Dr. Imms. Col. Murray. Mr. Ward. Mr. Durack. Mr. U. C. Ghosh. XI.—Physics (7). Mr. Banister. Convener-Mr. Durack. XII-Chemistry (7). Mr. A. C. San yal. Convener-Dr. Hill. XIII.-General Biology (7). Mr. Williamson. Mr. Jesse (elected 10th November, 1907). Convener-Dr. Imms. XIV.-Mathematics (7). Dr. Zia-uddin Ahmad. Mr. Cox. Mr. A. C. Datta. Rev. Mr. Crosthwaite. Convener-Mr. Ward. Mr. Jesse Mr. Banister. XIII.-Drawing and Surveying (7). Mr. G. N. Chakravarti. Convener-Mr. Chakravarti. BOARDS OF EXAMINERS AND MODERATORS. (ELECTED IN JANUARY, 1906.) (1) English Literature, Grammar and Composition- Convener-Mr. Jennings. (2) Mathematics Messrs. Cox, Ward and Rev. Crosthwaite. (3) History Messrs. Jennings, Richardson and Gardner Brown. (4) Economics - Messrs. Pirie and Towle and Rev. Mr. Durrant. (5) Mental and Moral Science Messrs. Venis and Cameron and Rev. Dr. Ewing. (6) Physics Messrs. Ward, Murray and Durack. Convener-Mr. Ward. (7) Chemistry Mr. Ward, Drs. Hill and Richardson. (8) Biology Dr. Imms, Dr. Robertson and Mr. Jesse. (9) Arabic and Persian Messrs. Amjad Ali, Karamat Husain and Venis. (10) Sanskrit Mr. Venis, Pt. Adityaram Bhattacharya and Pt. Convener-Mr. Venis. (11) Latin, Greek and Hebrew Mr. Porter, Rev. Mr. Durrant and Mr. Jones. (12) European Modern Languages— Messrs. Jones, Jesse and Gardner Brown. (13) Teaching Messrs. Cameron, de la Fosse and Chakravarti. (14) Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Parbatia and Uriya Pt. Adityaram Bhattacharya and Maulvi Amjad Ali and Pt. Sudhakar Dwivedi. Convener-Pt. Adityaram Bhattacharya. (15) Mahratti and Gujrati― Pt. Sundar Lal, and Mr. Pandit. Convener-Pt. Sundar Lal. SUCCESSION LIST FROM 1887. CHANCELLORS. 1887. The Hon'ble Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall, K.C.B., K.C.I.E. 1887. The Hon'ble Sir Auckland Colvin, K.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., C.I.E. 1892. The Hon'ble Sir Charles Haukes Todd Crosthwaite, K.C.S.I. 1894. The Hon'ble Mr. A. Cadell, C.S.I. 1895. The Hon'ble Sir Antony Patrick MacDonnell, G.C.S.I. 1898. The Hon'ble Mr. James John Digges La Touche, C.S.I. 1898. The Hon'ble Sir Antony Patrick MacDonnell, G.C.S.I. 1901. The Hon'ble Sir James John Digges La Touche, K.C.S.I. 1907. The Hon'ble Sir John Prescott Hewett, K.C.S.I., C.I.E. VICE-CHANCELLORS: 1887. The Hon'ble Sir John Edge, Kt., Q.C. 1894, T. Conlan, Esq., C.I.E., Bar.-at-Law. 1898. The Hon'b'e Mr. Justice R. S. Aikman, M.A., LL.D. 1900. The Hon'ble Justice Sir George Edward Knox. 1906. The Hon'ble Pandit Sundar Lal, B.A., Rai Bahadur, C.I.E. 1908. The Hon'ble Mr. Justice R. S. Aikman, M.A., LL.D. REGISTRARS. Archibald E. Gough, Esq., M.A. Appointed on the 16th November, 1887. Officiating from 16th November, 1892, till the 9th January, 1893; re-appointed 9th January, 1893; resigned 5th March, 1894. G. W. F. Thibaut, Esq., Officiating 12th February to 12th December, 1891. Charles Dodd, Esq. Appointed on the 5th March, 1894; re-appointed 2nd March, 1896; re-appointed 7th March, 1898; re-appointed 5th March, 1900; re-appointed 3rd March, 1902; re-appointed 7th March, 1904: resigned 21st January, 1906. Dr. G. W. F. Thibaut, C.I.E., Officiating from 22nd January, 1906, to 11th March, 1906. Appointed 12th March, 1906. J. G. Jennings, Esq., M.A., the 14th July, 1907. Officiating from the 20th February to W. K. Porter, Esq., Bar.-at-Law, Officiating from the 15th July, 1907.. FELLOWS ELECTED BY THE SENATE FOR NOMINATION TO THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF HIS HONOUR THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, UNITED PROVINCES. (1) The Hon'ble Mr. Walter Mytton Colvin, Barrister-at-Law. Elec'ed 1st November 1893; re-elected 11th January, 1896. (2) The Hon'ble Mr. Thomas Conlan, CI.E., Barrister-at-Law. Elected 7th March, 1898; re-elected 4th August, 1900; reelected 18th September. 1902. (3) The Hon'ble Pandit Sundar I al, B.A, Rai Bahadur. 3rd November, 1904; re-elected 8th December, 1906. Elected III. ACT No. XVIII OF 1887. PASSED ON THE 23RD SEPTEMBER, 1887. THE ALLAHABAD UNIVERSITY ACT, 1887. (As amended by the Indian Universities Act of 1904. SECTIONS. CONTENTS. 1. Title and commencement. 2. Establishment and incorporation of University. 7. Vacation of office of Fellows. 8. Honorary Fellows. 9. Constitution and powers of Senate. 10. Chairman at Meetings of Senate. 13. Functions and Proceedings of Syn- (Repealed.) 14. Power to confer Degrees after ex amination. 15. Power to confer Degrees. 16. Power to levy fees. 17. Power to make rules. (Repealed.) 18. Examiners, officers and servants of the Senate to be deemed to be public servants. 19. Duty of Local Government to enforce Act and Rules. |