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Pietift. Whom could fuch a one as you convert? I often thought within myself, what a Converfion of the Savages muft this be, under the Management of fuch a Convertor. At that Time I was unacquainted that this is the Principle of their great Men; as I afterwards experienced. This is the Way of their Scribes and Rulers at the Island of St. Thomas and other Places; and like Fathers, like Children: for I have feen, both at Marienborn and Herrnhaag, fuch Children, that none in the World can exceed them in Wickedness and Impudence; the bleffed Fruits of hearing themfelves called Children of Salvation, when once they can repeat fome of their Songs by Heart.

It is a frequent Question; if their Irregularities be fuch, how is it that they wear a continual Smile in their Looks, and love one another fo affectionately? I answer according to my Knowledge from St. James, who fpeaks of three Kinds of Wisdom, heavenly, earthly, and devilish, James iii. ver. 5. There is an Hilarity runs through all human Nature; it is feen in the wildeft Nations, for they have their Songs, Dances, and Merriments; this Sportiveness even reigns among the brute Creation, they skip and play, especially when young and well fed; this is an animal and earthly Gladnefs. Secondly, a devilish Joy which is fet forth in the Offerings of the Heathens, Ifa. Ivii. 5. enflaming yourselves with Idols under every green Tree, and facrificing the Children. In these wretched Times of Seducement it behoves every one, and oh, that they would! to lay to Heart St. Paul's Injunction: Be ye not conformed to this World, but be ye renewed in your Mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect Will of God. When therefore the Mind is without any

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Senfe of this Proving, it is no Wonder it en tangles itself in fuch Errors; and a moft lamentable Thing it is, that the Danger being fo dreadful the true Proving is fo little thought of. Now, what a Joy muft it have been to the Heathen and idolatrous Jews, to kill and burn their Children to the Gods with Rejoicings? it is undeniable that fuch Joy muft be injected by the Devil, it cannot but be his Work; for in feveral Places God complains of their offering to the Devil their Sons and Daughters, which they had brought up for him. In one Place it is, their burning is as a Furnace; another Place fays, They run into the Fire as a Camel into her Luft. The firft Step towards becoming a falfe Teacher is a Departure from God; the juft Pu nifhment of fuch Apoftacy is their Rejection, which in fome is feen to be accompanied with a Spirit of Magic, operating in Dreams or by Inspirations; of which, incredible as this may appear, I my own felf have had but too convincing Experience; I was once, for a while, deceived by a fair Appearance in one who was poffeffed of this magical Talent; he could inject Dreams into me, and in thofe Dreams get from me what he would; he could further imprefs on me a strong Sensation of his Disquietudes; 'tis not only I, but other Perfons ftill living, who have felt this fupernatural Malignancy, and his Name is Bernefdorff. In this refpect it is, that God complains of the Dreams of the Jews, and of the Workings of the Spirit in the falfe Prophets.

As the abovementioned principal Clafs rejoices with fo much Rapture over the venereal Energy, and extoll it as a Heart-reviving Cordial, they file the male and female Members co-operating therein, venerable Members: In the twelfth Appendix and the two Additions which are in Print, there is a curious Difplay of the fenfual Felicity of these renowned


Dignitaries; and whoever takes a View of that, and their impious Expreffions relating to godly Living, and the Evidences of holy Men, together with the flagitious Practices of their Abfoluteness, their StygianMagic and Power of Illufion, then this lovely Child may be faid to stand abfolutely in puris naturalibus before them. To fuch an Enormity does their devilish Joy rife, to the Contempt of God and every divine Truth.

• Permit me now to deliver my own Sentiments of heavenly Joy, fpringing from that true Tran quillity of Mind, which is only obtained by attending to the gracious Invitations of the Saviour, and by learning from him, under the eafy Yoke of Self-denial, true Meeknefs, Patience, and Gentle nefs. Oh bleffed State of fuch a Soul! There the Kingdom of God is fet up and established; there Righteoufnefs, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghoft, fway the Scepter; there Exultation is tempered with Reverence; no Levity or Riot dwell there.

I aver to have heard the Count say these Words, What the fanctified Tribe chatter about the inward Life of God is mere Fanaticifm; and as to praying to God the Father, it is no whit better than praying to a wooden or Stone God. The uttering fuch Words must be thought to proceed from his own Experience, being unable to compofe the Agitation of his Mind but by reading a Story-book till he drops afleep over it; for this I had from his right trufty Confident, the aforementioned Baron Watteville; another, who is also near him, has faid, There is a certain atheistical Book which the Count ufes for quieting his Mind.*

This is Baile's critical Dictionary, the Count's Treasure of Knowledge.

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Thus the Count, by his own Example, manifefts from his Inability to quiet his Mind, that he does not live in the Spirit of Truth; whence the natural Inference is, that he cannot call upon God the Father in Spirit and Truth, according to Christ's Words, John iv. 23. So that here a Queftion rises, through what Medium he views his Regeneration and Childhood, to know whether it be a right Birth, or an unnatural Monfter?

In this Manner was I affected with all I faw and heard among the Community; for I compared every Thing carefully with the Word and Life of Chrift and his Apostles, but found a general Contrariety, and in fome Points, fuch a Turpitude as drew from me innumerable Sighs and Tears, which Jofeph Muller in his Letter charges on me as an inceffant Confufion; but my Emotions were. the Refult of my Attention in comparing every Thing with Scripture; and upon my miftrufting my Knowledge and Feeling, Ialfo brought them to the Teft of the Practice and Ufages of the primitive Churches, and found they ran in a very different Channel; but the Count fays, "I ever have and ftill do proteft, that the first Christians cannot be called a Church, being no more than a Troop of Legalists. The Apoftles were delighted, if they could but get about them fuch People as would forfake evil and do good, but they were far enough from being converted; and fo have Matters continued till this Time, before the Saviour could eftablifh to himself a true Church as is feen in our bleffed Times †.

+ Behold and Wonder; the Herrnhutish Sect holds the Count to be the only true Church, the Lamb's Bride; they call him the Kyrie, i. e. Lady (the feminine Gender of Kyrios the Lord,) and have made Copies of Verses on him as fuch.


Here again the poor Man had no Time to recollect the innumerable Hoft of Martyrs who have laid down their Lives for their precious Faith, refifting even unto Blood. His Thoughts ran on other Things than the Multitudes who came from all Nations, People, and Languages, Rev. vii. 9. who came thither out of great Tribulation, and have washed their Robes white in the Blood of the Lamb, v. 14. poffibly the Count does not reckon thefe Souls among his blessed ones, they coming out of much Tribulation, and not out of Eafe, Senfuality, and Merriments.

Is it asked wherefore thefe Souls came out of much Tribulation, and not out of the Gratifications of the natural Life? St. Peter addreffes the Faithful in this Exhortation. Be fober and watch; for your Adverfary the Devil walketh about as a roaring Lion, feeking whom he may devour; whom refift ftedfaft in the Faith, knowing that the like Sufferings are accomplished in your Brethren in the World. But the God of all Grace who has called us to his eternal Glory Jefus, after you have fufferd for a while, make you perfect, ftrengthen and establish you, I Pet. v. and 2 Pet. i. he faith, That through Faith they fball be made Partakers of the divine Nature, having efcaped the Corruption that is in the World through Luft; and befides this, they fhall add to their Faith Virtue, and to Virtue Knowledge, to Knowledge Temperance, and to Temperance Patience, and to Patience brotherly Love. Now this Apoftle the Saviour himfelf appointed as a Pillar to his Church, pouring out on him his Spirit for the Edification thereof.

The word natural is a Word among the Herrnhuters peculiarly denoting their Manner of living; and is as well appli cable to them as Naturalifts.

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