BOOKS PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT, OXFORD. Dedicated with permission to THE REV. DR. RUSSELL, Head Master of Charter House School, London. ATLAS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, containing upwards of sixty Maps and Plans, illustrative of the most popular Grecian and Roman Historians; to which are added, Chronological Tables.4to. half bound, price £3,3. coloured. The same, without illustrations. 4to. half bound, price £14. coloured. The same, on a reduced scale, for the use of schools. 8vo. half bound, price 12s. coloured. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of THUCYDIDES. 8vo. boards, second edition, price 12s. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of HERODOTUS. 8vo. boards, second edition, price 12s. MAPS and PLANS illustrative of LIVY. 8vo. boards, price 12s. Preparing for publication. Illustrations of Polybius, Xenophon, Homer, Tacitus, Virgil, and Cæsar. QUESTIONS. QUESTIONS on HERODOTUS. Second edition, price 4s. bds. on THUCYDIDES. Second edit. price 4s. bds. on LIVY, book XXI to XXX. price 1s. on the OLD TESTAMENT, with References to the most approved Commentators. Fourth edition, price 1s. on the NEW TESTAMENT, with References to the most approved Commentators. Fourth edition, price ls. DIVINITY. An ANALYSIS of the HISTORICAL BOOKS of the OLD TESTAMENT, with Notes and References to the most approved Commentators. 12mo. price 6s. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH of ENGLAND, with Notes compiled from the writings of the most eminent Divines of the Church of England, confirmed by texts of the Holy Scriptures. Price 2s. Books published by J. Vincent, Oxford. The ARTICLES of the CHURCH of ENGLAND, with Proofs ANSWERS to the QUESTIONS on the ARTICLES of the CATECHISM of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, with Scripture MANUAL of DIVINITY. 2 vols. price 9s. containing An Historical Introduction to the several books of the Old An Historical Connection between the Old and New A Prophetical Connection between the Old and New A Summary of the Old and New Testaments. The Harmony of the Old and New Testaments. A Summary of the Evidences of the Christian Religion. The Articles of the Church of England, with Notes and PORTEUS's SUMMARY of the EVIDENCES of the MISCELLANEOUS. An INDEX to the GLOSSARIES contained in Bishop Blomfield's VIRGILII BUCOLICA ET GEORGICA, with an English LEXICON HERODOTEUM, SCHWEIGHAUSER. 8vo. 14s. This Treatise is intended to assist those who wish to study An INTRODUCTION to LOGIC: from Dr. Whately's 'Ele- The RUDIMENTS of the ART of LOGIC, literally translated, BUCOLICA ET GEORGICA: WITH NOTES BY JOHN MARTYN, F. R. S. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. ILLUSTRATED BY A SERIES OF PLATES. OXFORD: PUBLISHED BY J. VINCENT. MDCCCXXIX. THE object of the present edition of MARTYN'S BUCOLICS and GEORGICKS of VIRGIL being to combine cheapness with utility, it has been deemed necessary to omit or curtail the numerous quotations from ancient authors, which have been inserted at great length in the former editions: those only are retained which appeared essential to the clear understanding of the author. The expression, "I have translated it," occurs frequently in the notes; in order to explain which, it is necessary to state that the editor has published the same edition with a translation, for the use of those who may require more assistance than can be obtained from the notes. A vocabulary of such words as are used by Virgil in a peculiar sense, is added by way of Appendix. OXFORD, MARCH, 1829. |