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The Rector, a Dissenting preacher, and some of the inhabitants of the parish of Bow, Devonshire, have sent an address of welcome to Dr. Temple. They say, "Believing, as we do, that the attacks on your orthodoxy are unfounded, we desire to express our conviction that it would be very beneficial for this vast Diocese to be presided over by an erudite and kind-hearted gentleman like yourself, able and earnest, active and conciliatory, possessing the gift of winning the hearts and sympathies of the laity, and free from any taint of Ritualism, or Puseyism. Those Romanizers who oppose you are themselves far more alien to the Church, than any of the views which they so illogically and unfairly impute to you. You will soon roll off every irrational reproach." Dr. Temple replies that he will always remember with gratitude the address he has received from the parish of Bow.

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Subjoined is an extract concerning "Essays and Reviews" from the Primary Charge of the Bishop-designate of Bath and Wells delivered when he was Archdeacon of Sudbury :-"Far above all other questions in importance, as touching the very truth itself-the sacred deposit entrusted to the Church's keeping-is the rise amongst the Ministers of the Church of the opinions expressed in the volume of Essays and Reviews." I am quite certain that it is no exaggeration to say that if all the opinions expressed in that book could be substantiated. Christianity could not and ought not to survive one hour. The impression left upon my own mind, when rising from the study of this volume, was that no portion of it rose above Socinianism, that much was simple Deism, that some directly tended to Atheism. It would be too long an inquiry for the present occasion to investigate the causes of this apostacy from the Christianity of the Church of England."

The east wall of the chancel of St. Edmund's Church, Salisbury, which has hitherto been not only bare and unadorned but disfigured by the discoloration of the plaster, has been enriched this week by the gift of a reredos. The subjects composing it are, on either side, one of the tables of the Decalogue. Over the altar itself are the well-known symbols of the Evangelists, the winged lion, and angel, and eagle and ox, the central space being occupied by a Greek cross, enclosed in a circle, while four narrower panels, dividing these, represent, two of them, the stalk and ear of wheat, the other two the vine branch with grapes, in reference to the Feast of the Holy Communion. The whole work is executed in the glass mosaic generally known as Salviati's mosaic. The work has been several months in execution, but the donors have availed themselves of the opportunity to commemorate the late deeply regretted Bishop, by a simple inscription, occupying the border under the first Table of the Law, "In Memoriam Gualteri Keer Hamilton, Episcopi Sarisburiensis, Dilectissimi, A.D., 1869.”

Writing of the Dublin Review, a correspondent of the Weekly Register thus expresses himself:-"They have introduced acrimony and bitterness of feeling between those who ought to have quite enough to do in holding their ground against the common enemy without contending with one another. In the old times, when the Review was under the direction of the Cardinal, whatever its defects may have been, at all events it managed to include amongst its writers most of the principal Catholics of the day, while a gentle, unaffected, and cordial tone pervaded all its criticisms. It was then a Catholic Review, and never lost sight of its Catholic origin and purport. It now reflects only the latest opinions of its present editor. It is to the English what Brownson's Review used to be to the Americans. And it will continue to be what it is at present, until its editor consents to devote his great abilities to the service of the Church, without erecting himself into an infallible authority, and without glibly dealing out damnation to all who presume to dissent from his conclusions. I most earnestly hope that this change in the spirit of its management will be the result of the discussion I

have evoked."

The Rev. J. C. Ryle has written a very long letter to the Record on Church Reform. He introduces his subject by an argument that the Church of England is in danger-from Rome, Dissent, Infidelity, internal discussion, internal indifference, and the political drift towards disestablishment. To avert this danger he would reform the Episcopate. His proposals are as follows:-An increase in the number of Dioceses, each county to have its Bishop, and some counties to be divided; the withdrawal of the Bishops, except five of them, from the House of Lords; a decrease in the power of the Prelate, he being given a council which he should be bound to consult; a reduction in the Episcopal salary to £2,000-that sum being increased by £1,000 in the case of the five Parliamentary Bishops; and a reform in the manner of appointment. The last-named change, Mr. Ryle thinks, is absolutely necessary. The committee of 1641 recommend a plan which has Mr. Ryle's full approval. "Upon every death or other voidance of a Bishopric, the King to grant a congé d'elire to all the Clergy of the whole Diocese, they to present three of the Presbytery, and the King to choose and nominate whom he pleaseth of them."

A Cottage Hospital has been erected for the parishes of Chesham, Christ Church, Chesham, Latimer, and Chesham Bois. It is built for seven beds, all of which, together with the furniture for the wards, &c., have been contributed by friends interested in the institution. On Saturday week the Bishop of Oxford preached a sermon in Christ Church, Waterside, on behalf of the funds of the Hospital. About twenty


clergy in surplices were assembled to meet the Bishop, with whom they entered the Church in procession. The Service was Gregorian. The Bishop preached from the text, "Weep with them that weep." Offertory amounted to £26. "O Paradise, O Paradise," was sung after the Offertory Sentences. After the Service the Bishop, Clergy, and choir proceeded to the hospital, where a large company had already assembled. An appropriate hymn was sung by the choir, and de icatory prayers offered by the Bishop, after which his Lordship declared the building to be open for the reception of patients. The Bishop, Clergy, and the principal subscribers to the institution were then entertained at Latimer House at luncheon by Lord and Lady Chesham.

On Thursday evening, Archbishop Manning preached his farewell Sermon previous to his starting fo Rome to take part in the Ecumenical Council. The event took place at the R.C. Church, Westbourne-grove, and he took as his text, "It seemeth good to the Holy Ghost and to us, not to lay upon you any heavier burden than these necessary things." In the course of his Sermon he observed:-The whole atmosphere of late had been filled up with writings, telling his hearers that the forthcoming Council would be ignored by all the world. But he urged his hearers to stand fast in the faith; for the voice of that Council would be recognized by all Catholic, and felt by every Protestant, nation through evil report and through good. That Council would make itself heard throughout the Christian world, and it was in vain for men to say that nobody cared about it. It reminded him of a child trembling in the dark, and perpetually declaring he was not afraid. The shadow of St. Peter had fallen, and that would be felt by all men. The Council was to be held under a presence, a voice, and an authority greater than any in this world. In conclusion, he advised his hearers not to listen to any of the tattle raised by the objectors to the Council, but to patiently wait the issuing of its decrees.

The Rev. F. T. Monro writes to the Guardian:-"Will you allow columns, against the course adopted by the President and Council with me as a member of the E.C.U. to protest, through the medium of your regard to Dr. Temple's nomination to the See of Exeter?" I am not about to argue the case for or against Dr. Temple, although I feel very strongly on the subject, but simply to remonstrate against the fact of an important society like the E.C.U. remaining passive on an occasion when one would expect to find it most active. The Society was formed understand. It has already spent large sums in defending certain of for defence of Church doctrine, at least so its members were given to the Clergy who have been accused of Ritualistic excesses; no doubt it if it was called upon to support a Clergyman in his use of incense or was right in so doing, at any rate it was en open question. But surely lighted candles, it is more urgently called upon to come forward and to speak with no uncertain sound on such an occasion as this, when the dearest interests of the Church are at stake, and when a crisis has arisen which the Vice-President of the Union himself considers one of the most serious and threatening that has yet occurred in the history of the Church of England. The President and Council assert as their reason for not acting, the various and conflicting representations that have been made to them from branches and members of the Union;' but why have they not called a general meeting of the Society, in order to test really and effectually the opinion of the majority?"

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On Sunday morning a large congregation assembled in St. Peter's Church, Vere-street, it having been announced that the Rev. F. D. Maurice, who has just resigned the Incumbency of St. Peter's, would preach a farewell Sermon. Mr. Maurice chose for his text the first verse of the 35th Psalm-"Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me.' His Sermon was a vindication of the course he had pursued since he entered upon his charge at St. Peter's. His only object during his pastorate had, he declared, been to represent the Almighty as the friend of all mankind and the enemy of all evil. The sole message which he had sought to convey to those who heard him was that God was fighting for each of them against the foes which each had within him, and that, with God upon their side, if they would but trust themselves to Him, their victory was certain. He had never represented the Almighty to them as a mere sovereign power, omnipotent not only against sin but against the sinner; nor had he ever darkened His features with the clouds of wrath which too many theologians had drawn before His face. The statesman and the lawyer might have desired that he should teach such a creed as this, in the hope that by so doing he might aid the feeble efforts of the policeman and the executioner, and restrain people from evil by inspiring them with the terror of future punishments. He had, however, felt that it was safer and nobler to invite those around him to see God as He really is-a God of love; and this had been the only end of his preaching all the time he had been in that place."

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It will be in the recollection of our readers that the Rev. Dr. Pusey, in his letters to the Times and Guardian, alleged that to his knowledge Essays and Reviews " had injured many young men. He has been several times challenged to bring forward some proofs of this assertion. One gentleman now comes forward in the John Bull with the following testimony :At the time which he (Dr. Pusey) speaks, from 1858 to 1-62, I was an undergraduate at Oxford, and I am able to give a personal testimony on the matter. I believe it to be truly asserted of that most hurtful book, that it was the ruin of hundreds of souls. I know of its effect


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upon many of my own acquaintance, and I acknowledge with grief the power for evil which it had for a time over my own soul. I thank God that it was in my case only for a time (and here I ought to speak gratefully of the influence for good of the Bishop of Oxford's Sermons preached at that crisis before the University), but I know that with others it produced, as far as can now be seen, a final disbelief in the truths of the Word of God and in the integrity of the creeds of the Church. I need not say that I therefore look upon the appointment of Dr. Temple with amazement and horror; for I cannot conceive it possible that one who truly loved and honoured the fundamental truths, confessedly contravened by some, at all events, of the other Essayists, could have remained a day in their company. A man loyal to the Word and to the Church would surely have rather cut off his right hand than do so." The following extract from a speech delivered at Dublin last Wednesday by Mr. Isaac Butt, Q.C., shows that there are men of high principle, mark, and ability among the Nationalists:-"You have been told that English Ministers were anxious for your welfare, and you have been asked to trust them on that account. Wait until they do the deed. Then trust them. I do not trust them. I am forced to say that, in any action as to the land question, I always believed I appealed to them in vain; and I tell you that next Session will prove the utter incompetency of the English Parliament to legislate for Ireland's people. Then will our nation rise as one man and cry out, "Leave us to ourselves!" Now I have told you my sentiments. Do not let the break-down come from you. If you do, years of anarchy and misery are before you. Remember the experiment. Let it be tried, and the English Parliament will be found helpless to govern the land. I read a short time since in an English journal that the seditious anthem of God save Ireland' was played at the Cabra meeting. The seditious anthem of God save Ireland! That is the prayer of the Irish maiden when she chants her evening hymn; that is her prayer and her aspiration to the Virgin. It is the prayer of the father as, with head uncovered, he asks for the daily bread of his children; the infant, at its mother's knee, lisps the prayer to the throne of God; and God save Ireland' will be the fervent prayer of a succeeding generation when we lie slumbering in the dust. In the history of the civilized or uncivilized world it has never been held that it is treason to pray for one's country. In Lapland, in Switzerland, the savage in his forests, the inhabitants of barbarous Africa, all love their country-in Ireland alone of all civilized countries it is sedition to love one's country; to act for it is treason. Is this the doctrine of Mr. Gladstone, the advocate of Neapolitan rights-a man who stimulated revolution wherever the people were oppressed. In Ireland it is treason to love, it is death to defend,' but there is a crime worse than treason, worse than ten thousand treasons, it is the crime of a man who walks through the land with willing steps while he sees his country bleeding, and yet raise not a hand to save her."

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CARDINAL WISEMAN'S GRAVE.-A writer in the Tablet says: "I happened to visit the Catholic Cemetery at Kensal Green, recently, and I cannot refrain from asking you to afford me a small space in your paper to express the profound pain with which I found the grave of Cardinal Wiseman neglected and unhonoured. A black wooden cross and an uninscribed stone mark the resting-place of the Prelate to whom we English Catholics owe so much, but from amongst whom-if I may judge from the desolate grave at Kensal Green-his memory has so rapidly passed away. Great and sincere grief was expressed by all when we lost him-loudly and with much demonstration by a certain circle; a subscription was at once begun for the object of erecting a momunent over his grave, and I have no doubt many of your readers have given their quota. The pencils of our Catholic architects were put into requisition for designs, and then, if I recollect rightly, it was announced that Mr. Pugin was commissioned, by whom I know not, to design a splendid monument which was to figure in the future Cathedral of Westminster, as we were told. Five years have now elapsed, and all this loud-voiced grief and demonstration of veneration for the memory of the Archbishop of Westminster of the restored Hierarchy has produced nothing but a deal cross and a flag-stone!"

PRESENTATION OF AN ADDRESS TO DR. VAUGHAN.-The Corporation of Doncaster have presented Dr. Vaughan with an address:-As a work of art it is very beautiful. The address is contained in a handsome volume, elegantly and sumptuously bound in dark green Levant morocco, inlaid with purple and light brown, and tastefully decorated with gold ornamentation. A large centre panel contains the impaled arms of Doctor and Mrs. Vaughan, embossed in proper heraldric colours. The volume, which consists of six pages of vellum-thick, ivory-like tablets -is certainly a very choice example of Fine Art design. The first page, on opening the book, contains an exterior view of the Parish Church, where Dr. Vaughan ministered for nine years-the picture being enclosed within an illuminated border; the second page is occupied with a companion view of the interior of the Church, crowded by its congregation, with every seat filled, and the even pulpit occupied. The fancy of the artist has depicted the reality with remarkable fidelity. Both these views are most delicately and exquisitely painted in tempera as highly finished miniatures. The third page contains the dedication. Introduced into the illumination of this page are the Arms of the Corporation of Doncaster, with the Mace and Mayor's chain; the arms of the See of York, of Harrow School, and of Trinity College, Cambridge. These

are all very beautifully emblazoned. The next and succeeding leaves contain the address itself. The address is splendidly engrossed and illuminated-the address itself being written in church text, and the margins on all four pages being tastefully ornamented with appropriate and emblematical devices, of rich and brilliant colouring, relieved with punctured gold, which latter has a bright jewel-like effect. The concluding page of the address bears the autograph signatures. The whole work is, of course, entirely done by hand. The volume is enclosed in a very handsome casket of polished oak, surmounted by the crest-child's head, with serpent round its neck-and monogram of Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan, richly carved in ma sive gilt. Unlocking this beautiful casket, the dainty volume which it contains immediately springs up, by some hidden mechanical contrivance, above the surface of the open casket, as though inviting one to view its hidden beauties.

ST. BARNABAS, PIMLICO.-On Thursday, within the octave of All Saints, a Mission Chapel, dedicated to St. John-the-Baptist, was opened in this parish by licence from the Bishop of London. The proceedings commenced with two Low Celebrations in the Church of St. Barnabas, and at eleven o'clock there was a High Celebration in the Chapel. The Rev. G. C. White, was the celebrant, and a practical Sermon was preached by the Rev. Upton Richards. There was a large congregation, both of Clergy and Laity, and the offertory realised £250. At five o'clock Evensong was sung and a Sermon preached by the Rev. T. T. Carter, of Clewer. At eight o'clock there was a large assemblage of bona fide poor working people, when the Litany was sung and a thoroughly earnest Sermon delivered by the Rev. C. F. Lowder, Vicar of St. Peter's, London Docks, and formerly one of the Curates of the parish. The building has been erected from designs by Mr. H. A. Hunt, jun., who very kindly gave his services gratuitously. The cost of the Chapel was £3,000, and subjoined is a brief architectural description of it:-"It is a plain brick edifice with Bathstone dressings. The brickwork is relieved with gauged arches over the windows in black and red bricks. The Church is entered through a Galilee to prevent the annoyances likely to arise in a crowded and busy thoroughfare. A bold chancel arch of brick and stone work, partly supported upon Purbeck marble shafts, with carved capitals and corbels, divides the chancel from the nave. Here there is also an appliance for shutting the chancel off by means of a rising shutter, as it is contemplated to use the Chapel for lectures and teaching. The chancel is entered by three steps through a metal screen. The choir stalls, not yet provided, will hold twenty men and boys, besides the officiating Clergy. The sides of the choir are arcaded and filled with wainscot framings, and the arches filled in with slate for 'future decorations. The sanctuary is apsidal; four sides of the octagon having windows, the centre above the altar being filled with the reredos, which is of Caen stone. The shafts are the angles, and the double shafts at the commencement of the sanctuary are of blue lias stone with carved capitals; a continuous band of carving runs round the whole of the sanctuary connecting the columns of windows and running over the top of the reredos. The roof is vaulted, and offers large scope for decoration. The oak altar is a fine work of art. The stained glass is by Messrs. Lavers, Barraud, and Westlake, of Endell-street. The altar cloth used at the opening, together with the super-frontal, was designed by Mr. E. Peterson, of Southampton, and worked under his superintendence. When finished, it bids fair to be one of the handsomest in London."

ADORNMENT OF THE SANCTUARY IN EXETER COLLEGE.-The filling in of the arches of the arcade in the Chapel of this College has been proceeded with during the Vacation. The apsidal termination, at the eastern extremity, has five sides, and each of these contain three arches, immediately below the windows. Nine are now filled with enamelled glass mosaic, and the others will be used as sedilia, with appropriate hangings. These also will possibly be filled in with Mosaic at some sitting, the right hand lifted in blessing and the left one holding the future period. The central arch contains a representation of our Saviour, globe, surmounted by a miniature cross. The figure is crowned, and has a nimbus round the head. Right and left of our Saviour are smaller half-length figures of SS. Peter and Paul, the former holding the keys of office, and the latter bearing the sword of martyrdom. The figures (and the observation applies to all) stand out boldly from a gorgeous ground of gold; below them is a border of gold and colour, and beneath that again, alabaster, inlaid with floriated crosses of Sienna and other foreign marble. Beneath is a second band in mosaic, diapered with deepcoloured marble. The northern division of arches is filled in with fulllength figures of the Evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke. These are noble, life-like figures, full of individual expression and artistic detail. At a distance, they are not at all obstrusive, and seem properly subordinate to the decoration of the apse, The arch between the two Evangelists is ornamented by beautiful representations, also in mosaic, of the Lamb, with passion flowers, cross, spear, sponge, nails, and crown of thorns. The corresponding central arch, on the southern side, is occupied by a credence table, upon the pedestal of which are carved the emblems of the Holy Sacrament, in shape of clusters of grapes and ears of wheat. This emblematical bracket has been finely carved in Corsham stone, supporting a slab of alabaster. Over the credence-table is a mosaic of a pelican feeding her young. Surrounded by emblems similar to those in the arch in the northern side, and on each side of it are two more fulllength figures-those of SS. Mathew and John, which are also splendidly

executed. Extending along the arcade immediately under the windows, is a band of twenty angels, each carrying a scroll inscribed with the words, "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus." Altar steps of Devonshire marble have also been laid down, which by their brilliant colouring and polish add much to the general effect. An altar-cloth has been placed on the high altar, of crimson damask silk, exquisitely embroidered with lilies, quatrefoil, passion flowers, and various appropriate emblems, the cost of which has been mainly defrayed by subscriptions from the Undergraduates of the College.

KEBLE COLLEGE.-The work at Keble College has now progressed so far towards completion that a brief reference may be made to its origin, especially as funds are required for its extension. The well-known author of "The Christian Year" was deeply interested in the establishment of a College where young men might be trained in simple and religious habits, with the hope that, among other advantages, it would tend to promote the supply of candidates for Holy Orders. Shortly after the death of Mr. Keble, an influential meeting was held in Lambeth Palace, at which it was resolved to raise a sum of not less than £50,000 for the accomplishment of this object. Trustees for the new College were appointed, among them being the late Archbishop of Canterbury, who laid the foundation stone on an eligible site for the building, consisting of four and a half acres of land, nearly opposite the New Museum. As only £35,000 was received up to the date of laying the foundation stone (April 23, 1868), the first intentions of the founders had to be so modified as to be limited to the erection of the most necessary portions of the College, leaving the rest to be formed in accordance with the liberality of subsequent donors to the building fund. The buildings include, at present, rooms for 100 Undergraduates and 6 Tutors, with lecture rooms and temporary hall, chapel, kitchen, and offices. The gateway is at the south-east corner of the Quadrangle. It is intended to add another story and a permanent roof to it at a future day. The Quadrangle is about 220 feet square. Roons for Undergraduates are arranged on the east, west, and north sides of it. The temporary Hall and Chapel are on its south side. A large opening on the north side is left for the proposed Chapel, which is to be raised on a crypt, and approached by a staircase. The piece of ground to the west of the buildings will be laid ont as a College garden. That to the south is left for future buildings. Red brick is used for the main body of the walls, relieved with a considerable amount of stone and of black and white bricks in bands and diapers. Brick, although largely used in collegiate buildings at Cambridge, has hitherto not been used in Oxford. But in the absence of large funds, brick was a necessity. The effect, however, of the too free use of black and white bricks is not at present satisfactory. It will require years to tone down the gaudy appearance of the building. The internal arrangements differ in several respects from ordinary Colleges. The Undergraduates' rooms are entered on each floor from a central corridor, and are of three sizes. Each set consists of a sitting room and bed room. The scouts' rooms are furnished with fire places, sinks, &c., and are not attached to the living rooms, as it is intended that all ordinary meals shall be taken in Hall. Coal cellars are provided in connection with the staircases on each floor, the coals being raised by lifts from a larger store in the basement. The Tutors' rooms are connected with each corridor, and consist of two sitting rooms, a bed room, scout's room, entrance hall, and other features of a modern dwelling house.

THE EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH IN CONSTANTINOPLE. The following jottings of the Empress' attendance at solemn High Mass in the Armeno-Catholic patriarchal Church of St. Marie, in Pera, are from a correspondent of the Tablet :-"It is a fine and sufficiently spacious Church, adorned with several rich paintings, but is not an edifice of extremely large proportions. Its interior was profusely but tastefully decorated for this interesting occasion. To the right of the altar had been erected a splendid throne for the Empress, under a rich canopy of ruby velvet, the hangings of which with gold fringe and tassels, were studded with the imperial bees, and emblazoned wi h the French imperial arms. The whole of the embroidery and other needlework connected with the decorations was done entirely by the Armeno-Catholic nuns. On the left of the altar were two thrones of smaller dimensions and less sumptuous than that of the Empress-one being the seat of Mgr. Pierre Hassoun, Armeno-Catholic Patriarch, and the other of Mgr. Pluyn, delegate of the Holy See in Constantinople. On the same side, but in the nave, was hung a magnificent piece of tapestry, the Empress' gift to the Church of St. Marie, for which it was specially made at the imperial factory of the Gobelins. It represents a most minutely executed copy of Raphael's celebrated picture of the Transfiguration, and the cost of its manufacture (I have it on good authority, or should have thought there was a superfluous 0 in the figures) was no less than 10,000l. . . . The sacred edifice was filled, long before the hour fixed for commencing the Service, with the very cream of Armenian Catholic society in Constantinople as also that of the other communities; and from 9 o'clock in the morning the Grand Rue of Pera, from one end to the other, was crowded with eager spectators who remained patiently for hours in the hope of catching a glimpse of the Sultan's august and beautiful guest.... At the triumphal arch in the Taxim, the imperial carriage paused awhile for the Empress to receive a short address (in French) from Salih Bey, President of the Municipality of the 6th circle, welcoming Her Majesty in the


name of that important body. The address alluded to Her Majesty'a graces and virtues, and to her heroism in visiting the Paris hospitals at the time of the cholera, and contained aspirations for the long life and happiness of herself, the Emperor, and the Prince Imperial. The imperial party arrived at the Church about half-past eleven o'clock. The passage leading to the Church was lined with soldiers, and all along the vestibule were ranged twenty-four Bishops, twelve on each side, mitred and arrayed in every variety of the most gorgeous of Oriental vestments, and all in steadfast and devoted communion with the Holy See of Rome. Handsomer and more noble types of "the human face divine " it were impossible to find than amongst these dignitaries of the Eastern Church; and I defy the coldest and most sceptical to have looked on the scene unmoved. There were also present two Mekitarist Archbishops, one from Venice and the other from Vienna, who worthily represented that ancient and very learned Armenian Catholic order. Most of these Prelates had been summoned to Constantinople to attend the Synod lately held to consider matters affecting the welfare of the Armenian and other Catholic communities in Turkey; and nearly all, I believe, are about to proceed to the Ecumenical Council at Rome. Before passing between this brilliant file of high ecclesiastics, eight notables-laymen of the Armenian Catholic community-advanced to receive the Empress according to ancient usage by presenting Her Majesty with gold and silver cups, containing rare perfumes-thus reviving an old Oriental ceremony which has been obsolete ever since the extinction of the Kingdom of Armenia. Her Majesty then advanced with her suite, followed by Djemil Pasha, Server Effendi (Mayor of Constantinople), Kiamil Bey. Raouf Pacha, Arifi Bey, Ali Bey, Musafer Bey, Medjib Bey, and Rustem Bey, the personnel of the French Embassy, the officers of the French Imperial vessels, &c.; and Mgr. Hassoun, the Patriarch, wearing a splendid Pontifical mitre and vestments, a special present from the Empress, having tendered her the holy water, conducted her into the Church to her throne, the rest of the brilliant company being escorted to their respective seats. . . . The coup d'œil presented when the Service commenced would deserve powers of graphic description which I have no pretension to possess. Those who had not the good fortune to be present must imagine the combined effect of the altar appointments,' the imperial and Episcopal thrones, the other decorations of the edifice, the display of sumptuous ecclesiastical vestments, glistening with gems and gold and silver embroidery, the elegant dresses of the ladies and the blazing uniforms of the French and Tu kish officers and of the diplomatic corps; and to add to this vivid impression upon the optical sense, that produced upon the organ of hearing by the peculiar rendering of the Service, which was celebrated in the ancient Armenian language, this privilege of celebrating Divine Service in its own tongue being shared by the Armenian branch of the Roman Catholic Church with the Chaldean, Syrian, Maronite, and Melchite Churches in communion with Rome, and who thus form an exception to the general rule of the Catholic Church which requires the Liturgy to be given in Latin, the vulgate tongue.' The Service was a solemn High Mass, and it was intoned in the Armenian chant with flute accompaniment. The whole ceremony was a splendid and most impressive pageant, which no one who saw it can ever forget. The Empress, as well as each of the ladies of her suite, was presented with a handsomely bound Liturgy in French, containing explanations of all the peculiarities of the Armenian Ritual. On the Gospel of the day being about to be read, Mgr. Kaloupjian, Archbishop of Amasia, with Mgr. Azarian, Vicar-General, advanced and presented the Holy Gospel to the Empress to kiss. At the moment of the offertory, the officiating Priests were, according to the ancient Ritual, entirely shut in from the congregation by the drawing of a thick blue curtain, studded with silver stars, while again, at the Communion, the celebrants were only partly screened from view by a fine white gauze curtain striped with embroidered gold. . The Bishops, as they descended from the altar steps, turned and bowed to Her Majesty, who bowed to each in return. As the Patriarch was about to pass in the same manner, the Empress beckoned to her Mgr. Azarian, the master of the ceremonies, to whom she observed that, if it were possible, she would be deeply obliged if the Patriarch would remain in order that she might kiss his ring, so that she might publicly demonstrate her esteem for his Eminence. The Patriarch accordingly paused at the foot of the altar steps, and the Empress, leaving her throne, knelt down, kissed the Patriarchal ring, and then, prostrating herself at his Eminence's feet, solicited and received the Apostolical Benediction."

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"Here Sarum lies who was as wise
And learn'd as Tom Aquinas,

Lawn sleeves he wore yet was no more
A Christian than Socinus.

"Oaths pro and con he swallowed down,
Loved gold like any layman;

He preached and prayed, and yet betrayed
God's Holy Church for Mammon.
"If such a soul to Heaven stole,
And passed the devil's clutches
I do presume there may be room
For Marlborough and his Duchess.'

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In its English form the translator has endeavoured to preserve the spirit of the German original, and render it an acceptable and standard historical work. Some notes of an explanatory character have also been added where it appeared advisable, with notices of the principal noble families whose members were coadjutors or opponents of Bismarck. The arrangement of the work comprises an account of Schönhausen, the birth-place and family mansion of Count Bismarck.

In the second part, an historical sketch of his ancestry is presented, together with a description of the armorial bearings of the family. Then follows the history of his early youth and education, with the commencement of his political life at Frankfort and Paris. The later portions of the work contain his political and private correspondence,-almost forming an autobiography,and refer to those measures which have rendered him

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Dr. Hesekiel has approached the subject with a spirit of candour, mingled with due admiration for the acts of this remarkable man. [In December.

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In the press, demy 8vo., about 500 pages, with numerous Illustrations, price 158.

A Dictionary of Ritual and other Ecclesiastical Terms.
F.S.A. Lond. and Scot.; S.C.L. Oxon; Vicar of All Saints', Lambeth; F.A.S.L.; Editor of the
· Directorium Anglicanum;" Author of the "Beauty of Holiness," "Ecclesiastical
Vestments," &c.

In this publication it has been the aim of the compiler to bring together, in a comparatively small compass, as much information as possible concerning the meanings and applications of the many Ritual Terms and other Ecclesiastical Words bearing on the study of Ritual, a detail of Lituriology to which much attention is now being directed. With this aim, the Editor, who for many years has been collecting materials for this volume, has consulted nearly two hundred MS. Church and Churchwardens' Accounts of the period of the Reformation, which tend to throw so much light both on the statute-law and custom of our

National Church of that period. Neither ordinary nor extraordinary sources of information have been overlooked; both Latin and Eastern terms are included, and authorities produced for almost every fact or statement that is given. The illustrations are mainly taken from "Ornamenta" and "Instrumenta Ecclesiastica" existing and used in the Church of England; while the representations of pre-Reformation ceremonies, rites, and observances have been selected from Anglican rather than from foreign examples and authorities. [In December.

"The Services of the Church cannot be done and celebrated with too great care and anxiety. When we remember to Whom they are offered, we cannot be too decent and over-much orderly in rendering them with seemliness and reverence."-DR. SOUTH.


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This Guide is published with the intention of supplying the Clergy, Choristers, Lay Readers, Choirmasters, and Acolytes with a series of plain directions and suggestive hints for the decent and orderly celebration of the public Services of the Church. Only in a few instances are the authorities given at length for the recommendations and directions provided, and this for the obvious reason of being enabled to issue the book in a convenient and portable form, and at

such a reasonable price as to bring it within the reach of a large and increasing class-decency and order in conducting divine service being no longer peculiar to one theological school.

The Editor acknowledges with gratitude the value of many important suggestions in its preparation, and is deeply obliged to those several friends who have taken the trouble to give him the benefit both of their theoretical knowledge and practical experience. [In November.

In the press, Fourth Edition, with Illustrations, demy $vo., cloth. price 12s. 6d. CAREFULLY REVISED WITH NUMEROUS EMENDATIONS AND IN HARMONY WITH THE PRESENT STATE OF THE LAW.

The Directorium Anglicanum ;

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For the saying of Matins and Evensong, and for the Decent and Orderly Performance of all other
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With Plan of Chancel, and Illustrations of "such Ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof at all times of their ministrations (as) shall be retained, and be in use as were in this Church of England by the authority of Parliament, in the second year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth."

harmony with the Privy-Council Judgment in the St. Albans Case. The Psalms in some of the Services not given at length in the Third Edition are now printed in full, so as to render the work in all respects complete.

The general approbation with which this book has been received has induced the publishers to prepare for publication & Fourth Edition, which has been very carefully revised by the Editor, and brought into "The existence of one such work of credit and reputation must do something to diminish the varieties of Ritualism into which the taste or studies of independent explorers might lead them. The book must be admitted to stand without a rival in its own line; and if there are few who are prepared to adopt its system as a whole, there are fewer still who might not gather from its pages some hints for the more decent and orderly performance of their own public ministrations in Church,"-Guardian. [In November.

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Author of "Half-hours with our Sacred Poets."

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The work seeks to combine the advantages of a manual of historical authority with those of an anthology of verse applicable to the seasons which have been already systematically celebrated (to exclude the mention of any but departed names) by Wither, Ken, and Keble. [Nearly ready.

London: JAMES HOGG & SON, York Street, Covent Garden, W.C.

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London: STANLEY RIVERS AND CO., Publishers, 8, Palsgrave Place, Strand.

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