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LTHO' there is little need of faying any thing by way of ' Preface to the following Treatife; yet Cuftom having made it almost as neceffary as an Entrance to an Houfe; I shall fo far comply with Cuftom as to fay, That the following Directions for Surveying, &c. were put into my Hands in M. S. to be Enlarged, Corrected and Improved, in fuch a Manner as to make them of General Ufe and Eafy Practice, according to the Modern, Beft, and most Improved Methods in that Excellent and Ufeful Science.

How far and how well that Defign and Purpofe hath been pursued in the following Pages, I must leave to the Ingenuous Reader to judge, after I have just told him that He will meet meet·· with

A 2

with feveral very ufeful Definitions, Axioms, Problems and Theorems, wholly new, or at least newly apply'd. Here will be found alfo feveral new Problems added, relating to the Art of Dividing Land; As alfo a New Method of Surveying large Tracts of Land, by Sounds as well as Sight, by Vertue of diftant Explofions, firft Invented and Published by those two great Genius's and Improvers of Natural Philofophy,the Learned Mr Whiston and Mr Ditton.

I fhall only add, That to make this Treatife of as General Ufe as may be, the Reader will meet with an useful Collection of all transparent Colours proper for the Beautifying Maps, Charts, &c. which perhaps may be thought entertaining to the Curious. But if I have made the whole Eafy, Natural and Inftructive, I have gained my End, and the Satisfaction I aim at.

Edward Laurence.

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AG 2. line 18, put a Period after it p. 4.1. 7, dele B. p. 5. l. 24, r. dividing it. p. 6. l. 23, for thefe, r. two. p. 7. l. 28, r. precede. p. 8. 1. 21, for another, r. one Point. p. 9. l. 18, r. Octahedron. p. 9. 1. 23,r. Icofahedron. p. 12. /. 21, r. a Line. p. 14.1.9, for whofe fides, r. each fide whereof. p. 16. l. 17, for are, r. is. p. 19.1. 13, r. Angles. p. 20. l. 23, r. falling. p. 21. l. 1, r. per. 3d Def. p. 22. l. 11, r. 17th Def. p. 25. l. 22, r. 13th Def. p. 28. 1. 23, r. Ith Def. p. 29. l. 15, for may, r. was. p. 31. l. 10, inftead of for, r. from. p. 36. l. 3, for 68.61. r. 168. 61. p. 37. l. 15, for 22-30, r. 22°30′ P. 38. 1. 8, r.. 407.6. p. 39.1. 2, r. Triangle for Angle. P. 39. 1. 16, r. Acute Angle b. p. 40. l. 10, for b, r. bd. P. 41.1. 11, for ab, r. cb. p. 42. l. 16, for 30,22,r. 39° 22 p. 44. 1. 17, for d, r. da. p. 45. 1. 2, for 639 r. 63.9. P.51. 29, dele and. p. 52. l. 12, for 61°, 82', r. 61°, 32. p. 52. l. 25, for 61 ̊, 82', r. 61°, 32'. p. 54.1. 12, r. 71,25. p. 57. l. 17, r. Marks. p. 60. l. 26, r. betwixt the Quarter. p. 63.1. 24, r. mentioned. p. 71. 7. 18, r. It is. p. 72.1. 19, for B r. 8. p. 88. 1. 26, for 29, r. 24. p. 89.1.9. and 11, for 6, r. 4. p. 969 l. 2, put the Word Deductions over the two Right-hand Columns p.. 99. l. 15, r. 198 instead of 19. p. 103. l. 17, and 18, for Rod, r, Rood. p. 104. l. 19, for Roots. r. Roods p. 108. 1. 26, for Circumference,r. Circumferentor. p. 113. 1. 11, r. placing. p. 127. 14,r. Fig. 99. p. 166. l. 9, or Arc, r. Arc of a Circle. p. 167. l. 18, r. Circum-ferentor. p. 169. 1. 15, for r. 3. p. 185. 1. 129% 84 333 12,3 either of the Products is.


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