SCENE I.-A Field between the British and Roman Camps. Enter PosTHUMUS, with a bloody handkerchief. Post. Yea, bloody cloth, I'll keep thee; for I wished Thou shouldst be coloured thus. You married ones, If each of you would take this course, how many Must murder wives much better than themselves, For wrying but a little!-O, Pisanio! never Had lived to put on this: so had you saved The noble Imogen to repent; and struck Me, wretch, more worth your vengeance. alack, But You snatch some hence for little faults; that's love, To have them fall no more: you some permit And make me blessed to obey!-I am brought hither Among the Italtan gentry, and to fight heavens, Hear patiently my purpose: I'll disrobe me SCENE II.-The same. Enter, at one side, LUCIUS, IACHIMO, and the Roman army; at the other side, the British army; LEONATUS POSTHUMUS following it, like a poor Post. Close by the battle, ditched, and walled Which gave advantage to an ancient soldier,- He, with two striplings (lads more like to run Or we are Romans, and will give you that Like beasts, which you shun beastly; and may Of the unguarded hearts, Heavens, how they Some, slain before; some, dying; some, their O'er-borne i' the former wave: ten, chaced by Are now each one the slaughter-man of twenty: wound! friends one, Those that would die or ere resist, are grown This was strange chance: A narrow lane! an old man, and two boys! Rather to wonder at the things you hear, Lord. Nay, be not angry, sir. 'Lack, to what end? Who dares not stand his foe, I'll be his friend: For if he'll do as he is made to do, I know he'll quickly fly my friendship too. You have put me into rhyme. Lord. Farewell; you are angry. [Exit. Post. Still going? - This is a lord! O noble misery! To be i' the field, and ask, what news, of me!To-day, how many would have given their ho nours To have saved their carcasses? took heel to do't, And yet died too? I, in mine own woe charmed, Could not find Death where I did hear him groan, Nor feel him where he struck: being an ugly monster, 'Tis strange he hides him in fresh cups, soft beds, Sweet words; or hath more ministers than we That draw his knives i' the war. --- Well, I will find him: For being now a favourer to the Roman, No more a Briton, I have resumed again ter is Here made by the Romans; great the answer be Britons must take: for me, my ransom's death; On either side I come to spend my breath; Which neither here I'll keep, nor bear again, But end it by some means for Imogen. Enter two British Captains, and Soldiers. 1st Cap. Great Jupiter be praised! Lucius is taken. "Tis thought the old man and his sons were angels. 2nd Cap. There was a fourth man, in a silly habit, That gave the front with them. 1st Cap. So 'tis reported: But none of them can be found. - Stand! who is there? Post. A Roman; give me The penitent instrument, to pick that bolt, Then, free for ever! Is't enough I am sorry? So children temporal fathers do appease; Gods are more full of mercy. Must I repent? I cannot do it better than in gyves, Desired more than constrained: to satisfy, If of my freedom 'tis the main part, take No stricter render of me than my all. I know you are more clement than vile men, Who of their broken debtors take a third, A sixth, a tenth, letting them thrive again On their abatement; that's not my desire: For Imogen's dear life, take mine; and though 'Tis not so dear, yet 't is a life; you coined it: 'Tween man and man they weigh not every stamp; Though light, take pieces for the figure's sake: You rather mine, being yours: and so great Solemn Music. Enter, as an apparition, SICILIUS LEONATUS, father to PosTHUMUS, an old man, attired like a warrior; leading in his hand an ancient Matron, his wife, and mother to PostHUMUS, with music before them. Then, after other music, follow the two young LEONATI, brothers to PosTHUMUS, with wounds, as they died in the wars. They circle POSTHUMUS round, as he lies sleeping. Sici. No more, thou thunder-master, shew With Mars fall out, with Juno chide, Rates and revenges. Hath my poor boy done aught but well, I died whilst in the womb he stayed, Whose father then (as men report Thou shouldst have been, and shielded him Moth. Lucina lent not me her aid, But took me in my throes; Sici. Great nature, like his ancestry, That he deserved the praise o' the world, 1st Bro. When once he was mature for man, That could stand up his parallel; Or fruitful object be In eye of Imogen, that best Moth. With marriage wherefore was he mocked, To be exiled, and thrown Sici. Why did you suffer Iachimo, To taint his nobler heart and brain And to become the geck and scorn 2nd Bro. For this, from stiller seats we came, That, striking in our country's cause, 1st Bro. Like hardiment Posthumus hath Then, Jupiter, thou king of gods, Sici. Thy crystal window ope; look out; Upon a valiant race, thy harsh Moth. Since, Jupiter, our son is good, Sici. Peep through thy marble mansion; help! To the shining synod of the rest, Against thy deity. 2nd Bro. Help, Jupiter; or we appeal, And from thy justice fly. JUPITER descends in thunder and lightning, sitting upon an eagle; he throws a thunder-bolt. The Ghosts fall on their knees. Jup. No more, you petty spirits of region low, No care of yours it is; you know t'is ours. And happier much by his affliction made. Was sulphurous to smell: the holy eagle Thanks, Jupiter! Sici. The marble pavement closes, he is entered His radiant roof. Away! and, to be blessed, Let us with care perform his great behest. [Ghosts vanish. Post. [waking]. Sleep, thou hast been a grand sire, and begot A father to me; and thou hast created |