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mental doctrine of the Sacraments constantly held and taught? But we need not go on with the list of errors and contradictions, for which our readers may be referred to the chapters from which these extracts are taken. Still more astounding are the three chapters on "Forgeries," "Dominican Forgeries,' "Fresh Forgeries," in which the long series of deliberate inventions, interpolations, and tamperings with documents are presented, by which the Papacy gradually worked its way to absolute dominion, and laid the foundation for the modern claim of infallible guidance. It is impossible not to be again and again reminded of the words of the old Roman satirist, Quid Romæ faciam? mentiri nescio, as we read this crushing indictment against the Popes and their trusted counsellors from the sixth to the sixteenth century. A French Jesuit writer of our own day has, it seems, admitted that these falsehoods have done nothing but mischief, since God never blesses fraud, but it is unfortunate, to say the least of it, that the admission comes too late to anticipate the exposure or avert the evil consequences of centuries of organised deceit.

A Roman Catholic divine can hardly be expected to raise the question whether a Council from which Greeks and Anglicans are excluded is to be reckoned as fully Ecumenical. There is, however, another and simpler issue raised here, as to whether bond fide freedom of deliberation and voting will be allowed at the Vatican. Without this a Council degenerates into a mere empty pageant, and the Bishops, instead of being the pastors and representatives of the Faithful, become the mere official registrars of the Papal decrees. Yet Janus not obscurely intimates that such is likely to be their role at the approaching Synod. The concluding words of the volume, coming as they evidently do from a great leader of thought among German Catholics, are so startling and suggestive that we give the passage, as it stands, while exhorting our readers to lose no time in procuring and carefully perusing the whole volume for themselves. They will find it very easy as well as very interesting reading, and while the cost is moderate, the typography and get up of the volume are all that can be desired. We subjoin the last page:—

In Rimini and Seleucia (359), at Ephesus (449) and at Vienne (1312), and at many other times, even at Trent, the results of a want of real freedom have been displayed. In early times, when the Popes were as yet in no position to exercise compulsion or intimidation upon Synods, it was the Emperors who sometimes trenched too closely on this freedom. But from Gregory VII.'s time the weight of Papal power has pressed ten times more heavily upon them than ever did the Imperial authority. With abundant reason were the two demands urged throughout half Europe in the sixteenth century, in the negotiations about the Council first, that it should not be held in Rome, or even in Italy, and secondly, that the Bishops should be absolved from their oath of obedience. The recently proclaimed Council is to be held not only in Italy, but in Rome itself, and already it has been announced that, as the sixth Lateran Council, it will adhere faithfully to the fifth. That is quite enoughit means this, that whatever course the Synod may take, one quality can never be predicated of it, namely, that it has been a really free Council. Theologians and canonists declare that without complete freedom the decisions of a Council are not binding, and the assembly is only a pseudo-Synod. Its decrees may have to be corrected.

Literary Notices.

Canon Humble, of Perth, has published a very remarkable pamphlet, The Nature of Ecclesiastical Establishments (Hayes). In this essay, occupying about sixty pages, he goes thoroughly to the root of the question regarding the relations between Church and State, boldly setting forth and maintaining sound principles, and never in the course of his argument swerving from the position taken up. Mere commercial and vulgar theories of vulgar writers are treated as they deserve: while the revolutionary remedies for our present difficulties suggested by the superficial High Church Radicals, are discussed with the knowledge and wisdom of a well-informed and experienced man of the world. The nature of the Royal Supremacy,

the subject of jurisdiction in its varied and varying phases are alike considered, and this with great foresight and perfect honesty. The crude opinions of certain modern lawyers, self-destructive and contradictory, are criticised with shrewd vigour and much literary skill-rendering the pamphlet one of the most valuable we have seen for many a day. We quote a long passage from the Preface, as well because of its forcible eloquence and inherent truth, as because it exposes the hollow nostrums of the Radical faction, and is, moreover, a key-note to the Essay in general:

"Scarcely," says Mr. Gladstone, in his "Chapter of Autobiography," "had my work, The State in its relations with the Church,' issued from the press, when I became aware that there was no party, no section of a party, no individual person probably in the House of Commons, who was prepared to act upon it. I found myself the last man on the sinking ship." Mr. Gladstone does not say his theory was false, only it was unworkable; and it is thus he represents himself as sailing in a sinking ship." Certainly, if truth is to be treated in this way, men must have small conceptions of its demands; and one may cease to wonder at the rapid changes of opinion in the mob, when our public leaders show so little confidence in what they ought to be ready to sacrifice their lives to maintain. Great men are content to labour all their lives long unappreciated, to gain, it may be, the smallest perceptible advantage for those ideas which they know to be more valuable to mankind than national wealth or worldly estimation. The diminutive men of this nineteenth century think more of a successful party vote in the House of Commons than of the triumph of the most precious principles. Short sighted reasoners regard Archbishop Laud as the most unsuccessful of men, and that he saved the Church of England. Louis XVI. is commonly regarded as being meritedly so. Those with greater powers of penetration see as the weakest and most vacillating of princes; yet the celebrated concordat, which brought order out of confusion, was not remotely the consequence of his sufferings. Governor Eyre is the living witness of the proverbial ingratitude of the mob; and yet thoughtful men recognise in him the energetic ruler who saved thousand of lives, and probably millions of treasure. Success is not what it seems; and if we can get men to act more upon faith in the unseen workings of Providence, we shall be happier as a nation, and shall secure an extension of our national life, which seems now to be ebbing away, and to the decay of which the nostrums of political quackery offer no effectual arrestment.

Of course, violation of law, selfishness, capital crimes, and treason are no new things. History is made up of little else; but there used to be, at any rate, a Government which knew how to deal with these disintegrating elements of society. Mr. Gladstone thinks we have become more conscientious as a nation than we were. I do not profess to know from what facts he so concludes; but this I must say, that the increasing profligacy, the shameless dishonesty in trade-principally caused by increased luxury and worldliness-political and social combinations which defy the law, are bad evidences of the truth of Mr. Gladstone's statement. But these are not the things which principally alarm me. It is the difficulty of punishing crimes adequately; the fear of putting the law in force, because the people will not have it; the terrible partiality of our police courts, where offences are committed against unpopular persons or parties; the impunity with which treason may be disseminated and practised; the power which our Law Courts have assumed of interpreting the laws, so as to fit each case; the reckless legislation and disregard of principle in legislators-these things, and such as these, are the evidences of a disease so deep, and a national declension so universal, that nothing but the adoption of principles much more strict on the part of legislators and administrators of the law can save the country from ruin.

To many the well-printed English translation of Father Lacordaire's eight Lenten lectures, published under the unusual if not profane title of Jesus Christ (Chapman and Hall), will be welcome. In some respects he represents the old spirit of Gallicanism not yet dead. Vigour, originality, and eloquence are his undeniable characteristics-imitations of which, not always successful, being overdone by most Englishmen, are found amongst Anglo-Catholics. Of our nation he writes as follows:

Three countries formed the seat of the total revolt against Jesus Christ England, France, and Germany. As to England, unbelief has long ago ceased to possess any power or renown there. If your ears are attentive to the echoes of the British Parliament, that highest of all expressions of national opinions, you will not have heard, since the birth of the present century, a single word of insult or menace to Christ. England has emancipated Catholics; she has recalled to the tribune of her Parliament the proscribed voices of the defenders of the Papacy; she has opened her fields to the labour of monks, and her schools to the learning of the Roman Clergy. The old walls of Oxford have heard the

most celebrated doctors of Anglicanism speaking of Jesus Christ like the Ancient Church. They have witnessed the retreat of many who have passed from the rostrum to the humble cell, there to recite the office after the manner of the religious orders, and to pray at the foot of a crucifix for the return of their soul and of their country to the old faith of the Anglo-Saxons. Catholic Churches, and even Cathedrals, have risen up, full of splendour, from the land of proscription, and Jesus Christ has marched triumphantly, with his Bishops and Priests, in the very places where stones and the sword pursued him. In fine, England is won back from unbelief, she who was the first to shelter it under the protection of her nobles and her men of genius.

He would have written more, and more to the point, had not the second-hand information on which he depended, been inadequate and sometimes one-sided.

Dr. Littledale's Commentary on the Song of Songs (Masters), mainly taken from ancient and medieval sources-and we may add from very out-of-the-way medieval sources-may no doubt prove acceptable to that limited class of people for whom it was originally compiled-Sisters of Mercy and Anglican religious. Some of the medieval writers quoted notoriously had little else to do than exercise their cramped energies in finding out “some new thing;" or in giving full rein to unchastened fancies and far-fetched day-dreams. The book, greatly indebted to such, is thus founded on the very antithesis of the realistic system of interpretation, and not uncommonly runs into the strangest extremes in its method. While we should be the last either to reject the principle of mystical interpretation or to deny to the excellent people for whom it was prepared any pleasure or profit they may derive from puzzling over the commentary, we cannot help observing that this mode of interpreting Scripture, if applied to other books and parts, may make them mean anything, everything, or nothing; and is, in fact, essentially rationalistic, though accidentally draped in a garment of poetry, and frequently breathing a spirit of devotion. The metaphors, tropes and parallels with which the book is overloaded are frequently jumbled together in inextricable disorder: for surely if one interpretation be true, another, and a contradictory, cannot be true likewise. Moreover, in parts the Sublime and the Ridiculous evidently do not dwell very far apart. How proximate the latter may be in several passages we will not be ungracious enough to point out. How far, furthermore, true religion is likely to be advanced by such a curious compilation, we must leave others to decide. But for ourselves we honestly believe this kind of mysticism-gone-mad to be as pernicious in its effects as it is frivolous in itself. The external appearance of the book is like one of Mr. Masters' religious novels of the barley-sugar school-blue and gold, with red edges, and unreadable and unreadable lettering.

Just, as of old, every Puritan had his psalm and his doctrine, so now every Liberal Parson has his crude proposition or revolutionary nostrum for application to the over-doctored Church of England. Do away with Deans: Cathedral Reform, (Palmer) is the title of a production from the pen of Mr. Stuart, the vigorous and original London Clergyman, whose alarming scheme is as follows:-"Do away with Deans by the simple expedient of uniting their office with that of the Bishop. As each Deanery becomes vacant let the Bishop of the Diocese become ipso facto Dean; let the Deanery become his residence, and let the surplus income thus arising (from the suppression of the Dean's income and the sale of the Bishop's palace) be given as endowment towards new Bishoprics, until we have one Bishop for every county in England." "Bishops might surely be required to reside six months in the year at their Cathedrals, as justly as Parochial Clergymen are required to reside nine months at their several parishes; and if the bench of Bishops were happily relieved from their attendance in the House of Lords, there would be no reason why they should not do this. There

is a growing feeling throughout the country that we want more Bishops, (one to each county,) and Bishops less richly endowed. Double their number, halve their incomes, and relieve them from their duties in the House of Lords; ' this would probably express the wish of the vast majority of Churchmen of the present day and of other Englishmen as well." But if this destructive principle be sound, where and when shall its application stop? Utilitarianism, hand in hand with Unbelief, might apply it universally, and nothing might remain to us in the ecclesiastical orbit but Curates, removable at the will of the majority, Parish Clerks and Beadles. If Deans are to be abolished, why not Chapters ? or, in truth, why not Incumbents? Ere the second edition of this rash that Mr. Gladstone may have the wisdom to promote such a brochure be called for, if any vacancy should occur, we trust good administrator and popular man as Mr. Stuart himself to a Deanery. Then we might obtain a second edition with wise emendations and abundant errata.

Minor Chords (Bell and Daldy), by Sophia May Eckley, bears the mark of considerable talent, sound principles, and a book containing nearly a hundred and twenty sets of verses, refinement of mind. But while here and there we find much that is graceful and poetic (the "Vesper Hymn," for instance, at p. 13, is pleasing, picturesque and religious), in other places we note careless rhymes, simplicity amounting to childishness, and passages which are both prosaic and bald. In dealing with writings of such unequal merit it would have been wise had Mrs. Eckley weeded them well with an unsparing and judicious hand, before sending them to the press. With sincerest respect and appreciation, we advise her in future to write less and concentrate her powers-which are by no means small-on the accomplishment of a more uniform, complete, and artistic production. Nevertheless, the book is far above the average of such publications.

That active disestablishment and Radical clique amongst the Clergy-not overblessed with brains itself, but which hires the brains of others to make out a case,-should read The Dissenting World: An Autobiography (Macintosh). In it we obtain a very curious and obviously natural account of the treatment which a Congregational Minister has received because he thought fit to differ from his flock in politics, and to oppose the destructive, revolutionary schemes of Mr. Gladstone. The book is written with great vigour and much simplicity, proving its author to be a man of public spirit, independence and principle. It is very timely in its publication. There is much in the book which leads us to hope that Mr. Brewin Grant, its author, may join the National Church for there he would find true liberty. Her Pastors are protected on the one hand from the over-exercise of Episcopal power, as well as from the cruel tyranny of stuck-up tradesmen and obtrusive lay officials on the other. High Church Radicals, in their short-sighted folly, are endeavouring to forge shackles for the Clergy like those broken by Mr. Grant.

Mr. Ffoulkes' "Letter to Archbishop Manning" was a difficult obstruction for Roman Catholics Ultramontanes to overcome, as well because of its undoubted facts as of its incisive arguments. The two or three critics who have come forward to carp at unimportant details of it rather than to meet leading arguments, have not succeeded in materially altering the deep impression it has created. Father Bottalla, the Jesuit, in his new tract on The Papacy and Schism (Burns, Oates and Co.) is not altogether incompetent; and, for a foreigner, writes good English: but Mr. Ffoulkes is certainly not answered by him, nor does he even appear to grasp his opponent's arguments. Far too much is assumed-far too little proved. To take for granted as true the very point which is

being argued is the glaring mistake of a one-sided if not of a weak mind. Something better and abler than has yet appeared must be put forth on Father Bottalla's side ere it can be reasonably expected that Mr. Ffoulkes should take up his pen again.

Dr. Littledale's reprint of John Austin's Devotions in the Way of Ancient Offices (Church Press Company), will be acceptable to many, even to those beyond the confines of Anglicanism. Though of late years so many similar publications have been compiled and issued, there are few which deserve a more cordial welcome than this, both for the excellence and completeness of its plan and arrangement, as well as for the unaffected piety which is found throughout, in language unstilted and natural-which is not what we are always enabled to say with regard to some similar publications. The editor has performed his work well. We could, however, have desiderated a fuller preface as well as a biography of the original author.

Mr. Orby Shipley has done good service to the Church of England by having made so practical a step in advance, as the compilation and publication of Invocation of Saints and Angels, (Longmans). Variety and Catholicity, two of its leading features, are happily conjoined, with a respectable judgment and more than tolerable taste. The main fault of the work, however, is a certain redundant verbosity-resulting in an unreal bulk,-which it should be the author's earnest endeavour to remove in a second edition. The prefixed Essay is a very scholarly composition, neither wanting in wit nor argument.

A second edition of Mr. Baird's sermon, The Hallowing of Common Life (Mozley) has reached us. Without either being over-dogmatic or over-original in their practical aspect, they are carefully-written, earnest discourses: being plain, brief and perspicuous, with sufficient features of interest to enlist for twelve minutes the attention of plain people. And this is very high praise. By the way, there is no such person as Archdeacon Manning (p. 36). When an Archdeacon becomes an Archbishop he is commonly called by his superior and not. by his inferior title. This intentional mistake is an unintentional pedantry. To be consistent Mr. Baird should style the Archbishop of Canterbury "Dean Tait."



SIR, I do hope that some of our great leaders-Dr. Pusey, Mr. Liddon, Mr. Colin Lindsay, Mr. Mackonochie, Mr. Hope Johstone, and others, will come forward with sober counsel and advice in the grave danger that at present threatens the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral of this ancient Diocese. They should not allow any personal affection for our present popular Premier to silence their voices or stay their action in thus defending the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England Yours obediently,

in the Diocese of Exeter.

A BENEFICED CLERGYMAN AND MEMBER OF THE E.C.U. [Our correspondent forgets or appears to be unaware that Mr. Lindsay retired from the Church of England several months ago.-ED. C. H.]

SIR,-The appointment of Dr. Temple to Exeter will probably evoke an universal feeling of reprobation and disgust amongst Catholic Conservatives. The assumed author of the essay on the "Education of the World," in "Essays and Reviews," will undoubtedly meet with opposition in the old Cathedral town, whose motto has always been "Semper Fidelis." But is Dr. Temple original, even in his infidelity? Is he not rather a mere second-hand copyist? In order that this question may be answered I would suggest that your readers should collate carefully the essay by Dr. Temple on the "Education of the World" with an essay written by Lessing, "Die Erziehung des Menschen," which was published in 1780, and an English translation of which was printed in 1858, prior to the publication of Dr. Temple's essay. There exists not the slightest doubt that the two books are as identical as possible. The instances and arguments cited by Lessing are precisely those employed by Temple; and the celebrated essay which has excited so much odium for Christians,

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SIR,-When the privileges of a Dean and Chapter are invaded by the attempt of a Liberal Premier to thrust upon a Diocese an extreme political partizan, it may be well to consider whether or not the Rights bestowed by Magna Charta on the Clergy that "the Church shall be free" are not to be carefully balanced with the empty threat of præmunire. John Selden in his Table Talk, under the heading "Præmunire" declares that there can be no such thing. Let us commend his judgment to the Exeter Yours truly, A. R. FORBES-DAVIDSON. Chapter. Reigate, Oct. 16, 1869.

TORY APPOINTMENTS. SIR,—Allow me to put on record in your first number my sincere conviction-which is formed with as good a knowledge of facts as it is possible to have-that few slights and mistakes have so dismayed and disappointed Tory Churchmen throughout the country as the fact that Archdeacon Denison was passed over when Mr. Disraeli was in office, and not made a Bishop. If our political leaders doubt his exceeding great influence or high popularity in the West of England let them consult the Duke of Beaufort, Sir Alfred Slade, and Mr. Gore-Langton. These will give better advice than certain Orange bigots whose successful action when our last Church appointments were made, entailed the loss of from ten to twenty seats to the party. X. Y. Z. Conservative Club, S.W., Oct. 16, 1869.

SIR,-Whatever Mr. Disraeli did when in office regarding Church appointments at all events his intimate political friends did not promise us a magnificent vista of Orthodox Bishops and Deans-only to discover that their promises had come to nothing.

Yet Mr. Gladstone, whose own personal organ-supported by his allies and friends (the same organ that admitted those low-minded articles entitled "The Jew Premier ") announces without a word of condemnation Dr. Temple's appointment to Exeter. The principle of Essays and Reviews formally recognized and its chief writer elevated to the Episcopate! How grateful the Church ought to be to our renegade Tory minister ! A LONDON PRIEST. CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES AND POLICY. SIR,-I hope you will excuse me if I tell you under what conditions I can heartly wish success to the CHURCH HERALD. Firstly, you must stick to your principles, as announced on the flyleaf which I have received.

Church when true to herself is essentially Conservative, then your If you will steadily uphold the old teaching and remember that the heralding may be of great service to those who hold to the good old ways which you declare it to be your intention to maintain.


Secondly, it is very needful to avoid the popular notion that principles are shown merely by upholding Party Leaders. Measures, not men," must be your motto.

On the other hand, avoid insubordination so often taught under the guise of a far-seeing policy.

Party Leaders generally have opportunities for informing themselves which others lack.

You will be told that, to Catholics, politics are one of those minor matters on which all must agree to differ, and some of our Liberal friends expect, I know, to find their Revolutionary Republican notions prevalent, or at least tolerated, in that Kingdom, for the coming of which we pray.

principles, or glory as some do in having no opinions, but being guided Now, Sir, with regard to your opponents who either hold opposite simply by expediency, condemn their notions with all your power, but don't be deluded into the idea that mere strength of adjective will change their fancies or save waverers from being deluded by them. make it as plain as words can do, that, believing in the Divine The point I am desirous, in conclusion, of pressing on you is, to Sovereignty as universal, we look on what are commonly called secular politics quite differently from those who, leaning as it would seem to the old heresy of matter being evil, think that religion has nothing to do with politics. Surely Religion teaches us our duty to our fellow man, whether it be to the King as supreme, or to our equals and inferiors. It seems to me if religion does not give us a guide as to political matters, it cannot be fitting for us, being Christians, to have anything to do with politics, the conclusion from which is that a Christian cannot be a loyal subject. I am, Sir, Yours truly, GEORGE J. MURRAY. Junior Carlton Club, S.W., Oct. 13th, 1869.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY. SIR,-I solicit a place in your first number to point out how very dirty and uncared-for Westminster Abbey seems to be. I have known it more or less for thirty years: but never at any time has its state been so altogether discreditable as it is now. The dust on the monuments, pillars, metal work, stalls, seats and walls, is the dust of years. It seems verily a desolation, and symbolizes something worse. Putting the question on the lowest grounds, I venture to ask why, as the British Museum, the

Tower of London and the National Gallery are properly dusted and cared for, Westminster Abbey should, in this particular stand as a melancholy desolation and a disgrace to the nation? F. R. S. Broad Sanctuary, Oct. 15, 1869.

THE PLIGHT OF THE EVANGELICALS. SIR-I rejoice at the publication of a newspaper which shall maintain Conservative and moderate Church principles. For myself I publicly confess that I am a repentant Evangelical. I have lived to see that the principle of non-natural interpretation of our Formularies, supposed at the time of the Gorham judgment to be a temporary blessing, has turned out an abiding curse. The Evangelical party as a party is demoralized and far on the way to total extinction. O! my friends Death is surely in the Evangelical pot. The work of demoralization began then. We crowed lustily on our dunghill, and now half the party are sceptical because a lie was put in the place of truth; and the other half, if circumstances allowed, would in repentance follow my example and ally themselves to the Anglo-Catholic school.

Our failure in our public policy likewise, has been as complete and disastrous as our doctrinal failure. We flattered the Dissenters, allied ourselves with them, were "hail-fellow! well-met," and our reward is their political conduct in the case of the Irish Establishment.

This is what the Nonconformist quite recently said of our beloved Church. Please to print it :

"But these hucksters in lawn, these right reverend hagglers in rochets and stoles, these orators whose eloquence reaches its highest flights when defaming the operation of the original law for the support of Christ's ministers, or when fighting for the last penny which can be snatched from endowments which have been the scandal of Christendom-these mainstays of Christianity, these chief warriors on the bulwark of Protestanism,' who rather than abandon State support and State pay, volunteer to endow that Church which their own standards denounce as apostate, and so to admit the enemy into the citadel for a bribe-who can say that they have imported a divine element into the political scene? A party of corndealers from Mark-lane, cheapening samples in their trade, or of Jews from the market in Houndsditch, battling over a mountain of old clothes, could scarcely have afforded a less noble spectacle to the nation. All the episcopal eloquence has gone in the line of womanish lamentation over the inevitable, of crying over spilt milk, of groaning over the broken bauble of court precedence; or worse, in the perversion of history, in the bitter slandering of the free Churches of England, or in excuses for the endowment of Jesuitism."

My eyes are opened. May it be granted to other and better men that their eyes may be opened likewise before it is too late! A Church system must be positive or it goes to decay. Yours, &c.,


DER PABST UND DAS CONCIL. SIR,-I would call the attention of your readers to this remarkable book, of which translations in Italian, French, and English, are said to be in preparation. None can properly realise the increasing dangers which threaten religion amongst Catholics until they have read as concise and clear a statement of such dangers as it is possible to have put forth. Your very humble servant, A. V. SHRADER.

John-street, Golden-square, Oct., 1869.

TO THE VERY REV. THE DEAN AND THE VERY REV. THE CHAPTER OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF EXETER. The Memorial of the undersigned, George Anthony Denison, M.A., Vicar of East Brent, Archdeacon of Taunton. Showeth,

I. That it is currently reported and believed that the Rev. Frederick Temple, D.D., head master of Rugby School, has been recommended by the Prime Minister for the vacant See of Exeter.

II. That your memorialist, in the year 1861, moved for a committee of Lower House of Convocation of Canterbury to examine and report upon the book called “Essays and Reviews," and that he was chairman of the committee. III. That it appeared to him then, as it appears now, that the essay of Dr. Temple, being the prefatory essay of the book, has passages heretical in terms; and, further," that it contains the substance of the entire volume.

IV. That it was, and is, impossible for him to come to any conclusion other than that the volume was so devised and arranged, that the remaining six "Essays" or "Reviews" should proceed to develop in detail the principles laid down and indicated in the prefatory "Essay" of Dr. Temple; the several subjects being assigned to the several writers by an anonymous editor, conversant with, and, perhaps, initiating the entire scheme; and that all necessity of intercommunication between the several writers being thus avoided, each one of them was enabled to say that he was answerable for his own "Essay," or "Review," only. V. That your memorialist has shown by an analysis of the volume, published by him in 1861, that it is impossible to come reasonably to any conclusion about the structure and composition of the volume other than that herein above stated. The analysis was endorsed by men of high position and great ability in sections of the Church not agreeing with that section to which your memorialist belongs.

VI. That your memorialist has not at hand the records of Convocation, so as to enable him to go here into the details of proceedings in the two Houses of Convocation upon the book; but that he is able to state that the Lower House, at his instance, condemned the book upon the report of its committee.

VII. That Dr. Temple has not recalled his Essay: nor retracted the heretical passages in it; nor disclaimed sympathy with the other "Essays and Reviews, being its complement and development; nor even expressed publicly his sorrow for having written and allowed it to be published.

VIII. That, regard being had to the facts herein above stated, your memorialist is compelled to say that, if the appointment of Dr. Temple to the See of Exeter, or to any other See of the Church of England, shall be carried out, a direct and intolerable offence and treason will have been committed against Christ and His Church; and that thereupon it will become the duty of every Churchman to labour actively and steadily, to dissolve all connection between the Church and the State. Your memorialist therefore respectfully prays that you will withhold your official sanction of, and concurrence in such appointment. And your memorialist will ever pray. GEORGE ANTHONY DENISON, M.A.,

Leeds, Oct. 14, 1869.

Vicar of East Brent, Archdeacon of Taunton.

We rejoice to hear that a Memorial to the late Rev. Dr. Todd is about [The English Version-most ably rendered-is reviewed in another to be set on foot, as the subjoined will show :column.-ED. C. H.]

ST. CHAD'S, HAGGERSTONE. SIR,-Many here are remarking that it would be a good thing if a certain Clergyman, who has left his few sheep in the Gloucestershire wilderness in order to interfere with the legitimate rights of the London Clergy, would go back again and attend to his own flock, instead of causing mischief and sowing dissensions in this part of London. The scandalous paragraph which appeared in Saturday's John Bull, regarding St. Chad's, is believed to be the work of this officious busy-body. There is no law in the Church to forbid two altars in a Church. There are two altars at Gloucester Cathedral, Exeter Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, and in many Parish Churches. And it is well for Early Communions to have an altar in a side Chapel, so that a small congregation may profitably and quietly attend, instead of compelling the Priest to shout at the top of his voice to people 90 or 100 feet away from him.

A spy of any sort is an offensive creature; but a clerical spy (who at the same time is an Episcopal toady) is to my mind a most disagreeable Your humble servant,


A WORSHIPPER AT ST. CHAD'S, HAGGERSTONE. Kingsland-road, 18th Oct., 1869.


104, Grafton-street, Dublin, October 11, 1869. Dear Sir,-At a preliminary meeting of the friends of the late Rev. James Henthorn Todd, D.D., held at the Palace, Dublin, on Wednesday, the 6th inst., it was unanimously resolved

"That the high character of the late Rev. Dr. Todd, and his eminent public services to the Church, to Literature, and to the Cause of Education in Ireland, should receive some public recognition."

The form of the Memorial having been brought under consideration, it was agreed to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, the 20th inst. Your presence is requested on that day at the Palace, St. Stephen'sgreen, at four o'clock.

If you cannot attend, and are willing to co-operate, any communication addressed to the undersigned, "Care of Messrs. Hodges, Foster, and Co., University Booksellers, Grafton-street, Dublin," shall, if desired, be submitted to the meeting. Yours very faithfully,

Hon. Secs.,

ROBERT C. G. O'CALLAGHAN, Clerk., pro tem.

The Guardian thus sums up the Church Congress :-"Men of all sorts were there, from Dr. Littledale to the person (whosoever he may be) who is most directly contrary to Dr. Littledale; and differences of sentiment were expressed freely-sometimes even noisily. It appears on the

papers and useful discussions, though these are for the most part of too sober a colour to be generally attractive, especially as reported in the daily newspapers."

SIR-I hope that the people who have the management of the South-whole to have gone off fairly well, and to have produced some good ampton Church Congress next year may arrange for the discussion of questions, pressing and momentous, of a little more interest than those appointed at Liverpool. Why was Corporate Reunion with the West overlooked or set aside? A Congress to be of any use should be one in which such topics are considered as are dear to the anxious hearts of men, and pressing for solution, Yours truly, A. B. E.

The Duke of Devonshire has laid the foundation-stone of a new Church to be erected at Buxton, Devonshire. His Grace gave the site and a contribution of £1,000.

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In fcap. 8vo., cloth, price 2s. 6d.


[In November.

is an active Parish Priest, a stirring preacher, a religious man, and a good administrator. He is rewarded, however, not for these qualities, but because he served Mr. Gladstone's purpose by creating diversions and divisions amongst the English Clergy, when political thieves-with unctuous blessings for the robbed-were piously operating upon the Irish Church. Of the Dean of Ely, sent to fill the position occupied by Bishop Waldegrave, it may be truly said that he is a shrewd commonplace member of the Broad Church sect, with mediocre

MOTTOES AND APHORISMS FROM SHAKESPERE; abilities and a rough and ready manner. The appointment

A selection of nearly Two Thousand Seven Hundred Mottoes and Aphorisms from Shakespere, with a copious Index of upwards of Nine Thousand References to Words and Ideas. [In October.

[blocks in formation]

to Salisbury is good; and that to Exeter, considered in another column, as bad as it possibly could be.

We are credibly informed that it was intended by Mr. Gladstone, either on the Queen's or his own behalf, to designate Dean Stanley for the Bishopric of Oxford, but that, having learnt that a majority of the Chapter would most certainly decline to elect him, it was arranged by those immediately interested that someone else could go to Oxford, on condition-a condition made, as is reported, by Dean Dess, was sent to Exeter Stanley-that Dr. Temple, his ally in Broad Church narrow

Abroad as well as at home the Cabinet is bringing England into disrepute and promoting the sure and steady dismemberment of the empire. Some of the wisest men amongst colonists believe that New Zealand will soon be lost to us owing to the startling madness of the Government policy-a conviction which makes even the Spectator and Saturday Review speak out with great plainness. It takes some time to open the eyes of Englishmen; amongst many, however, this needful process is now beginning. When the nation sees folly perpetrated, it acts promptly, but its vision just now is marvellously circumscribed.

There is an amazing amount of frothy twaddle talked about the want of education-a want which we hold to be vastly exaggerated in some cases, and in others to be no want at all. For many years the lower classes in this country have been over-educated or educated far above their proper station, to

ADVERTISEMENTS RECEIVED TILL FIVE O'CLOCK ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. the great detriment of order, contentment, and social morality.

The Church Herald.


The Week.

MR. Gladstone's appointments to the vacant Bishoprics have scarcely realized the hopes of his more sanguine supporters. The Bishop of Oxford, who was most mistakenly overlooked by the Tories-for he certainly ought to have been translated to London-goes to Winchester. This is natural. It is certainly unfortunate that, in connection with this appointment, his Lordship's almost contradictory speeches of 1868 and 1869 on the disestablishment question should be so fresh in men's minds. However satisfactory his later oration may have been to the Whig Cabinet, it must have been exceedingly unpalatable in Ireland, and was very much disliked in the Diocese of


Lord Arthur Hervey is an amiable and respectable Clergyman of moderate views and acquirements, who will efficiently perpetuate the Whig notion of the Episcopate. Mr. Mackarness a strong Liberal, and, until three days before his formal appointment, a member of the notorious English Church Union, is a Clergyman of whom nobody knew anything except that he was a brother-in-law of Sir John Coleridge-the selfconstituted abolisher of tests at Oxford-and was all but unanimously rejected by the Clergy of his Diocese on account of his Ecclesiastical Radicalism. His friends maintain that he

The result is that servants ape their masters and mistresses, the old race of good servants is dying out: the commodity cannot be had, and endless evils-to which we need not more definitely refer-are the baneful result. Reading, writing and arithmetic are all that is ordinarily required: the various artschools and other Utopian schemes for making young persons dissatisfied with the position in which it has pleased God to place them, create an artificial state of society the reverse of healthy, if not positively mischievous. And with all this, pride, insolence, contempt for authority, a disgusting precociousness, and the introduction of lax manners with an insolent disrespect forsuperiors, are extensively fostered. Thus religious education has been almost entirely set aside, for a system which will only tend more rapidly to demoralize the people and bring about the nation's downfall.

It is not more education that is wanted, but a plan for systematic emigration. The country is over-educated and over-populated, and the sooner several thousands of the hopeless, debilitated, and starving poor-poor whose patience in their miserable poverty is a marvellous virtue-are sent off, by government aid, to parts where the lands are rich and fertile, the climate good and the country uninhabited, the better will it be for all classes. The Liberals, always great and efficient in duping the poor and lower classes by promises, are exceedingly clever hands at breaking them. Whether these classes are benefitted or not by a Liberal policy cannot be doubtful. The closing of Woolwich Dockyard, the paring, scraping, and dismission of inferior Government officers in order to make new places for personal allies of the Ministry, is about the only action that the Government has recently taken on any subject of public interest, and that is not much

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