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adv., generally, commonly, every


vulgo (vol-), -āvī, -ātum, -āre,
[tvulgo:], (of vulgus)], I. v. a.,
spread abroad, publish, make
known, make common: omnia vul-
gata (trite themes).
vulgus, -i, [ √vulg (cf. Sk.vargas, a
crowd)+us], n. (sts. m.), the popu
lace, the common mass, the crowd, the
people (generally). — Also, of an-
imals, the mass, the flock, the swarm.
vulnero (vol-), -āvi, -ātum, -āre,
[tvulner- (of vulnus)], I. v. a.,
wound. - Also fig., as in Eng.
vulnificus (vol-), -a, -um, [stem
of vulnus (as if vulnŏ-) -ficus
(fac+us)], adj., wounding, de-
structive, cutting.

vach)], f., a voice (as sound, cf. verbum), the voice: nec vox nec verba sequuntur (articulate sound nor intelligible words). Less exactly, a voice (of other living things), a note, a tone, a sound, a cry, a song: septem voces (the seven tones of the scale). — Also, words, language, speech, often rendered voice also in Eng.: vox excidit ore (these words, &c.); voce magister (in song); prodere voce sua (by his words); rumpit vocem (utter a voice, break silence); vocem volutant (roll their voices).- voce, abl., may often be absorbed in some other word, or rendered lips, or aloud, or by some similar device: compellat voce Menoeten (aloud); sic voce precatur (with these words); nostra voce (from my lips); qua voce (with what prayer); voce lacessit (with taunting words). Vulcanius (Vol-), -a, -um, [†Vulcano- (reduced) + ius], adj., of vulpes (vol-), -is, [?], f., a fox. Vulcan, Vulcanian. Less ex-vulsus(vol-), -a, -um, p.p. of vello. actly, of fire. vultur (vol-), -uris, [?], m., a vul

Vulcanus (Vol-), -i, [?], m., Vulcan, the god of fire in its destructive and mechanical forms. He was fabled to have a forge beneath the Lipari islands, where he wrought the thunderbolts of JupiFig., fire.

ter. vulgātus, -a, -um, p.p. of vulgo. vulgō (volgō), [abÏ. of vulgus],

Xanthō, -ūs, [Gr. Eaveú], f., one of the Nereids.

Xanthus, -1, [Gr. Eáv0os], m., a common name of rivers: I. A river

vulnus (vol-), -eris, [?], n., a wound(given or received), a stroke, a blow. - Less exactly, a weapon (inflicting a wound). —Also, of the mind, a wound, a blow, a pang, a pain.


Zacynthus, -ī, [Gr. Zákuvlos], f., |
an island in the Ionian sea (now
Zephyrus, -1, [Gr. Zépupos], m.,



Vulturnus (Vol-), -ī, [†vultur + nus], m., a river of Campania (Volturno).

vultus (vol-), -ūs, [√/vol (of volo) + tus], m., an expression (of the face), the countenance, the aspect. Also, of things, appearance, look, aspect.

of the Troad; 2. A stream in Epirus, named for the first; 3. A river in Lycia, a favorite haunt of Apollo.

Zephyrus (the West wind).—Less exactly, wind (from any quarter). zōna, -ae, [Gr. (wvn], f., a belt. Also, a zone (of the earth).

Press of Berwick & Smith, Boston.


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