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this history comprises little more than the two last years of this
prince. The action of the drama begins with Bolingbroke's
appealing the duke of Norfolk, on an accufation of high treason,
which fell out in the year 1398; and it closes with the murder
of King Richard at Pomfret-castle towards the end of the year
1400, or the beginning of the enfuing year. THEOBALD,

It is evident from a passage in Camden's Annals, that there was
an old play on the subject of Richard the Second; but I know not
in what language. Sir Gillie Merick, who was concerned in the
hare-brained business of the Earl of Effex, and was hanged for
it, with the ingenious Cuffe, in 1601, is accused, amongst other
things, quod exoletam tragœdiam de tragicâ abdicatione regis
Ricardi Secundi in publico theatro coram conjuratis datâ pecunia
agi curaffet."

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I have fince met with a passage in my Lord Bacon, which proves this play to have been in English. It is in the arraignments of Cuffe and Merick, Vol. IV. p. 412. of Mallet's edition : " The afternoon before the rebellion, Merick, with a great company of others, that afterwards were all in the adion, had procured to be played before them the play of depofing King Richard the Second;

when it was told him by one of the players, that the play was old, and they should have loss in playing it, because few would come to it, there was forty shillings extraordinary given to play, and so thereupon played it was."

It may be worth enquiry, whether some of the rhyming parts of the present play, which Mr. Pope thought of a different hand, might not be borrowed from the old one. Certainly however, the general tendency of it must have been very different; fince, as Dr. Johnfon observes, there are some expressions in this of ShakIpeare, which strongly inculcate the doctrine of indefeasible right.

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Bacon elfewhere glances at the same tranfa&ion. "And for your comparison with Richard II. I see you follow the example " of them that brought him upon the stage, and into print in Queen " Elizabeth's time." Works. Vol. IV. p. 278. The partizans of Effex had, therefore, procured the publication as well as the acting of this play. HOLT WHITE.

It is probable, I think, that the play which Sir Gilly Merick procured to be represented, bore the title of HENRY IV. and not of RICHARD II.


Camden calls it "exoletam tragadiam de tragæia abdicatione regis Ricardi fecundi; and (Lord Bacon in his account of The Effect of that which poffed at the arraignment of Merick and others) fays, "That the afternoon before the rebellion, Merick had procured to be played before them, the play of depofing King Richard the Second." But in a more particular account of the proceeding againft Merick, which is printed in the State Trials, Vol VII. p. 60, the matter is stated thus: " The story of HENRY IV. being fet for in a play, and in that play there being set forth the


killing of the king upon a flage; the Friday before, Sir Gilly Merick and fome others of the earl's train having an humour to fee a play, they must needs have the play of HENRY IV. The players told them that was stale; they should get nothing by playing that; but no play else would serve: and Sir Gilly Merick gives forty hillings to Philips the player to play this, besides whatsoever he could get.


Augustine Philippes was one of the patentees of the Globe playhouse with Shakespeare in 1603; but the play here described was certainly not Shakespeare's HENRY IV. as that commences above a year after the death of Richard.


This play of Shakspeare was first entered at Stationer's Hall by Andrew Wife, Aug. 29, 1597. STEEVENS.

It was written, I imagine, in the fame year, MALONE.

King Richard the Second.
Edmund of Langley, Duke of York; } uncles to the
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster; 3

Henry, furnamed Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, fon

to John of Gaunt; afterwards King Henry IV.


Duke of Aumerle, fon to the Duke of York.

Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk.

Duke of Surrey.

Earl of Salisbury. Earl Berkley.




creatures to King Richard.


Earl of Northumberland;

Henry Percy, his fon.

Lord Rofs. 4 Lord Willoughby. Lord Fitzwater.

Bishop of Carlifle. Abbot of Westminster.

Lord Marshal; and another lord.

Sir Pierce of Exton. Sir Stephen Scroop.

Captain of a band of Welchmen.

Queen to King Richard.
Duchess of Glofter.
Duchess of York.

Lady attending on the Queen.

Lords, Heralds, Officers, Soldiers, two Gardeners, Keeper, Messenger, Groom, and other Attendants.

SCENE, dispersedly in England and Wales.

a Duke of Aumerle, Aumerle, or Aumale, is the French for what we now call Albemarle, which is a town in Normandy. The old hiftorians generally use the French title. STEEVENS.

3 Earl Berkley.) It ought to be Lord Berkley. Earl Berkley till some ages after. STEEVENS.

There was ne

4 Lord Rofs. Now spelt Roos, one of the Duke of Rutland's titles. STEEVENS.



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London. A Room in the Palace.

Enter King RICHARD, attended; JOHN of GAUNT, and other nobles, with him.

K. RICH. Old John of Gaunt, time-honour'd


Haft thou, according to thy oath and band,
Brought hither Henry Hereford thy bold fon;
Here to make good the boisterous late appeal,
Which then our leifure would not let us hear,
Against the duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray?
GAUNT. I have, my liege.

K. RICH. Tell me moreover, haft thou founded

If he appeal the duke on ancient malice;

*thy oath and band,] When these public challenges were accepted, each combatant found a pledge for his appearance at the time and place appointed. So, in Spenser's Fairy Queen, B. IV. C. iij. ft. 3:

"The day was set, that all might understand,
"And pledges pawn'd the same to keep aright.

The old copies read band inftead of bond. The former is right.
So, in The Comedy of Errors:

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My master is arrested on a band. STEEVENS.

Band and Bond were formerly synonymous. See note on the

Comedy of Errors, A&. IV. fc. ii. MALONE.

Or worthily, as a good subject should,
On some known ground of treachery in him?
GAUNT. As near as I could fift him on that ar-

gument, On fome apparent danger seen in him, Aim'd at your highness, no inveterate malice. K. RICH. Then call them to our prefence; face to face,

And frowning brow to brow, ourselves will hear The accuser, and the accused, freely speak:

[Exeunt fome Attendants, High - ftomach'd are they both, and full of ire, In rage deaf as the fea, hasty as fire.

Re-enter Attendants, with BOLINGBROKE and

BOLING. Many years of happy days befal
My gracious fovereign, my most loving liege!
NOR. Each day still better other's happiness;
Until the heavens, envying earth's good hap,
Add an immortal title to your crown!

K. RỊCH. We thank you both: yet one but flatters


As well appeareth by the cause you come;
Namely, to appeal each other of high treason. -
Coufin of Hereford, what dost thou object
Against the duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray?
BOLING. First, (heaven be the record to my


In the devotion of a fubject's love,
Tendering the precious safety of my prince,
And free from other misbegotten hate,
Come I appellant to this princely prefence. -
Now, Thomas Mowbray, do I turn to thee,

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