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DEFINITIONS, &c.-Absent-minded-with the mind absent from the presont company or business. Define spectacles, minister, observed, top, forehead, service. Is any thing understood between do and without them.



WHEN Mr. Whitefield preached before the seamen at New York, he addressed them in the following manner: Well, I my boys, we have a clear sky, and are making fine headway over a smooth sea, before a light breeze, and we shall soon lose sight of the land; but what means this sudden lowering of the heavens; and that dark cloud rising from 2 beneath the western horizon? Hark! 3 Don't you hear distant thunder? don't you see those flashes of lightning? 4 There is a storm gathering! 5 Every man to his duty!

6 How the waves rise and dash against the ship! 7 The air is dark! the tempest rages! our masts are gone! the ship 8 is on her beam ends! What next?"

It is said that the unsuspecting tars, reminded of their 9 former perils on the deep, as if struck by the power of magic, rose, and with one voice, exclaimed, "TAKE TO THE


DEFINITIONS, &c.-Define headway, light, (light, not heavy? or light not dark?) lowering, horizon, distant, thunder, flashes, lightning, storm, gathering, waves, dash, air, dark, tempest, rages, masts.

A ship is on her beam ends, when she is upset. Recollect where all the beams of a ship end, and you will understand this. What must be supplied in Sent. 5th, to make it complete ?

SECT. XXV.—THE FOOL'S reproof.

"THERE was a certain nobleman," says bishop Hall, "who 1 kept a fool, to whom he one day gave a staff, with a charge to keep it, till he should meet with one who was a greater 2 fool than himself. Not many years after, the nobleman fell 3 sick, and did not expect to live. The fool came to see him. 4 His sick lord said to him, "I must shortly leave you."5" And whither are you going?"-6 "Into another world."7" And when will you come again? 8 Within a month ?"9" No."-10 "Within a year ?"-11 " No."-12" When 13 then ?"-" Never."-14"Never!" said the fool; " and



what provision hast thou made for thy entertainment there 15 whither thou goest ?" "None at all."-16" No? none at 17 all? Here, then, take my staff; for, with all my folly, I am not guilty of any such folly as this."

DEFINITIONS, &c.-What is a fool? It was formerly customary for persons of high rank to keep such persons about them. What is a nobleman ? Define provision, entertainment.



I WILL tell you of an occurrence at which you may be inclined to smile; but whether you smile or not, it is true, 2 and took place in the days of my youth. Not soon shall I forget Molly Morton. She was a poor woman, and in the 3 habit of applying in her difficulties to a friend who was 4 better provided for than herself. This friend used to advance her a sufficient sum of money to buy a load of coals. 5 Molly paid for one load before she had the money for another being a very upright woman.

It was on one of these occasions that Molly applied as 6 usual to her friend to advance her the money for a load of coals; when to her great disappointment, she was refused the accustomed favor. Some untoward circumstance or 7 other had rather soured the temper of her friend, or disabled her from advancing the money. 66 You must not come to 8 me, Molly," said she, "for I have lent you money long enough; and I can lend it to you no longer."

This hasty reply overwhelmed Molly with consternation ; 9 for she knew no other friend in the world who would lend 10 her the money. "What shall I do!" said the poor woman: 11"what shall I do!" "Do!" answered her friend, "why, go home, and fall down on your knees, and pray to God that he may provide for you; for I tell you again, that I can provide for you no longer." Away went poor Molly, 12 struck dumb by the angry manner of her friend, and the consciousness that she had no means of procuring coals to make a fire.

After turning the affair over and over again in her mind 13 on her return home, there appeared no hope left; and she began really to think of following her friend's advice; namely, to ask of God to do that for her, which no other friend



would do. Poor Molly had not been brought up in "the 14 fear of the Lord," and to put up a prayer was a new thing to her; but though she did not believe that putting up a prayer could be of the least advantage to her in her trouble, still, not knowing what else to do, she was constrained to do something, for her trouble was great. Up stairs she went; 15 and kneeling down against the bed, she prayed to God as well as she could in her simple language, to befriend her in her extremity.

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While she was thus engaged, a loud rap at the door 16 called her away from her devotions; and when she came down, to her great surprise, there stood a carman, with his whip in his hand, who told her that he had brought her a 17 cart-load of coals. "A cart-load of coals!" cried the 18 astonished woman. Why, who sent them? 20 cannot be for me'." "Yes, but they are though," replied 21 the carman': "is not your name Morton ?" Yes, my name is Morton, sure enough; but I do not know who would send me a cart-load of coals'." "I tell you," said 22 the carman, "the coals are for you; and there is no use in making a fuss about them: so make haste and get them in; for I have put them down at the door"; and the sooner you get them in the better.”


It was in vain that Molly expressed her doubts about the 23 matter; for the carman would have his way, and left her to manage as she thought proper.

Conscious that she had been praying that she might be 24 assisted, she knew not what to think of it; but as the carman had left the coals, she set to work at last, and got the coals into the house: placing them up very closely together: this was a work of some time and great labor.


Scarcely had she finished her task, when back again came 26 the carman.- 66 Why, mistress, the coals are not for you 27 after all!" "There now," said poor Molly, quite frightened at what she had done: "I told you I knew the coals could not be for me, and you would have it that they were for nobody else." Well, mistress, said the carman, it is no 28 use talking about it now, for I tell you the coals are not yours so we must tumble them into the cart again as soon as we can ;-but let me see where you have put them."



When the carman saw the place into which Molly had

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crammed them, and how closely she had piled them up, he said it was folly to think of putting them into the cart again, for he was sure he had no time to do that: so he told her she must go along with him.

Away went Molly Morton with a heavy heart along with 50 the carman to the wharf the coals were sent from, to give a full and particular account of the transaction, and to prove that she had no dishonest intention in getting in the coals. After some inquiries, the owner of the coals, believing Molly 31 to be an honest woman, agreed to trust her with them, on condition of her paying a certain sum every week. This Molly very gladly undertook to do; and she kept her word; 32 so that, when the coals were paid for, the owner readily trusted her with another load; and with another; and another; and by-and-by he regularly supplied her with coals on the same terms.

DEFINITIONS, &c.-Define occurrence, inclined. Took place-took a place among events, i. e. occurred. Better provided for-i. e. by her Heavenly Father: on whom God had bestowed more means of living comfortably. Used-was accustomed. Advance-loan, lend. Define upright. How odd that this word should mean honest! Can any one tell why? Define usual, favor, untoward, (not toward what you wish? unfavorable?) soured, (what is a sweet temper; and how comes it that people should call one temper sour and another sweet? Is it because they like honey and don't like vinegar?) hasty, overwhelmed, consternation, struck dumb, consciousness, affair, (what is meant by turning the affair over? Reflecting on it?) advantage, constrained, simple, befriend, extremity, (the end of all her means of living?) rap, devotions, surprise, carman, whip. Yes, but they are though-Yes [they are, for I was ordered to bring them to you: you may say they are not, indeed,] but [yet] they are, though [you do say so.] There is no use-there is no advantage-it is useless. Define fuss, (is " both for you and me" understood after better in Sent. 22d?) Define vain, doubts, way, (will?) manner, proper, conscious, task, quite, frightened, tumble in, crammed, wharf account, transaction, prove, dishonest, intention, inquiries, owner, agreed, to trust, on [the] condition, gladly, paying, sum, kept her word, by-and. by, regularly, terms


CLEON hath a million acres;

Ne'er a one have I:
Cleon dwelleth in a palace;
In a cottage I:

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Cleon, and not I.

Cleon, true, possesseth acres,
But the landscape I:

Half the charms to me it yieldeth,

Money cannot buy:

Cleon harbors sloth and dulness;
Freshening vigor I:

He in velvet, I in fustian;
Richer man am I.

Cleon is a slave to grandeur;
Free as thought am I:
Cleon fees a score of doctors;
Need of none have I:

Wealth-surrounded, care-environed,

Cleon fears to die :

Death may come, he'll find me ready.
Happier man am I.

Cleon sees no charms in Nature;

In a daisy I:

Cleon hears no anthems ringing

In the sea and sky:
Nature sings to me forever:

Earnest listener I:

State for state, with all attendants,

Who would change? Not I.

DEFINITIONS, &c.-What is a million? In what differs a cottage from a palace? Define twain, acres, landscape, charms, harbors, sloth, dulness, velvet, fustian, richer, slave, doctors, wealth-surrounded, care-environed, nature, daisy, anthems, sea, sky.

SECT. XXVIII.-FROM WASHINGTON: TREASURY REPORT. 1 MR. GREELEY writes that he has received the Treasurer's Report; of which he sends the following summary.

Mr. Walker requires for deficiencies in the appropriations of last year, to June next, $13,932,735: for the year com2 mencing next June, $55,644,942: total, $69.557,677.-For

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