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would caution the parents of the children against sending them any longer to a place, which professes to be a Catholic School, but which excludes all Catholic instruction; such a system can lead to nothing else than a complete indifference for any particular form of religion-by which means its supporters I conjecture hope to sub-century towards their Popish brethren,

against the various sectarians, with the same freedom as they have poured out their virulent abuse against the ancient faith, but with a greater degree of sincerity and truth. My readers have seen in my last number, the liberal and very charitable ideas imbided by the Protestants of the seventeenth

vert them from Popery. But in this I have no doubt they will meet with disappointment, and that the professors of Popery will be as invulnerable to the arts of Seduction as they have proved themselves to be against the force of Persecution.

PROTESTANT CHARITY.-A pamphlet is now before me, printed at Manchester which contains the celebrated speech of Dr. Dromgoole on the 8th of December last, with a "COMMENTARY," said in the title page to be "published at the request of a "few Patriotic Friends, and earnestly "recommended to the perusal of every "Protestant in the British empire." Who the author of this Commentary is, we are not informed; he was too modest to give us his name, and he therefore contents himself with the signature of A PROTESTANT." It is a great pity the writer did not avow himself, as we should then have known to whom we are indebted for the charitable opinion he has given us of Popery, and the great benefit he has rendered to his countrymen, in cautioning them against the admittance of such dangerous animals into the pale of that Constitution which was founded and enjoyed by a similar sort of beings, but is now become the sole property of a race of liberal and en

lightened Protestants. The speech of the learned doctor, as I have before observed in a former number, was an unanswerable piece of oratory, and contained no one sentiment which could not be justified, or proved not to be founded on fact. It was a manly and an open avowal of Catholic Principles, in which the speaker forcibly urged his objections and opinions

if I may be allowed that term: and I shall now make a few extracts from the work in question, to shew that our Protestant commentator of this enlightened period is determined not to be behind hand in bespattering us with the same foul invective and infamous falsehoods. Unable to combat the arguments advanced by the learned doctor, the commentator begins by an exhortation to his countrymen to beware of the foreign and domestic enemies of their political and religious establishments, who cease not to plot the destruction of their glorious and happy Constitution-hints at the hostility and vindictiveness of spirit which burns in the bosoms of these foes-and talks of having traced, through the intricate windings of deceitful professions of attachment and fidelity, that rancorous enmity which, while it smiles in your face, grasps the murderous dagger, and meditates the secret stab-which is to sap the foundation of their liberties, and to annihilate the religion to which our excellent laws owe their incomparable perfection. He then goes on to say,

"That in the hearts of these very men (the Papists) there exists a mortal enmity, a rooted and implacable hatred, springing up from their polluted consciences, against the sacred code which protects and nourishes them;-a fixed and determined principle of hostility, which callous to every sensation of

gratitude, coolly and deliberately plots the

extermination of that venerable and besecures to them EVERY SPIRITUAL and temporal blessing that they are capable of enjoying Yes, gratitude so base, are slow to believe that it Protestants, strangers to the existence of incan find a place in a human breast; nay, even in the breast of a member of the Church

nevolent power which

of Rome! In the abundance of that charity,

which is the true characteristic of their re

ligion, the unsuspecting Protestant turns a deaf ear to the peals of evidence which the

history of other times pours upon him, and shuts his eyes upon the page which records the bloody deeds that have proved the existence, nay, the active energy, of that direful spirit, which, for the honour of human nature, has never dwelt BUT IN PAPISTS, in Sa

vages, and in Heathens."

wish to participate (not to controul or domineer) in the honours and labours of the Civil branches of the state, I think it is morally impossible that the Papist can be ungrateful; he may, perhaps, be too aspiring-too presumptuous-to think of being placed upon an equality with such a superior cast of our fellow mortals, as Protest

Leaving our commentator to reconcile the absurdities contained in this paragraph; and to inform his readers by what means the Papists can be pro-ants seem to consider themselves, but tected and nourished, when they are persecuted and proscribed; or how that power can be said to secure to the Papist EVERY SPIRITUAL and TEMPORAL blessing that they are capable of enjoying, when its laws deprive them of the FREE enjoyment of either; I shall just notice his accusation of our want of gratitude, be cause the charge is somewhat new, and

ingratitude must be left out of the question, unless indeed our accuser can prove that we are indebted to the Protestant part of the community for any benefits conferred; but that is not in his power.

The following is the Manchester gentleman's charitable description of the Catholic religion, and the manner which its teachers adopt to convert the numerous and still increasing prose

at the same time of a nature which no man likes to be accused of. We have long borne the charges of being igno-lytes to the true Catholic faith:--

rant, superstitious, led by priestcraft, enemies to civil and religious freedom, and a long train of other bad qualities; but now we are to have the sin of ingratitude added to the catalogue of our crimes. I really wish this Anti-Popery gentleman had shewn us How we were guilty of it; for my opinion is, that the charge can be brought nearer to the Protestant than to the Papist. The Constitution itself was established by our Papistical ancestors, and the Churches which Protestants now use were also built by the former; nevertheless, the Papist son is now excluded from the privileges of that Constitution founded by his Popish father, although he contributes to support it by his blood and treasure, equally with his Protestant brother. The Churches are become the sole property of the Protestant, although built by the Papists; nevertheless, the latter contribute to support the ministers by the payment of tythes, and to repair the Churches, by the payment of Church rates, equally with the Protestant, although the latter reaps the whole benefit. Now, as

"Popery is a WILD AND SAVAGE BEAST OF PREV, our ancestors caught and shackled it. Finding itself overpowered, it had recourse to stratagem. Fawning on its keepers, it lulled their suspicion asleep, and deceived by of coercion for a genuine change of nature: its assumed aspect, they mistook the effects they gradually loosened the chain by which THE MONSTER was bound, they took away one link after another, until scarcely the sha dow of restraint was left. The monster felt

his returning liberty; he thought his prey was yet within his grasp;-the SMELL OF BLOOD roused his carniverous appetite, and he begins to rage, with insatiable fury, after the delicious draft."" A Papist (he says) does no discriminate between the religion he perse cutes, and the PERSON of its professor. In of the Son of God, exemplified and illustrated his endeavours to exterminate the Religion under the name of PROTESTANTISM, he at tempts not to ARGUE on the points at issue; much less does he dare to appeal to Revelation. For he well knows, that as Reason will detect Scriptures would condemn his palpable HERE and confute his glaring absurdities--so the SIES. He has therefore no method left him of vindicating his wretched religion, but by ex emplifying the benignity of its principles in THE MURDER OF ITS ADVERSARIES.


records of every country in Europe, which has ever groaned under Papal jurisdiction, furnishes ample and indubitable evidence, that wherever the Romish Church possessed the power, she has uniformly silenced all oppo sition, by the summary and irresistible argu ment of fire and faggot! thus, extinguish

we do all these things, and do not asking at once both REASON and RELIGION." to be relieved from them, but merely

If our Protestant commentator made

make to prop up their sandy fabric, which will most assuredly FALL, unless they can support it with something more substantial than the palpable lies which they issue from the Press against Popery. Indeed, of all religions, Popery must be the most singularly gifted, if the account given of it by this writer, and a host of others, be true. According to this man's statement, "wherever the Romish Church possess

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"lenced all opposition, by the sumc mary and irresistible argument of fire and faggot, thus extinguishing at once both Reason and Religion;” and the Papist is said to have "no me"thod left him of vindicating his "wretched religion, but by exemplify

ing the benignity of its principles in "THE MURDER OF ITS ADVERSA"RIES!!!" Reader, does not your blood chill at this horrible charge?Our accuser has prudently confined

these assertions under a conviction of their being strictly true, he must be the most blind and stupid writer that ever used a pen; but if, on the contrary, he was sensible that he was calumniating the greatest number of Christians on the globe, how base must be his heart, and how callous his feelings, to send such trash as this before the English public, in order to blacken and destroy the character of his Catholic fellow-countrymen, by describ-"ed the power, she has uniformly siing them and their faith in such false and horrid colours. "Popery is a savage beast of prey!" Good God!" could this man be ignorant, that to Popery we are indebted for our own civilization that every nation in which Christianity is now professed, was first converted and civilized by Popish missionaries-that to the piety and liberality of their Popish ancestors, the members of the established Church are indebted for the beautiful fabrics which they now possess as temples of the liv-himself to assertions, like the rest of ing God-that to Popery are Protest- his Protestant brethren, for he has not ants indebted for the preservation of advanced one fact to confirm his atthe holy Scriptures, which they now tack; and surely a period of eighteen foolishly imagine are alone sufficient centuries ought to have enabled him to to make menwise unto salvation" point out one individual who fell a and that in Popish countries and in victim to the benign principles of the Popish times, the arts and sciences Church of Rome. If the Papist has have been cherished and carried to as no method left him of VINDICATING great a pitch of perfection as in the his religion, but by MURDERING days of Protestantism. Now, if such its adversaries, how came our legislahave been the effects of Popery, and tors to pass an act (3 Jas. c. 4.) makhistory proves the fact, how can it being it HIGH TREASON to be CONa savage beast of prey? The assertion VERTED TO THE POPISH RELIthat we have no way left of vindicating GION? Is not this very strange, for our wretched religion but by the murProtestant law-makers to pass an act, der of its adversaries, is of so gross which I believe is still unrepealed, orand unfeeling a nature, that the man dering DEATH, by the halter and who could be so abandoned as to make knife, to be inflicted on those who this unfounded and infamous charge, should embrace a religion which had in a town too where so many of its in- no other method left of vindicating ithabitants are Papists, deserves the de-self, than by murdering its adversaries testation and contempt of every honest by fire and faggot? I think they heart. Although one cannot help feel- ought rather to have provided fireing shocked at the brutal outrages proof jackets for the advocates of Procommitted by my infatuated country-testantism. I also wish to be informmen upon my religion, yet it is amus- ed, if Reason will detect and confute ing to see the miserable inconsistencies the glaring absurdities of Popery, from they fall into by so doing, and the what CAUSE it arises that so many worse than contemptible attempts they renounce Protestantism to embrace

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Popery, at the hazard of being consi- fess it must be barbarians? But indered as outcasts by their relatives and stead of this, the most illustrious friends, while so few, so very few, dis- characters which adorn the page of claim Popery, notwithstanding the history, whether in the Church, the tempting allurements held out, to join Cabinet, or the Senate, were rank Protestantism? From what CAUSE Papists. Our allies, the Spaniards, does it arise, if Popery is so much who have been termed the most bigotagainst Reason, that so many learned ted of all the adherents of Popery, and pious men have courageously laid have lately formed a Constitution down their lives, both in this country which has been called in this Protestand Ireland, for no other crime than ant country a monument of human professing it under the "mild and be wisdom, and the most perfect basis neficent principles of PROTESTANTISM?" of civil freedom ever yet produced; Will this charitable gentleman have and Prince Schwartzenberg, the prethe goodness to inform us, by what sent Commander in Chief of the allied means Popery has been maintained in forces in France, who is likewise these islands, but particularly in Ire- Papist, has received the following land, during upwards of two centuries encomium from a British Protestant of persecution and slavery, under a nobleman, which I copy from the Protestant government, the like of Supplement to the London Gazette which was never before inflicted on of the 9th inst. (April).—"In this conany nation or people? Nay, not only "cluding scene of the most memorable maintained, but propagated amongst "æra which history records, it is imits oppressors, many of whom, from "possible I should resist a feeling of persecutors, have become professors." public duty, prompted also by a This is a task I should like to see "sense of gratitude and affection, in undertaken by some of the enemies calling your attention to the operof Popery; for if it is composed of "ations of this campaign. Exclusuch diabolical materials as are here "sively of the talent which he has presented to view, I much wish to "marked in the field of battle, to the know to WHAT CAUSE they will ascribe its progress.-Another astonishing gift of Popery is, the opposite effects which it produces upon those who strictly follow its precepts, to the character given of it by writers in this country. In every age, since the dawn of Christianity, Popery has produced the brightest and most virtuous characters. Even at this day the Protestant well knows that those who profess themselves Papists are equal in point of charity, disinterestedness, talents, and abilities, to any other of the various religious societies with which this country abounds. For are they not daily extolling the magnanimity of their allies, many of whom are Papists? How then will they account for this wonderful phenomenon? This Manchester Anti-"alted situation, from the virtues Popery-man says, that "Popery is a 66 savage beast of prey!" Hence it naturally follows that those who pro

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successes which have ever attended "his career, the world will still "look with almost increased admi"ration, to the conduct he has pursued "since his entry into Paris. Where "conciliation, where every kind feeling of the heart was required to change a system of carnage and "desolation to the protection of a people, but of late a most bitter enemy, the character of Prince "Schwartzenberg, secured to him success. More security, more order never reigned in this capital. Peace and tranquillity, the happy means, we may hope, of the future regeerated state of Europe, exist here "amidst the troops of every nation, in spite of feelings lately of so great hostility. From his great and ex





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"which adorn his character, the Emperor of Russia has been best able "to appreciate the merits of Prince


"Schwartzenberg. In token of the "esteem he bears him, and in estima"tion of his great services, he has "decorated him with the Grand Order "of St. Andrew, and has presented "it in diamonds."

And now, reader, having read this glowing eulogy on a Popish General, who, I am confident, if he were asked the question, would tell you he owes it to the lessons he received from his Popish tutors, do you not blush for the honour of PROTESTANTISM? Do you not blush for that Cause, the advocates of which have recourse to the foulest and most detestable means for its support ever adopted in civilized society, namely, falsely accusing its adversaries of holding the most barbarous doctrines, and pointing them out as objects of popular vengeance? But the age of falsehood and hypocrisy, I trust, is near expiring; and that those wretches, who, from base and wicked motives, may endeayour to revive it, will experience the indignation and execration of the enlightened and upright part of the nation, which their infamous productions entitle them to.

should be to restore the Pope to his liberty, and reinstate him in his former honours. This, however, is a matter of infinite satisfaction to me, and augurs well that those men who acted so conspicuous a part in the French Revolution, are now returning to their religious senses, after having experienced the folly of departing from them. I have no doubt but many of my infatuated countrymen were in great expectation of seeing the nine-hundred and ninety-ninth predicted prophecy of the downfall of the Scarlet Whore, who had made the kings of the earth drunk with her idolatries, realized in the person of the present venerable Pontiff, from the late aspect of affairs. Even many sensible men have expressed their pity for us Catholics, at the forlorn state of our Church, as they thought it, and their conviction that her speedy dissolution was at hand.— But we knew otherwise; we knew we could rely upon the promises of the Divine Founder, who had declared, that the gates of hell should not be prevail against her. To be sure we witnessed with sorrow, the ravages which have been made in her flock by the impious writings of the blasphemous Voltaire and his abandoned associates. We have also witnessed the expulsion and exile of her virtuous and incorruptible ministers, and the demolition of her altars in France, by a Revolutionary Government of Atheists and Infidels; and an attempt to reestablishment her faith for political

RESTORATION OF THE POPE.-The wonderful events of the last few months, events not even surpassed by those we read of in holy writ in the days of the Israelites, and the happy termination of them in the prospect of a lasting and general Peace to a long convulsed and suffering world, has given general joy to most parties.-The Loyalist rejoi-purposes, by a military despot.-We ces in the re-instatement of the legitimate Sovereigns.-The advocate for Freedom rejoices in the establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty in France. And the Catholic exults in the Restoration of the Head of his Church to the free exercise of his Apostolic Functions.-How far the "No Popery" faction will be pleased at this last-mentioned event, I care not. The infidel writers of the press have already expressed their disapprobation and chagrin that the first act of the Provisional Government of France ORTHOD, JOUR. VOL. II.

have likewise witnessed this same despot, in the lawless pursuit of his unbridled will, violate the Concordat he had agreed to, and despoil the Pope of his patrimony, because he would not declare war against this country. We have seen the Sovereign Pontiff placed in the most cruel and rigorous confinement, because he would not give up his spiritual authority to the same tyrant, (for the adherence to which the Catholics of this country also have suffered a persecution of more than two centuries, and are now suffering ca

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