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18. Enumerate the leading English statesmen in the reign of George II., and write a short account of the life and character of one of them.

19. Trace the rise and progress of the power of the British Parliament, noticing the most important changes which have from time to time been introduced into its constitution.

20. When the House of Commons and the House of Lords disagree as to amendments introduced into a bill by one or other of them, what course has to be pursued?

The same, with the following additions:

21. Give some account of the following persons:-Lord Peterborough, Lord Somers, Protector Somerset, Duke of Monmouth, Marquis of Montrose, Dudley Earl of Leicester.

22. When and under what circumstances were the following battles fought? Mention the names of the commanders on each side-Shrewsbury, Worcester, Stoke, Dunbar, Minden, Albuera.

23. What was the nature of the claim to the British crown advanced by or on the behalf of the following persons:-(1.) William the Conqueror. (2.) Henry VII. (3.) Lambert Simnel. (4.) Lady Jane Grey? 24 Describe briefly the constitutional positions and functions of the "Privy Council." In what relation does the cabinet stand to it?

25. Enumerate the leading English statesmen in the reign of William III., and write a short account of the life and character of any two of them.

26. Divide English history since the Conquest into periods, and state the grounds of your division.

27. What claims had Henry VII., James I., and George I., to the English throne? What European sovereigns were contemporary with any of them?

28. State when the following measures were enacted, and discuss briefly their social and political effect:-The Habeas Corpus Act, Poynings Law, the Self Denying Ordinance, the Test Act.

29. When and under what circumstances were the following battles fought? Mention the names of the commanders on each side:-Shrewsbury, Hexham, Lincoln, Pinkie, Dettingen, Vittoria, Lexington, Flodden. 30. In whose reign did the following persons flourish; and for what were they famous respectively ?-Lord Hastings, Lord Peterborough, Marquis of Montrose, Protector Somerset, Milton, Humphrey Duke of Gloucester. 31. Trace the rise and progress of the power of the British Parliament, noticing the most important changes which have from time to time been introduced into its constitution.


1 Give the dates of the following events, adopting the common Chro


(1) The Deluge;

(2) The Exodus;

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(3) The Building of Rome;

(4) The Peloponnesian War;

(5) The Hegira, or Flight of Mahomet

(6) The Coronation of Charlemagne ;
(7) The Invention of Printing;

(8) The Revolution; and


(9) The Separation of the Crowns of Great Britain and Hanover. 2. Give the current traditions as to the life and exploits of King Alfred. 3. What was the origin of William the Conqueror? How did he obtain the crown of England?

4. Under what King were the Crowns of England and Scotland united? 5. Trace the descent of the reigning sovereign from King George I.

6. Name the sovereigns who ascended the throne of England in the 17th century, giving the dates of their accession, their relationship to each other, and the places at which they respectively died.

7. What are the peculiar privileges of the House of Commons? What great changes were made by the Reform Bill?

8. Are the laws of England and Scotland in all respects identical? If not, mention points in which they differ.

9 What important constitutional questions were raised, (1) by the illness of George III., (2) by the protracted trial of Warren Hastings?

10. Mention any points in which Scripture History is confirmed by classical writers.

11. It has been said that "the only event in the history of the human species which admits of comparison with the propagation of Christianity is the success of Mahometanism." In what points does the parallel fail? 12. What were, at different times, the titles of the chief magistrates of republican Rome? Name the first and last of the twelve Cæsars, and the principal writers of the Augustan era.

13. A work has been written on "The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World;" mention any battles which you think entitled to be so termed, giving your reasons.

14. In what year was the independence of the United States acknowledged? What is their constitution? Is that of any European state at all similar, and in what respects?

15. Between what states and at what period was Poland divided? What was its ancient form of government?

16. Name the two European states which have most recently come into existence.

17. State any particulars which you know as to the history of the Crimea. Whence arose its importance in a commercial point of view? Give the classic legend.

18. Mention any beneficial changes accomplished at the commencemeut of the first French revolution.

19. The last hundred years being altogether excluded, what was, in your opinion, the most glorious, and what the most disgraceful era in English History? Give your reasons in detail.

In Questions 1 and 6 only (1) or (2) are to be answered.

20. State fully the benefits which you consider to have resulted

1. To Europe from the Crusades.

2. To England from the Norman Conquest.

21. What were the claims

1. Of Edward III. to the throne of France?

2. Of Henry VII., and of James I. to the crown of England? 22. At what periods of English History did the principle of elective monarchy prevail over that of hereditary succession?

23. What were the Petition of Right, Instrument of Government, Act of Uniformity, Act of Settlement, and Act of Navigation?

24. Explain fully the allusions contained in the following passage:

"After half a century during which England had been of scarcely more weight in European politics than Venice or Saxony, she at once became the most formidable power in the world; dictated terms of peace to the United Provinces; avenged the common injuries of Christendom on the Pirates of Barbary; vanquished the Spaniards by land and sea; seized one of the finest West India Islands, and acquired on the Flemish coast a fortress which consoled the national pride for the loss of Calais."

25. What important constitutional questions were raised

1. By the illness of George III.?

2. By the protracted trial of Warren Hastings?

26. State very briefly the occasions on which six of the following battles were fought, and discuss more fully their political results:—

1. Agincourt, Bannockburn, Culloden, Dettingen, Hastings, Naseby.
.2. Barnet, Jena, Nancy, Pavia, Pultowa, Tewkesbury.
[N.B.-Three battles are to be selected from each class.]

27. What wars were ended by the following peaces:

Versailles, Bretigni, Westphalia, Utrecht? Give the dates and principal articles of agreement.

28. When did England gain possession of the following places :

Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Corfu, Ceylon, and New York? From whom respectively were they taken?

29. Who was the first king of Prussia? Give his former title, and the circumstances which led to its being changed.

30. On what pretext did Charles VIII. of France invade Italy?/

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31. When was the Spanish power at its height, and what led to its decline?

32. When and how was Christianity first introduced and finally planted in


33. Mention the principal events in the life of Edward I.

34. Under whom were the crowns of England and Scotland united?

35. When did the English power in France come to an end?

36. When and how did Great Britain become possessed of India and Canada? 37. Name four celebrated English admirals, with the sovereigns under whom they lived.

38. What is the Habeas Corpus Act?

39. Give a short account of the life of one of the following great men :The Black Prince, Marlborough, Lord Chatham.

40. Name the great civil wars which have taken place in England, and the causes of any one of them.

41. Name the principal battles in the Peninsula, with the years in which they were fought.

42. Mention some of the original sources from which information as to English history may be derived.

43. Give the dates of the following events: The Conquest, the Destruction of the Spanish Armada, the Revolution, the Accession of King George III., the Union with Ireland, and the Separation of the Crowns of Great Britain and Hanover.

44. Trace the descent of the reigning sovereign from King George I. 45. Name the English sovereigns of the house of Stuart, giving the dates of their respective accessions. State any particulars which you recollect as to the last effort made by a descendant of that family to recover the throne.

46. What was the cause of the American War? How did it terminate ? 47. Give a short account of the life of one of the following great-men :Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Walter Raleigh, Oliver Cromwell. 48. Mention some of the methods anciently resorted to by English sovereigns for the purpose of raising a revenue. What was the great subject of contest in the time of Charles I.?

49. State roughly the amount of the public revenue in recent years, and the interest of the National Debt. To what period is the origin of the debt assigned, and on what occasions has it been increased during the last 40 years?

50. Mention the principal articles now subject to duties of Customs and Excise, and the most important changes which have recently been made.

51. Into what classes may the constituencies represented in the House of Commous be divided? What class of bills invariably originates in

that House? What are the ordinary qualifications of voters? 52. What is meant by the phrase "International Law?" Mention some of the acts which it prohibits. Whence arises the difficulty of enforcing it? 53. Mention some of the arguments by which the execution of Mary Queen of Scots is condemned or vindicated.

54. Give a short account of the Crusades. How was the condition of the English people affected by them?

55. What was the Magna Charta, and when was it signed?

56. Mention the principal events in the reign of Edward III., and the date of

his accession.

57. What title had James I. to the English throne?

58. How were the relations of England and Scotland affected by the union of the kingdoms in the reign of Queen Anne?

59. State the circumstances attending-1. The defence of Gibraltar. 2. The bombardment of Algiers.

60. What events led to the independence of the American States?

61. Give a short account of the life of one of the following persons :-Cranmer, Lord Strafford, Oliver Cromwell.

62. State briefly, with dates, the occasions on which the following battles were fought:-Flodden, Ramilies, Poictiers, Navarino, Marston Moor, Austerlitz, Dettingen.

63. What eminent poets and writers flourished in the reign of Queen Anne? Write a short life of any one of them.

64. What was the Heptarchy? From what is its name derived?

65. Give, with dates, a list of the English sovereigns from Richard II. to Charles I.

66. Mention which of the kings of England have been deposed or met with a violent death.

67. When and under what circumstances was Magna Charta obtained? What were the liberties of the subject secured by it?

68. Mention the principal events which took place in the reign of Richard II. 69. Give a short account of the life of one of the following persons :-Richard, Earl of Warwick, Harley, Earl of Oxford, Sir Robert Walpole.

70. What was the state of England, at home and abroad, during the protectorate of Cromwell?

71. How has the national prosperity of England been affected by the American War of Independence?

72. State very briefly, with dates, the occasions on which the following battles were fought :-

Flodden, Malplaquet, Salamanca, Dettingen, Culloden, Agincourt,

73. What were the chief provisions and alterations introduced by the Reform Bill? What is the right of the House of Commons in regard to taxes; and on what constitutional principle is it founded?

74. Give a very short account of the origin and progress of the Crusades. What English sovereigns or eminent persons were engaged in them? 75. Give, with dates, a list of the English sovereigns from Richard III. to Queen Anne.

76. Who was the first queen regnant of England? Mention her parentage, contemporary sovereigns, and the most conspicuous events of her reign. 77. Give some account of the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act, and the Act of Settlement.

78. Name the sovereigns contemporary with Queen Victoria, and trace her descent and that of the Crown from George I.

79. Give some account of the leading statesmen in one of the following reigns:

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(a) Edward VI. (b) Anne.

(c) George II..

80. What circumstances led to the rupture between Charles I. and his Parliament?

81 Account for the possession of the Canadas by the Crown of England.

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