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We regret to have to record the death of
Mr A. W. Macdonald, S.S.C., of the firm of
Clark & Macdonald, S.S.C., Edinburgh. Mr
Macdonald, who was born in Dundee in 1857,
comes of legal stock, his grandfather and his
father having been well-known and respected
members of the legal profession in Dundee.
Mr Macdonald served his apprenticeship partly
with the firm of Patullo & Thornton, solicitors,
Dundee, and partly with Mr William Reid of
Drummond &
Reid, W.S., Edin-
burgh, and in these
important firms ac-
quired a thorough
practical know-
ledge of legal

At Edinburgh University, where be studied law, Mr Macdonald was prize-man in Scots Law. After acquiring experience in Glasgow in the service of the wellknown firm of

Keyden, Strang & Girvan, solicitors there, Mr Macdonald joined Mr Clark in business in Edinburgh in 1886, and after Mr Clark's death in 1893 continued

practice to the

him in partnership and was on the threshold of a promising career, was killed at Arras in April 1917. His other son, Lieutenant Norman J. Macdonald, M.C., Royal Scots, was severely wounded in the same battle, but happily has recovered and now carries on the business under the same firm name. To him and to Mrs Macdonald and her three daughters many tokens of sympathy and respect have been rendered.


Edinburgh on 17th February, Mr J. A. M'Killop (VicePresident) in the chair. The VicePresident submitted a report on the subject of a compulsory annual audit of trust accounts of all estates over £100, subject to certain exceptions. The matter was delayed for further consideration at next meeting. The Bills Committee submitted a report on the the Conveyancing Bill, Trusts Bill, and Land Tenure Bill, which the Council ordered to be printed, circulated among the Council,


date of his death under the same firm name. | and considered further at next meeting.
In addition to a thorough knowledge of legal
principles Mr Macdonald had the advantage of
a kindly and genial disposition which attracted
many clients and attached to him all his friends
and country correspondents, the result being a
large and important Court and chamber practice.
For some time back Mr Macdonald has, at times,
been in indifferent health, but his cheery way
of making light of trouble brought his sudden
and unexpected death as the greater shock to
his many friends. Both Mr Macdonald's sons
served and suffered in the war. It was a great
grief to him when his eldest son, Captain John
Macdonald, Royal Scots, who had just joined

The following solicitors were admitted
members of the Society: Messrs A. A. Mackenzie,
Leven; John Beveridge and Alexander Barker,
Inverness; W. J. Hill, Glasgow; John Ormiston
Brown and Frank Henry Macpherson, Ayr;
David Gowans, Dundee; A. Bannerman Robb,
Portsoy; John Sandison, James Munro, Alex-
ander Mactavish, and Ronald Ross Munro
Macdonald, Tain; W. S. Dewar, Dingwall;
Alexander Brodie, James D. Paterson, Alexander
F. Spence, William Watt Walker, and Frederick
Augustus Watt, Banff; Alexander Auchinachie
and John Grant Fleming, Keith; John James
George, Macduff; Duncan Kennedy, Robert


Aitchison, A. G. Turnbull, John W. Blackadder, 11; Pleading Diet-Monday, 28th
Falkirk; William Simpson, Grangemouth; Service, Monday, 21st March. Aberdeen-
Thomas Forsyth, Airdrie.

COURT OF SESSION. - During the Spring Vacation the Lord Ordinary officiating on the Bills will sit in Court on Wednesday, 13th April, and Wednesday, 4th May, for the disposal of motions and other business under the 93rd sec tion of the Court of Session Act 1868, and under C.A.S., A, i. 3; and Rolls will be taken up on Monday, 11th April, and Monday, 2nd May, between 11 A.M. and 12 noon.

THE sittings of the First Division of the Court for the trial of causes by jury in the ensuing vacation will begin on Monday, 21st March next.

The sittings of the Second Division of the Court for the trial of causes by jury in the ensuing vacation will begin on Monday, 21st March next.

Note. With regard to the transmission of causes for trial at these sittings agents are referred to the Codifying Act of Sederunt, Book F, chap. i. section 5. A copy of the Lord Ordinary's interlocutor allowing the trial to proceed at the sittings, along with a print of the closed record and of the adjusted issue or issues, must be handed to the Keeper of the Rolls of the Division in which the cause is to be tried, not later than twelve o'clock noon on Thursday, 3rd March, otherwise the cause will not be taken at the sittings.

BOX-DAYS-SPRING VACATION, 1921.-Edinburgh, 25th February 1921.-The Lords of Council and Session appoint Thursday, 7th April, and Thursday, 28th April, to be the Box-days in the ensuing vacation.


WEST. The Right Hon. The Lord JusticeClerk and The Hon. Lord Ashmore. Inveraray -Thursday, 24th March, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Monday, 14th March; Service-Monday, 7th March. Stirling - Friday, 1st April, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Tuesday, 22nd March; Service Tuesday, 15th March. GlasgowTuesday, 26th April, at 10.30; Pleading Diet -Saturday, 16th April; Service - Saturday, 9th April. D. P. Fleming, Esq., AdvocateDepute, and Messrs Alexander Rae and Thomas S. Stewart, clerks.

NORTH.-The Hon. Lord Mackenzie and The Hon. Lord Anderson. Inverness, Tuesday, 29th March, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Saturday, 19th March; Service-Saturday, 12th March. Perth-Tuesday, 5th April, at 10.30; Pleading Diet Saturday, 26th March; Service, Saturday, 19th March. Dundee-Thursday, 7th April, at

Tuesday, 3rd May, at 10.30; Pleading DietSaturday, 23rd April; Service-Saturday, 16th April. A. M. MacRobert, Esq., K.C., AdvocateDepute, and Alexander Rae, Esq., clerk.

SOUTH.-The Hon. Lord Skerrington and The Hon. Lord Hunter. Dumfries-Tuesday, 19th April, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Saturday, 9th April; Service-Saturday, 2nd April. Ayr

Thursday, 21st April, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Monday, 11th April; Service-Monday, 4th April. Jedburgh-Friday, 6th May, at 10.30; Pleading Diet-Tuesday, 26th April; Service-Tuesday, 19th April. J. C. Fenton, Esq., Advocate-Depute, and Thomas S. Stewart, Esq., clerk.

MR ROBERT WILSON, solicitor, Sanquhar, has assumed his eldest son, Mr James R. Wilson, solicitor and notary public, as a partner, and the business will be carried on in future at Sanquhar and Kirkconnel under the firm name of Robert Wilson & Son.


HARRY DALGETY BURSARIES AND PRIZES.Bursaries.-Three bursaries on this Foundation of £50 each per annum will be offered for competition in July 1921 to matriculated students of any Scottish University who have completed attendance on the classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing in a Scottish University. The bursaries will be awarded to the candidates who shew the greatest proficiency in and knowledge of Scots Law and Conveyancing, and will be tenable in the Law Faculty of the University of Edinburgh for two academic years as from 1st October 1921, subject to the following conditions:

1. Candidates must satisfy the trustees that they require and deserve pecuniary assistance in the prosecution of their studies in law.

2. Qualified candidates will be examined in Scots Law (Civil and Criminal) and Conveyancing, on 18th July 1921, in Edinburgh, at a time and place to be afterwards announced.

3. Each bursary is tenable for two consecutive years, during which the bursar is required. to attend four full courses of lectures (or an equivalent number of half-courses), exclusive of Scots Law and Conveyancing, in the Law Faculty of the University of Edinburgh. If any bursar has previously attended more than one such full course (exclusive of Scots Law and Conveyancing), he shall hold his bursary for one year only, on condition that he attend two full courses or their equivalent.

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One prize for excellence in the study of Private International Law.

One prize for excellence in the study of Constitutional Law and Constitutional History.

One prize for excellence in the study of Mercantile Law.

Candidates for prizes in any of these subjects must have attended the course of lectures on

that subject in the University of Edinburgh for one session only, and that within a period of three years prior to the date of the competition. Candidates may compete for all or any of the prizes.

A student who holds or has held one of the Harry Dalgety Bursaries is not eligible for these prizes.

All or any of the bursaries and prizes may be withheld if in the opinion of the trustees the candidates therefor are considered of sufficient merit.

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DAMAGE TO PROPERTY.-Where a colliery company tipped large quantities of colliery refuse on the slope of a hill and a landslide followed, which damaged roads, tramways, and other property in the valley below, held (Lord Buckmaster action of the colliery company and that they dissenting) that the landslide was due to the were liable for damages and to have injunction granted against them. Decision of the Court of Appeal reversed. -House of Lords (Viscount Haldane, Viscount Finlay, Lord Atkinson, Lord Shaw of Dunfermline, and Lord Buckmaster).27th January 1921.

Gunston v. Winox Ltd.

Intending candidates are requested to lodge (not later than 1st June 1921) written application, with evidence of their eligibility and military service (if any), with the agents to the trustees-Messrs Dove, Lockhart & Smart, S.S.C., 29 York Place, Edinburgh, who will supply forms of application and all further REGISTRATION SUBSEQUENT REGISTRATION particulars.


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Mitchell v. Townend & Co.

LANDLORD AND TENANT-INCREASE OF RENT AND MORTGAGE INTEREST (RESTRICTIONS) ACT 1920 (10 & 11 GEO. V. CAP. 17), SECTION 13 (1) (c) - "SCHEME OF RECONSTRUCTION OR IMPROVEMENT DESIRABLE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST."—A scheme for the conversion by the owner of a stable and warehouse into a training school for girls employed in a factory belonging to him is not "a scheme of reconstruction or improvement desirable in the public interest" under the above-cited section.-K.B. Div. (Coleridge, Avory, and Salter JJ.).-13th January 1921.


COPYRIGHT INVALIDATED BY DISCLOSURE PATENTS AND DESIGNS ACT 1907 (7 EDW. VII. CAP. 29), SECTION 55.-The plaintiffs, a firm of printers and trade show-cards designers, submitted a show-card for medicated wines to the defendants before registering it. The defendants did not accept it. It was then submitted to another firm, who ordered a large quantity to be printed on the understanding that they should have the copyright. The defendants thereafter brought out and published a show-card for their wines, which was a colourable imitation of the plaintiffs' design. The plaintiffs subsequently registered their design and sued for an injunction and damages against the defendants, and a declarator that the defendants' design was an infringement. Held that the disclosure of the design to the defendants before registration invalidated the copyright, even though registration was subsequently obtained. Decision of Astbury J. reversed.-Court of Appeal (Lord Sterndale M.R., Warrington and Younger L.JJ.).-28th January 1921.



The Scottish Agricultural Acts. Edinburgh: North British Agriculturist Office. Price 38.

This is a small but valuable publication. It prints the Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Acts 1908 and 1910, the Corn Production Act, and the new Agriculture Act, but the special features are that two adjustments are made in these prints. In the first place, the various successive amendments receive effect by insertion or omission, as the case may be, in their proper places. In the second place all the adaptations to Scotland are woven in throughout in the same way. So far as we are aware, the idea is novel. It is certainly ingenious and useful, and the execution appears to be careful.

The Trial of Thurtell and Hunt. Edited by Eric R. Watson, Barrister-at-Law. Edinburgh and London: William Hodge & Co. Ltd. Price 10s. 6d. net.

A scoundrel named John Thurtell, well-known on the turf and in the prize-ring, who had long made a precarious living by every kind of illegal and immoral device, was tried in 1824 for the murder of his "friend" and associate, William Weare, under circumstances peculiarly sordid and brutal. Nothing in the circumstances of the crime or of the parties raised it to the dignity of tragedy. Yet the trial, staged at Hertford, led to an extraordinary demonstration of morbid excitement throughout England. The road from London to Hertford was crowded with vehicles taking spectators of all classes to witness, first the trial, and then the execution. The press fed the sensation-loving public with every detail, true or false, of the assassin's career in a manner which rivals the worst achievements of its twentieth-century successor. The criminal even found a place in more reputable and less ephemeral literature; for the life, crimes, and fate of John Thurtell have been a theme of George Borrow, Charles Lamb, Lytton, and Hazlett; while more casual allusions occur in the writings of Walter Scott. Such then was the contemporary fame of the trial which is set out in the latest volume of the "Notable Trials" series. The interest of the volume centres less in the story of the crime and the personality of the criminal than in its study of contemporary manners, and in particular of the methods of criminal investigation and detection more than a century ago. It was before the days of a regular and efficient police force. Bow Street runners, under the instructions of the local magistracy, perform the functions of a detective force; and magisterial interrogations of sus

pected persons play a part which is in curious contrast to modern methods. The trial is fully narrated in this volume; but the reader will be specially indebted to the editor for the care with which he has investigated and recorded the preliminary proceedings and the surrounding circumstances. At the end of an interesting narrative the reader will be left wondering why such a crime and such a criminal should have attracted so much notice from all classes of the England of that time.

JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES IN SCOTLAND. The following have been registered for week ending 25th: February:

11620-James Laidlaw & Sons Ltd., 12 Playfair Street, Bridgeton Street, Glasgow (private company), to acquire and take over as a going concern the firm of James Laidlaw & Sons, joiners, at the above address. Capital-£20,000 in £1 shares.

11621-Hillfoots Picture Theatres Ltd., Alloa (private company), to carry on the business of exhibiting moving pictures. Capital-£5000 in £1 shares.

(private company), to carry on the business or businesses of bakers, biscuit manufacturers, cooks, confectioners, restaurateurs, purveyors, etc. Capital-£17,500 in £1 shares.

11622-Andrew Gibson & Son Ltd., 98 High Street, Paisley

11623-Cessnock Engineering Co. Ltd., subscribers-John L. Morgan, engineer, 126-8 Broad Street, Glasgow, and William Robin, carriage hirer, 2 Woodside Place, Govan (private company), to carry on the business of engineers. Capital-£1000 in £1 shares.

11624-Muirhead & Ferguson Ltd., Flemington Saw Mills, Motherwell (private company), to carry on in the United Kingdom and elsewhere abroad the business of building contractors. Capital-£5000 in £1 shares.

11625-Kyle Chemical Co. Ltd., Glasgow, chemical manu


facturers (private company), Capital-£130,000 divided into 114,000 Preference A" shares and 15,000 Preference "B" shares of £1 each. "B" shares, and 600 Ordinary "A" shares and 400 Ordinary

11626-The Lanarkshire Waggon Co. Ltd., Larkhall (private company), to purchase or acquire on lease Larkhall East Goods Station for the purpose of carrying on the business of waggon repairers or builders of vehicles and rolling stock. Capital-£5000 in £1 shares.

11627--Caledonian Bonding Co., Glasgow (private com

pany), to acquire as a going concern the business of distillers and wine merchants at present carried on under the name. Capital-£1000 in £1 shares.

Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow (private company), to carry 11628--The South-Western Coach Works Ltd., 333 Scotland on the business of motor body, carriage, van, and lorry builders and repairers. Capital-£15,000 in £1 shares. (private company), to carry on the business of restaurateurs. 11629-Tea Rooms Ltd., 26 Ritchie Street, West Kilbride Capital-£2500 in £1 shares.

11630-M'Farlane & Birrell Ltd., Meat Market, Moore of meat and live stock salesmen. Capital-£3000 in £1 Street, Glasgow (private company), to carry on the business shares.

Glasgow (private company), to carry on the business of ship11631-Coylet Steamship Co., 70 Wellington Street, owners, underwriters, etc. Capital-£200,000 in 10s. shares.

11632-Thos. Ritchie Ltd., 14 South Bridge Street, Grangemouth (private company), to acquire and carry on the business of flesher, poulterer, and game dealer. Capital-£12,000, divided into 3000 Preference and 9000 Ordinary shares, both of £1 each.

(private company), produce brokers and general merchants. 11633-John Key & Co. Ltd., 45 Renfield Street, Glasgow Capital-£1000 in 1000 Founders' shares at 1s. each and 950 Ordinary shares of £1 each.

11634-Colinslee Motor and Engineering Co., manufacturers and repairers of motor vehicles, Glasgow (private company). Capital-£5000 in £1 shares.

Glasgow (private company), engineers and patentees. Capital -£1000 in £1 shares.

11635-Electro-Freezers Ltd., 243 North Woodside Road,



sional brethren. All his work was done with conscientiousness and thoroughness, and he never spared himself in the interests of those he

Mr Edward Cowan, a well-known Dundee served either in a private or public capacity. solicitor, died at his residence, Rowanlea, Barnhill, recently with startling suddenness. He was in the city at business all day on the previous day, and was, to all appearance, in his customary good health.

Mr Cowan was a son of the late Councillor Cowan, Dundee. Educated at the High School, he served his law apprenticeship with Mr Robert Smith. Subsequently he entered the office of Mr David Turnbull, W.S., Edinburgh, and qualified as a law agent in 1884. From then to 1887 he was assistant to Mr William Gordon, solicitor and police clerk, Forfar. He ultimately returned to Dundee, started business on his own account, and soon established a large connection. He was appointed

Town-Clerk of Broughty Ferry in 1895, and held the post till the amalgamation with Dundee took place. He was also

Clerk of the old

Apart from his professional work he had numerous interests to which he devoted wholehearted attention. Of late the ex-soldiers' garden city has had his special care, and the success which has attended the scheme is in no small measure due to the energy of his patriotic effort. Strangers sometimes sensed in his manner a certain abruptness, but it was all on

the surface. Innately he was of the most kindly and generous disposition, and his passing will be mourned by many friends in a wide circle.

Mr Cowan is survived by his wife, a daughter of Mr James Nicoll, Pinegrove, and by a son and two daughters. He was fifty-eight years of age.


THE death has occurred in Berlin, where he was a member of the military staff, of Mr David James Younger, late of Craigard, Kaimes Road, Edinburgh.

Broughty Ferry School Board. In 1904 he | Mr Younger was a solicitor in Edinburgh, and received the appointment of Justice of the Peace was well known throughout the county through Clerk for Forfarshire, in which capacity he was the position which he held from the beginning well known all over the county. He also came of the National Health Insurance Act as Clerk prominently before the public as Clerk of the to the Insurance Committee of Midlothian. Munitions Tribunal, and through his close and active association with the garden city scheme for ex-soldiers at Barnhill. For a number of years he took an effective part in politics, acting as Secretary for Forfarshire Unionist organisation.

Mr Cowan, says the "Dundee Advertiser," was a man of conspicuous energy, and a very capable lawyer, possessing in a marked degree the confidence of his clients and of his profes

NATIONAL BANK APPOINTMENTS. - The National Bank of Scotland Ltd. announce that Mr John Smith, agent at Edinburgh South Side, retires on 31st instant, and is to be succeeded by Mr George Moncrieff, at present agent at Bruntsfield branch. Mr F. G. Hart, of the head office, succeeds Mr Moncrieff in the Bruntsfield agency.


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