any thing that may turn out prejudicial to Religion.

"This spirit of disinterestedness is manifested in Dr. Milner, from the tenor of his letter; and in consequence of it, he wisely desires of the Sacred Congregation instructions, by which he may be guided in the Treaty in which he is engaged.

"The Sacred Congregation, however, finds all projects submitted to him, by those politicians, replete with most serious difficulties.-In the first place, as to the project of allowing fixed pensions from the Treasury to the Bishops and Clergy of the Empire, his Holiness has already expressed his sentiments on that head, by means of a note directed to you from the Secretary, on the 7th of August 1801, which being communicated to the Metropolitans and Bishops of Ireland, they answered, that they would cheerfully surrender every Temporal advantage for the preservation of Religion. A copy of that note is annexed, and to be sent to Dr. Milner. And, in truth, by accepting such Pensions, the Clergy will lose many other means of support, which they now derive from the piety of the faithful, and those Pensions would be their only support. Now, who does not perceive to what serious temptations the Clergy would be exposed, by consenting to something prejudicial to Religion, which can, even without notice, reduce them to beggary, by withdrawing those Pensions. For this, and many other reasons, when the National Assembly of France adopted the maxim of giving pensions to the Clergy, Pius VI. of holy memory, condemned in his Brief, of the 10th March, 1791, page 61, and Seq.; ORTHOD. JOUR. VOL. II.

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and when the Court of London obtained pos-
session of Corsica, and made a similar propo-
gave up the project,
sal, the Holy See opposed it, and that Court

"With regard to the influence demanded

by the Civil Power in the nomination of Bishops, and the various proposals made to regulate that influence, it is to be observed, that a positive nomination CANNOT be allowed to an heterodox Government: to shew this, it will be sufficient to recur to the sentiments of Pope Benedict XIV.-this Pontiff, in a letter addressed to the Bishop of Breslau, 15th May, 1748, thus expresses himself, "That in the whole Ecclesiastical History, there is not re corded a single example of allowing the appointment of a Catholic Bishop or Abbot to a Sovereign of another religion; adding, that he would not, and could not, introduce an example, that would scandalize the whole Ca tholic world; and that, besides the dreadful judgment inflicted on him in the next world, he would render his name odious and accursed during his life, and much more so after his death." The same difficulty would arise although the right of appointment were limited to a class of Clergymen to be first approved of by the Bishops, as for example, in which two were to be appointed in each diocese or district. But, besides, this project (of Vicars) involves the greatest difficulties on account of local circumstances; for, even abstracting from the possible ambition of Clergymen to be appointed Vicars-General by the Bishops, and Vicars-Apostolic, when the candidates are selected from the labouring Clergy, even the ambitious are induced to labour for the benefit of souls. It is also clear, that, if in such a want of Clergy to be selected for the post of Vicar-General, Missionaries will become scarce indeed. The simple right of excluding or rejecting would produce fewer inconveniences, were it properly limited; because otherwise, by continually excluding, a positive right might be indirectly obtained.

"But this is entirely new, nor can the consequences of its introduction be calculated; but as all these projects are mentioned for the purpose of giving security to the Government, that no obnoxious person will be promoted, it should be sufficient to recur to experience of so many ages, to assure the Government of the anxiety of the Holy See, not only that the persons elected should not be obnoxious, but even pleasing to it Even you, Sir, can attest the great industry, activity, and secresy, used by the Holy See, in excluding a person, some time ago, who was suspected would not be pleasing to the Court, although he was most strongly and powerfully recommended, and appointed another who would certainly be acceptable. Moreover, the Sacred Congregation, being always in the habit of paying attention to the recommendations and postulations of the Metropolitans and other Vicars Apostolic, and even to the Clergy of the respective Dioceses, before it presents such persons to his Holiness, it must readily know which persons are not acceptable to that Go


conversation, which is said to have taken place on the preceding evening in the House of Commons, and which is of considerable importance to the Catholics of this kingdom. In this report it is stated by the editor, that Sir J. C. Hippesley, in moving that some papers, which had been previously produced, in order that the House might be put in possession of the regulations which had been adopted respecting his Majesty's Catholic subjects in Malta and Canada, and other documents which threw light on the nature of the practice of the Roman Catholic Church, alluded to the re-establish ment of the Order of Jesuits, the plans for which, he said, were deeply laid,

vernment, so as to exclude them entirely. As to the wish of the Nobility to have Bishops instead of Vicars Apostolic, considered abstractedly, it is most holy and consonant to the Constitution of the Church, and had been long since spoken of in England, the object alone which they have in view unpleasant, that of having Prelates less attached to the Holy See. But Rome would be under no apprehension from such change, from the conduct of the Irish Roman Catholic Bishops, with whom she is equally satisfied and pleased, as with the Vicars Apostolic of England and Scotland, even without adventuring; that although, as to right, their condition is different, still experience teaches that the consequences are the same. The circumstances of the times should alone be adverted to, and the inconveniences which may probably be excited by the Cisalpine Club, to point out the própriety of wording any change. The most fatal of all projects would be (although Dr. Milner says it is entertained but by few) THAT OF SUBJECTING ALL COMMU-and those best acquainted with the NICATION WITH ROME TO THE EXAMINATION OF HIS MAJESTY'S MINISTERS. This Right has never been acknowledged by the Holy See in any Catholic Prince, and the example quoted of France is limited by the Concordats to Ecclesiastical Appointments. But how much more dangerous would

state of Ireland dreaded the event. An other circumstance, which he thought should be viewed WITH JEALOUSY Was, the frequent meetings which had been held by the Catholic Clergy in Ire land; an assumption of authority the it be in an heterodox Government of opposite religious maxims. It is to be hoped that the more wonderful, considering the refew who proposed it will not have adher-strictions which the Catholic Clergy ents to it, and that a Government, WHICH BOASTS OF GIVING COMPLETE LIBERTY TO ITS SUBJECTS, will not impose chains in those delicate concerns which regard conscience, ON WHICH ALONE the Catholics confer with the Holy See, as appears from the questions sent by this Sacred Congregation to the Bishops and Vicars Apostolic, to be a guide and rule in their relation of the state of their Dioceses, the first article of which is, that it does not seek for political news It has been matter of great comfort to the Sacred Congeegation to find, that Dr. Milner has obtained great liberty of conscience for the Catholic Soldiery, and that he

has induced many personages to assent to a law validating marriages contracted before Catholic Priests. The Sacred Congregation desires you to return him their sincerest thanks; finally, the subscribing Secretary assures you of his esteem, &c. &c. &c.

Let the reader weigh this document well within his mind, and he will then be able to form a correct opinion of the measure of the Veto, and of the conduct of the WHOLE Irish Clergy in opposing it.

had submitted to in Catholic as well as in Reformed Countries. The columns of the Dublin papers were full of accounts or projects of such as semblies; and to prove their assump tion of corporate authority, he had only to refer to resolutions of the Catho at Dublin on the 16th of Feb. 1810. lic Prelates, adopted in a meeting held He hoped the Government of Ireland meetings. If this report is correct, I was alive to the consequences of such hope my Catholic countrymen will also be alive to the consequences of Vetoism.

It may perhaps be necessary to remark, that the Hon. Baronet, who is tion of Government to the synodical here represented as calling the atten meetings of the Irish Catholic prelates, is the new and avowed friend of a well known character in the private trans actions of the Board of English Catho lics, and may therefore, in some mea PROTESTANT JEALOUSY.-In Thements of that body. It seems, then, sure, be supposed to speak the senti Morning Chronicle of the 18th inst. from the above account, that there ex (May) I find the report of a debate orists a desire among some of our legis

lators, not only to put down the Lay Board of Irish Catholics, (we hear no complaint of that servile and self-appointed one on this side the water) but also to prevent the venerable and truly disinterested Catholic hierarchy of Ireland from meeting in synod, to discuss matters purely religious, and which meetings, let it be observed, are occasioned by measures being introduced into Parliament by these very men, inimical to the existence of that divine creed which the prelates are bound to defend, even at the expense of their lives. This, to be sure, is extremely kind and liberal on the part of our pretended friends. They propose to emancipate us-to admit us into the bosom of the British Constitution, founded by our Catholic ancestors. But when we find that the measures introduced by these gentlemen will ultimately tend to destroy not only the purity of our faith, but the li-efficient rescript, although issued from berties of our country, and therefore the Propaganda at Rome, declaim refuse to accept the boon on these dis- against synodical meetings, and wish graceful terms, we are calumniated by to silence by force what they cannot our enemies, and held out by those overcome by Machievalism? But do who call themselves our friends as ob- you call this Emancipation, good Vetojects of JEALOUSY. But WHY, I men? Is this English Liberty? Is this beg leave to ask-WHY should Ca- the way you would establish Civil and tholic Bishops not have the privilege Religious Freedom?--Catholics, beto assemble and discuss religious sub-ware! Be not deluded by the deceitful jects, and it is on these points ONLY that they pretend to determine, as well as the Synod of Ulster-the Kirk of Scotland-the Quakers, who have their annual and quarterly meetings-the Methodists, and the various other sects with which this enlightened country abounds? Why should Government jealous of the meetings of these venerable patriarchs, than of those sectaries I have mentioned? Are

which they are the ostensible guar. dians, from the intrigues of those men, who are endeavouring to subvert it, by framing laws which are considered as militating against its principles?What then are we to think of this cry about Jealousy? Does it not savour more of hypocrisy than of sincerity? What can we think of those men, who have been so long labouring to gain their ends by means the most disgusting to us as Catholics and Englishmen -who have been trying to shackle our venerable Clergy in a disgraceful bondage, under pretence of obtaining for the Laity a specious emancipationand now, because they find themselves thwarted and foiled in all their measures because they find the sacred "Watchmen" vigilant and incorruptible-because they find they are not to be overcome either by the allurements of a pension, or the decree of an in

be more



meetings more dangerous to the stability and good order of government? Are their decisions more injurious to morality, or the welfare and happiness of society? And what is THE CAUSE of these meetings, which have excited so much occasion for the jealousy of Government? Is it not to preserve the purity of that holy religion, established by Christ himself, of

Had the ve

promises of these men! Be not allured
by the prospect of temporal advan-
tages! Depend upon it, the ruin of
your religion will follow the proposed
concession of the Veto.
nerable Prelates coincided in the views
of these political jugglers, we should
have heard nothing about JEALOUSY at
their meetings-things would have
gone on smoothly, and all would have
been well with these gentlemen. But
remember, Catholics, when our eighth
Heary first extorted from the Convo-
cation of the Clergy a confession, that
"the King was the Protector and the
supreme Head of the Church and

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King's direction, that the Bishop of Rome had, by the law of God, no more jurisdiction in England, than any other foreign bishop. After this had been granted by the Clergy, they were restrained, under severe penalties, from meeting in convocation, without the King's leave, and the temporizing bishops promised never to meet nor decide on any matter, though purely spiritual, but as his Majesty should direct. This compliant conduct would suit our Veto-men; but, thanks to an all-wise Providence, there is one happy circumstance, on which we may build our safety. Harry found only one bishop, who had courage enough to resist his ambitious and irreligious views. Now we have only one willing to take an active part in favour of the obnoxious measure. Here then is our sheet anchor; on this let us rely during the impending storm. But, in the mean time, let us, the laity, publicly pledge ourselves not to accept of any temporal privilege or advantage, on terms which shall at all involve the independence of our Clergy, or the purity of our Religion.

Another curious and important circumstance, as connected with the liberty of conscience and freedom of the subject, is stated in the above report.

It appears that an estate, called Castle Brown, in Ireland, has been purchased for 16,000l. and a seminary established for the instruction of youth. This institution has also been held out to Government as a proper object of JEALOUSY; and for what reason, do you imagine, reader? Why, because the gentleman at the head of is

men at this enlightened era who look upon these venerable fathers as a formidable band of intriguers, and who have strange fears of their being reorganized by the present Pope. These gentlemen may talk about intrigues, but I am inclined to think that they are far better versed in such arts, than the fathers of the sacred society they calumniate, whose lives, from the first institution of the order to the present day, have given a direct contradiction: to the foul aspersions heaped upon them, for besides the purity and sanctity of their manners, they were conspicuous for a virtue of which their enemies cannot boast, DISINTERESTEDNESS; and this may, perhaps, be the cause of the hatred borne against them at this moment.-However, reader, Mr. Kenny, for that is the gentleman's name, belonged to the order of the Jesuits, the peculiar object of which is, to promote the glory of God, and the essential good of mankind; by teaching the different branches of literature, from the first rudiments of Latin grammar to the sublime lessons of astronomy; by instructing children and the ignorant in the principles and duties of religion; by assisting the faithful, whether rich or poor, in their wants, and to direct them in the path of salvation, as well by writing as by word of mouth; in short, Mr. Kenny belonged to a society, the members of which, says Dr. Robertson, in his history of Charles Vth, "by "the improvements they have made in "the methods for promoting the in"struction of youth, have contributed


A JESUIT!.... Nay, don't be frightened, reader; we know there"

have been times when wretches have sworn, and Englishmen have believed and paid them for it too, that

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so much to the progress of polite "literature, that, on "literature, that, on this account they have merited well of society. "Nor has the order of the Jesuits," he continues," been successful only "in teaching the elements of litera"ture; it has produced likewise emi"nent masters in many branches of "science, and CAN ALONE boast of

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a greater number of ingenious au"thors, than all the other religious "fraternities put together." This, reader, is the testimony of a Protestant

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