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" ... and the relation of that provision to the general object intended to be secured by the Act, and upon a review of the case in that aspect decide whether the enactment is what is called imperative or only directory... "
The Scots Law Times - Page 86
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Supreme Court Reporter, Volume 24

United States. Supreme Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1904 - 906 pages R. 2. P. Div. 211, after commenting on the difficulty of gathering any rule from the cases, paid: 'I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...further than that in each case you must look to the eubjcct matter; consider the importance of the provision that has been disregarded, and the relation...
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The American and English Encyclopedia of Law, Volume 23

John Houston Merrill, Thomas Johnson Michie, Charles Frederic Williams, David Shephard Garland - Law - 1893 - 1174 pages
...mandatory and directory statute, led Lord Penzance, in Howard v. Bodington, 2 P. Div. 203, to observe : " I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...disregarded, and the relation of that provision to the feneral object intended to be secured y the act, and upon a review of the case in that aspect, decide...
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Statutes and Statutory Construction: Including a Discussion of Legislative ...

Jabez Gridley Sutherland - Law - 1891 - 836 pages
...Bladen v. Philadelphia, 6O Pa. 4 Liverpool Bank v. Turner, 80 LJ lie had said in the same judgment, " I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...subject-matter, consider the importance of the provision, and the relation of that provision to the general object intended to be secured by the act, and upon...
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A Treatise on the Construction and Effect of Statute Law: With Appendices ...

Henry Hardcastle - Law - 1892 - 748 pages
...(1877), 2 PD 203, at p. 211, Lord Penzance, after citing this dictum of Lord Campbell, added as follows: "I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...subject-matter, consider the importance of the provision [in question], and the relation of that provision to the general object intended to be secured by the...
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Canadian Criminal Cases Annotated, Volume 1

Criminal law - 1898 - 680 pages
...determining whether mandatory enactments should be considered imperative or directory only, said, " I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...further than that in each case you must look to the subject matter, consider the importance of the provision that has been disregarded, and the relation...
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The Ontario Law Reports: Cases Determined in the Court of Appeal ..., Volume 32

Law reports, digests, etc - 1915 - 800 pages
...Howard v. Bodington (1877), 2 PD 203, 211, after referring to this dictum of Lord Campbell, said : " I 'believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...subject-matter ; consider the importance of the provision . . . and the relation of that provision to the . Div. 1914 RE OXFORD SOUTH PBOVINCIAI. ELECTION. Clute....
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The Canadian Law Times, Volume 20

Edward B. Brown - Canada - 1901 - 1132 pages
...Howard v. Bodington (s) may be followed as a safe guide in assisting to determine this question: — I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you each case you must look to the subject-matter, and the relation of that provision to the general object intended to be secured by the Act, and upon...
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United States Circuit Courts of Appeals Reports: With Key-number ..., Volume 50

Appellate courts - 1902 - 828 pages
...Bodington, 2 Prob. Div. 211, after commenting on the difficulty of gathering any rule from the cases, said : "I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot safely go farther than that in each case you must look to the subject-matter, consider the importance of the...
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Statutes and Statutory Construction: Including a Discussion of ..., Volume 2

Jabez Gridley Sutherland - Law - 1904 - 832 pages
...expressed by Lord Campbell in the case of the Liverpool Bank v. Turner." He had said in the same judgment, "I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...subject-matter, consider the importance of the provision, and the relation of that provision to the general object intended to be secured by the act, and upon...
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The Commonwealth Law Reports: Cases Determined in the High Court ..., Volume 1

Australia. High Court - Law reports, digests, etc - 1905 - 784 pages
...observations of Lord Penzance in Howard v. Bodington, (1877) 2 PD, 203, at p. 211, where he says : — " I believe, as far as any rule is concerned, you cannot...further than that in each case you must look to the subj ect- matter ; consider the importance of the provision that has been disregarded, and the relation...
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