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given of the Communion, and according to the Rubric after the Church | ledged, and the very important point which at one time was Militant prayer. "When the Minister giveth warning for the celebration in some danger of being contested, that the Bishops should of the Holy Communion.

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after the Sermon or Homily ended

he shall read this exhortation following." It appears to me that the epithet "high" has no sanction from the Rubric, and, though perhaps in itself not very material, cannot legally be used. It appears from the evidence that at different times notices were given that the feasts of St. Leonard, St. Martin, and St. Britius would be observed. The Rubric. after the Nicene Creed, directs that "the Curate shall declare unto the people what holy-days or fasting days are in the week following to be observed." Mr. Purchas is not charged with having violated the law by omitting to give notice of these holy-days or fasting days, but by having given notice of holy-days which the Church has not directed to be observed. I think the holy-days which are directed to be observed are those which are to be found after the Preface of the Prayer Book, under the head of "A Table of all the Feasts that are to be observed in the Church of England throughout the year." The feast of St. Leonard, St. Martin, and St. Britius are not among these; I therefore think the notices of them were improper, and I must admonish Mr. Purchas to abstain from giving such notices for the future.

This is my judgment upon the particular charges brought against the defendant; but I cannot conclude it without once again referring to the general question to which these charges relate. In the Judgment in Martin v. Mackonochie I said::-"Before I proceed to consider the greater question, whether they are ceremonies forbidden by the Ecclesiastical Law of England, and more especially by that part of it which consists of the provisions of the Prayer Book and the Statute of Uniformity, I think it right to draw attention to the judgment of the Church Universal, and especially of that pure and Apostolic Branch of it established in this realm,' upon the general subject of ceremonies. And from that judgment it will, I think, appear that an essential distinction is drawn between those which are, from their origin, immutable, and those which it is competent to the proper authorities to mould according to the varying necessities and exigencies of each particular Church." (p. 136).

I then cited various authorities upon this point, and I added:-"I have thought it expedient to recite the foregoing authorities upon the nature of Rites and Ceremonies, in order to fortify my position, that the questions now pending before me in no way affect the relations of the Church of England to the Church Catholic, but have reference solely to matters of detail and order in her ministrations, which every independent Church has at all times claimed and exercised." (p. 146). I have deemed it well to repeat this language upon the present occasion, because I think that the proposition which it embodies would, if temperately and impartially considered, tend to prevent the litigation and allay the discord which is at the present moment distracting the energies and weakening the authority of our Church. Now with respect to the question of costs, I shall condemn the defendant in the cost of all those charges which have been substantiated against him, and as the defendant has not appeared I shall make an order as to the costs of those charges which the promoter has failed to sub


The course which the Registrar will probably think it proper to pursue will be to tax the Promoter's whole costs of suit, and subsequently to deduct from that sum such a proportion as he may think fairly represents the costs of the unsubstantiated charges. It will probably be found a case in which a very close estimate cannot be made; and considerable discretion, subject to the revision of the Court, must be left to the Registrar.

The Church Herald.


The Week.

WITH Parliament and Convocation both re-assembling, men rather look forward with anxiety than recall the past, and yet since our last issue several matters of great moment to Churchmen have been prominently brought forward. The publication of the "draft of an Act of Constitution for the Irish Church" by the Committee recommended at the late Lay Conference, is a most important document, and we are thankful to find, on the whole, gives hopes of the Church being reconstituted in a manner which may preserve to her Bishops and Priests their legitimate authority in matters of doctrine. There is a decided acceptance of the doctrine and practice of the Irish Church previous to her disestablishment. The Prayer Eook, Ordinal, and Thirty-nine Articles, with the Canonical Pooks of Holy Scripture, are all specifically acknow

have the right of separate voting and a veto, is conceded. It is of the deepest importance that the poor, weakened Church should be so constituted that the Faith may not be subject to the whim of a powerful and wealthy laity, as is generally the case where the voluntary system prevails, and we are most thankful to observe that some measure of independence is apparently preserved to the Clergy, as the Bishops are in all cases to be the judges in the Ecclesiastical Courts. Except in the Appeal Court, it is proposed to set three laymen with the two Archbishops and senior Bishop as the judges, and this we cannot but consider fraught with danger. Had it been proposed that certain learned legal advisers should sit as assessors, it would probably have been a valuable suggestion, and one acceptable to both sides, but we fail to perceive any sound reason for laymen sitting as judges of Church doctrine. They certainly do not with us show well in that capacity, for though Sir R. Phillimore in his judgment in the St. Albans' case two years ago, laid down a thoroughly sound principle for the interpretation of our Church's rules, he no sooner proceeded to decide the case before him than he departed utterly from the rule he had enunciated. In the cases of Messrs. Wix and Purchas he has followed the same course, and adopted the Radical Protestant notion of the Rubrics in the Prayer Book, with the Canons, being capable of acceptance as containing a full guide to lawful Ritual.

Whatever Sir R. Phillimore's Judgment may be to the High Church party, it is evidently very distasteful to Puritans. In their present state of decay and decomposition, they have enough energy left to exclaim against the ruling of the Judge as regards vestments, birettas, holy water, wafer bread, and the mixed chalice. And so once again they appeal to Cæsar. What may be the result of that appeal no one can tell, for the principles on which Privy Council Judgments have been hitherto founded are, to say the least, both eclectic and eccentric. Sir Robert, in the present Judgment, was evidently hampered by this consideration. He has, however, acquitted himself both with dignity and acumen; and his Judgment is a valuable contribution towards the settlement of the question, which some think pressingly needed. For ourselves we are not of these, because at present the subject is only beginning to be rightly understood. In an appeal to the Privy Council it will be impossible to ignore the principles already laid down. If so, the points conceded in Mr. Purchas' favour, by Sir R. Phillimore, must at least be conceded then. All these persecutions by the Puritan sect tend to open men's eyes to its rotten state. Furthermore, the public prints familiarize the people with the principles and terms of Catholic practicean unmistakeable gain. A large section of the Church is steadily rising in Catholic sentiment. The full fruition of our legal rights cannot be long delayed, either by the Church Association, the Record, or the Devil. Amen.

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If our readers will refer to page 62 of Dr. Lee's Paper on Ecclesiastical Vestments they will find there a reply by anticipation to the recent judgment, so far as it refers to the matter of stoles. The word vestment included all subsidiary articles of official dress. following extract from Nichols's Royal Wills, 1780:— This appears by the

melius quod habeo de panno velveto aureo, id est unam casulam cum Item lego eidem Ecclesiæ unum vestimentum integrum rubei coloris 2 dalmaticis, 3 albis, 3 amictis, 2 stolis, 3 manipulis, 2 torvaillis cum toto ornamento pro altare. From will of Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, ob. 1426.

We trust, therefore, that the Clergy will be in no hurry to change the old customs in deference to an opinion founded on an evident misconception.

It is reported in high political circles in Dublin that Lord Spencer is likely to resign the Vice-Royalty, and Mr. Chichester Fortescue to succeed him as Lord Ravensdale. The features

of the Irish Land Bill are likely to be such as to indicate that Mr. Bright has the honour of its paternity.

The Bishop of Peterborough and Lord R. Montagu have both been speaking plainly on the Education question. The falsity of the assumption made by the Secularists, that their scheme of Education is unsectarian, was well exposed by the latter speaker, as also the absurdity of supposing that if religious teaching be left to voluntary effort it will not be thereby withheld altogether from a large proportion of the children of the poor.

We are always careful not to speak evil of dignities, and are certainly not surprised that an Archbishop should hesitate to play second fiddle to the English Church Union. But something must be said respecting the recent conduct of the Archbishop of York on the visit of the Archbishop of Syra, and something which it is not pleasant to say of so high a dignitary. His Grace's letters are not straightforward. It being fully admitted that his Grace did not know the address in question to have emanated from the English Church Union, it was not candid to express ignorance of the "nature" of the address when (as appears) ignorance only of its source was intended. Nor was it candid in a reply to an objector to put the benediction pronounced by the Greek Archbishop on the footing merely of a prayer, since all the parties concerned meant more by it than that, and the Archbishop of York must be well aware of the fact. Of course the object of this misuse of words is to bamboozle weak-minded Protestants. We disclaim such tactics altogether, and happily the Catholic cause has no need of them. The Church of England acknowledges the orders of the Greek Church, and does not acknowledge those of the Protestant schismatics, and it is merely disingenuous to endeavour to hide either the fact or its consequences.

The resumption by Lord Cairns of the Conservative Leadership in the House of Lords, though it relieves the party from a temporary difficulty, is, we think, much to be regretted. Though a clever man, and in many respects an able lawyer, he has never cleared his mind from a hazy sort of Orange Protestantism, which effectually prevents his taking up a line of policy likely to obtain for him the aid of Tory Catholics. Throughout the Irish Church debates he was ever redolent of Belfast Presbyterianism. He has never shown in his speeches that he rises above the notion of Conservatism being a clog to the Democratic chariot wheel. Our Leader should be one who recognises the Divine origin of authority.

Mr. Gladstone made a shuffling reply to the deputation from the Emigration League which the Duke of Manchester introduced to him, on Thursday, with some forcible remarks respecting the duty of Government to provide for the starving poor. The reply was very much what one would expect from a man who thinks he can separate statesmanship from Christianity. It had Lord Palmerston's shuffling without the humour which enabled him to avoid promising anything. Happily there are numerous indications that All the Talents" are aware they cannot go on long together.

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In the Hospital for Convalescents, which is about to be established on Portsdown Hill in southern Hampshire, there will, we hear, be special provision made for the reception of those Clergymen who may desire a change of air and temporary rest. The extreme salubrity of the locality and nearness to Wymering and Purbrook Churches will, we do not doubt, render it a great benefit to many a poor sick Priest.

It is, we understand, proposed to hold very shortly, in London, a meeting of those who desire in any way the Reunion of Christendom. The object ought to commend itself to every Christian heart. We hope to be able next week to announce where and when it will be held.

A correspondent informs us, and we have every reason to believe the information to be correct, that proceedings are to be at once commenced disregard of the Rubrics. The charges are rather numerous, but free against a well-known ultra-Protestant Incumbent at Brighton for flagrant from any trivial points of detail.

The well-known publisher, Mr. W. B. Kelly, Grafton-street, Dublin, has undertaken to bring out a translation, by Professor Robertson, of Dr. Hergenrother's work, entitled "Anti-Janus." Dr. Hergenröther is Professor of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical History at the University of one of the ablest and most learned Divines of Catholic Germany. He is



(From a Special Correspondent).

On Monday, January 31st, the Bishop of Winchester made his first official visit to Basingstoke, for the purpose of holding a special Confirmation for that parish. His Lordship left the Rectory for the Church, attended by a procession in the following order: the verger, four sidesmen, four Churchwardens (all bearing their staves of office), the choir and Clergy in surplices, the Bishop, preceded by the Curate of the parish carrying the pastoral staff, and followed by his Chaplain. In passing from the west door to the chancel the first two portions of the 119th Psalm were chanted by the choir, after which the Bishop, being seated in a chair on the north side, his Chaplain, the Rev. E. Wilberforce, read the Preface. The Bishop then addressed the candidates (about one hundred in number, including twenty from neighbouring parishes) in his usual style of fervid earnestness, which evidently produced the deepest impression upon the large congregation, as well as upon those who were about to be confirmed. The candidates were presented, two at a time, by the Clergy of their respective parishes, and were received by the Bishop seated at the chancel step, in which position the laying on of hands was performed. At the close of the Service the Bishop gave the blessing, holding his pastoral staff, and then led the procession in reversed order from the Church to the Rectory, the choir singing the hymn "O Paradise," from Hymns Ancient and Modern." The pastoral staff already mentioned was presented to the Bishop immediately before the Confirmation as the gift of fifty ladies in the Diocese. In presenting it the Vicar, on behalf of the donors, said that they did not desire it to be regarded merely as a token of personal esteem, since the gift was wholly insufficient for that purpose, and since also they could not pretend to represent the ladies of the Diocese, of whom there were hundreds who would gladly take part in any act which could be regarded as a tribute to the Bishop's worth. Their only wish was that, being advanced to a See of higher dignity, he should not be without a mark of his rank which he had been accustomed to bear in his former Diocese. The Bishop in very few words replied that, while well assured of the kindly feeling which accompanied the gift, he was glad to accept it officially rather than personally, as an evidence of the esteem in which his high office was held. The staff is of ebony, with massive silver mountings, the crook silver, engraved and parcel-gilt, enriched with gold filagree, and profusedly set with amethysts, carbuncles, turquoises, and other jewels. The arms of the See are enamelled at the junction of the crook with the staff. Messrs. Hart of Wychstreet were the makers.


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The Rev. E. Cockey, to the Rectory of Fryerning, Essex.
The Rev. J. Dobie, to the Vicarage of Wheelock, Cheshire.

The Rev. C. W. Edmonstone, to the Incumbency of Curzon Chapel, Mayfair.
The Hon. and Rev. E. C. Glyn, to the Senior Curacy of St. George's Church,

The Rev. E. F. E. Hankinson, to the Rectory of Bircham Newton and Bircham Tofts, Norfolk.

The Rev. A. P. Holme, Great Yarmouth, to the Rectory of Tattenhall, Cheshire. The Rev. S. J. Johnson, to the Rectory of Upton-Helions, Devon.

The C. G. Lane, to the Rectory of Little Gaddesden, Berkhampstead.

The Rev. C. H. Legard, to the Vicarage of Boynton.

The Rev. S. Linton, to the Vicarage of Holy Trinity, Oxford.

The Rev. G. R. Mackarness, to be Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Oxford. The Rev. B. E. Metcalfe, to the Vicarage of Ferry Frystone, otherwise Water Frystone.

The Rev. J. A. Morris, to the Vicarage of Belton, Isle of Axholme.

The Rev. T. Tolming, to the Perpetual Curacy of Exton-cum-Newland, Lancashire.

The Rev. T. F. Stooks, Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Chaplain to the Bishop of London, to the Vicarage of Holy Trinity, Brompton.

The Rev G. T. Valentin, to the Vicarage of Holme, Eden, Cumberland.
The Rev. G. W. Wall, to the Vicarage of Bickerstaffe, Ormskirk.

The Rev. E. Wilkinson, to the Rectory of Snargate with Snave, near Romney, Kent.
The Rev. A. T. Wood, to the Rectory of Widmerport.

Home and Foreign Church News.

The Ritual Commissioners sat three times last week.

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The assertion seems a startling one, but it is said to be susceptible of proof, that every Sunday evening there are more men and women in the London public-houses than in all the London Churches and Chapels; if so, what a wide field of Missionary exertion do these places present.Record-[We would commend this assertion to the attention of the Church Association with its enormous funds of £50,000 lying idle.]

One work which is confidently predicated will be a result of the labours of the Council is the entire re-modelling of the Congregation of the Index. The Holy Father desires that the Hierarchy of each country should be the immediate judge of its publications, and it is expected that each Diocese will have a committee for the examination of books,

The Bishop of Oxford will be enthroned in his Cathedral on the 15th inst.
It is said that the announcement of the appointment of the Rev. A.
Willis to be Bishop of Madagascar is somewhat premature.
Lord Lilford has contributed 1,000l. towards the restoration of Leigh from which there would be an appeal to the central Congregation of the
Index in Rome.- Westminster Gazette.

Mr. Perry, Her Majesty's late Inspector of Prisons, has left Dr. Colenso a legacy of £2,000.

The Bishop Hamilton's Memorial Fund Committee have resolved to proceed at once with the architectural restoration of the choir of Salis

A movement has been set on foot at Godmanchester to have the Church bury Cathedral, in pursuance of the recommendation of Mr. Gilbert bells put in proper ringing order.

The Record is not at all satisfied with the recent judgments, and says they must be appealed against to a calmer as well as a better informed


The English Churchman says, that by the death of the Bishop of Kilmore the income of his See, 6,000l. a-year, “will be stolen by the Infidel State.'

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At the Election of the Bishop-Designate of Manchester the Honorary Canons petitioned to be admitted to the Chapter in order to vote in the the Election, but the request was not complied with.

The Bishop of Bath and Wells was entertained at a grand dejeuner by the Mayor and Corporation of Bath on Thursday, when an address of welcome was presented to him. His Lorship made a suitable reply. The Record says that "Processions with crosses, crucifixes, banners, music, and consecrated candles have all been swept away by Dr. more's Judgment as so much rubbish."

Scott, the architect. This portion of the work will cost about 4,2001. The entail an outlay of something like 15,000. The subscriptions, however, whole of the works contemplated as a memorial to the late Bishop will up to the present time only amount to 8,1281.

The Archbishop of York writes, in reference to the report that he was "present when a report from a society called the English Church Union was presented" to the Archbishop of Syra-"The address was described to ine as an address of welcome from some inhabitants of York, and until I read your report I did not know that it came from any society, as it was presented, and not read. If I had been informed of the nature of the address, I should not have been able to take part in the presentation."

The Rev. Prebendary Stooks, who has been nominated to the Vicarage of Holy Trinity, Brompton, in the room of the Rev. Dr. Irons, presented by the Crown to the Rectory of Wadingham, Lincolnshire, was for some Philli-years Secretary to the London Diocesan Church Building Society, and was presented to the Prebendal Stall of St. Pancras, in St. Paul's Cathedral, by Bishop Tait, in 1863. Mr. Stooks is a sound Churchman, and the parishioners of Brompton may be congratulated on the choice of a successor to Dr. Irons.

The Festival of the Purification was well observed at All Saints', Lambeth, and an excellent Sermon on "Religion in its Homely Aspects," was preached by Dr. Littledale.

The offertory at St. John's, Bathwick, amounted for the year 1869 to £691 as against £475 in the previous year. The Church only holds 340 persons. In addition to this the congregation has raised £2,700 towards enlarging the building, the cost of which will amount to £5,000.

Notice of appeal against the Judgment of the Dean of Arches in the Purchas Case has been given by the Church Association. They have not yet got all they want. Three or four counter-prosecutions may cause them to regret their zeal in appealing unto Cæsar.

The late Rev. John Law, Rector of Elvetham, Hants, has bequeathed to the Parish of King's Cliffe, a legacy of 6221., the interest of which sum is to be expended on St. Thomas's Day, in clothing for the poor


The Archbishop of York has expressed his wish to hold a Church Conference at Doncaster. The Rural Dean, in a circular to the Clergy says "His Grace would prefer that the Clergy of the Deanery should, invite him to hold it, rather than that he should take the initiative."

It is stated that in consequence of the small quantity of refreshments allowed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Ritual Commissioners, the Dean of Westminster allows them an unlimited supply of tea, milk, and sugar at five o'clock.

The annual meeting of the Board of Management of the Bishop of London's Fund was held last Tuesday, the Bishop presiding. The Report shows the expenditure of the year to have been £52,000, the receipts £42,000, and the working expenses £2,684.

A "Nonconformist" complains in the Times that the Bishop of Syra was allowed to pronounce the Benediction in Greek in York Minster. It may be some comfort to the "Nonconformist" to be informed that the Benediction was pronounced in the vestry of the Minster.

At a Unitarian social gathering in the Sheffield Cutlers' Hall, the Rev. J. L. Short (chairman) took courage from the recent appointment of Dr. Temple to Exeter, adding, "whether Dr. Temple were aware of it or not the grand principle for which he was contending, and the magnificent truths which he was uttering almost every time he addressed the public, were about as nearly related to those which they were associated to promote as anything bearing a relationship or cousinship could be." (Applause).

A new East window has been placed in Christ Church, Newgatestreet. The subject is appropriate in the Church of Christ's Hospital— our Lord blessing little children. The chief figure is seen issuing from beneath a richly-ornamented gateway, on the sides of which appear in niches six of the Cardinal virtues on the one side, Faith, Hope, Charity; on the other, Justice, Fortitude, Chastity. In the mouldings of the arch are medallions containing the heads of the four Evangelists. On Sunday Father Ignatius preached at Store-street, on "Mary, the Mother of God." An evening contemporary states that, by way of illustrating how absurd it is to abuse Roman Catholics for their treatPresbyterian who were passing a picture of the Madonna. The Priest Why do you do that?" asked the Presbyterian, "she was no more than my mother." "Very likely," answered the Priest, "but then see what a difference there is between the two sons!"

ment of the Blessed Virgin, he told the story of a R. C. Priest and a

took off his hat and bowed.

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Mr. Urquhart is very active in striving to obtain a hearing for his cause, and has won the support of Lord Stanley of Alderley; they have obtained the signatures of twenty Bishops, and the petition is almost certain to find a place among the Postulata. It is undoubtedly a noble scheme, to seek to re-establish Canon Law and make the Vicar of Christ final arbitrator in international disputes; and one cannot but admire the

sanguine chivalry of a man who, in view of the present phase of modern thought, can continue to battle resolutely in furtherance of an idea so far removed above its aims.-Westminster Gazette.

The Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Fundenhall, Norfolk, has been reopened with special Choral Services after restoration. The Bishop of the Diocese was the celebrant, and he also preached to a large congregation in the afternoon. There is a stone reredos, but much disfigured by having in its several compartments the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and a somewhat singular selection of Scripture texts. In repairing the north doorway a very ancient stoup was found which has been preserved in its original position. The pulpit is in memory of the Incumbent's wife, and bears an inscription to that effect.

On the Festival of the Purification of the B.V.M. a Service, consisting of a Celebratior, hymns, and a Sermon by the Rev. J. L. Galton, Vicar of St. Sidwell's, Exeter, was held at St. Lawrence, Jewry. It was held at mid-day, and was in special connection with the Capetown Association, a meeting of the members being held in the vestry afterwards. There was Evensong at eight and a Sermon by the Rev. E. Glover, late Warden of Kafir College, Capetown. The altar was vested with a richly-worked white frontal, and upon the super-altar stood the cross, surmounted with eight magnificent bouquets of white flowers. The Church was crowded in every corner, and the congregation joined most heartily in the Services, which, it is almost superfluous to add, were admirably rendered. The offertory amounted to about £40.

On Sunday evening the Rev. Mr. Elliott, Curate of St. Chad's, Haggerstone, preached a remarkably telling Sermon at All Saints', Lambeth, from the words of the Gospel, "while men slept." He pointed out that if High Churchmen, or Ritualists as they were termed, had been more energetic and had not slept when at first the Church Association commenced their persecutions, but had commenced counter-prosecutions, we should never have had their later exhibitions of State tyranuy, for the Evangelicals" themselves would have declared it intolerable. He thought lay Churchmen should be ashamed of their apathy or cowardice in not at once bringing before the law courts some dozen notorious "Evanglicals" who every time they officiate in their Churches set all Rubrics and law at defiance.

A meeting of the General Committee of the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the principles of the Established Church was held on Thursday at the Sanctuary, Westminster. After considering various communications, which were submitted to them, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to by the Committee, viz.: That on the eve of the introduction of a Bill into Parliament, by Her Majesty's Government, for the promotion of Education, the Committee think it most befitting the position of the National Society to confine themselves to the expression of their desire to co-operate with the Government, whilst they reassert their conviction that religion is the only true basis on which the education of the people of this country can rest."

The Church of Womenswould has been restored and reopened. In connection with the restoration a correspondent sends the following shocking particulars to the Church Times. The contractor claimed the holy table which had been replaced by a new altar. It was afterwards sold for 7s. 6d. to a beer-house keeper at Barfreston, where it was found by a neighbouring Rector, to whose ears the scandal had been brought, that the Womenswould altar was serving for a beer table in the taproom. The publican made him pay nearly a sovereign for it, and it was then consumed by fire. The contractor having heard of the awful sacrilege which had ensued, came forward and insisted on refuuding the money; but where was the Vicar of Womenswould, through whose gross negligence such sacrilege was rendered possible?"


The Globe says:-" The Roman Catholic Archbishopric of Armagh has now for some months been vacant by the death of Dr. Kieran. The Roman Catholic Clergy of the Archdiocese returned as dignissimus to Rome Dr. M-Gettigan, who for fourteen years has been Roman Catholic Bishop of Raphoe, but we now learn from the Freeman's Journal that Dr. M-Gettigan has been excused by the Holy Father from acceptance of it." It has long been thought probable that Dr. Russell, the President of Maynooth, would be selected by the Pope for the vacant Primacy, and as he is a very able man and an excellent scholar his appointment would give general satisfaction. But Cardinal Cullen is now at Rome, and will no doubt be able to obtain the vacant Archbishopric for whatever Prelate he deems most fitted to promote the interests of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland."

The Cathedral of Dromore was founded by St. Coleman about the year A.D. 500. It was destroyed in the rebellion of 1641. In 1661 it was rebuilt by the celebrated Jeremy Taylor, when the See of Dromore was held by him in commendam with the united Sees of Down and Connor. The Communion plate was a present from his wife Joanna, and is still used for Celebrations in Dromore Cathedral. Four Bishops are interred in the vault under the chancel (which was built by Bishop Taylor when he rebuilt the Church in 1661), viz. Jeremy Taylor, ob. 1667; George Rust, ob. 1670; Essex Digby, ob. 1683; and Capel Wiseman, ob. 1695. A few days ago this vault was opened in the course of making some alterations consequent on building a memorial chancel to Bishop Taylor; the remains of the Bishops were found, but the wood of

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the coffins had entirely disappeared, with the exception of a piece of oak on which it is supposed the coffins had rested.

The progress made in the construction of Cologne Cathedral during the year 1869 was very satisfactory. The northern tower has reached a height of 180 feet above the ground. The state of the southern part was so bad that a great deal of the masonry had to be removed; 20 feet, however, have been rebuilt. The scaffolding for 1870 is almost ready, and the stone required has been purchased. The towers will now rise isolated above the building. They are to be built to a height of 30 feet a-year, and in 1871 the third entablature will be reached where the octagonal lanterns begin. The restoration of the masonry is continually progressing, and, according to the assurances of the architect, the Cathedral will be completed in 1875 as far as the cruciform ornaments, should the subscriptions amount to 250.000 florins a-year, as they have lately done. The interior of the Cathedral has been ornamented with stained glass windows and statues, though in this respect much remains to be done. On the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Bishop of Carlisle consecrated a new Church in his Diocese, dedicated to the B.V.M. Hith rto the parishioners have been without a Church, and have worshipped in one of the naves of the Cathedral. At a few minutes before eleven a procession was formed, consisting of the choir, the Cathedral Clergy, and the officiating Clergy in their surplices, the city Clergy, in black gowns. Entering the Church by the west door the Bishop proceeded up the middle aisle intoning the appointed psalm, as he did the Cathedral choir; but in the middle of the Communion Office the choir, whole of the Service. The Service was choral, and rendered by the from some unexplained reason, abruptly left the Church, and thus the chief act of worship and thanksgiving was left to be read by the Bishop and those members of the congregation who were not too lazy to remain to the end of the Service.

On the Eve of the Purification of the B.V.M. the Bishop of Winchester was present at the examination of the boys in Lambeth school, and addressed the scholars. He remarked that youth was much more a prophecy of the future than a history of the past. It was, to be sure, to some extent a history, for if they had been able and careless that would have come out in the examination. They would see in the boy what the man would be-whether he would be a strong fellow and fit to fight life's battle. Observing that the hearts of the pupils were there trained to feel for other people, the Bishop said if they were careless when young they would be selfish when they grew to be men, and a build in anyhow. He could neither be built into the family, or the selfish man was a terrible thing. He was like a brick that would not parish, or the country. It was want of selfishness that made the difference between a man and an ape.

The Church of St. Mary-the-Virgin, Burley-in-Wharfdale, has been restored and reopened, and a new chancel and vestry have been added. To the liberality and activity of Mr. Hudson of Moorville, one of the Magistrates of the Riding, and Vicar's Warden, the parishioners are indebted, not only for the success which has attended the whole undertaking, but more especially for the improvements in the choir. Mr Hudson has himself defrayed hitherto the expenses of organist and choirteacher, and, with his co-Warden, sings with the choir, who now wear surplices. A new clock and peal of bells will at once be put up in place of the clock destroyed by the late fire, and the one bell which perished with the clock. According to the pastoral issued by the Vicar, there will be henceforward Daily Prayer at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., save on Thursday and Saturday evening, when Service will be at seven o'clock. There will also, beside the Noon Cele ration, be a Celebration every Sunday at 8 a.m., save on the last Sunday in each month.

Bishop Trower writes to the Guardian in reference to his remarks on his opposition to Dr. Temple's consecration to the Bishopric of Exeter, and adds:-"It is my intention to support Archdeacon Denison's motion to exclude the Bishop of Exeter from the office of Vice-President of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. I do so with a full sense of the many painful consequences of such a measure; but the office is a trust, involving no little influence in the Mission to the heathen of fit Ministers of the Gospel of Christ. If it were a question of what is called High or Low Church, I should not vote. But the question involved inEssays and Reviews' (as Bishop Thirlwall says) is this- Is there any longer a religion?' and as I believe that any writer in that book who has not expressed his horror at it and his penitence for having aided in its circulation was disqualified for the office of a Bishop, so I could not be a party to intrusting him in any greater degree than is already inevitable with the selection and Mission of Clergymen, or with personal influence in the management of our greatest Missionary Society."

A point which at present engages the General Congregation, is the extension of the Roman Breviary to those odd parts of Christendom where it is not yet used, and the introduction of the word Roman into every document and on every occasion when it can possibly be applied. If our readers will refer to Dr. Lingard's Catechism, they will find therein a distinct injunction to the faithful to call themselves "Catholics,' and not "Roman Catholics;" and the explanation is added that the latter phrase implies what is not true-that men may be Catholics, and yet not in communion with the See of Rome. One would have thought that such a decision based on such an argument, would have been flatter

ing enough to the Papacy. But--other times, other manners. Poor Dr. Lingard and his generation have passed away, and their views are anathema to the present Ultramontane race. There are to be no English Catholics, no French Catholics, no American Catholics. They are one and all to be Roman Catholics.

A petition, signed by some thirty Clergymen, has been presented to Mr. Gladstone, in which the petitioners ask for the repeal of certain disqualifications, and especially of those imposed by Horne Tooke's Act. Referring to this the Pall Mall Gazette remarks: The indelibility of Orders would not, strictly speaking, be affected. If a man receives a mysterious grace at his ordination of which no subsequent event can possibly deprive him, the proposed legislation would not imply any disbelief in the fact. Parliament would simply consider the Clergyman in his quality of State official. It would provide proper regulatious for securing the effective discharge of his duty, and prevent him from being subject to improper political influence. If he chose to give up his place, he would be freed from these restrictions, and at the same time would forfeit his right to promotion in his original line. A Clergyman would, therefore, be as free for all practical purposes as the member of any other profession. He would be bound by no irrevocable pledges of any kind. He is already free to become a lawyer or a physician, and he would in future be free to become a member of Parliament or an alderman, or, in short, to do anything that anybody else may do."

In reply to an address the Archbishop of York has thus expressed his views on the Athanasian Creed :-"I beg to acknowledge the receipt of a memorial which you have forwarded to me, praying for some measure of relief in the use of the Athanasian Creed.' I am struck by the fact that the signatures to this memorial include some of the most respected names amongst the Clergy and Laity, and those drawn, not from any one school or class of opinion, but from every school. It is not, I think, difficult to understand the general reasons which bring so many persons together upon a subject so important. Without going into the history of our Creeds, which is familiar to all the memorialists. I will only say that I should be prepared, for my own part, to consider a measure of relief in the use of the Athanasian Creed. I find that many of those who value most highly that venerable document, as a true expression of the great doctrines of our faith, are coming round to the opinion that the present state of the law. which makes the use of the Athanasian Creed imperative upon all Clergymen in all congregations, requires some modification. It would be premature to say what that modification ought to be, and what should be its limits. But weighty reasons unquestionably exist for giving the matter the most serious consideration."

The new Bishop of Oxford has entered warmly into the work of His Diocese. Last Tuesday he took the chair at a meeting of the Diocesan Societies, and was heartily welcomed. The Oxford Journal urges the Bishop to organize Diocesan Synods:-"The laity-consisting of ninetenths of the nobility and upper classes of society, backed up by a large majority of the whole population-absolutely goes down before the minority, and that a scattered minority of all sects; for, scattered as they are, they have an organization, an organization for destruction, while the Church has none for defence. Once let every Diocese have its mixed Synod or Conference, let the voice of the country-for it is the country -be heard at periodical intervals through every vehicle of public information, newspapers, reports, petitions, addresses, and we should see, as if by magic, a wholly different state of things arise. No Birmingham Education League would unblushingly pronounce that the whole of our noble system of parochial schools must be swept away, No small though noisy, band of Radicals would announce that the days of the EstablishNo Prime Minister, in the strength of his haughty will, would venture to place on an Episcopal throne the very man whom Convocation and the mass of the Clergy had formally condemned. No factious opposition would be made in Parliament to the increase of the Episcopate and development of the Church's life in reformed Convocations, or improved ecclesiastical courts. Nor should we hear of such iniquitous movements as the destruction of the Church character of our ancient Universities. Let us hope that the new Bishop will lose no time in doing his part of this great work.

ment are over.


We extract the following specimen of Roman Catholic Liberalism" from the R.C. Catholic Opinion:-A correspondent sends us the following letter complaining of some paragraph from Catholic Opinion which was copied into the Rock under the heading-" Romanist Sympathy with Ritualism." -In the paragraph referred to we had remarked that Dr. Lee, a well-known leader of the advanced Anglican School, was recovering from a severe illness, and we expressed a hope that his life might be preserved to continue his work. On this, our correspondent writes:-"I beg to call your attention to the above paragraph, it seems likely to be greatly misunderstood. Dr. Lee is engaged in the devil's work, and spreading heresy and hatred to the Church of God. I think your remark needs some explanation We confess that we do not see what requires explaining, unless our correspondent supposes that no good works are possible out of the visible Church, and that by imputing good works to an Anglican, we imply that he is a member of the visible Church. Of course Anglicans are out of the visible Church. No Catholic writer needs to enunciate such a truism. Yet we think this Ritualistic movement a good work, since it has taught and is

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teaching to thousands, nearly every Catholic doctrine. Like the law o old, it has been proved to be "a pedagogue" to bring men to the Church. We think individual Anglicans may be in invincible ignorance of the fact that they are out of the visible Church, and, if so, being in good faith, the good works they are doing would be good works in them deserving grace, at least of, congruity. Hence, we thoroughly differ from our correspondent, who sees in Anglican Ministers nothing but teaching heresy and doing the work of the devil." We persons who are hope he may review his opinion on the matter.


Subjoined is the reply of the Archbishop of Syra to the address presented to him by the York Branch of the E.C.U. The Bishop spoke in German and it was interpreted by the Archbishop of York :-"I have not understood your language, but my heart understands all that you have so kindly said to me, and experiences strong and grateful emotions, and thanks you cordially. Everywhere since I have been in England Í have been much moved by the great sympathy that has been evinced towards my Church in my person, but this emotion is much stronger here in York. From this city sprang the Emperor Constantine the Great, who went to the East and there overthrew idolatry and established Christianity on the Imperial throne. He assembled the Council of Nicæa, and confirmed the true and Orthodox faith. He built the greatest city in the East, which up to this time bears his name. In the East he died, and his memory is hallowed among us for ever. mother, the sainted Helena, was born, as it is said, in this city. She also went to the East, and did much for the Church through her great piety. She erected in Palestine and elsewhere beautiful Churches to the honour of our Saviour. She died in the East, and her memory, too, is hallowed by us for ever. Is that not a sufficient ground for binding the Greek Church to the Church of England, just as the naturalization of Theodore of Tarsus unites us together? You will now give new life to this union through the honour that you have shown to me as representative of the Greek Church, and through the love that your Archbishop, my brother in Christ, has shown to me in so hearty a manner. May God bless this union, and make it ever stronger and stronger, till we all come in the unity of the Spirit to one and the same mind in Christ."

On Sunday morning there was a large congregation at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Swanmore, Isle of Wight. The Rev. R. H. B. Wix preached from Isaiah lix. 14 and 15: "And judgment is turned street, and equity cannot enter. away backward, and justice standeth afar off; for truth has fallen in the Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh. himself a prey, and the Lord saw is, and it displeased Him that there was no judgment." These words formed part of the first Lesson for the Morning Service, and the Preacher said he could not regard it as merely a remarkable coincidence that it should be so that, the first Sunday after the Judgment of the Dean of Arches in his case, a judgment which he regarded as unjust and unjustifiable. Speaking of the Judgment, he said that if it affected matters of Catholic faith, he should act in direct defiance of it, and take the consequences, whatever those consequences might be; but as it did not he intended to obey it to the letter; but he should continue to use incense and lights, leaving his opponents to take what course they thought desirable. They might indeed succeed in making the Establishment Protestant instead of Catholic, as she now was, and they might, and no doubt would, succeed in causing her to be disestablished. Mr. Wix concluded by pointing out that it was the duty of Churchmen not only to protest against the Protestantism which was endeavouring to uproot all that was Catholic in the Church of England, but to go on teaching the great Catholic truths more plainly and more decidedly than ever. What he propos d to adopt was what had never been condemned, and he hoped never would be. A lamp would be burnt perpetually in the Sanctuary, and would be dressed morning and night in accordance with the ordinance of God Himself, and incense would there be offered to Him at those times. Such use was not forbidden by the Judgment, and if any thought different, and he believed it was possible they might, they could take such steps as they might be advised.

THE VATICAN COUNCIL AND ANGLICAN ORDERS.-The following letter we quote from the Church Review :—“ Sir,-Allow me to state through your columns, for the information of the public, that no such Committee as the one referred to in your leading article of the 15th ult. has been appointed by the Vatican Council; consequently your remarks on the individual composition of the Sub-Committee are, to say the least, premature. It is not the usual practice of grave deliber. tive assemblies, certainly not of general councils, to frame commissions with the express view of meeting contingencies which have not officially been brought to their notice. Whenever proposals for reunion shall be made by the Anglican Church, or by an any portion of it, such proposals will be courteously and fairly entertained; but I know, on the best authority, that as yet no such proposal has been received, and consequently no Committee has been appointed. The Committee alluded to in your columns evidently owes its existence to the lively imagination of "Our Roman correspondents," who, driven to despair by the persistent reticence of Bishops and Council officials, are compelled to substitute fiction for fact.-I remain, Sir, yours faithfully, HARTWELL D. GRISSELL,-24, Via Vittoria, Rome, Jan, 29th, 1870,"

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