RULES AND EXERCISES ON THE RIGHT USE OF THE LATIN SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, INTERSPERSED WITH OBSERVATIONS TO ASSIST THE LEARNER IN THE ACQUISITION OF A PURE LATIN STYLE. BY THE REV. RICHARD BATHURST GREENLAW, M.A. OF WORCESTER COLLEGE, OXFORD; THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF THE LATIN SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD." Fontes, unde haurietis, atque itinera ipsa ita putavi esse demonstranda, non CIC. DE ORAT., lib. i. LONDON: LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS. MDCCCXXXIX. PREFACE. THE Author's principal object in this work being the instruction of students in the right use of the Latin Subjunctive Mood, he has selected such exercises as have appeared to him best adapted to that purpose. In order, however, to render them as useful in other respects as circumstances will permit, he has interspersed such observations, and occasionally given such rules, as may assist the learner in the acquisition of a pure Latin style. He has been especially desirous of presenting his work to the public in as compendious a form as the case will admit, because he is not so presumptuous as to imagine, that he possesses ability, (if he did the leisure,) to produce a work likely to supersede the use of those many excellent books of exercises which are generally adopted in schools. For the same reason he has not pursued any systematic order in his other ob |