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Weekly meetings of our alien landlords, we are i...ormed, are now being held in the Bank of England, and counter associations of the tenants are being formed in Illinois, Nebraska and Iowa to resist their encroachments. At the last meeting, which was presided over by the Duke of Beaufort, complaint was made that the American tenantry was not acting fairly, and drastic measures were proposed. It was also voted to have au agent in attendance at the legislatures of all the states involved this winter. That English aristocrats should own large domains in the United States is at first a difficult thing to Yet the peers and peeresses of Great Britain are large landed proprietors of ours. Viscount Scully alone owns 3,000,000 acres in the three states above mentioned. A royal syndicate owns whole counties in the state of Texas. The Duchess of Marlborough, Lady Randolph Churchill and Lady ListerKaye own 2,000,000 acres, chiefly in Florida. The Duke of Sutherland owns 125,000 acres-he of actress-loving, champagnebibbling, police court notoriety. The Dundee Land Co. has 247,000 acres; Lord Dunmore, 120,000, and Lord Dunraven, of yachting fame, 60,000 acres. It would require a column to enumerate them all. The total is estimated at 20,000,000 acres, and this does not include the Holland syndicate, 5,000,000 acres, and the German syndicate, 2,000,000 acres.

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It is easily seen that under such conditions the development of the western commonwealths is seriously retarded. These great owners positively refuse to sell, knowing full well that every babe that is born or immigrant that settles amongst us adds to their unearned increment. They prefer to establish a system of agencies and bailiffs, and very serious complications have already resulted. Scully has for years been a thorn in the path of one state administration after another. He practically owns in Illinois the best part of the counties of Logan, Livingstone and Tazewell. The state in 1887 passed an alien land law, directed solely against him. To evade it he inserted in all his leases a clause that the lessee should pay all taxes. The result was the creation of a large and solid body of voters in the Scully counties opposed to public improvements by taxation. The war against him threw the other British land owners into a panic, and as fast as leases have fallen in they have been renewed under heavier and heavier conditions. A memorial was presented by the tenants to the Englishman praying for leniency, as a result of the rack-renting system. It had a marked effect upon the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, who insisted upon no more evictions of American tenants. It only aggravated the Duke of Sutherland, who was then in sore need of funds, and he cabled his agents to collect the rents at all hazards. As a result of this the tenants have combined secretly and agrarian agitation may be looked for in the future that will surpass anything in the history of Ireland. Evidently this is where "the helping hand of an Englishman" is most needed.

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"Coin's Financial School" is the name of a small book which aims to popularize discussion of the money question by a hypothetical lecture-dialogue, into which are introduced to their confusion, a number of well-known bankers, merchants and editors of the "pocket edition" city, where the scene is laid. The book is succeeding so well that one of its characters, Lyman J. Gage, feels called upon to deny in the newspapers that he ever attended such a lecture, or spoke any such words as are attributed to him; and a leading newspaper recently devoted a half column to show what it was pleased to designate the author's financial absurdities. As this "denial" appeared in several newspapers at the same time, we are constrained to believe it is a ruse of the "sound money" advocates. Confir mation of this comes from Wall street, where the committee on sound currency of the New York reform club has secured

the co-operation of the press, and a series of broadsides will be distributed to those in sympathy with the movement. Efforts are also being made to induce the plate-matter agencies to edit their sheets in the interest of the goldolators. Again, recent dispatches tell us that associations are being formed abroad to check the growing tendency toward bi-metallism. These, with a number of other similar occurrences, the coqueting of the politicians, etc., go to show that the white metal is destined to occupy first place in coming events whose shadows are already

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The Denver convention, composed of students of political economy of all shades, endorsed free silver at 16 to 1, and working men generally will gladly hail its rehabilitation and a consequent partial relief from the ills that bear upon them. No one but the extreme silver faddists imagines that its recognition will install the millenium, but most people who have given the subject any thought know that in the difference between scarcity and sufficiency of the circulating medium there is involved much exploitation of labor, and which is manifested, under scarcity, by depression in business, low wages and lack of employment. Money is the representative of capital in the field of commodity exchange. It requires a certain amount to discharge this function, depending upon the volume of trade. Any restriction upon either of the three factors in productionland, labor and capital-must effect the other two, and one-sided results must follow. A curtailment of the money quality must be followed by hampered exchange, a reduction in trade. Given a community of producers, traders, borrowers and lenders, in which the means of exchange is restricted, derangement must follow. The wheel of trade cannot revolve regularly with a dead weight attached to one of the spokes.

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Products, for instance, with a circulating medium of 50, sell at 100. If the medium is reduced to 30, it becomes harder to exchange, to sell, and the medium being in greater demand assumes a greater value, and products less. The borrower, in order to pay his debt, must buy money at its increased value, sell his product at So to the creditor. A merchant needing available capital borrows at a burdensome rate and issues his note based on expected sales. Meantime the volume of money is contracted by legislation, increase of population or in divers other ways. When the date of payment arrives, he finds that money is tight and his goods will not sell at his former prices. He must, therefore, let go at a sacrifice; so that the purchasing power of money has increased to his detriment. The value of products and the wages of the producer fall together. A contraction of currency thus lessens the marketable value of products, robs labor and enriches the money bag. So that, when the problem is sifted, we find that the money question ranks in importance almost with the land question. Under a free land system the manufacturer, merchant and farmer need money to carry on production and exchange. Lack of it will produce, in a lesser degree, results as outlined above.

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Those who fear inflation because of increase of the money medium assume that value of commodities depends entirely upon the amount of money in circulation. Availability, of course, is a chief factor of value, but it applies to all, and there is such a thing as a common value which is produced by competition in a free market, and which is based upon labor expended. "Labor cost the limit of price" will practically apply no matter what the circulating medium when it is based upon real values, silver, cotton or wheat, and limited in quantity only by exchange laws, which will of themselves regulate the volume. As a matter of fact, it is only by a removal of all restrictions that true values can apply. Inflation, or loss of purchasing power in the dollar, occurs by legislation, when the dollar represents abuse of authority, just as at present the contrary effect is seen in the increased purchasing power of the dollar caused by the same evil. But money based on silver contains market value, and this value, when allowed to function as the circulating medium, maintains a parity of 16 to 1. Better inflated prices, however, if such would occur, than no prices. But so long as legislators have power to tinker we will have a money question, with greater restriction to-day and minor

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The recent success of the lasters' union in winning over a certain well-known shoe firm is equally shared by all members of organized labor. For the victory was not won by any particular craft, but was due to the joint efforts of all. The battle was long drawn out, but persistence won at last. It is another evidence of the strength of organized labor when it wields carefully and skillfully an all-powerful weapon. We congratulate the lasters as well as the shoe firm. Organized labor will endeavor to return the compliment by repairing the damage done the product. It affords us pleasure to reduce the unfair

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Harmony! The poet's dream; the philosopher's thought; the reformer's goal. All nature strives for it, tearing down here, building up there; perfecting the best, besting the perfect. Harmony! A series of concordances, whose life depends upon friction. Who would expect to find it in a labor union, and in New York? Yet, so the story goes, as told by the Voice: in bricklayers vs. bosses, or, rather, bricklayers and bosses, who seldom disagree. And the secret is out in organization, compact, solid, complete. It is a good lesson. We commend the Voice and Josephine Shaw Lowell.


That is a queer story going the rounds of the press in reference to the action of our postoffice authorities. By an order, to take effect May 1, all railway mail service employes were to remove to some point along the route on which they were employed. This was unsatisfactory and the clerks obtained legislation overruling the order. Encouraged by this success they sought greater combination amongst themselves for future protection, as well as to secure greater freedom in the present, notwithstanding the popular belief that our postoffice system is just about perfect. A Youngstown (O.) carrier took advantage of leave of absence, it appears, to go to Canton, and was about perfecting an organization when Postmaster General Jones ordered his prompt dismissal on a charge of conspiracy in attempting to defeat orders. That organization should be necessary among the postoffice employes is one more endorsement of that sterling principle, another compliment to trade unions. All of which is very suggestive at this time, when we are thinking of government ownership on a large scale. Having generally shown our inability to deal with government as it is, we must add to it. And under a general collective ownership discharge cannot, we take it, be resorted to, as all will be a part thereof and must perform the allotted work. What then?

* * *

Now that the first fundamental patents of the Bell have expired and can be used by any one, cheaper telephones are in the air. The Standard of New York is the first in the field, with a capital of $10,000,000, and an aggregate capital for subsidiary points throughout the country of $360,000,000. The Metropolitan of New York charges $175 and $240 for the use of an instrument. The new company proposes to reduce this to $24 and $36. The Bell and Edison have 160 patents on speaking telephones, and on calls, switches and conductors, etc., just 274. The Standard claims to have 25 patents which are sufficient to do business. The annual net profit of the Bell is estimated at $7,000,000. Had not the government granted a monopoly of patents to this concern, no such robbery could have been perpetrated upon the people.

* ** *

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SCREWMAKERS Protective Union 6562, Toledo, O., offers to organizers ten, dollars for the formation of a sister union in any city.

THE Boston Evening Telegram vs. Typographical Union No. 13 was decided in the superior court in favor of the latter, being a case of alleged conspiracy which succeeded in killing the paper.

INQUIRY is constantly made by merchants and members for a list of union products. Secretaries are requested to aid us in compiling such a list by sending to headquarters the names of both union products and firms.

THE United Garment Workers are preparing for extensive agitation of their union label, and the services of ex-President Gompers have been secured to make a tour of the country in their behalf. The increasing influence of the label has encouraged this course.

AFTER one's cerrebulum grows heavy reading the economic thought waves so ably painted in the columns of the Typographical Journal, mental refreshment can be had by studying its new departure in several pages of tastefully set advertising. The paper looks well, reads well, and is doing good work.

THE differences existing between the labor unions of Louisville, Ky., which culminated in the formation of two central bodies nearly two years ago, and which were referred to the executive council of the Denver convention, have been adjusted by consolidation under the banner of the A. F. of L. All parties are now endeavoring to outdo each other in obliterating the evil effects of the past. This is the kind of unionism that



THE boiler in Labahın's brickyard exploded, killing the engi


AMERICAN Bartenders and Waiters' Union No. 40 will give a May ball.

THE Iron Molders' International Union will convene in this city July 8 next.

THE Debs trial for conspiracy will be taken up again on May 6 in the federal court.

THERE are twenty-seven bills before the Illinois legislature on the labor problem.

THE West Side Daily Leader, a co-operative paper, made its bow on Easter Sunday.

HENRY GONZALEZ, a cigarmaker, was run down and killed on the Rock Island tracks.

EVICTIONS of the poor slaves from the "model town" of Pullman commenced on the 24th.

THE Lake Seamen's Union has adopted a wage scale of $1.50 per day for the opening of navigation.

THE working classes were entitled to anything in sight before election. How is it to be with them now?

THERE is joy among the printers, as the city directory will be set by hand and not machines, as was reported. JOURNEYMEN Tailors Union No. 5 is on strike in the shop of the Edward Ely company against a reduction in wages.

THOMAS MITCHELL, the defaulting treasurer of the Horseshoer's Union, has been released on a flaw in the indictment. THE Theatrical Mechanics' Benevolent Association was tendered a rousing benefit at McVicker's theater on the 18th inst. AT THE next meeting of the International Association of Machinists an effort will be made to move their headquarters to Chicago.

THE Paige Typesetting Machine Company was recently reorganized with a capital stock of $15,000,000, and work will soon be resumed.

THE Chicago Times-Herald changed hands again on the 20th inst., and the democratic party found itself without an organ. Two days later a stock company was formed and the Enquirer

Publishing Company organized, the first copy of which will appear about June 1.

THE North Side Coal Unloaders Union has decided that the rate of wages for the year shall be 12 cents a ton for hard coal and 14 cents a ton for soft coal.

QUITE a number of the statesmen of Chicago Typographical Union have their "lamps" fixed on the office of city printer, and are making a hustle for the job.

THE West Chicago Street Railroad Company is converting all its horse-car lines into electric lines, employing several thousand men in making the necessary changes.

THE Mergenthaler Linotype Company has opened a plant here to do newspaper and book work. So far twelve machines are run night and day. Nineteen more are on the road.

THE negotiations looking toward a uniform scale of wages between the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, the Amalgamated Association and the K. of L., have been a failure.

THOMAS WELCH, an oiler employed by the Rice & Bullen Malting Company, met a horrible death by being caught in the slack of a rope in the machinery and wound around a windlass. RINGLING BROTHERS' circus has donated 500 admission tickets to the coal miners' defense committee of this city. The tickets are being sold at 50 cents each, and will net the committee about $200.

T. J. CALDWELL, the employment agent, is organizing a waiters' union here for the Labor Congress, presumably to take the places of members of the American Bartenders' and Waiters' Union, Local No. 40, should they go out on strike.

WILLIAM COHN, a prominent member of Typographia No. 9, Chicago, has left here to assume the duties of managing editor of the Utah Staats Zeitung, Salt Lake City. Mr. Cohn carries with him the best wishes of a host of Chicago friends.

ACCORDING to the directory just issued by the Illinois State Federation of Labor there are in the state 763 organizations, the estimated membership of which is 190,750. The number of unions in Chicago is given as 309, the estimated membership of which is 111,240.

THE Old-Time Printers' Association elected the following officers at its last meeting: A. H. McLaughlin, president; Ald. Conrad Kahler, vice president; William Mill, secretary and treasurer; trustees, M. J. Carroll, John Gordon, M. H. Madden, James Hayde, S. K. Parker and John McEvoy.

THE Siemens Halske Company, manufacturers of electrical appliances, which suffered a heavy loss through fire last summer, has leased the immense plant formerly occupied by the defunct Grant Locomotive Works, and has now 500 skilled mechanics at work-days, nights and Sundays. Negotiations are now pending to purchase the plant, and as soon as consummated 1,500 more men will be put to work.

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PATRONS of the street railways of Chicago will soon sit in cars which will have in one end a compartment for the use of the United States mail service. The new cars will be painted in ** postal white, decorated with gold leaf, and later, if Yerkes' slaves go on strike, the cars will be "decorated" with the new slave drivers-United States troops. What a glorious future must be in store for some of the valiant carpet soldiers. THE legislative committee charged with conducting an investigation into the question of how far and in what way prison labor affects free labor, in the two sessions held in this city, was placed in possession of a mass of information and testimony which should have a marked influence in the treatment of this mattes in the future, providing, of course, that the Illinois legislature was actuated by an honest desire to improve the condition of the worker when the investigation was ordered. HALF a hundred small boys stopped all work in the Chicago ship-building yards at South Chicago. These boys are employed as heaters, gaugers and packers, and pass up the hot steel rivets used in ship building. For this they had been paid but 50 cents per day, and went out on strike because a demand for an increase of 25 cents per day was refused. After the walkout by the boys the company ordered fifty laborers to take their places, but, as these laborers were all skilled mechanics, engi

neers, firemen, etc., who had lost their places on the railroad last summer, they refused to take the places of the juvenile strikers, and 300 men knocked off work for the rest of the day.

ONE George Washington Howard a few days ago unearthed another grand and glorious labor body, this time right here in Chicago, and under the name of the American Industrial Union, with George Washington Howard at its head, perfected its organization. Like the O. R. C. and B. L. E., the B. R. C., and later the A. R. U., all of which organizations George Washington Howard fathered, this also fills a long-felt want, and as this is only his fifth venture in saving the workingmen, much is expected of it. This organization differs only from his previous efforts in the fact that everybody who toils is eligible to membership, but it is remarked that of the ten officers and directors elected but one has been known to toil, and perhaps he would not be obliged to do so were he not a cripple.

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Coal teamsters and handlers 6128, tax, jan
United clay workers 6418, tax, s.
Federal labor 6423, tax, d, j, f, 6oc; sup. $5
Federal labor 6469, tax, d.

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6. Musicians' prot. 5628, tax, j, f.
Beef boners 6151, tax, o, n, d, j, f
Central labor, Louisville, tax, o, n, d
Gerhard Lang, Buffalo, adv.

The Colliery Engineer Co., Scranton, adv
Architectural iron workers 5043, tax, j, f, m

7. International broom makers, tax, o, n, d, j, f.
United bro. of carpenters and joiners, tax, d, j
Federal labor 6303, tax, n, d, j, f, m.
Tobacco pressmen and helpers 6046, tax, jan.
File makers' prot. 5887, sup.


Bro. of painters and decorators, tax, mar Federal labor 5345, tax, s, o, n, d, j, f.

6 25


2 00


Drivers and helpers 6020, tax, s, o, u, d.


Belgian block pavers 6311, tax, j, f, m

I So

German teamsters 2710, tax, n, d, j.


Hand-sewed shoe workers prot. 3514, tax, j, f, m Tobacco wrappers and feeders 5778, tax, j, 111 Central labor union, Cleveland, tax, n, d, j, $6.25;

I 05

12 00

sup. $9.00

15 25

12 50

I 20

Kaw Valley beef butchers 6496, sup
Flour packers and nailers 6348, n, d, j,
Steam engineers prot. 6414, tax, n, d, j, f, m

5. 00


2 50

1 So

9. Superior musical prot. 6462, tax, f Newsboys union 6492, tax, mar

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I 20

Int. furniture workers, tax, o, n, d

25 14

Clothing cutters and trimmers, FEDERATIONISTS
Glass sorters and packers 3669, tax, o, n, d
Screen makers prot. 6256, tax, jan.

I 00

1 65




4. 00



10 00 10 00


Sewer and building bricklayers 5245, tax, j to m inc Industrial council, Kansas City, sup.


Drop forgers and hammermen 6401, tax, Copies of debate.

Copies of proceedings.

Small supplies.

2. Bicycle and sewing machine assemblers 6502, sup Grinders and strappers 6501, sup.

12. Working girls federal labor 6121, tax, j, f.

Glass employes asso. of America, tax, o, n, d, j, f, m
Trunk makers 5019, tax, j, f, m..

Federal labor 6400, tax, feb., $1.20; sup. $1.00.
Journeymen barbers international, tax, n, d, j, f
Shirt wrappers and overall makers 6032, tax, a, s,
o, u, d, j, f.

Coremakers prot. 5900, tax to mar. 1, $6,36; sup. 64c 13. Lathers 6340, tax, 11, d, j, f, m, a.

Miners and mine laborers 6371, tax, f, m, $1.22; sup. 1.00.

Stone mason helpers, sup

Milwaukee fed'ted trades council, tax, o, n, d, j, f, m
Tobacco stemmers prot. 6047, tax, j, f, în
Drop forgers and hammermen 6485, sup

Street railway employes 6312, tax, n, d, j, f, m

Gray's Harbor fishermen 6477, sup.

Capewell Horse Nail Co., adv

Magic City federaf labor 6335, tax, d, j

Federal labor 6346, tax, o, n, d, j.

Elastic goring weavers, proceedings

Teamsters and helpers 5986, tax, u, d, j, f.

Coal teamsters and handlers 6128, tax, f, m


6 00


2 20

17 02

I 40 7 00 60

2 22


Federated trades and labor council, San Diego, tax, s, o, n, d, j, f.

Women's federal labor 2703, tax, j, f, m

Canvassers prot. 5991, tax, n, d, j, f, m, $1.50; sup. 20c Hod carriers 6266, tax, d, j, f

Filers 6483, sup

15. Teamsters 6333, tax, j, f, 64c; sup. $1.98 Roll workers 6457, tax, f

Federal labor 6480, tax, feb. 25c; sup. 25C Elevator conductors 5998, tax, s, o, n, d. j, f, 16. Plate printers prot, 504, tax, o, u, d, j, f. Federal labor 6403, tax, n, d, j, f, m.. Detroit expressmen prot. 6467, tax, j, f, m Stove fitters 5028, tax, apr..



Denver trades and labor asso., tax, n, d, j, f, m, a Federal labor 6064, tax, j, f, m

Columbia river fishermens prot. 6321, tax, d, j, f, m Coremakers 5547, tax, o n, d, j, f, m.

Miners prot. 6395, tax,

Federated trades council, Tampa, Fla., debates
Reed, rattan and willow workers 6454, tax, f, m

19. Ladies federal labor 5462. tax, j, f, m.


United clay workers, 6418, tax, o, u, d, j, f, m, a
Tobacco box makers 6042, mar.

Glost and bisque warehouse ladies 6416, d, j, f, m
Carriage and hardware workers 6419, f
Ship carpenters and caulkers 6344, 11, d, j
Lathers and shinglers 6000, tax, n, d, j, f
County council of labor, Los Angeles, tax, n, d,
Hod carriers prot. 6237, sup


Hod carriers $926, tax, n, d, j, f.

Motor and car repairers 6466, tax, f, 62c; sup. 5ọc
Screw making operatives prot. 6503, sup.
McAvoy Brewing Co., adv

21. Silver burnishers 6234, sup.


12 50 13.50

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1 25



7 50

I 30

2 00

37 50

4 00

Manchester C. L. U., tax, n, d, j, f, m, a
Kiln tenders and lime stevedores 6491

Musicians mutual prot. $533, tax, j, f

Federal labor 6402, tax,

31. Actors prot. union 3, sup

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17 16

2 00

22 50

5 00

I 50



I 50




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Electric light, February, Indianapolis Light & Power Co

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35 00



[blocks in formation]

1 70

2 62

65 250

I 10

60 1 68

I 12

10 00

25 00

I 00

16 5 50

I 50

Clean Towel Supply Co., Feb

Printing, 800 directories, 800 lists of organizers, Soo letter circulars, 500 removal notices, M. E. Paddock Printing Co.

4. Expressage, U. S. Express Co., Indianapolis. Telegrams, Postal Tel. Co., Indianapolis.


Exp. on seamen's bill, A. Furuseth, Washington Expressage, U. S. Express Co., Indianapolis.. 6. Organizing expenses, S. J. Kent, Lincoln, Neb 1,000 copies "Verbatim Report of Discussion on Political Program," Freytag Ptg. Co., N. Y. Organizing exp., J. T. O'Sullivan, Boston. Balance on safe, Mosler Safe Co., Cincinnati..

9. Testimonial to Chris Evans, Business University, Indianapolis..

Eight days salary and fare to Nelsonville, Ohio,
Chris Evans.

Charter tubes, Bee Hive Paper Box Factory,

Expressage, U. S. Express Co., Indianapolis.

11. Repairing typewriter, Smith-Premier Typewriter

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1 25 15 00 9.33 I 50

222 12

2 20

1 00

12 12

29 30

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Co., Indianapolis

3 00


15 00

6 50



100 I-cent stamps for FEDERATIONIST, post office. Gas, January, Indianapolis Gas Co.

I 00


3 00


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Butchers and meat cutters 6260, tax, mar.

5 00

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[ocr errors]

2 45

Paper carriers prot. and ben. 5783, tax, f, m

2 70

I 00

Federal labor 6324, d, j, f

14 08

Coal handlers prot. 6263, tax, 11, d, j,

Federal labor 6414, tax, f, m

I 17

Stove mounters international, sup

4 00


Bohemian federal labor 6355, tax, j, f, 70c; sup. $1.25 Lasters prot., debate, proceedings.

30. 31.

I 95 4 00

Blacksmith helpers 6504, tax

. 10 00

23. Federal labor 5759, tax, o, u, d, j, f

Clean Towel Supply Co., March, Indianapolis. Four weeks' salary to date, L. M. Spalding, stenog One month's salary to date, Aug. McCraith. Salary from Feb. 24 to March 31, James Duncan. Railroad and hotel expenses, James Duncan. Stamps rec'd and used

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

9 25

Potters national, sup.

5 00

Progressive musical 5523, tax, j, f, m

I 23

Coremakers 6.06, sup.

5 00

Lathe, drill press and milling machine hands 6505,


[ocr errors]

Miners prot. 6395, tax, f, bal



Horse nail workers 6170, sup

Salary, janitor, March, John Goddie

10,000 Subscription blanks, FEDERATIONIST, M. E. Paddock, Indianapolis

5,000 due cards, 2,000 working cards, M. E. Paddock, Indianapolis..


8 00

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

5 00

Great western union of musicians, tax, s, o,

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25. Pattern makers national league, tax,

1 73

Laboringmens prot. 5287, tax, d, j, f

Cash on hand March 1.

Ave and edge tool workers 6507, sup

4 50 5.00

Receipts for March

Laundry girls 5254, tax to May 1

I 24

Federal labor 6332, tax, f, m, a.

I 50

Kaw Valley beef butchers 6496, sup



$1,313 45. 1,089 78

$2,403 23 973 44

26. Journeymen butchers 6463, tax, f, m.

Carriage and wagon workers international, j, f, mi

[blocks in formation]

Draymen and expressmen 6508, sup

10 20

Teamsters and yardmen 3796, tax, f, m


27. Drummond Tobacco Co., adv.

• 25 00

Cigarmakers 90, sup.

2 50

Trades and labor, Detroit, sup

I 00

Firemen's prot. 6301, tax, j, f, m


Hod carriers 5495. f, m, tax.


[blocks in formation]

Debs Fund.

The following sums have been received and forwarded to Eugene V. Debs. The list includes only those unions that transmitted through this office: (Cigarmakers 114, Louisville, Ky., in last issue, should have read "Jacksonville, Ill.") Previously acknowledged

8. Columbia River fishermens protective union 6321, Astoria, Ore..

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Paducah (Ky.) trades council

Paper makers prot. 6171, tax, j, f, m

Kaw Valley stationary firemen 6406, tax, d, j, f, m

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$569 31


0 00

$619 31

Special Notice

Each and Every Union Member in good standing is hereby appointed a committee of one to see that every retail clothier in his district carries a full line of Union Label Clothing and none other. Failure to comply with such request being the loss of patronage not alone of all union members, but their friends as well.

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Kahn,Schoenbrun& Co.




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