The Dramatic Works of John Ford: With an Introduction, and Notes Critical and Explanatory, Volume 2J. & J. Harper, 1831 - English drama |
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Page 44
... Dost long for a beating ? Shall's try a slash ? here's that shall do't ; I'll tap [ Draws . A gallon of thy brains , and fill thy hogshead With two of wine for ' t . Guz . Not in friendship , brother . Ful . Or whistle thee into an ague ...
... Dost long for a beating ? Shall's try a slash ? here's that shall do't ; I'll tap [ Draws . A gallon of thy brains , and fill thy hogshead With two of wine for ' t . Guz . Not in friendship , brother . Ful . Or whistle thee into an ague ...
Page 47
... Dost want a master ? if thou dost , I am for thee ; Else choose , and sneck up !! pish , I scorn to flinch , man . Ben . Excellent ! what place shall I be admitted to ? chamber , wardrobe , cellar , or stable ? > Ful . Why , one and all ...
... Dost want a master ? if thou dost , I am for thee ; Else choose , and sneck up !! pish , I scorn to flinch , man . Ben . Excellent ! what place shall I be admitted to ? chamber , wardrobe , cellar , or stable ? > Ful . Why , one and all ...
Page 51
... dost thou malice these extremes , 1 Uncomfortable man ! When I was needy , Cast naked on the flats of barren pity , Abated to an ebb so low , that boys A - cockhorse frisk'd about me without plunge , You could chat gravely then , in ...
... dost thou malice these extremes , 1 Uncomfortable man ! When I was needy , Cast naked on the flats of barren pity , Abated to an ebb so low , that boys A - cockhorse frisk'd about me without plunge , You could chat gravely then , in ...
Page 102
... dost spin Those golden threads all women love to wind , And but for whom , man would cut off mankind , Delight ! not base but noble , touch thy lyre , And fill my court with brightest Delphic fire . Del . Hover , you wing'd musicians ...
... dost spin Those golden threads all women love to wind , And but for whom , man would cut off mankind , Delight ! not base but noble , touch thy lyre , And fill my court with brightest Delphic fire . Del . Hover , you wing'd musicians ...
Page 149
... dost believe me . Win . Swear no more ; I am confirm'd , and will resolve to do What you think most behooveful for us . Frank . Thus then ; Make thyself ready ; at the farthest house Upon the green , without the town , your uncle ...
... dost believe me . Win . Swear no more ; I am confirm'd , and will resolve to do What you think most behooveful for us . Frank . Thus then ; Make thyself ready ; at the farthest house Upon the green , without the town , your uncle ...
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Adur Adurni Amor art thou Aurel Aurelio Auria Banks beauty Benatzi Bian Bianca blood brave canst Cast Castanna creature Cuddy D'Av D'AVOLOS dare Devil dost Duke Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear Fern Fernando Fior Flav folly fortunes four humours Frank Fulgoso FUTELLI Genoa gentlemen GIFFORD hath hear heart Heaven hobby-horse honest honour humour husband JOHN FORD Kath lady LADY'S TRIAL Levidolche live lord LOVE'S SACRIFICE madam maid Malfato marriage married Mart master Thorney mother Sawyer never noble Piero pity pleasures poor pray prince prithee Raybright SCENE scurvy shalt Sir Arthur Clarington sister Somerton soul speak Spin Spinella Spring SUN'S DARLING sweet thee There's thine Thor thou art thou hast Trel TRELCATIO Warbeck wife Winnifrede witch WITCH OF EDMONTON woman youth