THE SCOTS LAW TIMES NEWS 1921 EDINBURGH PUBLISHED BY W. GREEN & SON, LIMITED, AT THE OFFICE 2 AND 4 ST GILES STREET INDEX NEWS PORTION. BIOGRAPHICAL PORTRAIT ARTICLES Brown, Charles H., K.C. [It has been thought necessary to include by separate headings only the chief portions ACTS OF SEDERUNT (see Index to Statutes). PAGE | LEGAL ARTICLES—continued. Revised Trusts Bill Scottish Intestate Succession 25 (v) DECISIONS IN THE ENGLISH COURTS. INDEX OF NAMES. Ex-Tsar of Bulgaria, In re, 29. AKSIONAIRNOYE OBSCHESTTVO A. M. LUTHER | Evans, In re-Public Trustee v. Evans, 14. Attorney-General and Rhondda Urban District Attwood v. Lamont, 38. BAKER v. James Bros. & Sons Ltd., 100. FARR v. Motor Trades Mutual Insurance Society, 21. Farrow's Bank, In re, 112, 159. First National Reinsurance Co. Ltd. v. Greenfield, 51. Fitch v. Dewes, 145. Foule v. Monsell, 38. Banque Belge pour l'Etranger v. Hambrouck and French, L., & Co. Ltd. v. Leeston Shipping Co. Others, 39. Barry and Others v. Van Den Hurk, 7. Ltd., 91, 159. Behrend & Co. Ltd. v. Produce Brokers' Co. GERRARD v. Crowe and Another, 47. Goldsmith v. Orr, 23. Benabu & Co. v. The Produce Brokers' Co. Grant v. Cardiff Hotel Co. Ltd., 145. Binney v. Inland Revenue Commissioners, 21. British and Foreign Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Wilson British and Foreign Marine Insurance v. Gaunt, Green v. British India Steam Navigation Co., 30. HAMER v. Inland Revenue Commissioners, 38. Hawkins and Another v. Duché & Sons and |