3. Each scholarship will entitle the holder to an allowance, not exceeding £200 per annum, payable from the date of his arrival in England, and will be tenable for three years. No candidate should be more than 21 years of age. Each candidate to whom a scholarship may be awarded will be required to proceed to England within a reasonable period from the date of his selection, and to reside there for a period of three years, unless compelled to return sooner by ill-health. 4. Each scholar will be entitled to receive a sum of £100 for passage-money, and a similar sem will be payable within one month before his actual return to India if he should complete the full period of three years' residence, or be compelled by sickness to return before the completion of that period. 5. It is intended to reserve to the scholars the power of selecting, once for all, the course of study to be followed by them in England. Each scholar will be required to bind himself by written engagement to submit to such regulations as may. from time to time, be framed by Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the guidance of scholars. 6. If any scholar, not being disabled by sickness, fails to complete a residence of three years in England or is guilty of gross misconduct or disregard of the orders of Her Majesty's Secretary of State, he will, at the discretion of the Secretary of State, forfeit his scholarship and further be liable to refund the sum drawn by him as passage-money. 7. Scholars will be expected to reach England before the opening of the October term at the University of Oxford or Cambridge, to one of which University they will be required to proceed. *By Resolution of Government of India, dated 2nd February, 1895, it is notified that, in future, Second Class accommodation only by Railway in India, and on the sea voyage to London, will be allowed to persons selected to hold State Scholarships tenable in England. RULES FOR THE SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE STATE SCHOLARSHIPS TENABLE IN ENGLAND BY NATIVES OF INDIA. 1. The Syndicate shall in the year in which a State Scholarship tenable in England is placed at the disposal of the University and as soon as may be reasonably practicable after the results of the Examination in such year for the Degree of B.A. have been ascertained by the Syndicate, and at any other time or times as occasion may arise, select for the scholarship a person who is qualified in the manner specified by Rule 2. 2. A person shall be deemed to be qualified for selection by the Syndicate who is (a) a Native of India within the meaning of Section 6 of the Statute 33 Vic., Cap. 3; (b) under the age of 22 years on the 31st day of March in the year in which the selection is made; (c) has qualified for the Degree of B.A. of the University of Allahabad; (d) has satisfied the Vice-Chancellor, or in case of his absence, the Syndicate, that he is of good moral character, by the production of a certificate to that effect signed by the Principal of the College affiliated to the University at which he has studied, or by a Director of Public Instruction, or by an officer employed in the civil administration not inferior in position to a Magistrate of a district or by any other person whose certificate may be considered sufficient by the Vice-Chancellor, or, in his absence, by the Syndicate; (e) has satisfied the Vice-Chancellor, or, in the case of his absence, the Syndicate, that he has a competent knowledge of the English language; (f) has produced to the Vice-Chancellor, or, in case of his absence, to the Syndicate, a certificate signed by a medical officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon that he is physically capable of undergoing the course of life and study which he will have to follow in England; and (g) is willing, with the consent of his family, to proceed to England in order to complete a University education. 3. Any person desirous of being selected by the Syndicate should, at as early a date as possible in the year in which the selection may be made, forward to the Registrar of the University a signed notice to that effect, stating that, if selected, he will comply with such regulations relating to the scholarships and the holders thereof as the Secretary of State for India may at any time make, and shall forward to the Registrar such certificates as to his qualifications as he may have been able to obtain. 4. After the selection, the Registrar shall give to the person selected a copy of the Regulations of the Secretary of State for India relating to the scholarships and the holders thereof. BULES FOR INDIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOLARS IN ENGLAND. 1. Every scholar shall, on reaching England, at once present himself at the India Office and report his arrival in writing. 2. Every scholar shall, without any unnecessary delay, inform the Secretary of State to which University he intends to proceed, and shall at once take steps to enter himself at the College he has selected. 3. Every scholar shall, within four weeks of reaching England, submit, for the approval of the Secretary of State, a statement showing the general course of study he proposes to follow; and the course approved shall not be changed without the sanction of the Secretary of State. 4. Every scholar shall, at the end of each term or residence at the University, submit to the Secretary of State a certificate from the proper College or University authority, showing that his residence, conduct, and progress in study have been satisfactory during the term. 5. Every scholar shall, at all times, obey such instructions as he may receive from the Secretary of State. RULES FOR INDIAN GOVT. SCHOLARS IN ENGLAND. 287 6. Subject to a due compliance with the above conditions, the allowance, at the rate of £200 a year for three years, will be paid quarterly in advance by the India Office, commencing from the date of the scholar's reporting his arrival in England; but this allowance shall be reduced by the amount of any other sum which may become payable to him out of the revenues of India, in respect of residence at a University during the same period or any part of it. 7. Every scholar will forfeit his scholarship who, not being disabled by illness or prevented by any other cause which the Secretary of State may consider sufficient, fails to complete a residence of three years in England according to the terms and conditions approved by the Secretary of State under Rule 3, or who is guilty of misconduct or disregard of the orders of the Secretary of State. If a scholarship be forfeited, the scholar will lose his claim to a free return passage to India, and will further become liable to refund the cost of his free passage to England. 8. The scholars will be under the special supervision and charge of the Political Aide-de-Camp to the Secretary of State, through whom the necessary orders will be given, and to whom all reports and other communications respecting them should be sent. SCHOLARS. 1889.-Mohammad Ahmad-ud-din, B.A., Mair Central College. 1891.-G. E. Foy, B.A., Muir Central College. 1894.-Abdul Karim Khan, M.A., Muir Central College. 1896.-Bimal Chandra Ghosh, M.A., Teacher, Bareilly College. 1899.-Ganesh Prasad, D.Sc., Mair Central College. 1901.-Zia-Uddin Ahmad, D.Sc., Professor, M. A.-O. College. 1904.-Panna Lal, M.A., B.Sc., LL.B., Agra College. 1906.-Shah Muhammad Sulaiman, B.A., Muir Central College. Affiliation of the University of Allahabad with the Oxford and Cambridge Universities. SIB, OXFORD UNIVERSITY. REGISTRAR OF THE UNIVERSITY'S OFFice: Broad Street, Oxford, December 1st, 1894. I HAVE to notify to you that in a Convocation of the University of Oxford on November the 20th, 1894, the following form of Decree was approved unanimously: : "That the University of Allahabad be admitted to the privileges of a Colonial University, under the provisions of Statt. Tit. II., Section VII., on Colonial and Indian Universities." I send herewith a copy of the Statute referred to. C. DODD, Esq., I am faithfully yours, EDWARD T. TURNER, Registrar of the University of Oxford. Registrar of the University of Allahabad. |