14. The Secretary shall have power to make and vary from time to time regulations for the admission of qualified persons to the status of a Junior or Senior Student, and for enabling Junior or Senior Students, or persons qualified to become Junior or Senior Students, to offer themselves for examination under the provisions of this section, provided that all such regulations and any variation in them shall be submitted to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors for approval. 15. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a sufficient record of the members of the University who have the status and privileges of a Junior or Senior Student respectively, and of the persons not yet matriculated whose names have been entered for an examination under the provisions of this section, and to see that no candidate is admitted to examination or to any of the privileges of a Junior or Senior Student who has not satisfied the conditions of this section. SCHEDULE A. 1. The Examination in Stated Subjects in Responsions, or any examination which under Tit. VI., Sect. I, § 2 exempts a candidate from Responsions. 2. The examination in Additional Subjects in Responsions, the subject offered being a Greek book, or any examination including Greek which is accepted by the University as equivalent to this Examination. 3. The Examination of candidates in the Greek language only at Responsions. 4. The Examination of candidates not seeking Honours in the First Public Examination. 5. The Examination of candidates for Honours in Greek and Latin Literature in the First Public Examination. 6. The Preliminary Examination in the Honor School of Jurisprudence, provided that the candidate satisfies the Examiner in a Greek book in that Examination. 7. Groups A. 1 and D. of the Examination of candidates who do not seek Honours in the Second Public Examination. 8 & 9. The Honour Schools of Literæ Humaniores and of Theology in the same Examination. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Report of the Council of the Senate on the Affiliation of the University of Allahabad; confirmed by the Senate on 21st November, 1895, as per letter dated Cambridge, 29th June, 1896. 21st October, 1895. THE COUNCIL OF THE SENATE beg leave to report to the SENATE as follow: : In course of last year the Vice-Chancellor received from the Registrar of the University of Allahabad an application for the affiliation of that University to the University of Cambridge. The Council have found that the constitution and scheme of examinations of the University of Allahabad closely resemble those of the University of Calcutta, and that the two Universities recognise each other on equal terms, the Examinations and degrees of the one being accepted as equivalent by the other. The Council therefore decided that they would be prepared to recommend to the Senate that the application for affiliation be granted on terms similar to those approved by Grace I of 5th March, 1895, for the University of Calcutta ; and they communicated with the authorities of the University of Allahabad to this effect. They have now received an acceptance on the part of that University of the terms proposed. The Council accordingly recommend 1. That the University of Allahabad be adopted as an institution affiliated to the University of Cambridge. 2. That any matriculated student of the University of Allahabad be entitled to be admitted to the privileges of affiliation who has (1) in accordance with the regulations of that University studied for not less than two years at one or more Institutions for the education of adult students affiliated in Arts up to the B.A. standard; (2) passed the Entrance Examination, and also passed in the First Division in the Intermediate Examination in Arts or in the First or Second Division in the Examınation for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts of that University provided that in one of these Examinations or in some other Examination held by that University he has satisfied the Examiners in Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic or Persian. CHARLES SMITH, Vice-Chancellor. C. TAYLOR. JOHN PEILE. A. AUSTEN LEIGH. A. F. KIRKPATRICK. F. W. MAITLAND. ALEX. MACALISTER. H. SIDGWICK. DONALD MACALISTER. HENRY JACKSON. A. R. FORSYTH. J. N. KEYNES. F. WHITTING. RICHD. T. WRIGHT. W. L. MOLLISON. A.-(Up to the M.A. Standard.) (1) Muir Central College, Allahabad. (2) Queen's College, Benares. (3) Canning College, Lucknow. (4) Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh. (5) Agra College, Agra. (6) St. John's College, Agra. (7) Christ Church College, Cawnpore. (8) Maharaja's College, Jaipur. (9) Morris College, Nagpur (English, Phil.,Maths., Sanskrit.) (10) Hislop College, Nagpur. (English, Phil., Sanskrit, Persian, History & Pol. Econ.) (11) Central Hindu College, Benares. (English and Sanskrit.) B.-(Up to the B.A. Standard.) (1) Government College, Ajmer. (2) Bareilly College, Bareilly. (3) Reid Christian College, Lucknow. (4) Government College, Jabalpur. (5) Victoria College, Gwalior. (6) Meerut College, Meerut. (7) Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow. (8) Jaswant College, Jodhpur. (9) Christian College, Allahabad. (10) Canadian Mission College, Indore. (11) Holkar College, Indore. C.-(Up to the Intermediate Standard.) (1) Ramsay College, Almora. (2) St. George's College, Mussoorie. (3) St. Peter's College, Agra. (4) Philander Smith College, Naini Tal. (5) European Girls' High School, Allahabad. (6) Kayastha Pathshala, Allahabad. (7) European Boys' High School, Allahabad. (8) St. Andrew's College, Gorakhpur. (9) St. Joseph's College, Naini Tal. (10) Boys' Diocesan School, Naini Tal. (11) Woodstock Girls' School, Landour, Mussoorie. (12) All Saints' Diocesan School, Naini Tal. (II) IN SCIENCE. A.-(Up to the D.Sc. Standard.) (1) Muir Central College, Allahabad. B.-(Up to the B.Sc. Standard.) (1) Queen's College, Benares. (2) Agra College, Agra. (3) Canning College, Lucknow. (4) Government College, Jabalpur. (5) Victoria College, Gwalior. (6) St. John's College, Agra (for 5 years). (7) Hislop College, Nagpur ( (8) Morris College, Nagpur up to 1907 only. (9) Christian College, Allahabad. (10) Maharaja's College, Jaipur. (11) Central Hindu College, Benares (for a period of 5 years). (12) Meerut College, Meerut. (13) Holkar College, Indore. (III) IN LAW. A.-(Up to all Standards.) Muir Central College, Allahabad. |