Leaman v. The King, 30. Lebeaupin v. Richard Crispin & Co., 22. London General Insurance Co. Ltd. v. General MANN, MACNEAL & Co. LTD. v. Capital and Counties Insurance Co. Ltd., 51. Mann, Macneal & Co. Ltd. v. General Marine Underwriters Ltd., 51. "Marie Leonhardt," The, 39. "Marlborough Hill," The, v. Alexander Cowan & Sons Ltd. and Others, 51. Marriott v. Maltby Main Colliery Co., 48. "Mendip Range," Owners of S.S., v. Radcliffe, 91. Mitchell v. Davies, 39. Mitchell v. Townend & Co., 55. Mondschein v. Mondschein, 107. SANDAY v. Strath Steamship Co. Ltd., 107. Selvage v. C. Burrell & Sons Ltd., 40. Société Maritime Française v. Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co. Ltd., 64. Société Navale de l'Ouest v. R. W. Sutherland & Co., 7. Spence v. Mercantile Bank of India, 63, 144. Sumner Permein & Co. Ltd. v. John G. Webb & Sutherland, R. W. J., & Co. v. Owners of S.S. "Thoeger," 39. THOMSON, W., & Co. v. Mackay, 159. "Tolla," The, 39. Montevideo Gas and Dry Dock Co. Ltd. v. Clan Tompkins v. Rogers, 55. Line Steamers Ltd., 96, 160. Moore & Co. v. Landauer & Co., 91. Moriarty v. Regent's Garage and Engineering NIBLETT LTD. v. The Confectioners' Materials North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co. v. Stoke Newington Borough Council, 51. Trinidad Shipping and Trading Co. Ltd. v. G. R. Alston & Co., 7. VESTA," THE, AND OTHER VESSELS (PART CARGOES, ex), 92. O'CONNOR & OULD v. Ralston, 23. PHILLIPS v. Kershaw, Leese & Co. Ltd., 16. Polemis v. Furniss, Withy & Co., Ltd., 116. Public Trustee v. Evans, In re Evans, 14. RAWLINGS v. General Trading Co., 7. Reid v. British and Irish Steam Packet Co. Ltd., 60. WAGNER v. West Ham Corporation, 40. Wigzell, G. R., In re-Ex parte Hart, 63, 96. Wyndham v. Inland Revenue Commissioners, 15. "ZAMORA," THE, 96. Design; Disclosure before Registration of Copy- RAILWAY; Carriage of Goods; Passenger's right, 55. Divorce, 107. Luggage, 15. Restraint of Trade, 38, 63, 64, 144, 145. Revenue; Excess Profits Duty; Commercial Traveller, 21. Patent, 38. Income Tax; Discounts, Treasury Bills as, 158. Shares in Foreign Company, 7. Property Tax; Deduction from Rent by Tenant, 21. Super-Tax; Assessment of Husband and Wife, 15. Bonus Shares, 145. SALE; Auction; Agreement between Bidders, 7. Condition or Warranty, 159. Description, Sale by, 91. Goods; Delivery, Delay in, 29. Indivisible Parcel, 23. Signal, Out-of-Control, 91. Lien, Maritime; Master's, for Wages, 48. Statutes; Admiralty Court Act 1861, 51. Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908, 91. Employment of Children Act 1903, 96. Finance (No. 2) Act 1915, 21, 38. Income Tax Act 1842, 7. Income Tax Act 1918, 21. Statutes-continued. Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1915, 23. Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Act 1920, 55. Marine Insurance Act 1906, 38. New Ministries and Secretaries Act 1919, 38. Patents and Designs Act 1907, 55. Public Health Act 1875, 120. Registration of Business Names Act 1916, 127. Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875, 90. Sale of Goods Act 1893, 22, 23, 47, 91, 92, 106, 127. Trade Disputes Act 1906, 30. Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1914, 29. Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1916, 29. Workmen's Compensation Act 1906, 16, 40, 60. Succession; Construction of Will, 14, 15. TRADE UNION; Conspiracy to Injure, 20. Trust; Enforceable, 29. WAR; Contract; Amendment of, 51. Defence of the Realm; Food Control, 21, 38. Workmen's Compensation; Accident; Assault from Fellow Workman, 60. Claim; Delay in Making, 47. Course of Employment, 107. Insanity and Suicide, Resulting from, 48. Cumulative Effect of Small Accidents, Partial Dependency, 16. Like several other Scotsmen, Lord Justice scholastic career was filled with many successes. Younger has passed from a Scottish school Subsequently proceeding to Balliol College, through an English university to a great re- Oxford, he graduated B.A. in 1883, and the putation at the English Bar. Lord Justice following year he was called to the English Bar. Younger was born in September 1861, being It was not long before his outstanding qualities a son of the late Mr James Younger, Alloa, as a pleader gained him widespread recognition, Clackmannanshire, and a brother of Sir George Younger, Bart., M.P. He was educated at Alloa Academy and Edinburgh Academy, where his and he was soon recognised as one of the leading specialists in the important branch of legislation dealing with company law. In 1900 he took a silk. In 1909 he became an M.A. of his alma mater, and was made an Honorary Fellow in 1916. Lord Justice Younger was raised to the Bench in 1915, where he enhanced his reputation as a judge in the High Court of Justice until 1919, in which year he gained the high recognition of his present appointment as a Lord Justice of Appeal. Meantime in 1917 he was honoured by the order of Knighthood. In 1919 the University of Edinburgh recognised in Lord Justice Younger a distinguished representative of the English judicature in conferring on him the honorary degree of LL.D. But Lord Justice Younger has also rendered his country important services from an extra judicial point of view in connection with the recent war, when he took an important and responsible part in connection with the exchange of prisoners of war and the review of exemption of enemy aliens from internment. Lord Justice Younger has all through during his career on the bench shewn judicial qualities of a very high order, and no doubt will enhance his high reputation by continued valuable services as a Lord Justice of Appeal. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY.-An extra North Circuit of the High Court of Justiciary (Lords Salvesen and Sands) will be held at Aberdeen on the 18th January; at Dundee on the 20th January; and at Perth on the 25th January. ADJOURNMENT OF COURT.-Edinburgh, 4th January 1921. The Lords of Council and Session, under authority of the fourth section of the Court of Session Act 1868, resolve to adjourn the Court from Saturday the 5th to and including Saturday the 12th February next. FACULTY OF ADVOCATES.-At a meeting of the Faculty of Advocates held on 16th December, the Dean, Mr A. H. B. Constable, K.C., presiding, it was announced that Mr James Alexander Fleming, K.C., Vice-Dean of the Faculty, desired to resign that office, which has been held by him since 1905. Mr Fleming's resignation was accepted with regret, and Wednesday, 26th January, was fixed as the date for the election of a successor. The resignation will take effect as at that date. THE following notice is published with the authority of the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates: Mr John Macgregor, advocate, 85 Great King Street, Edinburgh, has returned to practice at the Bar after giving his services to the country in war time. LANDLORD AND TENANT.-We observe that Mr John Cowan, K.C., commences his course of lectures on the law of the above subject, in connection with the new University Lecture ship, on 12th inst. The course is open to nonmatriculated students at a reduced fee. SIGNET.-Mr William Burns, 23 Albany Street, SOCIETY OF WRITERS TO HIS MAJESTY'S Edinburgh, has been admitted a member of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet. INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF LAW AGENTS IN SCOTLAND.-A meeting of council was held in Edinburgh on 16th December. Mr Patrick Cooper (the president) in the chair. The secretary reported that he had written to the English Law Society as to what steps were being taken in England to have the employees of solicitors excluded from the scope of the Unemployment Insurance Act, and he had learned that the Council of the Law Society had under consideration the establishment of a special scheme for law clerks under section 18 of the Act. The council resolved to enquire as to the feasibility of a similar scheme for Scotland. The president submitted correspondence with the clerk to the Faculty of Procurators, Glasgow, who had drawn the attention of the Lord Advocate to Rules of the Supreme Court of England issued in 1920 authorising service out of the jurisdiction of the English Courts of a writ of summons or notice of a writ. The council agreed to oppose the coming into operation of such rules, and appointed representatives to attend a joint meeting of legal societies. proposed to be held in Edinburgh on an early date regarding this matter. The secretary submitted a letter from the Lord Advocate enclosing copies of the Trusts (Scotland) Bill, Conveyancing Amendment Bill, and Land Tenure (Scotland) Bill. The council appointed a special committee to take these Bills into consideration and to report thereon to the January meeting of council. The council was informed that the Table of Fees Committee would present a report on the amendment of the Table of Fees for Conveyancing and General Business to next meeting of council. An interim report by the Law of Diligence Committee recommended that arrestments might be served by registered post, and that suitable constables in sparsely populated districts might be selected for appointment as sheriff officers. The council approved generally of the interim report, and remitted the same to the committee for further consideration and to report to next meeting of council. Mr Whyte, convener of the Legal Education Committee, submitted a draft memo ial proposed to be addressed to the Law Examiners embodying the points on which the leading legal societies were in agreement in connection with the reform of legal education, with the view to the Examiners approaching the Court thereon. The council approved of the draft memorial, and instructed |