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Heroism, Puritan, i. 2, 9.
Hewit, Dr., plot and execution
of, iv. 200, 201.
Hewson, Col., at Langford
House, i. 243; at Tredah,
ii. 171; Governor of Dublin,
273 n.; joins Cromwell in the
South, 275, 276; one of
Cromwell's Lords, iv. 153.
Heylin, lying Peter, i. 69.
Hill, Dr. Thomas, Master of
Trinity College, Cambridge,
Cromwell's letter to, i. 300.
Hill, William, notice of, ii. 47.
Hills, Henry, printer to Pro-
tector, iii. 280.

Hilsden House taken, i. 180.
Hinchinbrook House, i. 21;

sale of, 53; Charles I. at, 275.
Hippesley, Sir John, sent to
Charles I., i. 254.
Hispaniola, failure of attack
on, iii. 343-345.
Historians, character of good,
i. 7; labour of, 12, 13.
History of Puritanism, its dif-
ficulties, i. 2-9.

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Histriomastix. See Prynne.
Hitch, Rev. Mr., Cromwell's
letter to, i. 179.

Hobart, Col. Sir Miles, i. 142.
Hodgson, Capt., character of,
ii. 16; in Scots War, ii.

300; narrative by, 303.
Holborn, General, invites
Cromwell to Edinburgh, ii.
76; at Dunbar battle, 331 n.
Holland House, i. 286.
Holland, Earl, at Kingston, ii.
13; condemned, 115, 116;
executed, 117.

Hollar, Wenceslaus, taken at
Basing, i. 241.

Holles, Denzil, holds down the
Speaker, i. 64, 65; imprison-
ed, 65; Presbyterian, 271; a
leader in Parliament, 274.
See Members, Eleven.
Holmby, Charles 1. at, i. 249,

Homer's Iliad, i. 6.
Hooke Alderman, notice of,
ii. 298.

Hopton, Sir Ingram, at Wince-
by, i. 176.

Hopton, Sir Ralph, character
of, i. 233.

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Horse, wooden, described, ii.

Horton, Col., defeats Welsh,
ii. 2; dies, 199.

Hotham, Capt.. doings and ar-
rest of, i. 150.
Hothams, the, executed, i. 267.
Howard's, Dr., Letters, iii.
333 n.

Howard, Col., in Little Parlia-
ment, iii. 141; attends Crom-
well to Parliament, 211; De-

puty Major-General, 341 n.;
one of Cromwell's Lords,

iv. 153.
Howlet, Mr., tutor to Crom-
well, i. 39, 40.
Hubbert, Capt., passed over,
iii. 32, 33.

Hughes, Col., Governor of
Chepstow, Cromwell's letter
to, App. C. iv. 340.
Hull, Charles I. attempts, i.
120; besieged, 167, 170, 177;
Governors of, 295.
Hume Castle besieged, iii. 30.
Hungary, King of, Papist, iv.


Hungerford, Anthony, Roy-
alist, iii. 121, 127; Cromwell's
letters to, 122, 128.
Hungerford, Sir Edward, no-
tice of, iii. 121, 122.
Hungerford, Henry, notice of,
iii. 121.

Huntingdon described, i. 22.
Huntly, Marquis,forCharles II.,
iii. 2, 74.

Hurry, Col. Sir John, wounded

at Preston, ii. 24; taken with
Montrose, and executed,33 n.,
Hursley described, i. 305.
Hurst Castle, Charles I. at,

ii. 98.
Hutchinson, Colonel, Governor
of Nottingham, ii. 83.
Hyde, Mr. See Clarendon,


Hyde Park, Army near, i. 286;
accident to Cromwell in,
iii. 272.

Impropriations, Lay, meaning
of, i. 37. See Feoffees.

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to Fleetwood, iii. 116; notice
of, 180, 330.
Ireton, Alderman, in Little
Parliament, iii. 142; of Cus-
toms Committee, 181.
Irish, Massacre in 1641, i. 117;
Charles I. sends for Army of,
186; Papists found in arms
in England to be hanged,
190; Cromwell's declara-
tion to the, ii. 231; forces go
abroad, 287; Puritan settle-
ment, 289. See Papists.
Ironsides, Cromwell's, de-
scribed, i. 163; first glimpse
of, 167; Cromwell to
Hampden on the, iv. 65. 66.


Jaffray, Provost, at Dunbar
battle, ii. 333; at Edin-
burgh, iii. 24, 36; account
of, 35; a Quaker, &c. 36; in
Little Parliament, 142.
Jamaica Island, taken, iii. 343,

James, Col. John, Governor of
Worcester, after the Battle,
iii. 95. n.

James I., King, visits Hinchin-
brook, i. 33; a theologian,
36; his falling off, 37; returns
to Scotland, 41; his miscal-
culations, 47; dies, 48.
Jedburgh. See Geddard.
Jenner, Robert, M. P., notice
of, ii. 83; Cromwell's letter
to, 83.
Jephson, Governor of Bandon,
ii. 215

Jesuit stabs Henry IV. i. 37.,
See Papist.

Carlyle, Cromwell. III.

Jesuit practices in England
iii. 224.

Jews, endeavour to settle in
England, iii. 360.

Johnson, Colonel, shot, ii. 274.
Johnson, Samuel, his hypo-
chondria, i. 49.
Johnston, Archibald, Lord Re-
gister of Scotland, account
of, i. 203;-iii. 59,60. Crom-
well's letter to, 58.
Jones, Inigo, taken at Basing,
i. 241.

Jones, Col. Michael, occupies
Dublin;, i. 290; routs Irish at
Dungan Hill, 290; Crom-
well's letter to, 290; -routs
Ormond's army, ii. 149; vote
in favour of, 151, 201; dies,

Jones, Col. John, regicide, i



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skirmishes with the Scats,
304, 306; at Dunbar battle,
330, 339, 340; -routs Co-
lonel Ker, iii. 13, 14; at
Glasgow, 63; routs General
Browne at Inverkeithing,
69, 70; at Worcester battle,
88; in the Highlands, 99; of
Council of State, 197 n.; in
Cromwell's First Parliament,
210; a Major-General of
counties, 341 n.; against
title of King, iv. 133; dis-
missed, 133.
Lammermoor Hills, described,
ii. 323; Scots Army at, 324.
Langdale, Sir Marmaduke,
joins Scots, ii. 9; escapes,


Langley, Colchester Captain,
i. 137.
Langport, Battle of, App. C. iv.
Laud, William, Archdeacon of
Huntingdon, i. 38; finds no
religion in Scotland, 42; per-
secutions by, 51; inclined to
Popery, 63; Parliament in-
tends to accuse, 64; accom-
panies Charles I. to Scotland,
70; roots out Feoffees, 72; is
in the Tower, 107, 118; be-
headed, 267.
Lauderdale, Earl, taken at
Worcester, iii. 93; incident
to, in London, 95; notice of,

Laughern, Major-Gen., re-
volts, ii. 1; condemned to
death, 118.
Laughern, Lieut. - Col., shot,

ii. 274.

Law, Reform of, iii. 116-118,
125, 184, 185.
Lawrence, Col. Henry, of
Council of State, iii. 197 n.
Lea Hamlet,'described, i. 155.
Lecturers, running, described,
i. 51, 89.

Lehunt, Col., commissioned,
ii. 13.

Leicester taken and retaken, i.
210, 217.

Leith Citadel built by Crom-
well, iii. 100.
Leland's Itinerary, i. 30.
Lemon, Mr., classified Re-
cords, ii. 113.
Lenthall, Hon. William, Speak-
er, Cromwell's letters to,
i. 216, 224, 236, 243, 297;
ii. 3, 14, 28, 64, 74, 75, 144,
153, 166, 174, 177, 197, 203,
211, 217, 253, 274, 298, 335;

iii. 14, 29, 50, 52, 70, 78,
80, 91, 92; — App. C. iv. 320,
336, 338, 348; Conference
at his house, iii. 111-115;
unseated, 136; in Cromwell's
First Parliament, 210, 237;
against Law Reform, 320;

on Committee of King-
ship, iv. 38, 48; one of
Cromwell's Lords, 153.
Lesley, Alexander, Fieldmar-

shal, at Dunse Law, i. 102;
Earl of Leven, enters Eng-
land with Scots Army in
1644, 180; at Marston Moor,
186; cannonades the Ha-
milton Engagers from Edin-
burgh Castle, ii. 42; enter-
tains Cromwell at dinner,

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