MYTHOLOGICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, Compiled from the best Commentators, with many that are new. TOGETHER WITH AN ORDO OF THE MOST INTRICATE PARTS OF THE TEXT, UPON THE SAME PAGE WITH THE TEXT. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND OTHER SEMINARIES, IN THE UNITED STATES. Specially calculated to lighten the Labour of the Teacher, and to lead the TO WHICH IS ADDED, A TABLE OF REFERENCE. BY THE REV. J. G. COOPER, A. M. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY WHITE, GALLAHER & WHITE. Clayton & Van Norden, Printers, 1827. Southern District of New-York, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 28th day of May, in the fifty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, J. G. COOPER, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit: "Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera: or, the works of Virgil. With copious notes, Mythological, Biographical, Historical, Geographical, Philosophical, Astronomical, Critical, and Explanatory, in English; compiled from the best Commentators, with many that are new. Together with an Ordo of the most intricate parts of the text, upon the same page with the text. Designed for the use of Students in the Colleges, Academies, and other Seminaries, in the United States. Specially calculated to lighten the labour of the Teacher, and to lead the Student into a knowledge of the Poet. To which is added, à Table of Reference. By the Rev. J. G. Cooper, A. M." In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an Act, entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, "an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." JAMES DILL, Clerk of the Southern District of New-York. Proxbury NEW-YORK, July 6, 1815. An edition of the works of Virgil, upon the plan adopted by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I think preferable to those usually put into the hands of boys. His notes and explanations, so far as I have examined them, are both copious and judicious. Believing that classical literature will be promoted thereby, I do cheerfully recommend the work. WILLIAM HARRIS, D. D. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, we do fully and cordially unite. JOHN BOWDEN, D. D. Professor of Rhetoric, &c. &c. Columbia College. Principal of the Ep. Academy, New-York. JOHN BORLAND, A. M. Teacher of a Select Classical School, New-York. TILLOTSON BRUNSON, D. D. Principal of the Ep. Academy, Cheshire, Connecticut. BALTIMORE, Oct. 20, 1825. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, we do fully and cordially unite. W. E. WYATT, D. D. Associate Min. of St. Paul's Parish. Rev. JOHN ALLEN, A. M. Professor of Math. in the University of Maryland, and author of an edition of the Elements of Euclid, &c. &c. NEW-YORK, April, 1827. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, I do fully and cordially agree. JAMES RENWICK, Professor of Nat. Philosophy and Chemistry in Col. College. PHILADELPHIA, June, 1827. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, I do fully and cordially agree. JAMES ROSS, LL. D. LEXINGTON, Ky. April 1, 1825. Having recently examined the Rev. J. G. Cooper's proposed edition of the Works of Virgil, I have no hesitation in giving my opinion, that the plan which he has pursued is excellent, and the execution highly creditable to his talents and scholarship. Such a work will greatly facilitate the study of the poet, on the part of the youthful learner. It will give him a correct idea of the meaning of the author in the more difficult passages; and by its copious notes upon ancient history, and mythology, will enable him to relish beauties that are now rarely perceived in the early course of classical instruction. I have no doubt but that its appearance will be welcomed by the intelligent and discerning, as a publication admirably adapted to enlist the feelings, and stimulate the application of youth, in the elementary schools of our country. GEORGE T. CHAPMAN, D. D. Professor of History, &c. &c. in Transylvania University, Ky. M250123 BALTIMORE, Oct. 20, 1825. The edition of the works of Virgil proposed to be published by the Rev. G. Cooper, appears to me, as far as a very partial examination of it has enabled me to judge, to be a work of merit, both as to the plan and execution. And I am persuaded, that its adoption into our Colleges and Semina. ries of learning will greatly facilitate the acquisition of a correct knowledge of that elegant and distinguished poet. JAMES KEMP, D. D. Bishop of the Prot. Epis Church in the state of Maryland. So far as I have had opportunity to examine the manuscript of the Rev. J. G. Cooper for a new edition of the Works of Virgil, I highly approve of the plan, and think it well calculated to facilitate the study of the poet. It appears to be a leading object with Mr. Cooper, to lighten the burden of the student, by elucidating the difficult passages of the author, and by leading the youthful mind into a relish of his beauties and excellencies. The substitution of an Ordo of the most intricate passages in the room of a general interpretation of the text, I consider a material advantage. While it removes the difficulties in the collocation of the words, it leads the student more directly to the text, and tends to fix his attention more closely upon the language of the poet. On the whole, I consider the work deserving of public patronage and I wish him every encouragement in his endeavours to promote the interests of classical literature. FRANCIS E. GODDARD, A. M. President of the Southern College, Bowling-Green, Ky. November 6, 1823. LOUISVILLE, Ky. December 20, 1823. Having been favoured with the perusal of notes upon the Works of Virgil, compiled by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, together with an Ordo of the more intricate parts of the text, I am fully persuaded they are well calculated to assist the younger classical students to read and understand the poet, especially in the more difficult passages; to enlarge the mind in the Geography of the country, and to explain the mythology of the age in which he wrote. The criticisms on the text are generally correct, and display an intimate acquaintance with the syntax of the Latin language: and I do not hesitate to say, that in my opinion, the work would be very useful in the Academies and Seminaries of the United States. GIDEON BLACKBURN, D. D. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. May 10, 1815. AN edition of the works of Virgil, upon the plan adopted by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, will, I am persuaded, be found useful in instruction. It provides for a portion of that assistance in the interpretation of the poet, for which resort is frequently and injudiciously had to translations; while it is, at the same time, exempt from any of the disadvantages attending such a mode of studying this author. JOHN T. KIRKLAND, D. D. President of Harvard University. HINGHAM, MASS. May 8, 1815. From a partial examination of the manuscript copy of the works of Virgil, with English notes, &c. by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, it appears to have been prepared with much labour and care. I have no doubt that a work of this kind would be of essential advantage to classical students, especially to those who have not made considerable progress in the Latin language, previous to their commencing the study of the poet. DANIEL KIMBALL, A. M. Principal of Derby Academy. I fully assent to the opinion expressed above by Mr. Kimball, as to the value and usefulness of an edition of Virgil, upon the plan proposed by the Rev. Mr. Cooper. HENRY WARE, D. D. Professor of Divinity in Harv. University. THE edition of the works of Virgil, prepared by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, appears to be well calculated to facilitate a knowledge of the poet. To those who may wish to study the poet, without the aid of an instructor; and to instructors themselves, who have not enjoyed a correctly classical education, it will be eminently useful. BOSTON, May, 1815. JOHN S. J. GARDINER, D. D. At the request of the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I have cursorily examined a printed specimen of his proposed edition of the works of Virgil; and am of opinion, that, if the whole should be executed in the manner of this sample, it will be deserving of patronage. YALE COLLEGE, April 14, 1827. J. L. KINGSLEY, Professor of the Latin Language. ELLWOOD SEMINARY, (near Philadelphia,) Dec. 9, 1826. I have perused the specimen of your proposed edition of the works of Virgil, which, I think, will deserve a reception into every classical Academy. JAMES TATHAM. Rev. J. G. COOPER. From a specimen of the proposed edition of the works of Virgil, by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I am induced to believe the publication will be an aid to the cause of our literature, by going into use among the younger students. HECTOR HUMPHREYS, HARTFORD, April 14, 1827. Professor of ancient Languages, Washington College. I highly approve of the plan adopted by the editor, having for many years believed such an edition of Virgil a great desideratum in our schools. THOMAS DUGDALE, jr. Teacher of Latin and Greek, in Friends' Academy, Philadelphia. WASHINGTON CITY, Dec. 1825. Sir, I am highly pleased with your edition of Virgil. I think the English notes will be of infinite advantage to the scholar, and very interesting to the teacher. I am anxious to have a sufficient number of copies to supply my school, as I am determined to use no other for the future. Yours respectfully, Rev. J. G. Cooper. A. R. PLUMLEY, BOSTON, May 9th, 1815. Sir,-So far as I can judge of the plan on which you propose to publish an edition of Virgil, from the few pages of manuscript submitted to my inspection, I think it calculated to facilitate the progress of the learner; and peculiarly adapted to the younger class of pupils, who are with difficulty made |