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and Apr Jums 1824


Printed and published by C. CLEMENT, No. 188, Fleet Street.

Bancroft Library


VOL. 53.-No. 1.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY "1; 1825. [Price 6d:" Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'clock.

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Kensington, 29th Dec. 1824.

But, before I go any further in GENTLEMEN, the way of remark upon this transA KING of France (says an old action, let me put upon record story) said, one day, to his Minis- the circumstances of the arrest ter, "What do these Swiss Can- itself. These circumstances are "tons mean by behaving in this curious; and, besides this, we 66 manner towards me?" "In-shall have to refer to them heredeed, Sire," answered the Minis- after.

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ter, "the Swiss Cantons have At about half past five o'clock truth and justice on their side." yesterday evening, December "Have they?" said the King of" 20, 1824, as Mr. O'Connell had France," then, by I will" just returned from the Com"go to war with the Swiss Can-"mittee of the Catholic Associa "tons to-morrow morning." And," tion, where a great deal of buif Mr. O'CONNELL had put forth "siness had been transacted, Ala parcel of lies and of nonsense at derman Darley and Mr. Farrell, the Meeting of the Catholic Asso-" the Constable of Police, were ciation; if he had made himself" ushered into his study. After an object of the ridicule instead of" the usual salutation, the Alderthe admiration of the public; if," man said, that he came in his in short, his cause had not been" official capacity, to save Mr. righteous, and he had not been" O'Connell the trouble of attend

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Printed and Published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

ing at the Police Office, to enter" will enter into the recognizance into a recognizance to appear “as I am not to know for what ; "at the next Sessions, which he" and I am bound to say, that you "was directed by the Attorney-" have done your part with per"General to call on Mr. O'Con- fect politeness and civility. "The Alderman then produced

"nell to enter into.

"Mr. O'CONNELL-Upon what" a recognizance, conditioned to "charge, Mr. Alderman?

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appear at the ensuing Quarter

Sessions, to commence the 2d

"Alderman DARLEY-Upon a "charge of having spoken sedi-" or 3d of January, we do not "tious words at the last Meeting" know which. This recognizance "of the Catholic Association. "Mr. O'Connell executed, but "Mr. O'CONNELL What "said, Why, Mr. Alderman, “words am I charged with hav-" this directly interferes with my "ing spoken? "intended journey to England,

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" could you not take it, as there

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are as yet no bills found, for the

"Alderman DARLEY-I am not "at liberty to inform you; you "must apply to the Attorney-Sessions after next, or for the "General.


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"Alderman DARLEY-I have tio discretion upon that subject; upon that also you must apply to the Attorney-General." There, then, is the THING'S first move! Every man of sense, in England, said, that the THING would do something. What it would do, no one could guess; but,

"Mr. O'CONNELL--Can I even "know the name of the Informer?a "Alderman DARLEY I am "not at liberty to tell you; you" "must apply to a higher quarter; "I come merely to inform you, "that legal documents have been "laid before me, that entitle me "to require from you a recognizance to appear at the next Ses-it was clear, that, if it did nothing, “sions. I wish to give you the "least possible trouble. I have


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come to your own house for that

purpose, and I will take your

quiring any person to join you.

there would be Catholic Emancipation almost immediately. It will come at last, let the THING do what it may; but no man, who has

σε own recognizance, without re-studied the character of this matchless "Old Glorious" THING, "Mr. O'CONNELL-Then, Mr. could suppose that it would not "Alderman, I submit at once. I do something. This first move is

in its old way: in the Pitt, Per-sonable practices;" and, when cival, Sidmouth, and Castlereagh SIDMOUTH brought in the Bill, way. In 1817, when "Two- he distinctly stated, as a reason PENNY TRASH" was rousing the for it, that the publications then people to petition for Parliamen-going on were such, that the lawtary Reform, every one said to officers of the crown could find me, "By they will stop

you!" I said: "How can they

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nothing in them to prosecute with

any chance of success!!! Oh,

stop me? I write nothing that admiration of surrounding na" can be called, that can be tor- tions! LORD HOLLAND asked "tured, into a libel. How, then, SIDMOUTH, why, if there were "are they to stop me?" The re- such seditious works going forth ply was: They will, for they from the press, he did not cause "must: they must stop you, or them to be prosecuted; to which "you will stop them: no matter the latter answered, that he had "how; some how or other they laid them all before the law"will do it." officers, and that they could find nothing to prosecute, such was the art and malignity of the writers! Therefore, the Power-of

The THING then went to work, at first, in an odd sort of way. The first move came from the Stamp-Office! The attorney Imprisonment Bill was passed! of that office gave notice of a One of my sons brought me, from charge for stamps upon a pamph- the House of Lords, an account let, as if it had been a newspaper; and, as the English papers informed me in Long Island, the charge against me amounted to about a hundred thousand pounds! Oh, brave THING! I have never heard any more of that charge from that day to this.

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Off we

of this speech of SIDMOUTH. "Oh!
then," said 1, "we must strike
our tent and be off."
were; but, the THING felt the
effect of the long arm across the
Atlantic ocean; and, what is more,
I did, in that country, to which I
fled, that which the THING will
never, as long as it shall exist,
cease to feel the effects of; and
yet I never did or said any thing
unlawful, according to those laws
which were my birthright.

I care not whether the tithe and

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