31. When an amendment has been proposed and Ch. I. seconded the terms of such amendment shall be stated by the Chairman and the discussion of the original motion and the amendment thereto will proceed pari passu: Provided that only one motion and one amendment thereto shall be entertained at the same time. 32. No Fellow shall be allowed to speak more than once in the course of the discussion of a motion, or of a motion and an amendment, except the proposer of the substantive motion, who will have a right of reply in either case at the close of the discussion: Provided that a Fellow who has spoken on a motion before the proposal of an amendment thereto shall be entitled to speak once upon such amendment. 33. When the proposer has concluded his reply no further discussion of the motion, or of the motion and the amendment, can take place. 34. A motion for (1) dissolution of the meeting, (2) adjournment of the meeting, (3) adjournment of the discussion, or (4) that the meeting pass to the next business may be made at any time as a distinct question, but 35. If a motion for dissolution of the meeting is carried the meeting will stand dissolved. If a motion for adjournment of the discussion is carried such discussion will stand postponed to the next meeting. If a motion that the meeting pass to the next business on the Agenda is carried, the substantive proposal and any amendment thereto under discussion cannot further be discussed at such meeting. 36. No amendment can be proposed to a motion for adjournment of the meeting or of the discussion except one substituting a time other than that proposed for such adjournment. A meeting or discussion continued on adjournment is to be deemed one with that preceding the adjournment. 37. A motion of the kind mentioned in Regulation 34, shall be put to the vote forthwith without discussion. If negatived the substantive discussion shall be resumed and continued in the same manner as if no such motion had been made. 38. When one motion of the kind mentioned in Regulation 34 has been proposed and negatived no other motion of the same kind shall be again proposed, except with the leave of the Chairman, and not until he is of opinion that a reasonable interval has elapsed since such former motion was negatived. 39. A motion or amendment may be withdrawn by the proposer with the unanimous consent of the meeting. 40. A Fellow desiring to speak in a discussion must rise in his place at the close of a speech. If more than one Fellow rises, the Chairman shall determine which of them is to be heard and shall call upon the Fellow selected by name. 41. Any Fellow may at any time in the course of discussion rise and call the attention of the Chairman to a point of order. If a point of order is raised by one Fellow in the course of a speech by another the speaker shall resume his seat until the Chairman has decided it. If the Chairman is of opinion that the point of order has been raised vexatiously, or for the purpose of mere obstruction or of interruption to the discussion or to the business of the meeting, he shall so declare it, and it shall be deemed a breach of order.. 42. The Chairman shall be the sole judge of any point of order and may, of his own instance or at the instance of a Fellow, call to order any Fellow who is speaking. If the Fellow so called to order disregards such call, the Chairman may direct him to sit down. If the Fellow so directed to sit down disobeys such order or any Fellow contumaciously disregards or questions any order or ruling of the Chairman, the Chairman Ch. I. may forthwith take the vote of the meeting as to whether such Fellow shall not be suspended from his functions as a Fellow for that day. If two-thirds of the Fellows present are in favour of such suspension the Chairman shall declare the Fellow offending suspended, and such Fellow shall be bound immediately to withdraw. 43. When a discussion is concluded the Chairman shall, if no amendment has been proposed, put the motion to the vote. If an amendment has been proposed, he shall first state the terms of the motion and then those of the amendment thereto, and shall then put the amendment to the vote. If an amendment is carried the motion as altered thereby shall be stated by the Chairman, and may then be discussed as a substantive question to which an amendment may be proposed in manner herein before provided. If an amendment is negatived the substantive motion shall, in the absence of any other amendment being proposed thereto, be put to the vote. 44. On putting a motion or amendment to the vote the Chairman shall first call for the expression of the opinion of the meeting by a show of hands and shall declare the result thereof. Any Fellow dissatisfied with such declaration may then and there demand a ballot. The Chairman shall thereupon select two or more from among the Fellows to act as tellers and shall hand to them a voting paper or papers ruled in two columns, one headed "for" and the other "against." The tellers shall then take such voting paper to each Fellow, who shall subscribe his name in one or other of the columns according as he is in favour of or against the motion or amendment before the meeting. 45. When all the Fellows present desiring to vote, including the tellers, have subscribed their names on the voting paper or papers, the tellers shall cast up the numbers of the two columns and, when the totals have been recorded, shall sign their names thereto and hand Ch. I & the voting paper or papers to the Chairman, who will thereupon declare the result of the division. When the Ch. 11. numbers are equal, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote and, if he gives it, shall record the same on the voting below the signatures of the tellers as follows: I give my casting vote ["for" or "against" the motion or amendment as the case may be ], and shall sign his name and description as Chairman. CHAPTER II. THE SYNDICATE. 1. The Syndicate shall consist of— (b) The Director of Public Instruction for the (c) The Director of Public Instruction for the Central Provinces, (d) Eight Fellows of the University, who shall be Heads of, or Professors in, Colleges affiliated to the University, of whom six shall represent the Faculty of Arts, and two the Faculty of Science, and (e) Seven Fellows, of whom three shall represent the Faculty of Arts, one the Faculty of Science, and three the Faculty of Law. 2. Fellows elected members of the Syndicate shall hold office for three years or until they cease to be Fellows, whichever event first happen. They shall be eligible for re-election, provided always that a Fellow on re-appointment or re-election as Fellow shall be deemed a Fellow appointed or elected for the first time and is not a member of the Syndicate unless and until he has been formally re-elected. 3. In the event of a casual vacancy owing to death, resignation or otherwise, the members of the Syndicate shall appoint a Fellow of the University, qualified for Ch. II. election under Regulation I, clause (d) or (e) as the case may be, to the vacant membership to act as a member of the Syndicate until the then next ensuing meeting of the Senate at which a Fellow of the University to fill such vacancy can be elected. 4. In the event of a Fellow elected under Regulation I, clause (d), ceasing during his term of office, to be the Head of, or Professor in, a College affiliated to the University, he shall cease ipso facto to hold office as a member of the Syndicate, and the Syndicate shall elect one of the Fellows of the University who may be eligible to hold office: Provided always that the Fellow so appointed shall hold office only so long as the person in whose place he is elected would have held office had the latter not vacated office. 5. The election to fill up vacancies in the Syndicate shall be held at the Annual Meeting of the Senate. The vacancies among the representatives of the Faculty of Arts shall first be filled up, next those among the representatives of the Faculty of Science and, lastly, those among the representatives of the Faculty of Law. 6. Not less than seven days' notice of a meeting of the Syndicate shall be given by the Registrar. 7. The Syndicate shall meet on the Saturdays immediately preceding the meetings of the Senate, in January, March, August and November, and on such other dates as the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint, and may adjourn from time to time to conclude any unfinished business. The meeting held in November shall be deemed the Annual Meeting. Whenever an emergency arises and there is not time to summon a meeting of the Syndicate, the Vice-Chancellor may take such immediate action as he deems necessary. The nature of the emergency and the action taken to meet it shall be reported by the Registrar at the next meeting of the Syndicate. |