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But since I must survive, and be the monument
Of thy loved memory, I will preserve it
With a religious care, and pay thy ashes

A widow's duty, calling that end best
Which, though it stain the name, makes the soul blest.

Frank. Give me thy hand, poor woman; do not

weep: Farewell! thou dost forgive me?

Win. "T is my part To use that language.

Frank. Oh! that my example

Might teach the world hereafter what a curse
Hangs on their heads, who rather choose to marry
A goodly portion than a dower of virtues!-
Are you there, gentlemen? there is not one
Among you whom I have not wrong'd; you most;-

I robb'd you of a daughter;-but she is
In heaven; and I must suffer for it willingly.

Car. Ay, ay, she's in heaven, and I am glad to see thee so well prepared to follow her. I forgive thee with all my heart; if thou hadst not had ill counsel, thou wouldst not have done as thou didst; the more shame for them!

Som. Spare your excuse to me, I do conceive What you would speak! I would you could as


Make satisfaction to the law, as to

My wrongs: I am sorry for you.

War. And so am I,

And heartily forgive you.

Kath. I will pray for you,

For her sake, who, I 'm sure, did love you dearly. Sir Ar. Let us part friendly too; I am asham'd

Of my part in thy wrongs.

Frank. You are all merciful,

And send me to my grave in peace. Sir Arthur, Heaven send you a new heart!-lastly, to you, sir; And though I have deserv'd not to be call'd

Your son, yet give me leave, upon my knees,
To beg a blessing.

Thor. Take it: let me wet


Thy cheeks with the last tears my griefs have left me. O Frank, Frank, Frank!

Frank. Let me beseech you, gentlemen, To comfort my old father, keep him with you; Love this distressed widow; and as often As you remember what a graceless man I was, remember likewise that these are Both free, both worthy of a better fate, Than such a son or husband as I have been. All help me with your prayers. On, on; 't is just That law should purge the guilt of blood and lust.

[He is led off by the Officers. Car. Go thy ways; I did not think to have shed one tear for thee, but thou hast made me water my plants spite of my heart. Master Thorney, cheer up, man; while I can stand by you, you shall not want help to keep you from falling: we have lost our children both on 's the wrong way, but we cannot help it; better or worse, 't is now as 't is.

Thor. I thank you, sir; you are more kind than I Have cause to hope or look for.

Car. Master Somerton, is Kate yours or no ?
Som. We are agreed.

Kath. And but my faith is pass'd, I should fear to be married, husbands are so cruelly unkind. Excuse me that I am troubled.

Som. Thou shalt have no cause.

Just. Take comfort, mistress Winnifrede. Sir


For his abuse to you and to your husband,
Is by the bench enjoin'd to pay you down
A thousand marks.

Sir Ar. Which I will soon' discharge.

1 The character of Sir Arthur Clarington is sustained, as Mr. Gifford observes, with care and ability. Terrified, but not reclaimed from his profligacy, by the law, he is every where equally odious; and ends the same mean, heartless, avaricious wretch he showed himself at first.

Win. Sir, 't is too great a sum to be employ'd Upon my funeral.

Car. Come, come; if luck had serv'd, Sir Arthur, and every man had his due, somebody might have tottered ere this, without paying fines; like it as you list. Come to me, Winnifrede, shalt be welcome. Make much of her, Kate, I charge you; I do not think but she's a good wench, and hath had wrong as well as we. So let's every man home to Edmonton with heavy hearts, yet as merry as we can, though not as we would.

Just. Join friends in sorrow, make of all the best:

Harms past may be lamented, not redress'd. [Exeunt.

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