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(b) the constitution, re-constitution or abolition of Faculties, the proportion in which the members, other than the ex officio members, of the Syndi cate shall be elected to represent the various Faculties, and the mode in which such election shall be conducted;

(c) the procedure at meetings of the Senate, Syndicate and Faculties and the quorum of members to be required for the transaction of business; (d) the appointment of Fellows and others to be members of Boards of Studies, and the proce dure of such Boards and the quorum of members to be required for the transaction of business;

(e) the appointment and duties of the Registrar and of officers and servants of the University, and of Professors and Lecturers appointed by the University;

(f) the appointment of Examiners, and the duties and powers of Examiners in relation to the examinations of the University;

(g) the form of the certificate to be produced by a candidate for examination under section 19 and the conditions on which any such certificate may be granted;

(h) the registers of Graduates and students to be kept by the University and the fee (if any) to

be paid for the entry or retention of a name on any such register;

(i) the inspection of Colleges and the reports, returns and other information to be furnished by Colleges ;

(j) the registers of students to be kept by Colleges affiliated to the University;

(k) the rules to be observed and enforced by Colleges affiliated to the University in respect of the transfer of students;

(1) the fees to be paid in respect of the courses of instruction given by the Professors or Lecturers appointed by the University;

(m) the residence and conduct of students;

(n) the courses of study to be followed and the conditions to be complied with by candidates for any University examination, other than an examination for matriculation, and for degrees, diplomas, licenses, titles, marks of honour, scholarships and prizes conferred or granted by the University;

(0) the conditions to be complied with by schools. desiring recognition for the purpose of sending up pupils as candidates for the matriculation examination and the conditions to be complied with by candidates for matriculation, whether sent up by recognized schools or not;

(p) the conditions to be complied with by candidates, not being students of any College affiliated to the University, for degrees, diplomas, licenses, titles, marks of honour, scholarships and prizes conferred or granted by the University; and

(9) the alteration or cancellation of any rule, regulation, statute or by-law of the University in force at the commencement of this Act.

26. (1) Within one year after the commencement of this Act, or within such further period as the Government may fix

New body of regula


in this behalf

(a) the Senate as constituted under this Act shall cause a revised body of regulations to be prepared and submitted for the sanction of the Government;

(b) if any additions to, or alterations in, the draft submitted appear to the Government to be necessary, the Government, after consulting the Senate, may sanction the proposed body

of regulations, with such additions and alterations as appear to the Government to be necessary.

(2) Where a draft body of regulations is not submitted by the Senate within the period of one year after the commencement of this Act, or within such further period as may be fixed under sub-section (1), the Government may, within one year after the expiry of such period or of such further period, make regulations which shall have the same force as if they had been prepared and sanctioned under sub-section (1).

Territorial exercise


27. The Governor-General in Council may, by general or special order, define the territorial limits within which, and specify the Colleges in respect of which, any powers conferred by or under the Act of Incorporation or this Act shall be exercised.

of powers.

[blocks in formation]

The Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature for the North-Western Provinces.

The Bishop of Lucknow.

The Directors of Public Instruction in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh and in the Central Provinces.

[blocks in formation]

Allahabad University Act, 1887.

Section 5.

In section 6, sub-section (1).
In section 7, sub-section (1),
and in sub-section (2), the
words after the word
"Fellow" to the end of the

Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
and 17, in section 20, the
words and figures "appoint-
ments made and", under
section 5, sub-section (1),
clauses (b) and (c)", "under
sections 14 and 15" and
"under section 17."
In the Schedule, Part I.




The 20th August 1904.

No. 717.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27 of the Indian Universities Act, 1904 (VIII of 1904), the Governor-General in Council is pleased to define the territorial limits hereinafter set forth below as those within or in relation to which the powers

conferred upon the Universities respectively entered against them by or under the Act of Incorporation or the said Indian Universities Act, 1904, shall be exercised.



(including any

Native State under its poli-Native State or

tical control and any foreign possession included within

its boundaries).



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