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reign of a single king, and the total for all is probably only an interpolation. Per. I a may, therefore, be a further abridgment of a complete Oxyr., or from its source. I incline to the latter view.

Obsequens, on the other hand, indicates a far fuller version than Oxyr.; so if they were both from the same abridged Epitome, it was still a fairly extensive work: The fact, however, that Orosius, or even Florus, Lucan, and Valerius Maximus (cf. U. of M. Studies, I, p. 221) sometimes present omens not found in Obsequens may indicate that he did not use the complete Epitome.

Cassiodorus gives practically only a list of consuls. With these little has been done since Mommsen, till Kornemann used the order of names in a few instances to illustrate the source relationship. This is a doubtful proof till we know the tendency of the various copyists in regard to preserving the order. With only two consuls, but one change in order was possible. For this reason I have investigated the entire consular list from 245 to 745 a.u.c. with the following results:

(1) The Fasti Capitolini represent the correct or established order. The minor Fasti vary three times, 542, 712, and 720 a.u.c.

(2) The Chronograph a. 354 differs from the Fasti Capitolini only twice, 532 and 677 a.u.c.1 Therefore we may consider their agreement, or where the Fasti Capitolini fail, that the Chronograph a. 354 represents fairly accurately their common source.2

Compared with this fixed tradition we find that Livy has a different order of names for fifty-four years in the thirty-five books preserved. He certainly did not copy directly or indirectly the source of the Fasti Capitolini. In only two (538, 572 a.u.c.) out of these fifty-four changes has the order been restored by two or more descendants of the Epitome, and one (572) of these is found only in the nearly related Cassio

1 Fast. Cap. 694 is too fragmentary to be certain.

2 Cf. Mommsen, C.I.L. I, 1, p. 81, on the relation of Chron. a. 354 to Fast. Cap. The latter are preserved sufficiently to determine order of names for some 270 years, before 745 a.u.c.

dorus, Obsequens, and Oxyr. Even if we add all the variations in order from the entire Livy, which rest on the authority of Cassiodorus alone, when not contradicted by other descendants of the Epitome, the total is but four, and that in over 200 pairs of consuls; and of these four, but one can be assigned positively to the Epitomator of Livy.

Taking now the various descendants of the Epitome, we find that Cassiodorus in the 438 pairs of consuls from Livy has himself changed the order but six times,1 Eutropius giving fewer consuls four times,2 Florus twice,3 Obsequens twice,4 Per. Liv. once, and Oxyr. once," while for Orosius there is no certain case. To these we must add the years 494 and 672 a.u.c., where Florus changed the order and was copied by Eutropius, and the year 711 a.u.c., where Orosius agrees with Velleius Paterculus (Hirtius et Pansa). The opposite order is common to the Epitome, Livy, and the Fasti. Tacitus, Ann. I, 10, and Solinus, 1, 32, have Hirtio et Pansa, and probably the names were elsewhere so placed, though seldom when given as a date merely.

This brief survey shows us that we are dealing with material, which can properly be used in determining source as well as Ms relationships. Livy's variations from the Fasti are numerous, but his descendants followed their copy with exceptional accuracy.

There will be found but few cases which

are purely careless or arbitrary.

On this showing we should not hesitate to refer all variations in order from the Fasti back to Livy, in case the source of the change is uncertain. This includes seventeen instances for which Cassiodorus is the only Livian authority, also three cases found in all the descendants of the Epitome (495, 499, 513 a.u.c.), and probably three others not as clearly proved.

1 498, 529, 577, 683, 700, 703 a.u.c. 2 533, 671, 543, 667 a.u.c. 3544, 605 a.u.c. 635, 679 a.u.c; cf. also 600 a.u.c. 446 a.u.c. 6 611 а.и.с.



7 For 464 a.u.c. Cass. and Eutrop. agree against Chron. a. 354; for 532 a.u.c. Cass., Eutrop., and Chron. a. 354 agree against Fast. Cap. and Hydat.; for 648 a.u.c. Cass., Obs., and C.I.L. X, 3778 (a carelessly written inscription) agree against Chron. a. 354, Hydat., and C./.L. X, 3779. The last case might be traced to the abridged source of Cass. and Obs., but the inscription indicates a variable order early.

Turning to the other non-Livian consular lists, we find that the Chronicon Paschale agrees almost absolutely with Hydatius.1 To all intents and purposes they are Mss of the same work, therefore I shall not refer to the Chronicon Paschale unless the form is different from Hydatius. This list was in general an accurate copy of the Fasti. In the order of the consuls' names but twenty-one variations from the Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354 occur in over 400 pairs of names. Eleven of these (275, 277, 284, 404, 469, 488, 539, 615, 668, 682, and 686 a.u.c.)2 seem to be careless changes by the author or some copyist; the other ten agree with Livy or the Epitome:

251 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 2, 16, and Cassiodorus against Chronograph a. 354 and Dionysius, 5, 44.

279 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 2, 52, and Cassiodorus against Fasti Capitolini, Chronograph a. 354, Diodorus, 11, 60, and Dionysius, 9, 28.

301 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 3, 32, Dionysius, 10, 53, and Cassiodorus against Fasti, Chronograph a. 354, and Diodorus, 12, 7.

302 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 3, 32, Cassiodorus, Diodorus, 12, 22, and Dionysius, 10, 50, against Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354. Hydatius also has Capitolinus with Livy and Diodorus against Capito in the others.

317 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 4, 17, Diodorus, 12, 43, and Cassiodorus against Chronograph a. 354.

572 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 39, 56, 4, against Fasti Capitolini, Nepos, Hann. 13, 1, and the later imitators of the Epitome; see below.

614 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Cassiodorus and Obsequens, 23, against Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354. 672 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Cassiodorus and Velleius Paterculus, 2, 27, against Fasti Capitolini, Chronograph a. 354. For Florus and Eutropius see above, p. 18.

1 Cf. Mommsen, C.I.L. I, 1, p. 82, that it was taken in the year 630 A.D. from a Ms of the Fasti which now pass under the name of Hydatius.

2 For 469, 488, and 682 a.u.c. evidence is too scanty. For 284 and 404 a.u.c. Hydat. agrees with Diodor., for 686, with inscription, Bull. d. Inst. 1882, p. 8. For 704 the Mss vary in the order.

705 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Cassiodorus and Dio, 41, I, I, against Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354.

406 a.u.c. Hydatius agrees with Livy, 7, 26, Cassiodorus, and Diodorus, 16, 69, against Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354. Also both here and in other places Hydatius and also Chronograph a. 354 have Corvinus for Corvus of Livy and the Fasti Capitolini. The Epitome regularly had Corvinus (cf. Quellen-contamination, p. 29). The fact that the combination of these two changes can be referred to the Epitome alone makes us sure that it was the original source of Hydatius. Also the change of Corvus to Corvinus in Chronograph a. 354 probably goes back indirectly to the same source.

To this evidence on Hydatius we may add the two errors noted by Zangemeister, p. 102:

(1) Falco, Orosius, 4, II, 10, and Hydatius a. 516 for Falto in Fasti Capitolini and Chronograph a. 354; Cassiodorus has P. Cornelius, a memory mistake due to the colleague, Ti. Sempronius Gracchus.

(2) Rutilius, Hydatius a. 622, Orosius, 5, 9, 7, Per. Liv. 59 (Naz. Autilius; add Velleius Paterculus, 2, 7, 4), for Rupilius of the Fasti Capitolini and Cicero, de Amic. II, 37. One agreement is given by Ay, p. 28, viz. Per. Liv. 8, de Vir. Ill. 28, Augustine, de Civ. Dei, 5, 18, and Chronicon Paschale, 429 (not found in Hydatius).

To these I add the following: Hydatius, 481, and Eutropius, 2, 15, 1, name one consul Licinius for Licinus, while the other, Canina, is right in Eutropius but appears as Cinna in Chronograph a. 354. For this name also Hydatius stands nearer to Eutropius; CAMBRIA is an easy corruption for CANINA.

For 570 a.u.c. Hydatius, Cassiodorus, and Oxyr. 50 have Licinius for the correct Licinus of Livy, 39, 32, 13, and the other Fasti. The other consul was, in Hydatius, Pulchro II. That this was the second consulship is an error not found elsewhere except in Chronicon Paschale. It is therefore not a Ms error. The mistake goes back to the author of the Hydatian Fasti or his source. In Oxyr. the names are

restored P. Claudio Pulchr[o L. Porcio Licinio. Ten letters only are supplied, though Kornemann states there is space for twelve. In fact, he has to supply twelve letters two lines below, where the space seems to be one letter narrower. I would therefore emend by inserting II after Pulchro, thus referring the mistake in Hydatius back to the Epitome consular list.

For 444 a.u.c. Hydatius and Livy, 9, 33, give Rutilio for Rutilo of the Fasti.

For 539 a.u.c. Hydatius, Cassiodorus, and Orosius, 4, 16, 12, in accord with the statement of occurrences in Livy, 23, 24, 3; 30, 18; 31, 14, give as one of the consuls Fabius Maximus III, a consul suffectus, instead of Postumius Albinus of the Fasti, who was indeed elected, but was killed before he entered upon his office.

To sum up, we have in all sixteen changes or mistakes, which point to a close agreement of Hydatius and Cassiodorus in their indebtedness to the Epitome. Two cases seem to show Livian influence on Hydatius where he is opposed to Cassiodorus, and in one case the Ms reading of Cassiodorus is beyond emendation.

We have still to consider some agreements between Cassiodorus and Obsequens and other cases to be similarly explained.

498 a.u.c. Cassiodorus and the Fasti Capitolini alone give Q. Caedicius, for whom Per. Liv. 17, Florus, 1, 18, 17, Orosius, 4, 8, 10, Eutropius, 2, 21, 1, and Chronograph a. 354 name Atilius Regulus, a consul suffectus, though the last two plainly make him consul eponymous. Hydatius agrees with the Fasti Capitolini in calling Regulus consul suffectus, but for Caedicio, has the Ms error decio. It seems certain that the Epitome consular list had been corrected from some Fasti source shortly before Cassiodorus copied it.

589 a.u.c. Cassiodorus and of names against the Fasti.

omit the names.

Obsequens, 13, agree in order
Other descendants of Livy

663 a.u.c. Cassiodorus and Obsequens, 54, agree in order of names with all the Fasti, but are opposed to Florus, 2,

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