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the unity of the Church. At first it was ruled over by Bishops, but in time this developed into Patriarchates, and then arose fourteen exarchies or patriarchates, corresponding to the great divisions of the Roman Empire. In all this there was the germ of National Churches. In fact, each great Diocese or Patriarchate was a nation-Gaul was one, Spain another, Britain another, and so on; and in each their distinctive national characters were early developed. When the Roman Empire fell to pieces all this developed more clearly. Now we in England had one of these National Churches. It was originally an exarchy, under the Primate of York, and afterwards became a National Church, under the Primate of Canterbury. We received it, honoured it, protected it, and at length, when we could not get all Chistendom to unite for reformation, we thought that we had a right to reform our own National Church. Thus our national life and our religious life have run on together in one united current even from the first century, when British kings embraced the faith of Christ, to this very day. It is true the real principle, idea, history, name of National Church have degenerated into the notion of an Established Church; and so people have thought and spoken as if the nation, finding some twenty or thirty different forms of faith, woke up one morning, and, examining each form, selected one for itself and established it. But this theory will not stand the test of history. Britain received the Gospel and the Church from the first; and through every change of weal and woe, conquest or defeat, the Church and the nation have gone on together lovingly entwined in each other's hands and hearts, nay, incorporated into each other's beings. It is a very different thing to dissolve such an union from merely casting away what a nation may be supposed to have adopted by its Church opinions. But to pass from principle to practice, can anyone doubt that the position of & Church, acknowledged and defended as the National Church, is far more favourable for action than a Church left to the precarious charity of each separate congregation? Perhaps the town Clergy in a disestablished Church would be richer than at present. But how could we provide for the country parishes? A parish of 1,000 people would contain about 200 houses. In a poor parish each household might contribute perhaps 5s. a year for the support of a Clergyman. This would produce 50% a year, as the income of a man who had spent 3,000l. on his education. a sum which, sunk in his life, would give him 300l. a year. Where could we look for such a provision as would restore to our ten thousand villages the blessing of a resident educated Pastor, whose great end in life was the temporal and eternal welfare of all around him; the poor populations of towns would be still worse off. We cannot penetrate their dense masses even now. Dissent still less finds its way among them. The blessing of a National Church is that it has the Mission, and in some degree the power, to seek out those who would never seek for it. The evil of the opposite system that it can only give the supply where there is the demand, and the demand is always the least where the need is the greatest.

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Dear Sir,-In an acknowledgment of the memorial which you forwarded to me, I beg leave to say that the twelfth paragraph, to which attention is specially called, is most unhappy in its language, being so unguarded as to admit of the construction the memorialists put upon it. It is painful to me, in reference to one who has proved his devotedness to the Church by a munificent offering, as well as by the diligence of his ministerial labours, in a poverty-stricken district, to have to say that much of that language, though meant, I am willing to believe, to inculcate or encourage reverence, is, to my mind, degrading, and even shocking. It lays down on points which should be left, as they are left by our own Church, to the feeling and discretion of each communicant, minute rules, which can hardly fail to draw off the mind from "the heavenly and spiritual manner after which "the body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper," and to interpose between the soul and its Divine Redeemer attention to a routine of gestures and manipulations. On the subject of this paragraph generally I will ask your permission to refer to pages 35-39 of my Charge. Under the 20th paragraph, referred to by the word "funerals" in the memorial, no offence need be taken to an administration of the Holy Communion, if desired as a support and comfort by sorrowing relatives and friends, after they have committed the body to the ground. The bringing of the corpse into the Church overnight is liable to objections on sanitary grounds, if not as an opening to observances which are sure to be regarded as superstitious. For anything more than an arrangement for securing that those who have taken part in the conduct of Divine Service may enter and quit the Church in decent and regular order, I have myself no liking. Processions which go beyond this are apt to produce suspicion and irritation, which are very poorly compensated by any pleasure which they may give to those who organise them. Separation of the sexes has been, from time immemorial, the practice in many parts of England, particularly in rural Churches. And it is said to have been found expedient, if not necessary, where the whole of the interior is free and unappropriated. I am not sure that I understand what the memorialists mean by "reasserting the doctrines of our beloved Church."

Is anything more needed than the retention of those doctrines in their integrity, as already asserted in our Formularies? The appreciation of the position and character of our Church must be more imperfect than I am willing to believe if, because of waywardness or extravagance on the part of individual Clergymen, here and there while her Offices and Articles remain intact, thousands of her most attached and faithful members are to be alienated from her communion.


You call

THE ECUMENICAL COUNCIL.-The Pope has ordered the whole ceresion, which is constantly sitting, completes its programme. The Holy monial of the Council to be published as soon as the ceremonial commisFather's enthusiasm about the Council shows no abatement. The other day a German Priest brought him an address and a large sum of money from the ladies of a German Diocese, and in accepting the gift the Pope inquired whether the Bishop was coming to the Council. The Priest replied that he was too old, being in his seventy-first year. seventy-one old?" exclaimed the Pope. "I am seventy-eight, and I feel duties." The Council will probably be required to consider the proposiyoung, and shall assist at the Council without neglecting my other tion of the Emperor Napoleon respecting the composition of the Sacred College. inhabitants, is allotted thirty-six Cardinals, while 35,000,000 obtain for The Emperor complains that Italy, with only 24,000,000 France only five or six hats, and he demands that the dignity shall be distributed in the ratio of the population. The rule is to extend to Austria, Spain, Portugal, and the other Catholic nations.

THE RITUAL COMMISSION. The Archbishop of Canterbury has addressed a letter to all the members of the Ritual Commission, stating that it must make its report before Christmas; and his Grace wishes the Commissioners to meet in London at the commencement of November, to sit from day to day till their report is finished. The report of the Lectionary Committee was made on the 21st of June last, but although printed and in circulation, it has not yet been made public. The report is signed by S. Oxon (chairman) and three other Bishops, namely, St. David's, Gloucester, and Chester; and by three Deans, namely, Stanley, Goodwin, Jeremie; also by Canon Payne Smith and Rev. W. G. Humphry, who acted as secretary. The Earl Be auchamp is the only layman on the committee. The Lessons from the Apocrypha, which for Saints'-days numbered twenty-six, are reduced to four; but for ordinary days forty are still retained out of the one hundred and six lessons. Ä second series of "Lessons for Evensong on Sundays" is provided, so that they may be used either as alternative Lessons at the second Service, or at the third Service, if thought desirable. It is mentioned that forty meetings were occupied in arriving at these conclusions, but the time that each meeting lasted is not mentioned, nor the number of members who attended.

FAREWELL LETTER OF THE BISHOP OF WINCHESTER. Farnham Castle, October 30, 1869. My dear and Reverend Brethren,-I have received with feelings of no ordinary kind the address which has been forwarded to me, signed by a large proportion of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Surrey, expressive of their sorrow and regret at the prospect of the severance of that bond which has existed between this Diocese and myself for a space of forty-two years.

You have viewed with a far too indulgent eye the services which God may have permitted me to render to my Diocese. I thankfully acknowledge that Churches have multiplied, that Schools, Parsonages, and other means of grace have greatly increased during the last forty years. I cannot, however, take to myself any merit of this. I do not forget the readiness with which you have always met any suggestions which I have made, and the hearty co-operation by which you have carried out my wishes. To you, my thanks are due-to God, be all the glory.

It would indeed rejoice me, if I could think that I had been the means, in however small a degree, of drawing you nearer to myself and one another. I am convinced that when we conscientiously differ in opinion upon some points, we have only to know our brethren better, in order to respect their motives, and to value them for their works sake. Though we must ever contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints, it ought to be said of us, as it was of old, "See how these Christians love one another."

It has been with no small regret that I have come to the decision that I ought to resign the charge of my Diocese. The physical infirmity to which it has pleased my Heavenly Father to subject me has precluded me from having that personal intercourse with you, which is so essential to the true welfare of a Diocese. In taking an affectionate leave of you as your Bishop, I feel that the bond which unites us together is not broken. We are still one in Christ, our common Head. I shall carry with me into my retirement. happy memories of past days spent in the midst of you, and a thankful assurance of the kindly feelings which you entertain towards me.

And now, brethren, "I commend you to God, and the Word of His grace." May He "build you up, and give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified," and when the chief Shepherd shall appear,' may you and I "receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." I am, your affectionate friend and brother, C. R. SUMNER, Bishop.

LITERARY COMMUNICATIONS AND BOOKS FOR REVIEW TO BE ADDRESSED be efficiently betrayed, corrupted by authorities who have TO THE EDITOR. sworn to defend her rights and to maintain her faith.



When it was discovered by the High Church Radicals that their idol, Mr. Gladstone, had resolved to appoint Dr. Temple

QUARTER'S SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE 3s. 3d., INCLUDING POSTAGE. PER to Exeter, it was found necessary to say everything and do

ANNUM, 12s. 6d.

anything which might make the appointment as little distasteful as possible to those country Parsons who are in some measure allied with the sect. Hence all sorts of far-fetched

The Church Herald. apologies were made and invented. One, specially originated


The Week.

FROM Spain we learn that Senor Martos has been appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs and Senor Figuerola Minister for Finance. The Ministry as now reconstituted will present itself before the Cortes to-day. Yesterday evening 134 members of the majority gave in their adhesion to the election of the Duke of Genoa, 65 members still continuing their opposition. It is believed that Marshal Serrano and General Prim will succeed in their endeavours to maintain harmony among the Unionists and the Radicals. In the event of the Duke of Genoa's election Marshal Serrano will probably continue to be Regent until his majority. On Sunday evening and early yesterday morning severe shocks of earthquake were felt at Frankfort, and at Darmstadt, Wiesbaden, Mayence, and the neighbouring localities.

Cabinet Councils at so early a date give topics for the gossips. We have reason to know that it is the State of Ireland, and for all that the state of London, in which it is said there are 100,000 Fenians well organized-which brings Ministers to town. The question of the release of the Fenian rebels is not yet settled, and the Land question is just opening up. On either or both the Government may split up-that is if the Tories (which we trust may be the case) leave the Liberals to settle the questions amongst themselves.

In another column we print a farewell letter from the Bishop of Winchester to those Clergy who recently signed an Address to him. It is at once an appropriate and touching reply. The Bishop is one of a school of which but few members remain. He has administered his Diocese with prudence, liberality and success. If Low-Churchmen only have lived in the sunshine, this is natural-for he has always been an avowed Low Churchman. The way in which he has been maligned by anonymous writers in the Ritualistic press, does not evidence either respect for grey hairs or for authority; while the tales of slander and nepotism, of which so much has been made, on examination and inquiry turn out to be only mare's nests. We have good reason to know that several Churchmen of the highest school in his own Diocese speak of his Lordship with affectionate respect, and that they regret the cause which compels him to lay aside his official insignia.

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The demonstration against Dr. Temple's appointment has been a most unhappy failure. Credit, however, must be given to those who, when others were silent and inactive, came forth to do the work of entering a protest. Our great leaders," as they are called, and the wire-pullers of our ecclesiastical "Unions," are engaged in other and more momentous occupations, notably in the wise and important work of waiting to see which way the wind blows. The two Archbishops are notoriously in favour of the appointment, while an influential minority of their suffragans, believing that Mr. Gladstone is not unlikely to remain in office for some years, are already prepared to cringe "before his superior far-sightedness," and are less and less disposed to make any honest opposition to his wishes and will. So that our National Church seems likely to

by the Burleigh-street scribes, was that Mr. Gladstone having first offered the See of Exeter to Mr. Liddon (who was said to have refused it on account of ill-health) and thus shown his deep appreciation of dogma, had afterwards tendered it to Dr. Temple. Thus Mr. Liddon was indirectly blamed for having in a measure brought about the appointment, and this It report was dressed up as true for two succeeding weeks. was only on Saturday last-nearly a fortnight after it had News-that it was formally withdrawn. Such is a specimen been authoritatively contradicted in the Western Morning of the tactics-in beautiful and complete harmony with the odious principles of the party-which are adopted in order to retain the allegiance of the wavering.

We commend to the particular attention of our readers a most large-minded and statesmanlike opinion of the Bishop of Ely regarding Church and State-reprinted in another column. It is seldom that we have read anything so forcible or true, and its publication must raise the Bishop very greatly in the estimation of all sensible people. His speech is a very farsighted exposition of godly political truth, "very necessary for these times ;" and if thought out furnishes a complete and conclusive answer to the silly and superficial theories and suggestions of the new Radical Ritualists.

All speeches, addresses, and letters, however, are of comparatively small importance-except for their value in formulating sound opinion amongst Churchmen. This work, however, needs to be done. But far more than this, or the tide of innovation and ruin, to be felt in every parish and Churchhome of the land, will sweep everything we value away. A to set up an organization in London, with agents in every few sound Tory Churchmen, we are glad to learn, have resolved Diocese throughout the kingdom, so as to be the means of enabling an efficient opposition to be made to the combined tactics of our dangerous enemies the Whigs, Radicals, Papists, Dissenters, and Ritualists. It is believed that the new society will be set on foot so as that its practical labour may coincide selves we most cordially wish it success and long life. Should contemporaneously with the opening of Parliament. For ourany of our readers, whether Laymen or Clergymen, desire to co-operate, we are asked to state that all letters on the subHERALD, 14, York-street, Covent-garden," will receive every ject, addressed to "Decanus, care of the Editor of the CHURCH consideration. Without in the smallest degree trenching upon the work of any existing society, it will supply a want of which every new difficulty makes men realize the existence, and which now stands a good chance of being soberly and efficiently met.

We are informed that the Rev. Richard F. Clarke, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of St. John's College, and the Rev. William Henry Bliss, B.C.L., Magdalen College, Vicar of North Hinksey, Oxford-two notorious High Church Radicals-have recently retired from the English Church, and have joined the Roman Communion.

We are glad to learn that there is a Daily Celebration at the New Church of St. Barnabas, Oxford, which was consecrated on Oct. 17th. Vestments are used at every celebration; and the seats are all free and unappropriated, and the sexes are separated. The Rev. M. H. Noel, of Christ Church, late Senior Curate of Wantage, is the Vicar.

The Rev. W. Baird's solicitors demand of us an apology for the letter which appeared in our first number with reference to St. Chad's, Hagger

ston. We are quite at a loss to understand why their client accepts epithets which we assure Mr. Baird were never applied, nor intended to be applied, to him; nor had we the remotest idea that our Kingsland correspondent did so, or intended to do so. Nor, furthermore, did we believe, nor do we believe, that Mr. Baird-so well known for his charity and discretion-contributed anything to the John Bull which could be distasteful to the St. Chad's Clergy and congregation. More than this, written in all frankness, we cannot say.

The great majority of the people of Taunton are astonished that the Rector, the Rev. W. R. Clarke, refused to sign a petition against Dr. Temple's appointment to Exeter.

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A requisition is in course of signature in Sheffield to the Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, asking his presence at a Conservative banquet, to be held in the Cutlers' Hall on the 2nd of December.

At the reopening of the nave of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Kingstown, Hull, on the 20th, upwards of 100 Clergymen in their surplices, and a choir of eighty men and boys, took part in the Services. tribunals for having made a collection from house to house for the

A farmer of Calvairate, in the Milanese, has been denounced to the

redemption of Clerics from the Conscription.

The Bishop of Salisbury will probably be enthroned in his Cathedral next week, but the day is not yet fixed as it is uncertain when his Lordship will be able to do homage to the Queen.

Mgr. Salomone, Archbishop of Palermo, has been condemned to a fine in the Court of Assize for his Pastoral Letter on the Council, on a charge of exciting the people against the Government.

The proceedings at the election of Dr. Temple to the Bishopric of Exeter will be strictly private, and all who take part in it are bound by oath not to reveal anything that takes place in the Chapter.

Thirteen religious were professed last week at the Benedictines of At Evensong Frosinone, and a great increase of vocations among the higher classes of women appears to be setting in in Rome.

The Rev. Edward Austin, to the Vicarage of Honiton. Patron, the Crown.
The Rev. Henry F. Baxter, to the Vicarage of Bushbury, Staffordshire.

The Rev. Henry Vivian Broughton, Vicar of Wellingborough, to be Honorary
Canon in Peterborough Cathedral.

The Rev. George Davis, to the Rectory of Timsbury.

The Rev. William Molland Lee, Incumbent of Christ Church, Sandown, to the Rectory of Yaverland, Isle of Wight.

The Rev. James Lukin, to the Vicarage of Stetchworth, Newmarket.

The Rev. Richard Newlove, Vicar of Thorner and Rural Dean, to be Honorary
Canon in Ripon Cathedral.

The Rev. Thomas O. Price, to the Vicarage of Layer de la Hay, near Colchester.
The Rev. John Pryce, Vicar of Bangor, to the Rural Deanery of Arfon.

The Rev. Richard Rawle, to the Vicarage of Tamworth.

The Rev. J. Steel, jun, to the Vicarage of Harold, Bedfordshire.

The Rev. J. E. Stephens, to the Vicarage of Wilberfoss.

The Rev. W. Wallace, to the Vicarage of St. Luke's, Stepney.

Home and Foreign Church News.

The Diocese of Winchester will be vacant on the 6th.

A new stained glass window has been erected in Thatcham Parish Church, in memory of Mr. Richard Tull, by some of the parishioners. The Rev. A. H. Stanton of St. Alban's, Holborn, will preach at All Saints', Lambeth on Friday evening. Evensong will be sung at eight. The hearing of the charge of heresy against the Rev. C. Voysey will be commenced on the 1st of December at York Minster.

Four hundred and fifty of the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter have protested against the appointment of Dr. Temple.

Last week the Bishop of London distributed the prizes to the students of the City of London College, and afterwards briefly addressed them on the importance of study.

Dr. Vaughan will preach his first Sermon at the Temple Church, before the Benchers and some of Her Majesty's Judges, on Sunday morning. The Judges will not go to St. Paul's Cathedral this term.

Cardinal de Bonald has just sent to the Pope and the Emperor his resignation as Archbiship of Lyons, his great age not permitting him longer to discharge the duties of his Diocese.

The New York Church Journal says that a choir of sixteen boys is in course of training by the Rector of St. Paul's Church, Watertown, the Rev. William Dafter, and will be introduced in surplices at Christmas.

The French Emperor has ordered the travelling expenses of the French Bishops at home and in Quebec in going to and returning from the Ecumenical Council to be defrayed from the French Exchequer.

A new Church, under the patronage of St. Mark, is shortly to be commenced at Leicester, and built at the sole expense of W. Perry Herrick, Esq., of Beaumanor, and his sister.

Dr. Moberly was consecrated Bishop of Salisbury on the Festival of SS. Simon and Jude by the Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Bishops of London, Oxford, and Chester. The ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey.

On Thursday the Dean of Norwich laid the foundation-stone of new schools about to be erected in the parish of SS. Michael and All Angels, Paddington. Previous to the ceremony there was a celebration in the Church, and a Sermon by Dean Goulburn.

Mgr. Milazzo, Vicar Capitular of Monreale, and the Parish Priest of Piano dei Greci, have been condemned to three months' imprisonment for having dispensed and married a couple under ecclesiastical impediments, in opposition to the excommunicated Priest, Cirino Rinaldi.

The work of restoring the Church of St. Andrew, Worcester, has been begun. Of the estimated cost, which is £2,000, the sum of £1,100 has

Monday, the Festival of All Saints, was observed as a general holiday already been subscribed. It is proposed that the seats shall be free and on the Continent.

The Vicar of Leeds is the preacher this year at the anniversary of the Diocesan Societies in Norwich Cathedral.

The Bishop of Colombo will preach at St. Lawrence Church, Jewry, on Sunday morning.

The Parish Church of Shipton-on-Cherwell has been restored and reopened.

The Bishop of Rochester preached an eloquent Sermon on Sunday week at the Parish Church of Writtle on its being reopened after restoration. A meeting has been held at Carlisle with the view of raising a memorial to the late Bishop.

Dr. Vaughan will preach occasionally on Wednesday and Friday evenings in the Church of St. Clement Danes, Strand.

The Rev. J. L. Randall, Rector of Newbury, has left England on a

tour in the East.

The new District Church of St. Paul's, Lexden, near Colchester, will be consecrated on Friday by the Bishop of Rochester.

It has recently been discovered that in addition to the two altars at St.
Chad's, Haggerston, there are two sets of altar-services and two lecterns!
A determined attempt has been made by some members of the Ritual
Commissioners to abolish the Athanasian Creed from the Prayer Book.
Mr. W. Harrington is the new Vicar's lay assistant at St. Lawrence,
Jewry, in the room of the late Mr. J. A. Back.


At a meeting of the S.P.C.K., held at Exeter last week, Archdeacon Freeman denounced newspapers. He said:"there were no newspapers in St. Paul's time, but had there been, I believe he also would have hated them."

With two exceptions-one caused by advancing years, the other by Archbishop Manning will take his departure for Rome on Friday next. ill-health-all the English Roman Catholic Bishops will leave this country for Rome during the next ten days.

A "Protestant Catholic," in a letter to the Record, suggests that the "Ritualists" should henceforward be termed "Ceremonialists." He omits to state what the Puritans, who set all Rubrics at defiance, should be termed.

The Archbishop of York presided, on Wednesday, at the annual meeting of the Diocesan Church Building and Endowment Aid Society. Since the establishment of the Association, grants to encourage Church building and enlargements have been made to the amount of £33,480.

There has been a Conference of Clergy and Laity at Gainsborough, under the presidency of the Archdeacon of Stowe, at which it was resolved that there should be two annual meetings, a Visitation and a Conference, about Easter, and a Conference early in the autumn.

After Advent Sunday the following will be the hours of Service at St. Paul's Cathedral:-On Sundays, Christmas-day, Good Friday, and Ascension-day, Morning Service will be at 10.30, and Afternoon Service at 3.15. On week days the Services will be at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 4 p.m

A meeting was held at Cambridge on Wednesday, to express sympathy with the ejected Clergy in the Natal Diocese. The Rev. G. F. Rayner, presided, and the speakers included the Revs. E. M. Chaplin, A. T. Chapman, and W. H. Guillemard, and Mr. Lawrence.

Under the auspices of the Rev. Stephen Hawtrey and the Rev. W. B. Marriott, it is proposed to hold classes at Eton for ladies "not under sixteen," during the present autumn and the coming winter, in Latin, English history, elementary geometry, and physical geography.

The Dedication Festival of St. Mary's, Haggerston, was observed on SS. Simon and Jude's Day. In the afternoon a large number of the parishioners, rich and poor, met in the schoolroom and had tea together, and at seven o'clock Evensong was sung in the Church and Dr. Evans delivered one of his striking Sermons.

Interesting facts are coming to light in the course of the restoration of Chester Cathedral. The entire restoration cannot be finished in less than four years; nor can the total cost be estimated at less than 60,000% Of this about 31,000l. has been subscribed, including the grant of 10,000l.

from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.

The Figaro says that Latin will be the language which will be used in the Ecumenical Council, and that the congregation of the Index has been commissioned to fix a uniform pronunciation, in order that in the diversity of accents the assembly may not degenerate into another Tower

of Babel.

On Thursday, the new and beautiful Church of St. Paul's and St. Leonard's, was consecrated by the Bishop of Chichester. The Church has been open for Service (by license) some time, circumstances having occurred to prevent its being consecrated at the time it was opened. The Sermon was preached by the Dean of Chichester.

The Parish Church of Aveton, Gifford, Devon, which has been for a long time in a state of dilapidation has been restored and reopened. The pews have been removed and open seats substituted. A new pulpit, lectern, and altar, all of oak, have been provided. It is intended as soon as funds permit to erect a reredos.

The Festival of All Saints was specially commemorated at the Church of St Barnabas, South Kennington, by the first fully Choral Evensong ever held in that church. The Rev. S. Flood Jones, precentor of Westminster Abbey, sang the Office, and the Sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Reyner Cosens, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Westminster.

The memorial of the late Dean Dawes of Hereford has arrived at the Cathedral. It consists of an altar tomb, in white marble, having a recumbent figure of the late Dean on the upper portion. The statue is represented in full canonicals, and is in a recumbent position, with the hands gently pressed together, as if in deep and silent meditation. The tomb is placed in the north-east transept.

In reference to Dr. Vaughan's readings of the Greek Testament, a correspondent of the Law Times asks why the benefits are to be confined to Graduates. He says:-"There are a great many men at the Bar who are not Graduates, but who have, nevertheless, received a sound collegiate or public school education, and who would appreciate as much as any one an hour in the morning with Dr. Vaughan and the Greek Testament." An interesting and imposing ceremony took place on the 14th October at St. George's Church, New York, in the consecration of a missionary Bishop for Neveda and Arizona. Fifteen of the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States took part in the solemn exercises, Bishop M'Ilvaine, of Ohio, presiding, and Bishop Johns, of Virginia, delivering the discourse.

The Stuttgard papers state that the Pope, instead of at once ratifying the election of Professor Hasele to the Bishopric of Rottenburg, has summoned him to Rome. This has caused much surprise, as the step is most unusual. It is generally thought the Roman Curia has adopted these measures on account of the part taken by Professor Hasele in the Fulda Conference.

A letter appears in a Dublin paper, from Archbishop Trench, denying the accuracy of a statement that the Clergy at the Kildare Visitation dinner did not drink the "Queen's health." It was "drunk with all the honours. . . . . Had this, the most ordinary token of respect and loyalty, been withheld, he (the Archbishop) should at once have requested the chairman to leave the chair."

The Congé d'elire for the election of a Bishop of Exeter will, it is expected, reach the Dean and Chapter to-morrow (Thursday), and the election will probably take place on Saturday, the usual day for the Chapter meetings. The delay is occasioned by the circumstance of the Queen being at Balmoral, and the congé d'elire having to be sent to Her Majesty twice for signature.

The Manchester Guardian says it is reported that Sir John Simeon, the member for the Isle of Wight, will be included in the long-promised batch of new Peers. Sir John is a Roman Catholic, and we can recall no previous instance since the accession of the House of Hanover of an Englishman of his faith receiving a coronet. Peerages have been called out of abeyance in favour of Roman Catholics-the baronies of Camoys and Beaumont, for example-but we can remember no case of a new creation.

The final meeting of the Executive Committee of Church Congress was held in Liverpool on Monday. The treasurer reported that the Congress had been most successful in a monetary point of view. The sum of 254, was handed over to Archdeacon Emery, the central secre tary, and it was resolved that the balance, after the expenses are paid, shall be handed over to the Chester Cathedral Restoration Fund.

It is proposed to hold a retreat for laymen at the Mission-house, Cowley St. John, Oxford, in the first week of Advent, and one for candidates for Holy Orders, whether Priest's or Deacon's Orders, in the second week of Advent. In both cases it will depend upon there being a sufficient number of names sent in. Applications should be addressed to the Rev. R. M. Benson.

Mr. Newman Hall, the well-known Dissenting minister, writing to the Daily News, with reference to the proposed "mission," says:-" So great is the prevalence of drunkenness, vice, and ungodliness, that I rejoice in this proposal, and should be glad if Nonconformists were to show the true Catholic spirit which animates them by selecting the very same week for promoting the very same object by the very same means.'

The Hants Independent has the following:-"We have heard from good authority that it is the intention of Dr. Moberly, who is leaving for a larger sphere of duty, viz., the See of Salisbury, to present to each of the communicants a copy of the Sermons preached by him since holding the Living of Brighstone. The same favour will be extended to all others of the congregation who may apply for it.

The Rev. Henry White, the Chaplain of the Chapel Royal, Savoy, stated in his Sermon on Sunday morning that a celebrated German theologian had reckoned up a thousand volumes which had been published during the present century in opposition to the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, and 10,000 containing vague speculations on the subject.

The Dedication Festival of the College Chapel of St. John's, Hurstpierpoint, was held on the 23rd and 24th, the festival of St. Ethelreda, on which day it was dedicated four years ago. The festal Service began with Evensong on Saturday: the choir, numbering nearly ninety, entered the Chapel singing Blessed city, heavenly Salem !" The Service was choral. After the Blessing had been pronounced from the altar the choir left the Chapel singing Psalm cl.

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A public meeting was held last week at Chester, in connection with the Deaconesses Institution, which has been lately established in that city. The Bishop and Dean both spoke in favour of the institution. The Bishop, however, insisted as a condition of his countenance that there should be nothing whatever in the shape of vows, or pledges of solemn engagement for any term of years, and no adoption of any dress likely to give offence.

The decorations make great progress at St. Peter's, Rome, and the imita have an admirable effect. tion mosaics are being placed behind the seats of the Fathers, and They represent the Apostles and Doctors of the Church, in coloured medallions on a dead gold ground, and will crimson cloth and the reredos of tapestry are placed, which will not be come out in admirable relief when the range of benches covered with done till the last moment.

confer a great benefit on the adjacent parish of St. Clement Danes, many The Rev. Dr. Vaughan, the new Master of the Temple, is about to parts of which are as degraded as any district of London. The Rev. Doctor has with him in the Temple, as he had at Doncaster, many young men who are reading for the ministry, and in order that they may obtain an insight into parochial work, they are about to pay daily visits, two by two, to the lowest haunts of poverty and vice in and about Claremarket.

It is generally understood that the following members of the Exeter Chapter will vote for Dr. Temple:-The Dean, Canon Cook, Archdeacon Downall, Prebendaries Mackarness, Saunders, Acland, Hedgeland, and Brereton. Those reckoned on to oppose are the Sub-Dean, Archdeacon Freeman, Canon Lee, and Prebendaries Tatham, Lyne, R. W. Barnes, and Harris. It is believed that none of the others will vote for Dr. Temple, but how many will remain neutral is a question.-John Bull.

At a meeting of the Liberation Society, held at Newcastle-on-Tyne, we learn from the Nonconformists that Mr. Carvell Williams announced, as the chief point of their next parliamentary programme, the intention "to lay siege to the English Establishment," with a special proviso that, when the English Church was disestablished, it should not be permitted to carry away with it public property to any extent proportionate to that with which the Irish Church will be endowed."

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The Rev. H.W. Majendie, Vicar of Speen, Berks, has just erected in that parish a village hospital. It is built of brick, and stands in an open and pleasant part of the village. Six or seven beds will be made up to commence with, and the management will be entrusted to a nurse from a metropolitan hospital. The building was formally opened on St. Luke's Day, by a Service in which the Vicar, the Rev. R. C. Edwardes (Curate), the choir, and the Laity took part.

It is expected that the consecration of Dr. Temple to the See of Exeter will take place on St. Thomas's Day; and, if the necessary arrangements can be made in time, Lord Arthur Hervey, Bishop-designate

of Bath and Wells, and Mr. J. F. Mackarness, Bishop-designate of Oxford will be consecrated on the same day. The choice of preacher will rest with Dr. Temple. The Ceremony will in all probability take place in Canterbury Cathedral. Cardinal Cullen has announced a jubilee in a Pastoral addressed to the Clergy of his Diocese of Dublin. This jubilee begins with the 1st of November, and is to last until the termination of the Ecumenical Council, convoked by the Pope for the 8th of December. The conditions of the "indulgences" are that the faithful shall make confession, receive the Sacrament, and fast three days, or one day in each of three weeks. They must likewise visit three of the principal Chapels of Dublin, which are named, and pray for the peace, tranquillity, and triumph of the Holy Catholic Church.

Maisemore Church, near Gloucester, has been reopened by the Bishop. The Church is dedicated to St. Giles, the patron saint of cripples, and it stands some four miles from the city. In the Church there were traces of the Saxon, Norman, and Early English styles of architecture; the Puritans added pen-pews and the preacher's hour-glass. But all was decaying and tumbling when a year ago the Rural Dean suggested a restoration, One of the Episcopal estates is in the parish, and the Bishop gave £200 to the fund. The restoration has cost £1,500, and the Church is now one of the handsomest village Churches in the Diocese. The Bishop of London appears determined to make himself acquainted with the working of the Church at the East-end of London. About a week ago he personally inducted the new Rector of Stepney. On Sunday evening he was present at Evensong at St. Jude's, Whitechapel, and preached to a large congregation. On the morning of Sunday, the 14th, he intends preaching at the Parish Church of St. Mary, Haggerstone, and he has undertaken after Christmas to deliver six Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, on consecutive Thursday evenings, in the Parish Church of Stepney.

Mr. Gladstone, in reply to a remonstrance he had received from the Hon. and Rev. E. V. Bligh, on his nomination of Dr. Temple to the See of Exeter, says:-"Your candour induces me to suggest that you might relieve your own mind in some considerable degree by a perusal of Dr. Temple's sermons, or some of only the first among them on Good Friday. I do not learn that the highest and most responsible authorities of the Church are dissatisfied with the nomination of Dr. Temple. At the same time, I do not seek to transfer to them any portion of the responsibility which belongs entirely to myself."

A Rugby boy writes to his father about Dr. Temple's appointment:"My dear Papa,-I suppose you have heard the news about Dr. Temple. It has been received just as if he had died. Three of the masters cried when they told their forms of it, and our master observed that we might ever be proud of saying that we have been under Dr. Temple. I shall not care a bit for the school with a new master, no more will any one. I feel sure that there was not anybody in the school who ever disliked him. We cannot ever possibly have another anything approaching to him. I would not mind only having 10s. a term all the time I'm here if he would come back."

We rejoice to hear that it has been determined by the Clergy of the Rural Deanery of Stepney and Spitalfields to make a special effort in the way of more frequent Services and Sermons in the weeks preceding the solemn season of Advent. A sub-Committee, comprehending men of such various shades of opinion as the Rev. Joseph Bardsley, and Rev. C. F. Lowder, has drawn up a circular to be issued to each Clergyman in the Rural Deanery. It is proposed to inaugurate the Services with a Celebration at the Parish Church of Stepney, on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 9 a.m. Dr. Vaughan has been asked to address the Clergy on the


The Bishop of Rochester held a Visitation of his Clergy on Friday morning at Stratford. In his Charge he announced that he was about to hold a series of Conferences of Clergy and Laity in the various large towns of his Diocese, in order that matters of importance to the Church might be thoroughly considered. It was also his intention to establish a "Bishop of Rochester's Fund," with a view to the aid of those parishes which had been transferred to his Diocese from the See of London. He strongly recommended the adoption of the offertory, more frequent Services, and particularly more frequent Celebration of the Holy Communion.

At noon on Friday the remains of the fourteenth Earl of Derby were laid in the new family vault, at St. Mary's Church, Knowsley. The remains of the deceased earl were enclosed in three coffins, the first formed of oak grown upon the estate; this was enclosed in a lead coffin of unusual strength and weight, bearing upon the top of the lid, a coronet, and in the upper panel the words "Edward Geoffrey, 14th Earl of Derby, born March 29, 1799, died October 23, 1869." The whole was encased in an oak coffin, covered with crimson velvet, with splendid gilt furniture, and a plate bearing a corresponding inscription to that upon the leaden coffin. The daily papers state that "the Service was the beautiful Liturgy of the Church without any choral additions." The Annual Meeting of the Surrey Church Association, with which is incorporated the Bishop of Winchester's South London Church Extension Fund, was held at Winchester House, St. James's-square, last

week. The Society is now ten years old, and has within that period expended £40,000 on works of Church extension and education. The result of the grants has been to provoke local co-operation to the extent of £240,000. The total income, including the receipts on account of the South London Fund, amounted to £5,020. One new Church had been built and endowed, and three others were in course of erection. Three new Missions had been established. They had already erected one school capable of accommodating 250 children, and had bought the site for another one, which would accommodate 700 children.

On the 25th inst. the Bishop of Peterborough reopened Deene Church restored at the sole cost of the Countess of Cardigan. Upwards of 100 of the Clergy of the Diocese entered the Church with the Bishop in procession from the rectory singing "Onward, Christian Soldiers," and the Church was crowded to excess. The alms amounted to £205. After the Service a luncheon was given by the Countess of Cardigan to upwards of 300 guests at Deene Hall. It should be mentioned that the fall of the altar cloth is of costly point lace, presented by the Countess of Cardigan. The altar tomb, to the memory of the late Earl of Cardigan, is in course of erection in the transept, and will be of surpassing beauty when completed. The east window is filled with stained glass to his memory.

A few days ago Cardinal Berardi laid the first stone of the monument commemorative of the "Council of the Vatican," to be erected in front of the Church of San Pietro in Montorio, on the Janiculum. The deposit of coins and a plate bearing this inscription:Cardinal, who was robed in pontificals, placed under the stone the usual "An. MDCCCLXIX. Tridie Idus Octobrij. Ego Joseph tituli SS. Marcellini et Petri, S.R.E. Presbyter Cardinalij Berardi, de mandato SSmi. Dni. Nostri Pii Papæ IX. hunc lapidem auspicalem benedixi memoriæ columnæ B. Petro Apostolorum Principi dicata erigendæ in memoriam Concilii Ecumenici pro die octava Decembrij ejusdem anni indicti." The ceremony was attended by many of the Bishops who had arrived for the Council, by the corps diplomatique, and a crowd of distinguished foreigners, including the Duke and Duchess of Parma and the Count and Countess de Girgenti.

that two at least of Mr. Gladstone's Episcopal appointments are likely The Choir says:-It will be gratifying to the friends of Church music, to add to the Right Reverend Bench men who are not only lovers of the Bishop-designate of Carlisle, and the Venerable Lord Arthur Hervey, art, but are practically acquainted with it. We refer to Dean Goodwin, Bishop-designate of Bath and Wells. Both these gentlemen have long been known as warm supporters of the choral unions in their respective Dioceses; and the Dean of Ely has frequently written letters on Anglican chanting and other questions relating to the Choral Service, which have appeared in our columns or those of our contemporaries. The appointment of such a Bishop to the See of Carlisle is more especially a matter of satisfaction; and can hardly fail to have an important influence on the spread of Choral Services in a quarter where they are at present few and far between.

Dr. Temple has addressed a letter to the Rural Dean of East, in the Diocese of Exeter, in which he remarks:-"I regret very much the anxiety and excitement described by the memorialists as caused by my nomination to the Bishopric of Exeter, and I should be glad if I could rightly do anything to allay these feelings. But to allow that a Bishopdesignate, or a Rector-designate, or any other person appointed to office in the Church, should, after nomination, be liable to be called on to make declarations other than those required by the law, would seem to me to be so serious an infringement of the lawful liberty guaranteed to all Ministers of the Church of England, that I really dare not take the responsibility of giving it a sanction in my own case. My regret at being driven to this decision is much diminished by the confidence that I feel that personal intercourse will rapidly dissipate most of this uncomfortable feeling, and that the result to be desired will come of itself, though I am not at present able to hasten it."

The Rev. R. T. West, of St. Mary Magdalene, Paddington, speaking at a branch meeting of the E.C.U. last week said he was not a Ritualist himself, but he liked to give liberties to others. It seemed that the greatest Ritualism prevailed amongst those who denied it. What was Ritualism but a degree? Was it Ritualism to leave the reading desk when they were about to preach the Sermon, go round to the vestry, change their surplice for a black gown, and then when the Sermon was finished change it again for the purpose of going inside the altar rails? Ritualists did not think of doing that; they wanted things to go on without so much moving about. (Laughter.) The Rev. gentleman argued that there were few people who were not Ritualists in one way or another. He added that he should be the last to force upon a congregation a mode of conducting the Services that had the effect of driving them away from the Church. But Ritualism, so far from being a Clerical movement, was exactly the reverse—it was a lay movement.

Last week the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol consecrated an addition to the Churchyard at Hatherop. In the Church the Litany was chanted, Hymns were sung, and the Bishop gave a brief, touching discourse. A correspondent of a local paper, referring to the ceremony, says: "The day had been longed for by the neighbours and parishioners, who now hope that brighter days have dawned on the parish. Some years ago, through,

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