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SIR.-I shall be sincerely grateful if any "High Church Radical" or member of the E. C. U. will be good enough to provide me with some argument by which the policy adopted by the latter body in the case of Dr. Temple can be justified. If Dr. Temple is made a guardian of the faith, why not Mr. Jowett ?

How, let me further ask, can a Christian of the Church of England hold communion with a Bishop, whose writings are characterized by an Infidel Westminster Review as simply infidel? Nov. 16, 1869. A SOMERSETSHIRE RECTOR.

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through the Apostolic heralds of God and the God-bearing Fathers and the seven venerable and God-moved Ecumenical Councils.

But, as to the burial of your countrymen, be it known to your muchdesired Holiness, that even if We had not been expressly exhorted and requested by any of the venerable British Bishops, We would of ourselves have granted every permission to bury English strangers deceased, within our cemeteries, at the request of their relatives; well knowing that "the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." This, then, We will much rather permit for the future, from consideration to your Holiness, beloved of Christ, and in recompense, as is meet, of the tribute of brotherly kindness, on the sole condition that no private right of property is in any case acquired in the ground in which they are buried. Having very gratefully received the Sacred Prayer Book of your Anglican Confession, presented to Us by you, We have deferred an answer chiefly on this account, that having more leisurely perused this Ecclesiastical Book, We might more accurately ascertain how far it inclines to or diverges from genuine Evangelical and Catholic teaching; and how far it confirms that statement of the Preface (p. 7) that "it contains nothing contrary to the Word of God, and to sound doctrine."

In the meantime, having gladly received the Encyclical Epistle published by the Anglican Bishops assembled two years since in England, to which is prefixed the Commendatory Letter of your ever-to-be-remembered Eminence, and perceiving from it that they distinctly confess and affirm, simply and in general, that they hold firmly and immoveably the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God, and that they maintain the Creeds of one Holy and Apostolic Church, and keep pure and undefiled its ancient order and worship and reject all novelty, and are endeavouring to publish abroad in all the earth the saving preaching of the Gospelperceiving, we say, all this so distinctly and generally affirmed in words, gathering together in one and the same fold of the Lord, and the union we rejoiced greatly in our soul, suspecting the approach and dawn of the of all the spiritual sheep everywhere.

WHAT HAS BECOME OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE OF Book, and of the distinguished Confession of the Thirty-Nine Articles THE DEMOLISHED CITY CHURCHES?

SIR, Two or three City Churches have been demolished, and some four or five more are shortly to share the same fate. We were told when this sacrilegious Act was brought before Parliament that the Churches were to be rebuilt at the east-end of London, and the money formerly paid to the Rectors was in future to provide salaries for Clergy in populous parishes. St. Benet's, Gracechurch-street, has been demolished, and I understood it was to rise again as St. Benet's Stepney. Now, I have walked in vain round about Stepney in search of it, but it is nowhere to be seen. Now can you tell me what has become of the proceeds from the sale of the site of the Church, the old materials, and the money that was formerly paid to the Rector of St. Benet's, and other demolished Churches?

The Churches at the east end of London are notoriously not half full, and are not likely to be so. We really are not in want of any more Churches, but the money might very profitably be spent in augmenting the miserable incomes of the present staff of Clergy, and in providing more living agents to do the work of evangelizing the heathenChristians" of the metropolis.



Fragmenta et Miscellanea.



Gregory, by the mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople, the New Rome, and Ecumenical Patriarch, to the most holy Archbishop, the Metropolitan of Canterbury, and Exarch of the Christians of the Anglican Confession in Great Britain, the Lord Archibald Campbell : peace from God and brotherly salutation in Christ.

Having received, with the greatest joy, the highly esteemed letter sent by your venerable Sanctity to our humility, we were moved to the inmost heart, as was meet, both at the thanks you so kindly expressed to Us, for the fulfilment of what was at once a Christian and Canonical duty, in sending Our Protocyncellus to the consecration performed by the most beloved of God, the Bishop of Gibraltar, the Lord Charles Amyand, and also at the communication, in a spirit of brotherly love, of your desire and prayers, that there may be upon earth one elect flock and one Chief Shepherd-our Lord, uniting those that are divided, and guiding all, so that they may think and speak the same thing, and work together for the increase of His kingdom.

We also night and day, praying our God and Saviour for these very things, do not cease, on every occasion, both to rejoice and, so far as We can, to co-operate readily in every good work and every good design, tending to the edification and perfection of our neighbour, and to the enlightenment and common agreement of all, and to the unity that is in Christ Jesus. Nor do We only pray for this; but We also expect and anticipate it from the common Father, and from God the Saviour, and His Spirit; when many shall be taught, and the knowledge of the most ancient and unadulterated Orthodoxy shall be extended which the primitive and Catholic Church of Christ delivered to us free from error,

But on descending to the particulars of the contents of the Prayer contained in it,-since in the perusal of them, both the statements concerning the eternal existence of the Holy Spirit and those concerning the Divine Eucharist, and further, those concerning the number of the Sacraments, concerning Apostolical and Ecclesiastical Tradition, the authority of the truly genuine Ecumenical Councils, the position and mutual relations of the Church on earth, and that in heaven; and moreover the honour and reverence due from us to those who are, in theory and practice, the heroes of the faith-the adamantine martyrs and athletes-since, We say, these statements appeared to Us to savour too much of novelty; and that which is said (p. 592, Art. 19), "As the Churches of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch have erred, so also the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of ceremonies, but also in matters of faith," deprives the Eastern Churches of the orthodoxy and perfection of the faith (let Us be permitted to say that accusations of our neighbour are out of place in a distinguished Confession of Faith)-these statements throw Us into suspense, so that We doubt What we are to judge of the rule of Anglican Orthodoxy. We would therefore pray with our whole soul to the Author and Finisher of our salvation, to enlighten the understanding of all with the light of His knowledge, and to make of all nations one speech of the one faith and of the one love, and of the one hope of the Gospel; that with one mouth and one heart, as merciful children of one and the same Mother, the Church-the Catholic Church of the first-begotten-we may glorify the Triune God

Christ, and with all the God-beloved flock subject to you.
May His saving grace be with your Holiness dearly beloved to Us in
September 26, 1869.

Notes, Literary, Archæological, &c.

A collection of Mr. Disraeli's Speeches, from the first one, in which he failed, yet predicted his future success, down to his latest delivery, is in preparation. It will be published in a popular form, under the editorship of Mr. J. F. Bulley.

There is proof of a pleasant community of literature between the Anglo-Saxons and the Greeks. The Archbishop of Argolis (Daniel Petroulias) has made Dr. M'Causland's Sermons in Stones, popular in the Prelate's native country, by translating it into Modern Greek. It is dedicated to the Greek Christians in Manchester, among whom the translator once ministered.

The Hellenic propagandists are in some concern about the diminution of Greek teaching in European Turkey. The Bulgarians insist on being taught their own language, the Roumans prefer French to modern Greek, and the Greek schools are shut up and the teachers driven home. Even in Thessaly the small Greek communities are being left with no choice but Bulgarian schools. In Albania, Greek teaching makes progress, and so it does among the inland Greeks of Asia Minor, whose language is Turkish.

The Rev. E. A. Dayman, formerly Fellow and Tutor of Exeter College, Oxford, is busily engaged on a Mediaval Latin-English Dictionary

founded on Du Cange's great work. It will contain all matter of importance that is to be found in Du Cange; but it will be illustrated and enlarged by numerous additions, drawn not only from Patristic and Scholastic authors, but also from the works of writers published by the Record Commission, from Medieval Histories, Charters, Glossaries, and Dictionaries, and from various other sources, both ancient and modern. The work will be published, we understand, by Mr. Murray.

Respecting Bibles of the Carlovingian period, three MSS. are confounded; these are: 1. The Bible of S. Calisto at Rome, still in the possession of the Monks of that Convent. In this is a large drawing representing Charles the Bald. 2. The Bible bought by the Trustees of the British Museum from M. Speyer-Passavant, perhaps written by Alcuin. 3. The Bible of the time of Charles the Bald, formerly in the Bibliothèque Impériale at Paris, but now, I believe, in the Musée des Souverains at the Louvre. The Convent of Prum, though in the ancient kingdom of Lotharingia, was not in the modern Loraine, but in the Eifel.

Colonel Leslie, of Balquhain, has published, through Edmonston and Douglas, of Edinburgh, his Historical Records of the Family of Leslie from 1067 to 1869, in 3 vols. The Colonel does not profess to be an historian; but all historians will hold him in honour for the trouble he has taken in collecting the most authentic documents respecting a family once celebrated throughout Europe. The Colonel hopes that some one more competent than himself may be induced to write a history of the family." If one member in every family of mark would follow Colonel Leslie's example, we should have the noblest materials for our national and social history.

A correspondent from Adelaide has favoured us with a copy of the inscription on the foundation-stone of the new Cathedral there:






The bells in New College tower, Oxford, have just been taken down and their hangings restored, being so old and decayed as to require every thing to be made afresh except the frames. Messrs. White and Son, of Appleton, the well-known bell restorers and ringers, have been employed. and have completed the work in a satisfactory manner. In the course of these operations, the following inscriptions were found on the different bells, viz., on the treble, "Manners maketh man, A.R., 1712." [The

initials refer to Abraham Rudhall, of Gloucester, who cast the bell in that year.] Second bell: "Manners maketh man. W.W., A.R." Third bell: "Michael Darbie made me. W.W., 1655." Fourth bell: Manners maketh man. W.W., A.R., 1703." Fifth bell: Michael

Darbie made me. W.W., 1655." Sixth bell: "Henry Knight, of
Reading, made mee, 1672." Seventh bell: "Prosperity to New College;
A.R., 1712." Eighth bell: "Michael Darbie made me.
W.W., 1655."
Ninth bell: "Manners maketh man. A.R., 1723." Tenor: "Michael

Darbie made me. W.W., 1655."

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After the election the following Protest was presented to the Dean and Chapter, signed by Bishop Trower, Archdeacon Freeman, Canon Lee, and Prebendaries Tatham, Harris, and Lyne :

I. Because during the ten years last past Dr. Temple has given the sanction of his name to not less than eleven editions of the book known as Essays and Reviews, despite its condemnation by the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury, and by the united Episcopate of the English Church.

II. Because that book is at this moment in circulation under that sanction, and the authority which such a name necessarily confers.

III. Because even though Dr. Temple may have been unable to hinder the sale of that volume, it was nevertheless in his power to have given public warning against its deadly errors; a course which, on the assumption of his own orthodoxy, he was bound to take, or incur the charge of aiding in the dissemination of opinions, which he believed to be untrue, dishonouring to Christ, and destructive to men's souls.

IV. Because the excuse made for him, that he was prevented from giving any such warning by a feeling of honour, is wholly untenable; for it is in effect to say, that a man is justified in preferring his own honour to the honour of Christ; and is at liberty to consult his own feelings before the welfare of the Church, and the salvation of souls, for which Christ died.

V. Because such a practical indifference to the maintenance of the Truth, as Dr. Temple's conduct has largely manifested, unfits a man at all times, but especially in these days, for the office of a Bishop; one of the main duties of which is to guard the Faith, whether in his own person, or in the person of those admitted by him to Holy Orders or to Benefices; and to hand on the deposit of the Church "whole and undefiled."

VI. Because, seeing that no small number of the Clergy of this Diocese, together with bodies of the Clergy from many other parts, have memorialised the Chapter against Dr. Temple's election, the Chapter, as representing the Clerical element in the Church, might fairly have given ground of offence to the Crown, or incurring its just displeasure. utterance to the voice of the Clergy thus expressed, without giving any

Bishop Trower also handed in the following Protest :

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I, Walter John Trower, Doctor of Divinity, a Bishop in the Church of God, and Sub-Dean of the Cathedral Church of Exeter,

In the sight of God and in view of the dreadful Day of Judgment, Do solemnly protest against this election of the Rev. Dr. Temple as Bishop of Exeter.

I. Because he is one of the authors of a book called Essays and Reviews, which has been condemned by both Houses of Convocation as "containing teaching contrary to the doctrine received by the United Church of England and Ireland, in common with the whole Catholic Church of Christ."

II. Because I believe that Dr. Temple's Essay, included in the said volume, contains the germ of the mischievous and insidious reasonings against Christian faith more fully developed in the Essays that follow it; and I should have refused to admit the author of that Essay even to the holy order of Deacons without repudiation of its main theory and principle, had he been a layman seeking ordination at my hands. III. Because Dr. Temple being a Priest of the Church of England, and therefore solemnly pledged to 'banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines, contrary to God's Word," has not thought it inconsistent with that engagement to suffer his Essay to appear in successive editions of the aforesaid volume without any public repudiation of the other writings included with his own as having a common object, after he had become aware of the sceptical and infidel tendency

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of the other Essays; and that his own appears in the judgment of competent readers so as to harmonize with the others as to be the germ out of which they have been developed.


IV. Because at his consecration as a Bishop, besides renewing the promise which he has already made as Priest (namely, to banish and drive away false doctrines), he would have to declare his readiness openly, and privately to call upon and encourage others to do the same an engagement which it would be impossible for him to fulfil so long as his own essay continued to form part of the said sceptical V. Because all Priests, in common with Dr. Temple, are under the aforesaid engagement, made at the most solemn moment of their lives; and I hereby declare my persuasion that, instead of banishing and driving away false doctrines, this Chapter has assisted in propagating such doctrines by electing Dr. Temple to an office, the very title of which ("Lord Bishop of Exeter") prefixed henceforth to his essay, and thus appearing in the volume, in every new edition, will help to give weight and currency to its insidious reasonings.

In a letter to the Bishop of Moray and Ross explanatory of the opposition to the election of Dr. Temple as Bishop of Exeter, Dr. Trower says:-"What worse for Dr. Teinple could his opponents say than that he preferred the worldly 'point of honour' to his co-essayists to the honour of God, and the endeavour to find an antidote to the poison spread under the sanction of his name? To me it seems that when Dr. Temple reflects on the injury he has (as a plain and unquestionable matter of fact) been helping to do to the faith and to the souls of believers for ten years, he should put his mouth in the dust, and, instead of seeking the office of a Bishop, plead only with God for the recovery of those on whom he has been the means of bringing the very deepest injury that one man can do to another."

The Daily News points out that the Dean and Chapter of Exeter by electing Dr. Temple have averted a great scandal. The opposition to Dr. Temple is not likely to be renewed at any subsequent stage of his progress to his episcopal chair. In the ordinary course of things the Bishop-elect will shortly be "confirmed." His consecration and installation will follow, and we may expect that a state of theological excitement which has been artificially produced and sustained will speedily disappear.

The Telegraph says that Dr. Temple's elevation is valuable in proclaiming that the Bishops of the English Church should be chosen, not because they represent any particular ecclesiastical party, but because they are good, able, and zealous Christian men. At the meeting of the Exeter divines yesterday that principle was distinctly affirmed by more than two-thirds of the Chapter; and, indeed, the wisdom of the course was so clear that, although a long debate had been anticipated, the whole business was settled in thirty minutes. Henceforth the Clergy will see more clearly that Bishops must be selected because they are personally qualified for the high office; and the Clergy will also see that, in a Church established by law, the law must ever be religiously obeyed. The Echo writes:-"As might have been expected, the Dean and Chapter of Exeter have made use of their congé d'elire to elect the nominee of the Crown. It was a mistake to attempt any opposition at that stage. If ever the congé d'elire implied real freedom of election, it is now, and has long been, a mere formal proceeding. In the present condition of opinion, the first disagreement between the Crown and the Church, which might be brought about by a revival of freedom of election, might result in a severance of Church and State. That, as we pointed out the other day, is the real ultimate issue involved. When two people ride on the same horse one must ride behind. If in this matter the Church will not ride behind, she must ride on a separate horse. Dr. Pusey and his party see that clearly enough.”

The London correspondent of the Western Morning News writes:"I believe that the Solicitor-General, in praising the new Bishop so highly on Tuesday before the Earl of Devon, had reason to know that what he said was not distasteful to his noble fellow-guest. It was mainly owing to the influence of the Earl and his son-in-law, the Hon. C. L. Wood, President of the E.C.U., that the Union declined to take any cognizance of the appointment. I should not be surprised if, in the course of two or three years, Lord Devon and Lord Nelson came out as Liberals and Free Churchmen. Canon Courtenay, in advocating the exclusion of Bishops from the House of Lords, would seem to be tending in the same direction as his brother."



The number of residents in the University of Cambridge is now 2,170, as compared with 2,153 in November, 1868. The number of matriculations this autumn has been 529, as compared with 558 at Michaelmas .1868 The number of residents in each College is now as follows:-Trinity, 559; St. John's, 77; Corpus Christi, 151; Caius, 126; Trinity Hall, 119; Christ's, 114; Jesus, 104; Emmanuel, 100; Clare, 75; Sidney, 71; 'Queen's, 62: Magdalene, 62; Pembroke, 56; St. Peter's, 55; St Catharine's, 52; King's, 42; Downing, 38 ; non-ascripti, 6—total, 2,170. curious confirmation of Spelman's theory as to the hereditary fate that clings to Church lands when alienated is to be found in the estate of Rochetts, near Brentwood, Essex, the favourite residence of the late Earl St. Vincent. For more than a century and a half it has always been held and owned by females, and a son has never been born to be heir to it. In Queen Anne's day it was owned by Matthew Roberts (Master-Sergeant of Public Buildings) and Susannah his wife; from his wife, who survived him, it passed to her daughter Susannah, who married a Strong; Miss Strong married, firstly Henry Cranmer, of Quendon, Essex, who died childless, and secondly Sir Thomas Parker, by whom she had a daughter Martha, who married her cousin, Sir John Jervis, afterwards Admiral Earl St. Vincent. Her union being issueless, the last-named lady left Rochetts to her niece, the late Lady Jervis, from whom it passed to her only child, the present Mrs. Jervis, who has only one child, also a daughter, and who has lately sold the estate to the wealthy brewer, Mr. O. E. Coope.

A STRANGE NORWEGIAN STORY.-The largest of the western Norwegian isles, Sartor, which is three Norwegian miles in length, has a mysterious inhabitant, of whom strange things are told by trustworthy people. There is on the isle a large water called the Kurele; it lies out of the way, with two farmsteads, far apart from each other, on its margin. People tell of the depth of that water as of several Norwegian lakes, that it is in some places fathomless; but another thing they tell of it too, which is far more remarkable. For during a long series of years, after various and uncertain intervals, there has been observed a monster, which raises its arched back above the dark, lonely lake, and remains there lying like a holm. Its upward movement sends a circle of powerful waves towards the shore, but then it becomes quiet, and one sees only a kind of trembling round its sides, like as when the soft Medusa basks on the surface of the water. People have often tried to watch for the arrival of the monster, and have waited many days on the coast; but this being keeps no computation of time, and it may delay its coming for years. Once, two men were pulling a little boat across the water-then suddenly the smooth holm lay there; the rowers had their backs towards it, and almost touched the animal with their oars. One may imagine their horror when they perceived it. They pulled back again with all their might, and saw from the shore the immense mass dive down into the depth. We never hear of any attempt to describe other parts of the monster, but just that arched back which always appears. They never heighten the wonder of this apparition with any fancy colours, but all the witnesses tell the same story. And this, at all events, is a favourable feature in the tradition when compared with others about similar beings. What are we to believe? The tale is stranger than that told of the sea-serpent and the Kraken; for those have the wide ocean for their playground, whereas the leviathan of the Sartor Isle is confined within a prison, where the rocks stand around as sentinels.

MR. CHARLES MACKESON'S LECTURE ON CHURCH MUSIC.-On Tuesday the 2nd Mr. Mackeson lectured at Christ Church, Croydon, the Rev. Oct. Bathurst Byers, the Vicar (who was one of the earliest promoters of the by the organist (Mr. White, an old pupil of Dr. Steggall), sang the cause of Church music in the parish) taking the chair. The choir, trained illustrations with accompaniments on the harmonium.-Last Tuesday the same lecture was given at St. Mary's School, Plaistow, Essex, in connection with the Beacontree Branch of the English Church Union. The choirs of St. Mary's and St. Andrew's, Plaistow, assisted by some friends from all Saints', Islington, and St. Mary, Haggerston, sang the illustrations; Mr. Legge, the able organist and schoolmaster of the last-named parish, kindly presiding at the harmonium. The programme included Farrant's "Lord, for Thy tender mercies' sake,” sung without accompaniment; and Elvey's bright and effective anthem, "Arise! shine, for thy light is come!" Mr. T. Sharp, the head-master of the St. Andrew's Grammar School, conducted; and the congregation of St. Andrew's district may be congratulated on possessing in this gentleman a thoroughly efficient choir-master. With the exception of an occasional want of attention to light and shade, the singing of the large choir was most creditable. The Rev. R. B. Marsh (the Vicar of Plaistow), who presided, proposed a cordial vote of thanks to the lecturer, Mr. Legge, and the choir. Several of the local Clergy were present, including the Rev. W. Godsell, towards the building fund of whose Church (St. Andrew's) the proceeds of the lecture were to be devoted. Nearly £2,000 is still required before this much-needed edifice can be opened free of debt, and offerings from Churchmen of richer districts will be gladly accepted. Among the choir was the "London Churchwarden," whose admirable tract on "Heartiness in Public Worship" has been of A correspondent of the Nonconformist complains bitterly of the such value in promoting the restoration of life and congregational growing habit of reading Sermons in Congregational pulpits.

The Church Times writes:-"We are heartily tired of all the wrangling which has taken place over this appointment, and of the political acrimony by which in the main it has been caused. Without in the least losing sight of the importance of sound Theological views in a Bishop this is not the only thing which is needed.

There are few Dioceses in which an earnest active man, who has the work of the Church at heart, is more needed than in the Diocese of Exeter, and in any appointment which is made this should be kept, as we believe it has been kept, prominently in view.”

responding in our Church Services

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The Week.

Mr. Gladstone, the Dictator of our destinies-for our Most Gracious Queen, according to the will of the Liberals, is a mere cypher-is about to elevate ten people of wealth to the A more indecent or barefaced attempt to swamp the Tories in the House of Lords could not be imagined. The Liberal papers, one and all, admit that Mr. Gladstone has but one object in view, viz. : to strengthen his own party. For it would puzzle ten Solomons to say why the people mentioned should be so honoured. Lord Edward Howard might deservedly become "Lord Howard of Glossop," both because of his ancient lineage and high character: but the large majority of the other favoured persons are Whig nobodies whose only merit is that they are "Liberals." On this subject the Daily News remarks:-"The best name among the number is undoubtedly the most worthy of the honour. Lord Edward Howard has every claim to a peerage that lineage and character can confer. Lord Derby has been over-praised for his share in the relief of the Lancashire distress. But those who are best informed know that Lord Edward Howard did more continuous, though less conspicuous, service, and made greater sacrifices for the welfare of the poor by whom he was surrounded. Of the other noble names it may be said that they are such as it is desirable to elevate, and will be most useful in diminishing the Liberal minority in the House of


The time will soon be here when the great body of the middle class tax-payers of this country will practically discover for themselves a few of the manifold blessings which Mr. Lowe and the Liberal Government have so generously showered down upon them. Already the Law Times has sounded a practical note of warning. That periodical asks if its readers are aware of the burden which will shortly be laid upon them. In consequence of the introduction of licences in place of assessed taxes "the whole of the year's taxes must be paid in advance, instead of being collected half-yearly at the end of the year, as hitherto." But this, of course, is only a small part of the penalty which poople will have to pay for the blessings of a Liberal Government. "The income tax is to be collected in like manner; the whole year is to be paid at once in the same month of January, already severely burdened by the compulsory payment in advance of the assessed taxes. We give our readers this notice that they may make early preparation to meet a demand whose existence the public does not appear to have yet realised, but which when it is understood will create a commotion such as has not been seen for many a day." It is useless to grumble, vain to expostulate, idle to complain. Is not the Liberal public aware that Mr. Gladstone is infallible?-grumbling, consequently, is quite out of the question, and becomes a political mortal sin.

The full force of what has been effected by the contemptible Dean and the majority of the Chapter of Exeter can hardly be realized at present, except by the most thoughtful. The Roman Catholics are so gratified at this fatal step, that one of them has published a pamphlet endeavouring to prove that Dr. Temple is exactly the kind of Bishop who ought to be always appointed in the English Establishment. By the way,

we observe that when the Dean and Chapter, under the invocation of the Holy Spirit, had completed their blessed work, an anthem, "Our Conversation is in Heaven" was sung. For ourselves we should have imagined that their conversation would have been in quite a different place.

The Bishop of Oxford's Farewell Charge is an interesting document, more especially because, when the sparkling rhetoric and well-balanced sentences, are subtracted, there remains a tolerable residue of sound common sense and practical wisdom. We more and more regret, however, that the policy of the Tories, led to his unfortunate action regarding the Irish Church. It will stand indelibly stamped on the page of History as the gravest mistake of his life.

full of interest.

The Letter of the Patriarch of Constantinople to the Archbishop of Canterbury, so thoroughly Christian in tone, is We have always held that the abolition of the Thirty-nine Articles would be a sound Conservative reform. We are now convinced of the fact. Everyone knows that they are the product of a disorderly, un-pious and untheological age. Our hopeful correspondent Mr. Urquhart informs us that the E.C.U. has changed its mind regarding Dr. Temple, and is now about "to memorialize the Archbishop" not to consecrate him. After having already refused to, act it appears to us simply childish and contemptible to turn its coat now because the country Parsons have written up to head quarters to say that they are furiously indignant. The moral value of such an altered policy will of course be nil, as the Gladstonian wire-pullers so well see and know.

Arches' Court, one against Mr. Bennett, a second against Mr. There are three ecclesiastical suits at present before the Purchas, and a third against a certain Mr. Hooker Wix, of the Isle of Wight. The last named person has two Curates, whose recent public action in ignoring the judgment of the does not inspire confidence either in the wisdom or discretion ex-Bishop of Winchester is certainly very remarkable, and of their superior, or in their own common sense. We believe

that in the Bennett Case the Vicar of Frome intends to let the question be settled without any appearance on his part. Of course, this being his course, it needs no wise man of Gottram to point out how it must end. In a case of peculiar delicacy, where Mr. Bennett's language had been loose and slip-shod, it behoved him, on this as well as on others, to offer every explanation in his power, and to give all the help possible to Sir Robert Phillimore. Instead of this he contumaciously stays away. However unpleasant to contemplate the end will soon and surely come. And a very unpleasant end it will be. Whether, in Mr. Purchas' case, the Act of Parliament by which he is protected as Minister of St. James' Chapel, Brighton, may protect him from the hungry malice of his enemies, remains to be seen. We doubt much whether St. James' is not such a "peculiar" as to be without the jurisdiction of the Court of Arches. An appeal to the Court of Chancery might serve to throw some light on this point. We believe that both Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hooker Wix being members of the E.C.U. might look for help from that Society. At present, however, it does not appear to be forthcoming.

Rowdyism-or, as people commonly term it, "Liberalism," The Daily News, one of the least offensive organs of has taken us to task for having spoken in the plainest language regarding that mass of carnal and moral corruption, the King of Piedmont. In reply, we take the liberty of remarking that we always intend to call a spade a spade. With regard to Victor Emmanuel's conduct both in lying and thieving, it is not yet forgotten. Nor in England, thank God! is it at present at all likely to be. For the very principle which both the refined and unsavoury Liberals of England so earnestly recommended to Italy is now being applied in Ireland

by the Nationalists. They are exactly following out Mr. Gladstone's instructions to the ruffians of the Italian revolution. However disagreeable the fact may be, there it stands. The editor of the Daily News evidently dislikes it. But it is none the less an ugly fact, for all that.


The Broad Church sect dislikes the notion of disestablishment as much as children dislike medicine. But the policy which seems popular now, will infallibly lead to disestablishment, and many will suffer who look to gain. Even the Times sees as we see, writing as follows on the subject:"The probable result of disestablishment in England would be a disruption of our old National Church into three fragments at least. The Church Union might, perhaps, form the nucleus of one, the Church Association of another, and a third might be formed on a basis which its enemies would call latitudinarian. But this is matter of speculation only; what is certain is that no Communion of Englishmen would ever submit to be governed by their Clergy. The Prime Minister would be spared the unenviable duty of nominating Bishops, and the farce of capitular election would be given up, if the Church of England ceased to be national; but congregations would assert their own rights, and Bishops, if chosen at all, would be chosen somewhat like members of Parliament. The system would have its advantages as well as its disadvantages, but whether it would promote the ends of Dr. Temple's leading opponents deserves a good deal of consideration." We commend this, full of common sense and right reason to the promoters of destruction. Depend upon it, unless the three parties in the Church of England co-operate in her defence, our children will live to see a Revolution. There is no probability that the three schools of thought" as the phrase stands will cooperate. In fact they are perfectly distinct and definite in their principles, and have little or nothing in common. the crash and confusion coming,-brought about by the rash Ritualistic ringleaders-the authorities of York-place will reap a rich harvest.



It is rumoured in well-informed political circles, that Government intends to confiscate part of the property of Trinity College, Dublin, out of which a R. Catholic University is to be shortly endowed; that Christ Church Cathedral is to be given over to the Roman Catholics, (St. Patrick's being retained for the Irish Church), and that Cardinal Cullen and the R. C. Bishop of Kerry are to be sworn of Her Majesty's Privy Council in Ireland.

It is asserted that one substantial reason for the extensive and onesided bitterness of Mr. Kinglake towards the Emperor Napoleon, manifested in his History of the Crimean War is that when the Emperor was in exile here, he and Mr. Kinglake at the same time sought the hand of a lady of distinction, and that, after a duel, the then Prince Louis Bonaparte became the favoured admirer.

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We are enabled through the courtesy of a distinguished correspondent, to give the flattest contradiction to a statement in the Church Review that any "Government pressure was put upon Dr. Temple to induce him to consent to be designated Bishop of Exeter. The fact is that on his declining the Deanery of Durham, which Mr. Gladstone flatteringly offered him, a near friend of Dr. Temple intimated to the Prime Minister that the Head Master of Rugby would accept nothing less than a Bishopric. This fact, confided to Mr. Bright, led to his likewise urging Dr. Temple's claims. Mr. Gladstone made the offer of Exeter, which was accepted by return of post.

We copy the following from our amusing contemporary the John Bull : "The Princess Louise's back hair was the admiration of all the ladies, and for that matter, of the gentlemen too, last Saturday [i.e. when the Queen went to the City]. The hairdressers at the West-end that afternoon were quite puzzled with the contradictory accounts fair customers gave of its arrangement, and at the marriage in the Abbey on Monday several ladies were noticed to have attempted a more or less successful imitation of it." What a fund of information is here given, and how vast and extensive must be the Editor's resources to provide such uncommon and interesting news! First of all there is the fact that "the ladies" and "the gentlemen," too, were rapt in admiration of "the

back hair" of the Princess Louise. The repeated use of the definite article proves that this admiration was universal, not peculiar to some ladies and some gentlemen, but common to all. We are left in the dark, however, as to whether the admiration was created and sustained throughout the whole journey, or whether it began at the Great Western station, steadily increased during the Royal progress, and culminated at the Holborn viaduct. Anyhow it was so general throughout "the West-end that afternoon" that "the hairdressers" (the definite article again) "were quite puzzled." How deeply interesting! But how cruel of the John Bull, after having learnt on good authority that the hairdressers of the metropolis were so perplexed, to have published the fact. Even if the John Bull's numerous and painstaking reporters had privately assured the Editor that so it was, why did he not in common charity to Truefitt and Co. bury the melancholy secret in the innermost recesses of his manly breast? But no, his policy was a stern policy of publicity. So he cruelly gibbetted the puzzled and incompetent tonsors in his columns. But he made atonement soon afterwards. His reporters were present at the marriage in the Abbey on Monday"-ard there,putting aside prayers, anthems, sub-Deans, bridesmaids in "pink taffetas glacé" and everything else it was discovered that the "puzzled hairdressers of the West-end" had triumphed over all difficulties, and attempted "a more or less successful imitation" of that most important and edifying subject for contemplative meditation "the Princess Louise's

back hair."

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The Rev. J. O. Brent, to the Perpetual Curacy of St. John's, Woolwich, Kent. The Rev. John Dawson, to the Vicarage of Darley Abbey, Derby.

The Rev. J. L. Figgins, Rector of St. James's, Manchester.

The Rev. Joseph Heath, to the Vicarage of Wigtoft.

The Rev. Frederick Howlett, to the Rectory of East Tistead, Hants.

The Rev. Robert Ponder Hutchison, to the Rectory of St. Thomas with St. Clement, Winchester.

The Rev.. Heathfield, Curate of Holy Trinity, Paddington.

The Rev. James Isaacson, to the Vicarage of Fenton Kirk, Yorkshire.
The Rev. Benjamin Ruck Keene, to the Vicarage of Newent, Gloucestershire.
The Rev. S. Leathes, Minister of St. Philip's, Regent-street.

The Rev. Horatio Spellman Marriott, to the Rectory of Wilby, Stradbrooke.
The Rev. Frederick Maule Millard, to the Rectory of Otham, Maidstone.
The Rev. J. T. Macdonogh, Vicar of St. John's, Broughton.
The Rev. W. J. Milner, Curate of St. Paul's, Clerkenwell.
The Rev. R. T. Owen, Rector of Llangedwin, Denbighshire.

The Rov. Lewis Newcomen Prance, to the Rectory of Ayott St. Peter, Herts.
The Rev. Charles Price, to the Perpetual Curacy of Pennal, Monmouthshire.
The Rev. E. Puttock, Curate of James's, Clapton.

The Rev. S. S. Smith, London Diocesan Home Missionary.

The Rev. G. Style, Head Master of Giggleswick Grammar School.
The Rev. William Henry Simcox, to the Rectory of Weyhill, Hants.
The Rev. George Ward, to the Rectory of Mavis Enderby, Lincolnshire.
The Rev. Joseph Heald Ward, to the Rectory of Gussage, Dorset.
The Rev. G. C. Wilkinson, to the Vicarage of St. Peter, Eaton-square.
The Rev. James White, to the Perpeutal Curacy of Holy Trinity, Woolwich.
The Rev. James Alexander Wood, to the Vicarage of Stoneby, Leicestershire.
The Rev. Denys Nelson Yonge, to the Vicarage of Great Broxted, Essex.

Home and Foreign Church News.

The Bishop of Oxford delivered a Charge to his Clergy on Thursday in which he took farewell of them as their Bishop.

The Bishop of St. David's has consecrated a new Church, dedicated to St. Peter, at Llanelly.

"D. E. F." has given a donation of £1,000 to the Poor Clergy Relief Society.

A new translation of "The Imitation of Christ" has been written by Dean Goodwin."

It is announced that no Ordination will be held in December for the Diocese of Oxford.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is engaged in a Confirmation tour of his Diocese.

Coloured stoles have been adopted by some of the Clergy in the Diocese of Carlisle.

The Bishop of Havanna was arrested on Friday at Cadiz. A considerable sum of money for the Carlist Chiefs was found in his possession.

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